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The Gospel by Antichrist or God"s withdrawn message.

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      This is dedicated to those who helped to make my mentality collective and to that One Who was turning me in the direction needed by Him, people and me (I am My Will. I am and All is in Me).
      The right conception of Antichrist and the main message withdrawn from the gospels written by Jesus Christ"s apostles.
      According to the preserved data Pontius Pilate together with a mob of Jews, Judaic high priests and su-periors was the first antichrist, the enemy of God"s ideas and His direct murderer. The like ideas es-teemed by many and expressed in the Gospel are known to be in use even before Christ. And these ideas were accessible to the growing God"s Son as well. He was perfecting in their perception.
      But the question of true democracy establishing craved for by millions of those crucified just as Christ was; the question addressed to lords of that epoch is withdrawn from one of the first political manifests, i.e. from the Gospel. Jesus Christ could not help paying attention to vicious rulers of His time and this is the main part of His Good message withdrawn from Gospel"s origin!
      Other antichrists.
      There were and still are other antichrists in the person of lords of all times, as well as murderers of vari-ous kinds (gangs, single killers, secret unions, enraged mobs) who regarded (and still do) people not as brothers with equal rights (and brothers in Christianity) but as their slaves, cannon fodder, people"s enemies, citizens fit for election campaigns only, just cattle, etc. And we all are in their malicious grip, including the deceased ones, such power being unworthy of the Higher Reason!
      Why threaten with a future Antichrist?
      So that nowadays "sheep" shall not notice that "wolves in sheep"s clothing" are quite close to them.
      The delusion of people and those who are close to the truth as genuine believers in God consists in that the "enemy" of people"s truth (i.e. life perception in every kin), or "antichrist" as per the Holy Writ, should be waited for close by the "doomsday".
      Antichrist seed either hides itself or does not feel Antichrist in itself, thus much may it be weak.
      Those who realized that it was they who had murdered Christ, did their best both themselves and later by their inheritors" hands to clear away witnesses of genuine God"s message, that is, first Christians, and "correct" in own favor His Good message by handing the Message over to those who praise them.
      People"s opinion concerning contemporary rulers is drawn away by various methods; though these rulers now and then are more horrible than Pontius Pilatus and a crucifying mob in its every manifestation.
      And who is on earth a person that refutes deceit in the Holy Writ? Is he the messenger of Truth, a con-ductor of political ideas or one of the "mirrors" (i.e. a soul) that reflects a part of the Higher Reason?
      Or is he the actual Antichrist called so by those who feared for disclosure of his additions and with-drawals of Christ"s Good message, who concealed deceit of Gospel imperious copyists and murderers of first Christians - the witnesses of the genuine message? My answer is to all these questions: this person is a friend for friends, for wayward souls he is the image presented by their pastors. However he should forget himself in order to withstand the antichrist seed, to arise against oppressors and murderers.
      Speaking of God.
      What means the expression "do not create other Gods"? It already implies such a possibility but does not say that these other Gods are bad for a man; whereas perception of God is different with various people. On the way of God"s essence perception a man creates in himself God"s various images, that is, he believes in various or different substances. Hence the conclusion: as many people as many gods; now and then gods resemble them specific people or a sum of characters; however it should be only kept in mind that in the perception of God any help is close from anyone. God is the Whole. For human beings He is to a greater extent alive, whereas for non-humans and antichrist seed He is lifeless.
      What is God for a Russian man? Yet not only "what" but "who"? It is said He is a word (i.e. "what"), still at first He is an impulse ("who") that is followed by thinking inspired by impulses and thinking re-sults in that brain neurons are filled with blood; brain gives birth to a thought and to a return impulse.
      Of the innermost or how many gods do we have?
      Everyone imagines a god in one"s own way and, accordingly, believes in him as one sees and imagines. Hence there is own god for everyone. A god could be too threatening or sever for a young boy if some-body frightened him saying that the god would strike his head with his staff if he would behave outra-geously. A man every day slaughtering several cows for sale prays a god that differs from a god for a man who made it a rule not to eat animals" flesh. One man grows in a family that is afraid of God but still lives by thievish traditions; another one grows in a family of hereditary artists and is close to art. And it is understandable that the latter one"s conception of god is closer to a true one and he is more pleasant to the Creator and his ancestors. How many gods does everyone have and how many gods
      should be believed in? The answer is - in one! And how many gods have people altogether? The answer is - very many! Hence there is a conclusion: your god (and your first and following conceptions of god) is a collective figure that becomes understandable only to you; but this comprehension comes to you on-ly from the word that was put in you by your circle of fellowship beginning from your ancestors; they watch you from God"s heavens and it is not improbable that they are in God. Your God is His afflatus for you only! Therefore your initial and following conception of God and your God are in the circle and depend on the circle of your relations.
      The above said means that all souls together and a soul common with your good ancestors and other good people should be saved. Salvation or positive thinking and confidence in the future are in joint perception of God. Such perception is possible when people will live in perfect harmony with each other and read thoughts and wills of each other as good spouses can do.
      Meanwhile it is understandable only for me. I am on friendly terms with your god from the very begin-ning and I show you what true friendship is by acquainting you with your god and with such friendship. I want to make friends with you through this truth. How many such friends can you and I have in fu-ture? However I am alone for the time being and my image first as initiation and then as acquisition of the new originates from appearance around me more and more new circles of collective fellowship in images of contemporary worlds in our earthly world and in the heavenly one; so shall happen with you also, yet unmet little man.
      Of God"s greatness (He is not only great).
      In the Trinity God is wished to be seen powerful, saint and immortal. But does He want to appear be-fore people as a stronghold or in the image of a weak and pure man by human notion? Does He want to be a part of His whole just as great as people wish (that is similar to "greatness" of earthly rulers)? He is not only the Creator but a Teacher too. Does a mother (as a teacher) want to be stronger and more sublime before an infant who does not yet understand words? No, a real mother likens to her infant. And only a meathead displays force by striking a slow-witted creature, thus smashing her baby without reaching mutual understanding - this smashing image was required by modern church forefathers taught by bygone lords and such an image they wanted to present to people. Such greatness is needed by blockheads or by other ones according to their intention for own benefit. Do people need unattainable greatness not of a teacher but even an arrogant man? Or water from the well of truth in which drops are words and Word is God cannot stand high in a glass even if at its bottom, otherwise we cannot drink it (as astronauts in a state of weightlessness?! Water of truth will stand very high as we "wish" if we consider ourselves unworthy of drinking it, of passing it through our soul (or better through a common soul of our circle of human relations), through our understanding of justice. Hence I think that God comes to us in any appearance...
      Of the good and the evil
      Notions of Russian good and evil differ by the substance put in them (but not by sense) from similar foreign words. Let me draw your attention to the conventional evil and to that cannot be the evil: the word "evil" as any word implies the good of perception, considering perception as a possibility of brutal, inexplicable "mute" evil presence in a growing man i.e. the good of evil perception, revealing and elimination in a soul as a harmful computer virus. Hence there is necessity of antivirus (antievil) scan-ning; such scanning implies contacts in order to reveal evil; still it by no means should be chirping in Twitter and other everyday contacts or TV- and mass media reports of constant inevitable drawbacks, these reports being something inanimate as in a collective fruit of inanimate and animate. The word "evil" is already not evil, because real evil is a "mute" deed. The evil as a word is the first step to over-come the deed of evil. In the Russian language the word "evil" is written as "ЗЛО", and another word "СЛОЙ" (layer). First three letters (ЗЛО and СЛО) are important. As perception of God goes on, the good is achieved layer by layer; that means gradual development of the good, successive, layer-by-layer perception and comprehension of the good. The evil shall not be the evil on condition that it is also per-ceived gradually (of course, not for use but when its harm for a human being is realized); if the evil is spoken of throughout circles of relations and timely suppressed. Such an approach implies knowledge of a human being and a state of his/her soul. The aim is to teach a human being to overcome the evil in him. Hence hastiness or hurry to resort to the evil is the evil. If we compare the evil to grass we understand that grass like the evil grows towards light, and evil grows to the light of truth. Grass never changes growth direction as it is aware where light impulses come from. A human being must grow like that. Haste in truth perception resembles a downpour of truth words on a foolish head, whereas the truth given drop by drop, impulse by impulse is sure to help a human being; and this is the only way to perce-ive God. Haste in giving the truth and insufficient fellowship among people with no needed perception taking into account today"s separated thinking and individualism leads to the following: a man rejects spontaneous perception of the truth addressed to him and begins to exist parallel to the truth without accepting it. He argues about what he has not heard in order to maintain his selfhood; he has simply not learned to listen, nevertheless he always tries to express his opinion. When he again comes across the truth-forming notions he remains insensitive to them as he remembers unfinished debates about them. Such is some people"s attitude towards religion and its terms as well as towards what a state offers them. The number of such people includes those who obtained much knowledge but now forgot ordinary, original notions. It is known who (what) separates a human being from the truth: it is stupidity (what)! To put it figuratively, this is Satan (who). While reasoning and getting deeper into cognition of the inanimate in this text, I separate myself from human beings, from such perception applying in their and my lives. You always should not forget to add a "who-question" to a "what-question" in order not to repeat harm (sin) of disuniting, a little sin, though. And I ask myself: whom is this for? For You? Is it due to prayers of Your (all good) ancestors?
      Of the truth.
      The truth is given to all people from their birth. It is located in the part of human brain which is said to be "unloaded", i.e. inactive. And this is a place where God exists. The truth was in use everywhere. And Moses either did not know or knew and chose himself (or somebody of his offsprings) how to deal with what had been revealed to that first one who accepted "the main idea". Did he say he knew the Truth beginning and Its end? Did he know that the Truth is pure information? Who of human beings was touched by Satan and who of men had known Him before? Whose piece of the truth is limited by one book? The main thing is to keep oneself while drinking the water of the Truth gulp by gulp, and the Truth should be entrusted to relatives, not to outsiders. A man should be attracted by a worthy mode of life, not by seclusion or making an example of those far away. Worth of men beside understood by people is taken as an example by them, not merits imposed on by their rulers or some absent merits or heavenly ones.
      Formation of a righteous family (His Soul as a human fundamental principle) is more important than faith formation far from the family.
      A father will bring up his son, and the truth is put in the son by his father; whereas those who should pass over the truth did not care how to give truth perception in a form necessary for people so that it will replace their notions or join them and appeared before them. The truth should have made the Jews and others a single whole a self-improving and expanding circle of fellowships. Apparently they did not need mutual work of ascending to the truth, whereas division into masters and slaves attracts by its ob-vious advantages. Their sinful leaders" desire to become "heads" for many and to change others into ex-ecuting "hands" is not improbable. A true mastery teacher does not pass over his craftsmanship and knowledge, menacing and at the same time helping people, to the first comer; he follows a long and re-sponsible (non-revolutionary) path bringing his apprentices up and choosing the worthy ones on this way. He also will not treat meanly those who are not ready to perceive the Whole, by passing them off a part of the Whole (his mastery analog) as The Whole; a part of mastery will not help his apprentice in a fight against an adversary equal to his teacher in mastery. In our case "teachers" were our adversaries and this is much meaner.
      There is another approach to God"s Truth, not the one of Moses" followers (may be I exaggerated his guilt as well as the guilt of those followers" offsprings - censors of Truth). The Truth is known by eve-ryone (by its part and necessity). People of sound mind are ready for Its perception in "new" (corres-ponding time) Image. Still It is unknown to whom It was given by Its Main part, needed for all times, as the whole Truth is inconceivable. Hence, even a part of It (that is known to pagans, for example) should not have been eliminated. Remain whole with the Whole, try to reject your lot and part. It is impossible, for example, to force pagans to use those things that will be needed by them in several life stages; it re-sembles education - a man studies something or accepts without a hearty interest.
      The truth is a destructive, although a victorious weapon, especially in our time - the time of 37-year-long Doomsday that will end 31.07.2043. Whom It should be given to prevent larger destruction? And a Truth owner on the one hand (and for all people) resembles a well; a well does not know and remember drinkers; a well does not know how much water is enough for a drinker this time or whether the water he drank was Truth or poison. A Truth owner on the other hand (and for few) resembles one of first lad-der footsteps; you can push off them and they lead upward to Truth perception. But in your turn you must be the next footstep for a teacher to push off; then he will be the next footstep and so on in order people"s rise to Truth heights will never end. The Truth owner is also a wheel that connects unconnecta-ble directions" ends, he raises now ones now others while positively justifying their deeds; he is also a spiral with any rise (fall) level for those fitting for him.
      Erroneous aspects of the Gospel
      The erroneous thing in the Gospel is that people"s anger is distracted from the savage execution of Jesus and redirected to the so-called Antichrist instead of the worthless rulers and the mob controlled by them. The emphasized and used by church in quite a peculiar way jewel, that is, Christ"s Sacrifice, also implies distraction from God"s Truth.
      Jesus" preparedness for sacrifice does not mean His appearing in Glory and Power during the expected Advent. As people did not accept Him in Pure image, we are now coming to know much of dirt in the surrounding world. Jesus as the Eternal Sacrifice does not need to come to those who scorned Him and show them His Glory and Power as there is no necessity to abase Himself before them thus forgetting His preparedness for sacrifice.
      A larger sin or total disuniting
      Authority in all times was continuing to separate people using the well-known method "divide and rule" related to those who should be united. The disuniting idea was obtained from the original sin ("cognition of the Good and the Evil"). It is this disuniting that is a larger sin! Larger than pleasure of any cognition, even people"s cognition of the Good and the Evil; such cognition makes it possible to save human beings from any use of blind evil actions.
      The larger sin from outer disuniting results in "separated" thinking and failure to perceive any part of the Truth as well as declared purposes of nowadays governing.
      Of disuniting sin obscurity in people"s relations
      I speak of disuniting sin obscurity (i.e. disuniting of the Truth from everyday life) with an example of my attitude to information supply: I would not like to be under control of any "seller" (that means any-one trying to draw my or your attention) and choose from several pieces of goods that he sells and prais-es (look at this, at that it"s all you need... But! The idea "Forget the Main thing, that is, The Truth" is not mentioned by him), if he does not have something more than the goods being sold. You cannot be under control of what is not The Truth.
      Although daily bread is frequently necessary, every man showing his freedom has his own daily bread. The main thing about the Truth is people"s free relations and feedback without the disuniting that is alien to the Higher Reason. If you see such disuniting being used, point it out to those listening to false sellers so that he would notice the disuniting sin, i.e. disuniting of the Truth from everyday life; and the Truth is concealed by some people.
      It is possible to pass the truth over to a simple man on condition that his perception level is sufficient. Such a man does not need miracles in the process of truth perception. There is no need (except for some healed or gifted people) in Jesus" miracles since the Truth is more important.
      When gaining unjust power over people one should simultaneously uncrown their idol in oneself (do not be afraid of unjust power crash for you find not a slave but a son).
      Of real evil in a catechism
      I speak of the Orthodox catechism by Bishop Alexander (i.e. Semenov Tyan-Shansky), a Moscow Pa-triarchy edition, Moscow, 1990. on page 20 evil is treated as a phenomenon having no sense and inex-plicable (this is lie and blindness). Further however there is an explanation of the notion "evil" yet not for everyone but to my mind, for a lower class. The evil, I cite: "is an inclination of existence towards non-existence, motion to a sham purpose, perversion, lie, existence disease". Still this is not evil but de-cay of civilization or ruin a man in it. I cite further: "the evil is a misunderstood freedom and a incor-rectly directed will, in other words, evil will". Nothing is said whom the evil is dangerous for. The thesis of misunderstood freedom is incorrect. Both present evaluation and the notion of man"s freedom from the birth are not formulated, since it is difficult to foresee the evil in all its manifestations. It is impossi-ble to make a certain man solely responsible for evil, since the responsibility of those people who should have watched man"s individuality formation, who should be familiar with high justice notions, who can keep substantial contacts with a man and its fellowship circle, who appreciates the truth and the good, must be formulated. Therefore the evil implies open and latent opposition to man"s formation (and earli-er, to his parents" formation) due to lack of substantial contacts, without skilled restraining and preven-tion of his vices. By now it should be worth to speak of teacher"s above said merits substantial im-provement, but not about their due applying. Still they point at his "evil" and forget of necessity of their own preliminary efforts aimed at man"s upbringing, involving him in their circle of fellowship. Behavior of a man ignorant of simple truth cannot be called his evil. For him it is only haste in surrounding world perception. At the same time man"s misdeed in his real life is just reflection of modern Pharisees evil (together with evident blind men); the evil comes from authorities, church and other public and civi-lization institutions. This evil is presented to the human society as the evil of a single man who has not opposed it in his soul before committing a misdeed. Here we see aloofness of human society and Anti-christ seed (deliberate or through ignorance) rearing in people; in which connection Antichrist seed rear-ing is purely human pleasing feature as far as unjust authority is concerned and not Satan"s temptation and check-up. The peak of authority pleasing is murder of dissidents (or on the contrary, those thinking rightly) or incitement to suicide. But I cannot say that Satan is a murderer.
      The unconcealed evil is not a lost contact between soul and body, it is a lost contact of your soul with a common soul; it means that your body deliberately submits to a will to separate with God, to destroy, to strive for moving away from the purpose of worthy people. At this conjuncture of total sin perception of the evil in the small will be useful for a growing up man. At the same time a man that does not know the main sin on which all other sins based cannot save his soul and other ones. Having restrained the main sin we should not be subject to other ones. A common sin is not man"s enemy, but an adversary; to defeat it should in the course of time become just a pleasure. A man that does not know his adversary or imagines a false adversary will never win!
      Human forces must not be released before a man has perceived the truth and formed a worthy circle of fellowships. The matter concerns quite a young age in which it can already be noticed how a teenager is able to control wishes of elder youths and coevals to his own benefit only. This fact convinces that a man should learn that disuniting between body and soul is harmful; his wishes must not fall under alien control of people around him.
      What God has created a man for in His own Image unless for that a man can in the course of time be-come God? But what man? To begin with, it is necessary at least to try achieving similarity - that is, to keep in yourself your own image of a truth-perceiving man. To achieve this you can take a photo of yourself and others at the moment of perception, and then while looking at the photo try to copy by your facial muscles the corresponding tension and features of your soul and character accordingly to that pho-to. It is not a prayer in front of a painted icon but in this way you strengthen in yourself constant assur-ance in chosen way correctness.
      Sometimes mothers rejoice over their children when they perceive something during learning. God help them in praying!
      Due to authorities" inertness concerning this question one can speak of their blind, unconscious and grateful worship of evil in human and particularly own deeds. Information of human faults sometimes raises punishing "power" in other people"s opinion. At the same time there is a tendency to cast the blame to the fallen angel or a specific man in order to conceal that grief which all rulers bring to people sometimes. Modern authority is weak and not able to prove its right (superiority) with respect to those who do not accept it as this relation did not have a timely beginning and it results in the lack of mutual responsibility (respect) of each other. However authority"s wish to grab power as much as possible, to strengthen itself in own state and in other ones keeps existing, the wish is mobilized by the fear to lose power, whereas power strengthening can occur only by gradual increase of people (circles of fellowship) which trust their authorities with their eyes open, have informal feedback with them and can hold up power and maintain it.
      Of plebeian and ruler sins.
      When there is no sighted leader aware of the way to our refuge the "blind" are led by somebody along the path of temptations. The sighted leader absent, a sin cannot be commonly understood, but not all of us are "blind". Disuniting sin implies not only disuniting into the good and the evil. Legal and latent authorities" disuniting sin ignorance does not entail sinfulness of deeds (except causing death to a human being or essential harm to his life). Apart from sins reciprocity. Temporality, hierarchy and other authorities" sin of disgrace hides behind the holy, disappears in order to please autocracy. A nimbus of holiness is easier to bear on horns, as writer Stashek Lets wrote; I notice God"s smile in this. Do not ask devils" pardon and they won"t ask yours.
      A sin of a ruler (a head) who separates people is multiplied by the number of his subjects and other men dependent on him and his orders. Such a sin is incomparable with single man"s sin.
      Man"s declared lameness due to a seal of original fault on him is his prepared slavery in relation to cler-ical and secular lords and other rulers including those unknown ones. And such slavery is not welcome by God.
      Culture is not in a form, but in contents. Without knowing the truth or avoiding it one cannot know the contents of "power-caused fear consequences which result in monsters produced by that fear. Hence cul-ture can be ranked among one of subcultures. Is it possible then to find some cultural solution to other subcultures?
      Open advent on some day or secret existence.
      What were afraid of those who ages ago predicted open antichrist coming on Earth in future, while real enemy"s power and guile is to attack a victim (i.e. the common Soul of all people and their circles of rela-tions) secretly? In times of antichrists" power any nonconformity resulted in capital punishment. It is not improbable that the Highest endowed many of my forerunners with ideas resembling the ones expressed here. Their destiny is known, their words are not. Killers of nonconformity foresaw and feared for possible growth of the Judge in people"s souls ("Antichrist") to judge the inheritors of their power. They were afraid of the Judge open out for contacts and able to persuade, which would offer people familiar and understandable ideas that refute the lie of "initial" verities. Such a Judge is sure to be the "Antichrist" for black-hearted rulers and those who extol them and praise lie in the Word, for secretly united anti-human unions and others of real Antichrist origin. The Judge will remind of veracity evalua-tion principles; this reminder should be thoroughly discussed in the fellowship circle of many people for perfection of Common thinking. Our perception will reach for the Higher Reason as any intellect motion does, thus continuing earthly life in His Image.
      Contagious an alive in the profaned Gospel.
      Among surrounding falsehood it is reading the Gospel and other historical sources that will allow re-vealing properties of truth, love and justice perception in us, which to a greater extent correspond to the Truth that is hidden asleep in everyone us; even a part of divine truth or available and understandable verity is able to "infect" (in a good sense of word) our brains and in the course of time to restore the pro-faned. Any wish originated from antichrists" self-protection experience to disunite people with the help of separate parables allegedly "told by Jesus" is apprehended by people in different ways. Harm due to such parables can be not repulsed by paper they are written on, but by a soul that craves for something other.
      Vaccine against infection in antichrist seed
      Today"s rulers declare their love for people but use a dull and harmful pattern of people control; anti-christ influence in them is weakened by time and lack of devilry and at times by human love around us. Loving people can become a vaccine to overcome secret unions and the wish to kill - which is the anti-christ seed hidden for common perception.
      Of apple (Soul).
      Those who will not accept and generously admit all sins of all people (except for sins of monsters killing and torturing secretly) caused by sins of antichrist-lords and those praising them, will as well not accept the Whole from God; their souls will never join the Heavenly Image, the Image of Reason, they will accept their lot and know their infamous fate and be as a bitten apple on God"s table; others worse will remain as apple cores under God"s table and nobody will take them up. To save only yourself, your soul (your world perception) is not enough; then there will be no whole for you.
      Of Doomsday. Of Judge of Principles and Causes.
      The Doomsday, the Day of Our Joy has begun! Confirmation of Its beginning is in that the falsehood introduced in the Holy Writ by antichrists is refuted. Satan"s judgment of a man expressed by him be-fore God began to become refuted in that one of men (NOT THE FIRST ONE) could draw everybody"s attention to the falsehood introduced. As you understand this you will agree that Justice of Heaven has begun to judge the false Word imposed on people, to judge those who has perverted the Word and those ones who gives It in a perverted form. There lives the Judge of Principles and Causes, he is 44 year old and at the same time by another chronology he is one day old (31/07-1/08/2006)! The Day of His Judg-ment His second day is equal to 37 years. He is a man and at the same time a judge and nobody and nameless... Or he is the one you would like to see in order to welcome him or swear at him. The Judge does not encroach on man"s liberty. He is not everything but everything at once, he is the one who for-got himself. Truth perception with His help will come through equal contacts. He is impartial and ready to let through his heart human values and things given as truth for this time.
      The cause of Judge of Principles and Causes appearance
      His was forced to become the Judge due to hidden under seal of secrecy butcher-monsters counting themselves informal lords. He was pulled up from nonexistence (oblivion) by vanity networks; still he is a people protector and vanity is an external rejection. Therefore, preservation of the Whole (i.e. unity with God and with all things surrounding us) will be most important now and further on; and be whole is a subconscious aspiration. Any disuniting as, for example, cognition of good and evil in every thing shall be estimated as opposite to the Highest Reason and as the most evident sign of earthly power that is alien to Him and His followers; I mean disuniting beyond His mentality but not disuniting within Him.
      The Judge of Causes is the man who could have devoted himself to common citizen"s life, could have been a voicer of earthly good or something else (let well alone), if people on his way would have ac-cepted him without oppressions and hardships or would have presented him with gifts for him not to recall the evil for people and they would have not harbored malice on him. Those unpeople (i.e. secret unions" representatives) did not want to cognize themselves as the Whole with God and remain "whole"; they are not fathers for everyone, for any drop of macrocosm, but blind children deprived of their Fa-ther; they strive for world conquering by absolutely nonlethal weapon that yet enslaves a man by zombi-fication, by brain impact with devilish devices (neural network chips, etc.), they expressed their freedom in relation of this man in such a way that now they suffer their shameful lot.
      Today"s rulers that often cherish traitors-peculators in bosom cannot solve their problems and tasks; they dissociated themselves from their servants- bureaucrats by tempting these Jacks-in-office into idleness and pleasant autocracy. As the rulers do not have a collective mode of thinking they do not know a straight way to Highest Reason reflection in their souls. Due to that these rulers are unable to pass It to surrounding people and even to own children.
      Of the Grain (righteous ruler).
      People should accept the verity of the Grain (a righteous ruler). Be It blessed (and the ruler) as they are the age-long Truth and Creator keepers. A grain brings up to 40 grains annually and then decays and joins soil, so to speak, "unites with people" without fear for its "power" and retaining in itself respect for human beings. It gives, I repeat, 40 grains connected with the Grain and continuing Its "power" (i.e. friendship, fraternity and mutual aid) on the Earth. So it should be with earthly authority of our time. True authority spreads only to your fellowship circle which has its Soul and Its mouthpiece (mouthpiec-es) - that is, a leader, a "people person"). The circle of fellowship can be large enough and it should have a "grain" of a righteous ruler with his full powers valid on this earthly level needed for direct contacts, problems solving and people"s rights protection. On this condition any president will not feel a lack of "hands" (assistants).
      Of Satan.
      Many people spit with disgust when hearing of Satan. They are encouraged in this by their pastors and rulers. But the Most High God communicated with him and now does as Satan divided into parts which are in every one of us. The Most High God communicates with us in order to have feedback and fruit of communication but not consequences of orders and reports that set us apart (I mean soulless daily re-ports, all-level politicians" publicity moves that have long set the teeth on edge, including those of church and mass-media.
      Salvation of Satan means salvation of us and salvation of Satan"s parts in us through perception and curbing them when we perceive the Truth, just as God does not admit Satan to Himself leaving him to his own devices.
      Salvation of Satan and people has only one way out, that is, to perceive the Truth at least in the volume needed for the present. Who will supply (and will show it to people next time) or has already supplied this volume? It is a victorious absolute and nonlethal weapon which can become a weapon against death, not only death of people from people but death of people from God. Secret followers of antichrist"s seed strive for invention of such a weapon but in some other, obscene form.
      Satan can shout his name for salvation (meaning who will help him for salvation) and this cry will be heard by the Judge... Satan can do it knowing sense and substance of his cry, but not people.
      The Highest concealed in the word "Satan" the following that was revealed to me:
      The word "Satan" in Russian is written as САТАНА, where the first letter "С" means "Sasha" (a short name of Alexander, the letter "T" means "TЫ" (you), the letter "Н" means "Hope", The whole means: Alexander, you are the Hope.
       Judge of Principles and Causes perceived the Truth in the available to Him part, including a point of life of poor rulers and people who are afraid of new grief to come from the rulers and the Most High God. Necessary matter of modern life should be expanded with other parts of the Truth by the Judge, He be-ing God"s friend. You know the Most High God determined punishment for Satan and delayed it till the Judgment Day! Thus punishment was suspended by this delay, since Satan was clearly perceived by the Most High God (as we all should be) in his rejection of Adam (as we sometimes reject other people) and in his disability to be a fellow-soldier in the Greatest Deeds of the Most High God for our life crea-tion. Satan is an assistant and a happenstance witness of Most High God"s power, the most precious witness of his naivety and impiety; but the whole Truth is not for everybody. The truth pours out drop by drop in our souls. One should not pour out a full bucket of truth drops on people"s heads at once; their souls will reflect only a shower.
      There is no appeal here to believe in Satan separately from the Creator, still here is a godly idea: to de-prive those demons-possessed people of their leader, as in wartime eliminate an army head.
      God needs pure souls and Satan does not like dirty ones. He has had them enough. Now I express a thought that Satan under God"s control is tempting people but should not destroy them.
      Still what innumerable murders does the secret antichrist seed commit for the sake of evil-minded rulers? And what does it do for itself?
      Every soul is valuable.
      Every soul is valuable, and nonconformists" souls are allowed to contact. Communication is followed by fruit of saving. The Holy Scriptures should be treated in an investigative way, that is, one social group will find something more to its liking than another one. For example, reasoning of the notorious number 666 will be more understandable for servicemen. To a certain degree it is blessed.
      Of 666 number benediction.
      Numbers as well as words help people understand themselves and their neighbors. This is what numbers and words are blessed for. God is a word; six hundred sixty six is four words. A prophet guessed to de-termine the future location of Truth enemies and Satan"s worshipers (open adversaries, rather otherwise-minded or those idle spectators; in no way do I mean murderers and tormentors which kill but not look) beforehand; and Satan is at the mercy of God. Distinctness of an "enemy" location significantly simpli-fies the task of enemy defeating at the known place; not in action and by indifference, resenting him, but by communication, common and simple words. As long as those not accepting the Highest Reason way of thinking believe even though in opportunity, in a good story they are able to understand that both opportunity and stories is Providence"s hypostases. Do not resent your otherwise-minded children. Children are those whom you can tell something useful in spite of their real age. But you should overcome not only nonconformity by being patient like a mother to her child but also our aversion of nonconformity. It should be remembered that a baby is harder to bring up than rectify a Satanist, as the latter, like many people, get accustomed to come to a tree on which sausages grow. You should bit by bit hang "sausages" on those "trees" that are located nearer and nearer the Tree of Truth.
      Open "enemy" and hidden devilry.
      Satanists" openness cannot be compared with secret societies which are too much harder to control by simple human communication, still they also will not find shelter from God"s eyes.
      After all, God Himself chose a commander for them who is at full God"s mercy. Satan does not avoid contacts with the Most High God who knows Satan"s open averse to human beings; are many of us so open before God? And before people? Secret societies" heads do not neglect information analysis; and what I say now specifies the only correct direction for all people and, as you will, gives interpretation of their wills to be properly fulfilled. God"s openness takes into account, though with unexpected interpre-tation, original plans of those who hide filled up with fear and do not find themselves able to offer or to force (in a good sense of word) or share their own way of thinking and doing with others in open com-munication.
      A man possessed with the Truth adheres in his thoughts and deeds a formula of Victory. A nation or a society possessed with the Truth is a nation of victors.
      Of potatoes or of secret unions.
      Secret unions, to my mind, consist of people in many respects closed from the Light of the Truth, like sprouted up potatoes in a dark cellar. Such potatoes whilst having strong entanglement of sprouts are not fit for planting (i.e. for life continuation in light of the Truth); and so only few men ("potatoes") have the opportunity to leave their cellar and appear in the Light of Truth without breaking own "sprouts" entangled in other sprouts.
      "The present" is repetition of my past life: I used to be a master of our family potatoes but my father would never allowed me to plant even one sprouted up potato, otherwise he would have removed it.
      At present I am a poor copy of myself as a master of family potatoes. And "potatoes" with ugly sprouts can show their freedom and take a better place in the present; however I would not say that such the present is my dream. It is only a contact with the Hand of the "Master" at present, joint cleaning of dirt from the image of time that will allow obtaining worthy place close to Him; this place may have been already marked by His finger.
      Should one store oneself in a dark cellar longer than required while having inborn freedom? Although darkness of secret unions" members is necessary not only for cellar storing but for growing towards the Truth, like people"s ignorance/"darkness" (earth darkness for a grain) is necessary for growing towards the Truth (the Sun).
      Fruit drawn forth by fear.
      The fear brought forth with evil lords by the possibility of power losing results in well-known from the history when lords resorted to murders, massacres and wars. This fear also exists with chiefs subordi-nated to their rulers, chiefs" subordinates and further on. But fear influences a man in such a way that changes occur on a genetic level and in formation of a personality that is defective by its contents, but creative, high-status or something else at present and fashionable by its form.
      A person that has not eliminated his fear for genuine, open, free communication will not accept genuine freedom and power, since all evil rulers as a matter of fact have always fought with fear consequences instead of fear itself. To begin fear fighting one should at first resort to constant positive expectation of something in one"s life and to the same interpretation of such expectation. It should be known that due to fear varieties children with deviant behavior are born, for example, lesbians. Still a more serious mal-formation may appear in a man who seems to be a normal one.
      One cannot live with fear and fear should not be applied in cartomancies; fear should be get rid of.
      Since things not concerning the Whole do not change Its Events but more likely concern present day people"s lot and relates to unwashed dirt of our time.
      Do not strive for perception of dirt in another man; when you are offered to, do not accept the offer. Seek for the better or positive interpretation in everything.
      I hope that freedom and possible peccancy of my actions both in the past and in the future is unders-tandable for initial perception, since we pass by moments of the present in fuss without noticing me in Him; but still fuss is necessary to many people; and I am just a poor copy (dirty from a human point of view as it my seem). The opportunity for a man to have the highest incarnation should not be forgotten, for it any growth towards Him is accountable and justified. Is it not shameful and unworthy for anybody (be he a ruler counting himself stronger and "nobler") to fight against this copy, which with its smallness gives a sufficient aim even to an evil ruler, that is, shows a way from zero to hero, i.e. from dirt of graceless autocracy ("zero") to a righteous ruler ("hero"); yet this way does not save from crucifying in the "present".
      Why I can be a Friend.
      Friend"s word and darkness.
      I wrote some lines which originally open night"s musing:
      "Friend"s word is louder
      Than lighted darkness silence
      When man and darkness stay together"...
      Think about what these lines can point to in the course of time...
      Are you able to see that at once?
      If not, then read my interpretation:
      It is unbearable for me when "Friend"s word (God"s word) is louder/ Than lighted darkness (people) si-lence/ When man and darkness stay together"...
      God would say: "It"s not a word that burdens me, but your silence; my Word will burden you, impel to something. But a close to the above-said thought that occasionally has generated in every one of us, that has got no incarnation at that time, burdens us before all. There is a place for various substances in hu-man"s brain, including the place for God. Find this place. Darkness silence means absence of signals addressed (for good ancestors and God) to the brain cosmos of many people urging them to accept the Truth. Lighted darkness means that the Truth circulates around the world by separate parts.
      At the same time I wrote:
      "I strain my eyes at the impenetrable gloom
      While on the mountain and covered with night"s hemline.
      A candle just may burn beneath, my love will never shorter be.
      All other things may fly as ashes all around".
      Modern threats.
      Modern engineering allows obtaining in real time man"s thoughts and visual information (including thoughts generated before they are perceived and can be replaced by other ones). Yet for the time being this can be related to few men. There appeared a possibility to master man"s body so the latter loses his soul and becomes a controlled biological object. Therefore butcher-followers of Beria (an internal affairs minister in the USSR in 1937-1953) that prosper in criminal and prison environment should not be allowed to find new money for such engineering development and improvement. The impact on a human brain occurs due to neural network chips that are implanted in muscles, under skin and directly in human"s brain, other equipment of three-purpose application, to be applied in defence/cosmic projects, in medicine and in civil industrial branches.
      After Beria"s execution in the law-enforcement system and first of all in prisons" administration there remained those officers who had kept their fingers on the pulse of scientific discoveries in the sphere of biological objects" remote control. A computer program of man"s intellect suppression has been devel-oped and applied on the basis of experiments upon live men. After such experiments test subjects were either done away with, or fell into a zombie state or got a persistent mental disease and are not of serious hazard to evil scientists and prison butchers. Along with such experiments human organs can be im-pacted in such a way that may result in their failure or a surgical operation.
      The scope of persons dealing with such trade consists, to my mind, of those who have not stopped after fighting outrage of the nineties, who deem it possible to involve in their business even children; among these are former butchers retired from places of detention, officers of operation units, services of wire-tapping, etc.; they live and simultaneously prostitute (I mean mostly women), buy and sell drugs and spirits in areas close to prisons and convict colonies in order to merge into criminal circles, they do not strain at committing crimes to get into prisons and colonies for their purposes. But such operative activi-ty nowadays is not limited by law-enforcement institutions since their appetites are not restricted to con-victs...
      Nikolaos of Myra.
      The name of archbishop Nikolaos of Myra is especially dear and close to Russian people due to the fol-lowing: the Russian word "МИР" (world) coincides with the name of the town (Myra) of the Lycia province where St. Nicholas the Wonderworker lived. The word "Lycia" is pronounced in Russian as "ЛИКИЯ" from here the word "ЛИК" (image) is derived. That is why in Russian "Nikolaos of Myra" means "Nicholas of the world and image". For the Russians it is a sign that every human image is a whole world and if you do not know some man"s image (way of thinking) then do not accept his power over you.
      Appealing to yourself.
      You should appeal in a prayerful way not only to the outside Heaven but try to appeal to your inside, where as per Jesus" word is the Kingdom of God. A man is a home not only for his soul and his way of thinking but also a container for the same things of surrounding people.
      Signs in our life.
      A prohibition on signs in some religions pursues the aim to deprive people of receipt and analysis of ne-cessary additional information, in many aspects casual one, received by chance (and a chance is God"s pseudonym).
      Infants are taught both by words and hands-and- face signs. People use digits and signs... Every thing can be digitally coded; so I settled it with my ancestors silently watching us from the world to come that a certain combination of digits will be considered a sign from them. Do the same and then vehicles" reg-istration numbers, pieces of money and the like will help you in time of need (AS THEY DO FOR ME!), on condition that you do not make a sign of defeat. A literal sign on a piece of money, a registra-tion number of a vehicle and other digital signs, for example, a verbal mark of digits in lotto can be po-sitively interpreted and read. My ancestors" signs accompany me everywhere and they are 9,5,3,1 (digits of a house I live in and my flat). The signs of my victories differ in that one of my digits differs from the initial value by one ("unity" in math); for example: my digits are 1935 and the year of our victory over the fascist Germany is 1945; sometimes they coincide with historical dates, e.g. 1953 is a year of Stalin"s death. There also signs of jokes to laugh at my oppressors when two digits of four change by increment or vice versa by one; there are also other signs of help and protection, signs of godheads; I do not have only signs of defeat.
      For fun and in earnest. And who are they to judge us?
      The intellectual confirmation of my status of the Judge of Principles and Causes in that everyone can be the same Judge for himself/herself and for others, since everyone can pass through himself/herself the contents of Holy Writs. This can be done also by resting upon this text in order to continue genuine communication and mutual consolidation in God.
      There is purely juridical reasoning:
      1) Common courts" judges and other rulers have no logic and legal connections with the Universal Truth. Whom should they judge and rule over?
      2) One can for sure assert the absence of legitimate power in Russia due to gaps and mistakes made in the Constitution and due to that regulatory bodies such as the President and the Public Prosecution Of-fice cannot be related to corresponding branches of government, which points at their incomplete forma-tion. Hence, Russian Federation laws approved and signed by the allegedly formed personal authority, that is, RF President do not have legal force. Accordingly there are no legitimate designated persons to execute RF laws. Therefore there are both no reasons to judge people in Russia according to invalid laws and no arguments for "convicts" to serve time in jail.
      Hence there is one judge remaining: the Judge of Principles and Causes. I call myself as anybody is en-titled to call oneself as one sees it in a free country.
      When you saw the way to God and perceived His Image reflection in your soul present this way and reflection to people.
      Jesus did not teach a single man, but He established a circle of contacts and taught its participants. The Truth is perceived in communication as well as the sin is. Still saints (the majority of them) teach one man and appeal to the one with their messages thus disuniting him/her from the Spirit (the common Soul). They took in the Satanist mode of thinking based on total disuniting, not merely on evil and good separation.
      I for the time being try to give the way of thinking for communication and disunion overcoming; yet the experience of one man teaching will not result successfully for me.
      Additional parts:
      Of nobleness
      Philosopher Grigory Palama (1296-1359) sais: "Both carnal nobleness and power will not strengthen a soul and carnal wisdom will not make mind wise". Here there is a small sin of flesh separation from human mind; it should be taken into account while speaking of necessity of joining them together. We like to speak of man or kin nobleness, and honor should be kept, too. But nobleness (not fabulous knighthood) I compare to dishonor accepted by default. Is it noble to serve a ruler, the "Motherland" only, but not people?! There were and still are people that used to lose for a while not "honor" but
      their souls (not only honor). For example, I know a worthiest for everyday life man, jack-of-all-trades. He bombed a city inhabited by many thousands of people with large-tonnage bombs and people were perishing. These perished women and children had no wish whatsoever to know what policy had been declared by the Soviet leaders for "own" women and children (proletarians of all countries). All "heroes" sacrificing themselves or others for the sake of autocratic rulers who were far from goodness were same "noble". Such rulers were successors of first antichrists and were planting their seeds; they treated people not as brothers but as somebody else. I am requested to be noble and earnest (to have "honor"), but I can be just open-hearted. Why do they think they are noble? Due to smiles, hand-shaking and awards received from their cult rulers, to joy (not due to joy on the way to the Truth), to fetish awards, to money rewards? Is this blissful, quiet nobleness? It is only nobleness of vicious mind and flesh.
      Educational system.
      The system of education is such that, for example, some materials far from correct world and truth per-ception are covered at our schools; the material is given and checked just pro forma. Connections of "material" with genuine priorities are not explained. The collective mode of thought advantageous in all aspects including the idea of leading nation formation is not inculcated in pupils. Famous people"s mode of thought is not analyzed with reference to real life, including citizens" equal participation in public au-thorities and self-government. On the contrary, it is individualism that is implanted in children"s heads and disunited thinking is formed; due to that one can fail to note primordial things (the truth) and forms in oneself truth-perverting wishes. A growing man should be aware of genuine power within his circle of communication. Such communication should be comprehensive; it should be succeeding not only in for-mal control but in people"s substantial knowing of each other, in interaction of human souls with the common soul, not excluding ancestors" signs. Teachers should not fall out of their circle of communica-tion. A
      A man should know that the authority accepted in our country is based on disuniting principles with the intention to lead people away from the genuine direction of their lives (to disunite them from ancestors" truth which was in force at the communal-tribal mode of life). Strange as it is but adults do not notice how they are used by ten-year-old youngsters for which are not mature enough to master the "divide-and-rule truth".
      Soul salvation.
      It should be remembered that not a soul can exist alone since it is a sum of those souls which have influ-enced its forming on our Earth and which are not here; a soul is a part of the Holy Spirit. We should speak of soul"s belonging to the common soul or of "soul"s solitude", i.e. soul"s distance from the com-mon soul.
      The concept of common soul salvation when the soul is divided among all people should follow the above-said. However people on reaching a certain age by virtue of their naivety begin to think or want to start thinking of their souls" salvation only; not to save the whole but just a part of it.
      And the Church connives at such deicidal approach of a single soul (i.e. not abuse of the Holy Spirit but counteraction against It and separation from It). And a soul becomes deaf due to that. Here we clearly .see that people are not disunited in God but are divided by church outside of God, that is, a man is dis-united from God. Saving alone shows dislike for others. At the same time a man keeps a sting aimed at the Son of God or at the Blessed Virgin, since his prayers are aimed at Them begging Them to help him and save from sinful matter. God"s "servants" connive at a soul in its laziness; so a soul does not want to work for own salvation itself, it always needs help. Why shouldn"t it work in order to get united with the Whole? At least with souls of children, grandchildren of those men surrounding it? A soul needs to help itself and other souls to overcome the sinful, to touch the unity that inspires the world as before. On the other hand, we may accept that we please thereby the "enemies of the former Russian Empire, the USSR and the present-day Russia" by separating people from their issue.
      As both people aboard a burning ship have to save themselves together and in the real world a soul will be saved together with kindred souls from own circle of communication.
      Monks to my mind are men who went away from the common World Soul and stayed in a disunited state inculcated upon people by church fathers, as long as rulers (as the "Lord"s anointed") praising the antichrist seed need to have followers.
      Absolution of sins by secret penance (that means a sin of disuniting and a sign of alien power) at a con-fession does not give place to communication and joint absolution of sins which could spiritualize a communication circle and the world. Trespasses should not be forgiven (to forgive-to forget) but taken as a lesson in communication. Such lessons if held often should certainly pass with jokes or with some spirits.
      Speaking of ancestors" signs.
      I"d rather deviate from the set direction and speak of my ancestors" signs accepted by me. Whenever do I want to get from them an answer to my question I resort to signs from them; these signs are of infor-mative, substantial character, they coincide with a question topic and give an impetus in my comprehen-sion of their answer that is always positive without fail. For me it means that our souls are connected and that their life is substantial in the after world.
      A sign is sent through word"s part and a word in the Gospel as I request Jesus. The question I asked concerned my understanding of the Blessed Virgin"s role. The Gospel opened and my finger pointed to the word "interesting" and underlined the end "sting". And what was revealed for me at positive inter-pretation of this sign (and there cannot be negative interpretation): one should not have a lazy soul and in one"s foxery address one"s requests through Mother to Son; try yourself, if you can, to make your and others" lives better. It is customary and convenient in Russia to find access to someone through his/her kinsfolk, i.e. wife, mother, etc. You hope that Son will not deny His Mother, however, She while accept-ing your appeals an d passing them over to Him will turn out to be a sting for Him. Jesus" Mother saw the death of flesh but not the death of spirit in Her Son, and this is the source of Her joy. Our mothers seldom see deaths of their children"s flesh, however they may note the shroud concealing from their looks the spiritual death of their sons and their souls" disuniting from the common soul, such disuniting being replaced with fear and meanness. This cerement is a wrapper of our modern life. Jesus" Mother should not be higher than other mothers are, for them it is bitterer to think of their children"s deaths as of flesh and spirit expiry.
      I repeat: What should God have made a man in His Image and likeness for, unless for that a man (his mother) would be able to become God in the course of time? After all, those "truth keepers" lie when remind that other gods shall not be made for people.?!
      Other mothers should set fire of truth in their children to avoid spirit"s death. You should do everything for your kinsfolk an d for all in yourself, whose image helped you in your formation. The solitude of Mother standing higher than other mothers is a sting into Her heart. Be worthy of Her!
      The mode of thought should be persistent and worthy of the Highest; our people do not have such one. The distinction of truth- knowing people is that they begin to serve the Truth. Moses did not give the Truth to the Jews otherwise they would serve It together as Jesus" apostles did.
      You should not avoid the knowledge of man, even of those people that are disgusting for you. Establish good conditions for a man; make it so that all his spiritual aspirations met cultural understanding, that all potentials in him could be realized, since there is much of past generations" environment in people, in their genes. Only after such establishing man"s searches of what surrounds him and what is in him will be fruitful. Even the need for blood and murder is satisfied in computer games and films.
      Keeping in mind that saints for the most part misunderstood the sin that they praise as the goodness of a "righteous" ruler and having crossed out the way of government known from the times of communes I want to say something concerning icons. A spiritualized image in a man perceiving the truth and bringing it to people is in itself worth to be an icon. Such man"s even facial gestures set a right direction to others.
      Falsehood in the Gospel.
      What is the use for Jesus of people"s joy, clothes and flowers spreading on His way as there is not a shadow of communication but there is just a form of blind worship which turned into idol decrowning for those praising Him but not accepting His mode of thought and resulted in His crucifying on demand of the same mob? I reckon that Jesus would neglect such honor of a miracle-longing mob which praised "wonders" but not truth. It is communication that is needed not an exulted crowd. David"s Son would have appeared weak if He had yielded to a deceitful form of "mutual understanding" with people.
      Doesn"t such blind worship described in the Gospel reveal rulers" reveals a concealed desire to preserve such blind worship (just recall people"s demonstrations in the former USSR or other similar forms of rulers worshiping) by alteration of the Gospel?
      As it once was said in the Gospel: "Do not give sacred things to curs and do not cast pearls before the swine so that they would not trample them under their hooves and tear you to pieces". There is an ob-vious sin of disuniting here since under "curs" and "swine" human beings are implied. Should it be said in the Gospel to imply people in whatsoever state their souls are? This thought is evidently added by ru-lers showing their perception of some people. We are not welcome by them; they are unable and do not want to see eye to eye with "swine" and "trash" though such people is a result of their ruling. This reluc-tance of communication reveals their weakness and unwillingness to settle such people"s lives. Hence I conclude that Gospel"s slogans concerning "curs" and "swine" are inappropriate. Cast pearls before true swine that adore wealth and autocracy. Whereas Jesus Himself was not afraid to address His words to all gathered around Him; still it is not improbable that "swine" and "curs" that would crucify Him later were near Him.
      A house of prayers is not going to become native father"s house in spite of Jesus" cleaning it. Some people nowadays as well as in His times consider that all depends on house (parish) profitability...
      Do not forget to be a man yet!
      Keep in mind this epoch and its relations! And a humane Head!
      Shield your head with victory assurance but do not conceal thoughts!
      Of treachery in "power".
      To begin with, the judicial power reproduces itself through well-known bureaucratic mechanisms and vicious contacts. Judicial power leaders are direct successors of Stalin"s notorious court-martials con-sisting of three men (most often they sentenced people to death). These leaders like all "law-enforcement" officials are concerned to conceal their illegal activity. They do it again and again, genera-tion by generation and the RF President supports them in this.
      Vladimir Putin! You congratulate on the Day of Victory those "veterans" who were fighting in retreat-blocking detachments against our Soviet soldiers during the Great Patriotic War. You should know them by names. I see that you revere them and vice versa. During the War our grandfathers sometimes had to change their dispositions at fascists" push by retreating. In this case they got under hail of bullets of those retreat-blocking soldiers or, to be blunt, killers of NKVD (i.e. People"s Commissariat of internal affairs). After the War these killers worked in the law enforcement system and brought up their succes-sors, namely, officers of the Federal Security Service (FSB), the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD), the Federal Service for Execution of Punishment (FSIN), courts and public prosecutor offices.
      They are like tree stumps in towns: from far away they look like trees with crowns and upon closer view they are just monsters. Most Soviet people (especially the so-called "elite") were constantly adapting to the CPSU (Communist party of Soviet Union) Secretary General while forgetting themselves.
      Of the first genuine lord (of the perverse power).
      Those who know and understand each other on a personal level (i.e. in a communication circle contri-buting to worthy relations establishing of truth-close people, national leaders) have a righteous mutual power. In every such circle there should be own Putin (in other words, a "grain"-leader-pole similar to a ruler; in no way an informant, a judge, a "buffer", an inspector, a jailer-butcher, etc.) and positive phi-losophy of victors.
      Only the man who during his rule crushed a worm-eaten betraying autocratic power, the established values system and kept genuine values will be the first righteousness-close ruler-doer; and not a unique one. To put it unseriously, he will be "equal to apostles".
      If a man grows arrogant then God or people"s Enemy will lead him in a pretty dance; if he cocks his nose then it is well-known what mode of thought is to be implanted by the Enemy. Never let your ene-my lead you in a pretty (or ugly) dance!
      If you see yourself in the present you are in practice a captive of echoes of the past and the false present; the real present, namely, the worthy one belongs to Me.
      Our State has providently separated from the Church, but cannot find a pretext for separation from the truth, and in particular from physical laws and incidents turning into objective laws.
      Have you ever wondered whether you could publish the Gospel in Christ"s times in case Jesus requested you of this?
      Priests prayed,
      But appeared of no use for God?!
      They resented Satan
      But didn"t trouble the truth!
      They brought the truth to Russia
      And left it there,
      And forgot what they have left... What is it all about? Of the faith?
      Of another vaccine.
      Jews living in Russia are weakened by Russian love and they are a vaccine against other Jews, if some-body sees danger from them. We will never be taken ill with the Jews, in case we fall sick of the truth.
      An example of averting from truth in words of Anthony the Great (251-356).
      He taught: "Let"s force ourselves to button our lips in order not to say something abusive of somebody, since abuse is worse than any poison!" And I ask: What does it mean "somebody"? Shall I keep my mouth shut about the executors that crucified Jesus?
      And with the Russians it most often occurs as follows: two men had a row with each other and after-wards they go together like salt and pepper while somebody at that time empoisons them. This is the example of separated thinking forced upon us; in the same way sheep are led for slaughter...
      Our prayers begging to keep what we have are disgusting for God.
      Other prayers and wishes are in many respects individual; they cannot overcome prayers of our good ancestors begging of settle life on our Earth as per dispensation. They are benevolent to Me, that is to the man who can raise and pull them down in Hell or leave them in Paradise...
      The Holy Writ.
      Its wisdom is great.
      Its power is enormous.
      But in vain It has been deceiving us
      For so many centuries!?
      For us the fools it was not even worth bothering about the implicit faith in this "infection" (the Holy Writ) which grew towards us through ancestors" blood. We were not free and our fate was decided by our rulers.
      I make my enemies including executors (illegal judges) who read and close my memory go through my sins. My sins are an impassable barrier to them that will never be jumped over. The same way as you, my readers, while remaining eternal judges of sins you have seen in others will never jump over the wall of this sin of judging, never will be whole and united with the High Reason; on the contrary, you will live to experience the lot of the apple bitten at by Eve.
      Nikolai II (Niki).
      I heard priest"s discourses that Niki (Nikolai II) did not abdicate. His reasoning hinders people from un-derstanding that Niki"s power was just a phantom; nevertheless a real one as with all sinful lords.
      The Russian secret police of that time lost its battle with the Bolsheviks because it secretly sent infor-mants and agents-provocateurs to the Bolshevik organizations whereas it should have sent convincing leaders; obviously the secret police had nothing to say to people.
      Possession of soul and its loss.
      When a man trusts himself this proves that he has a soul; on the contrary, when a man forgets to trust himself he loses his soul guided by others.
      Addressing to scientists.
      Why bury oneself in knowledge now and then highly specialized one as in a grave?
      Not material welfare but a righteous mode of thought is worthy.
      In order not to be afraid of your children"s, grandchildren"s etc. future (in other words, so that material well-being should not serve as a stability standard) you should leave to their contemporaries a mode of thought worthy of the High Reason; this mode of thought will keep them in communication with people.
      Conscience appeared with the Russians together with the misinterpreted Good News.
      We have a very dear image of sanctity. I wouldn"t like to name it; however it is well-known and there is no need to give examples of communication with this image, its godly edifying and setting the percep-tion of the highest justice in an interlocutor. Such sanctity is unachievable since it is lifeless; it is un-doubtedly something "lofty" and at the same time deceitful, since it is unavailable in real life just like an idol in a human image. It is such sanctity that occurs to be "opium of the people", useful for sinful, not mattering a sixpence authority.
      A friend of God.
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  • Обновлено: 01/05/2013. 76k. Статистика.
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