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  • Комментарии: , последний от 04/04/2003.
  • © Copyright Ясенская Г.А.
  • Обновлено: 26/12/2003. 3k. Статистика.
  • Обзор: Великобритания
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  • Оценка: 4.84*5  Ваша оценка:
  • Аннотация:
    Я написала это письмо...бо не могу большеее терпеть...срочно отойти надо. А русский оригинал в бюро переводов остался..Отакая от несподзянка панове.Но послала не вру так что ежели исчезну - меня забрал Интеллиджент Севрис...

  •   Dear Sir
      We were all watching "America on trial" last week on channel 4. It was very interesting though a bit naпve. This program to my view was a classic example of how political nuts can manipulate the minds of a public by using the axioms about democracy and how it should work hammered in the brains of average citizen.
      The only question that was out of scope of speakers is about the morality of war. I am sure that American lady from "military family" was so enthusiastic to start the war because she is not about to send her own son or husband to this battle. She"ll be watching it on TV sitting in a chair with a lovely cup of tea...As well as the other proponents of war. I am writing this letter to you because to my view and surprise some people do not realize a basic truth that war will cost lives. The lives of innocent people.
      So USA is running a policy of preventive war. That means that to avoid the outbreak of war by Saddam they are rushing to start the war against him. That means in basic terms that to prevent the deaths of innocent people they are rushing to kill other innocent people who are unlucky enough to live in the same state with Saddam. Of course these people are not the target. As well as the people of Afghanistan were not the targets. Bin Laden was a target, now Saddam is a target. Unfortunately American weapon is not accurate enough to kill the particular person they are after. So they kill the others, virtually everybody apart from the prime target.
      They are looking now for the weapon of mass destruction in Iraq. They can not wait to find it. And when they do they will have a justification to start the war. It is funny, correct me if I am wrong but the weapon that America possesses must be not of massive destruction. It must be a sort of gas revolver - it"s only to intimidate people not to kill them.
      The American advocate in this program was absolutely confident that they are bringing the happiness to Iraqi people by bombing them because they don"t have a democratic system and they are not able to elect their leaders freely. I am afraid that Americans reasoning in such a way are like early communists in Soviet Russia who thought that communism is the happiness for the whole world and were trying to bring it to every nation not asking whether they are happy or not.
      And my last question-comment. Dostoevsky once asked in one of his books: If the happiness of the whole world could be achieved for the cost of a single child misery is it still worth it?
      If the happiness of the whole world can be only achieved through the war - will it be happiness or something else? Will America still be a democratic country of free people and great opportunities?
      I am afraid not. People of the world still have a chance to say no. They still have a chance to save the world.
       G.A. Yasenskaya, Dr.Phil, B.Sc., Bac.Horn, Honourable Tutor of Russian Federation.
  • Комментарии: , последний от 04/04/2003.
  • © Copyright Ясенская Г.А.
  • Обновлено: 26/12/2003. 3k. Статистика.
  • Обзор: Великобритания
  • Оценка: 4.84*5  Ваша оценка:

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