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Несчастные средневековые баварские герцогини

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  • © Copyright Amelkin Alexander
  • Обновлено: 04/05/2024. 6k. Статистика.
  • Статья: Германия
  • Иллюстрации: 3 штук.
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      In the 15th century in Upper Bavaria, something unusual was happening in high circles. The unfortunate medieval Bavarian duchesses were forced to annually bring an heir to the duke, turning into a "maternity machine". Their life could have become unbearable if not for one circumstance. The court physician Johannes Hartlieb, together with other court specialists, developed a commercial project aimed at women from high society - a series of "Voynich Manuscripts" - sophisticated hoaxes. These manuscripts did not use a cipher, but an imitation of a cipher, and the five pieces of the extant manuscript differ from each other lexically, and this clearly indicates that there were several manuscripts, and they were used as a sales tool. Lacking sufficient education in the field of astrology, alchemy and medicine, the duchesses nevertheless became interested in sessions of white magic, for which strange manuscripts were ideally suited. For ladies it was great entertainment, and for court doctors, balneologists, herbalists, advisers, writers and poets it was a source of good income. The duchesses, who conducted sessions of white magic in various Bavarian castles, predicted the fate of the ladies and gave recommendations on how to achieve "happiness", and the doctors and other specialists, for an appropriate fee, wrote out prescriptions and referrals, gave advices, composed "magic" poems, compiled individual horoscopes, etc. And now, 600 years after it was written, the Voynich Manuscript continues to bring income for scientists, publishers, filmmakers, bloggers, etc. I have identified the circle of possible authors of the Voynich Manuscript and its "victims". In the near future I will find evidence of the correctness of my theory. It is a pity that many castles and documents no longer exist.

      Несчастные средневековые баварские герцогини
      В 15 веке в Верхней Баварии в высших кругах происходило нечто необычное.
      Несчастные средневековые баварские герцогини вынуждены были ежегодно приносить герцогу наследника, превращаясь в "родильную машину".
      Жизнь их могла стать невыносимой, если бы не одно обстоятельство.
      Придворный врач Хартлиб вместе с другими придворными специалистами разработал ориентированный на женщин из высшего общества коммерческий проект - серию "Рукописей Войнича" - изощрённых мистификаций.
      В этих рукописях был использован не шифр, а имитация шифра, а пять кусков дожившей до нашего времени рукописи отличаются друг от друга лексически, и это явно указывает на то, что рукописей было несколько, и они использовались как инструмент продаж.
      Не имея достаточного образования в области астрологии, алхимии и медицины, герцогини тем не менее увлеклись сеансами белой магии, для чего странные рукописи подходили как нельзя лучше. Для дам это было отличным развлечением, а для придворных врачей, бальнеологов, травников, советников, писателей и поэтов - источником неплохого заработка. Проводившие в различных баварских замках сеансы белой магии герцогини предсказывали дамам судьбу и давали рекомендации по достижению "счастья", а находившиеся рядом врачи и прочие специалисты за соответствующую плату выписывали рецепты и направления, давали советы, сочиняли "волшебные" стихи, составляли индивидуальные гороскопы и т.д.
      И вот уже спустя 600 лет после написания Рукопись Войнича продолжает приносить доход учёным, издателям, кинематографистам, блогерам и т.п.
      Я определил круг возможных авторов "Манускрипта Войнича" и его "жертв". В ближайшее время я найду доказательства верности моей теории. Жаль, что многих замков и документов уже не существует.
      In the 15th century in Upper Bavaria, something unusual was happening in high circles. The unfortunate medieval Bavarian duchesses were forced to annually bring an heir to the duke, turning into a "maternity machine". Their life could have become unbearable if not for one circumstance. The court physician Johannes Hartlieb, together with other court specialists, developed a commercial project aimed at women from high society - a series of "Voynich Manuscripts" - sophisticated hoaxes. These manuscripts did not use a cipher, but an imitation of a cipher, and the five pieces of the extant manuscript differ from each other lexically, and this clearly indicates that there were several manuscripts, and they were used as a sales tool. Lacking sufficient education in the field of astrology, alchemy and medicine, the duchesses nevertheless became interested in sessions of white magic, for which strange manuscripts were ideally suited. For ladies it was great entertainment, and for court doctors, balneologists, herbalists, advisers, writers and poets it was a source of good income. The duchesses, who conducted sessions of white magic in various Bavarian castles, predicted the fate of the ladies and gave recommendations on how to achieve "happiness", and the doctors and other specialists, for an appropriate fee, wrote out prescriptions and referrals, gave advices, composed "magic" poems, compiled individual horoscopes, etc. And now, 600 years after it was written, the Voynich Manuscript continues to bring income for scientists, publishers, filmmakers, bloggers, etc. I have identified the circle of possible authors of the Voynich Manuscript and its "victims". In the near future I will find evidence of the correctness of my theory. It is a pity that many castles and documents no longer exist.
  • Оставить комментарий
  • © Copyright Amelkin Alexander
  • Обновлено: 04/05/2024. 6k. Статистика.
  • Статья: Германия
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