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Irish software developers are really stupid: memorizing the work on the project with irish developers

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  • © Copyright Артур Саркисян (developpeur@mail.ru)
  • Обновлено: 16/08/2008. 7k. Статистика.
  • Статья: Ирландия
  • Аннотация:
    Irish software developers are really stupid: memorizing the work on the project with irish developers

  •   Irish software developers are really stupid: memorizing the work on the project with irish developers
      I used to work with irish developers in an irish company on the contract and this work was also the meeting with irish culture, irish style of work and of course a had a chance to face with the skills of irish software engineers. I can say for sure: they are damn stupid! If you will decide to establish a company do not ever and never hire neither irishs nor indians.
      I saw so many situations that highlighted how poor are their skills so even a book can not include all that. Here I"m just going to publish some of the parts of code of irish developers I worked with. Note that they were not Jr. Developers. All of them had more than 5 years of experience and they had Bachelor degree,
      So let"s start from this:
       catch (Exception ex)
       string msg = "Accommodation Exception : " + ex.Message;
       throw ex;
      As you can see the variable msg is doing nothing and it"s local. There is just no use of using this variable here. But they used it in all of their applications , of course I"m talking about the released version!
       public List GetAccommodations(int providerID, string sortColumns)
       List list = null;
       string sqlCommand = "SELECT * FROM Accommodation " +
       "WHERE ProviderID = @ProviderID ";
       if (sortColumns.Trim() == "")
       sqlCommand += "ORDER BY Status, ReferenceCode";
       sqlCommand += "ORDER BY " + sortColumns;
      In this method they are trying to get some accommodations and this is what is wrong with the published part of the method:
      a) They use query instead of the stored procedure. This is not a bug but this is not effective.
      b) In their query they use "select * " what is not professional. The professional approach would look like this: "select Field1, Field2, ..."
      c) They don"t even know that there is a class called DataView that allows to implement sorting! But they don"t know this and that is why they pass a parameter to sort the data!
      d) Instead of checking the length of the string they use " =="" ". This is not a bug but this slows down the work of the application!
      In the following part of the class there are: the field status that has string type, the constructor and the property of this field status:
      private string m_Status;
      public AccommodationDetails(int providerID, int accommodationID, string referenceCode, string name, string description, PictureDetails picture, string link, string rating, bool status)
       m_ProviderID = providerID;
       m_AccommodationID = accommodationID;
       m_ReferenceCode = referenceCode;
       m_Name = name;
       m_Description = description;
       m_Picture = picture;
       m_Link = link;
       m_Rating = rating;
       if (status.Equals(true))
       m_Status = "Active";
       m_Status = "Inactive";
       public String Status
       return m_Status;
       m_Status = value;
      And from this part of the code you can see how stupid they are! They don"t even know the meening of the properties! Instead of doing convertion in the property they do it in the constructor! And this is not all! Instead of using status declared as bool they declared it as string!
      Irish project manager where I worked made the developers to implement manual testing first and only after that NUnit testing! This is absolutely incorrect! This is the wasting of time and it makes absolutely useless the using of manual testing! Stupid irish developers, note it somewhere: first you have to perform NUnit testing and only after that manual testing!
      public class AddressDetails
       private string m_Address1;
       private string m_Address2;
       private string m_AddressCity;
       private string m_AddressState;
       private int m_AddressCountryID;
       private string m_AddressCountryDescription;
       private string m_AddressPostCode;
      In this part of the class we can see that irish developers created 2 fields for address. Don"t think that this is about 2 different addresses! This is just about 2 textbox lines of the same address!! Is not it stupid?:)
      They don"t even have a clue about refactoring!
      Dim conn As SqlConnection = GetDataAccess.DBConnection
       sql = "SELECT " & DOC_FIELDS & " FROM Document " & _
       " WHERE DocumentTypeID = " & docType
      In this part of the web method stupid irish developers do not use parameters! Instead they implement concatenation trying to create the query!
      Stupid irish developers, write down somewhere that you have to use parameters! Because otherwise your webmethod/method is not secured and could be easily hacked!
      There are so many examples of how stupid irish developers are! It"s probably could be better to publish the projects developed by irish developers rather then just placing here some parts from their code. But the projects are large enough so I"m going to continue writing here the examples that show how fucking stupid irish developers are!
      If you have any questions you can write me to developpeur@mail.ru
  • © Copyright Артур Саркисян (developpeur@mail.ru)
  • Обновлено: 16/08/2008. 7k. Статистика.
  • Статья: Ирландия

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