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German Kim. History of Korean Immigration. 1945-2000. Summary

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  • © Copyright German Kim (
  • Обновлено: 27/07/2008. 17k. Статистика.
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      Kim G.N. History of Korean Immigration. 1945-2000. Book 2. Part. 1 (426 pages) Алматы, Казахстанские востоковедные исследования. Daik Press, 2006
      Kim G.N. History of Korean Immigration. 1945-2000. Book 2. Part. 1 (426 pages) Part 2. ( 394 pages). Алматы, Казахстанские востоковедные исследования. Daik Press, 2006
      The modern history of Korean immigration, begun in the post-war period, radically differed from the previous initial stage. First of all, mass resettlement of Koreans began during the Japanese colonial period when Korea and Korean people have been deprived the sovereignty. The Korean Pioneers of International Migration moved, mainly, in the neighboring to the Korean peninsula states: China, Russia and Japan. Modern Korean immigrants have left the country - Republic Korea whereas Northern Korea remained hermetically sealed state. At the end of 20-century an economic crisis and the sharpest deficiency of the foodstuffs, caused unprecedented on scales and duration famine in post-war Northern Korea, has compelled to run hundred thousand northerners to China where they have found rescue.
      During the researching period volumes and directions of modern migration have changed and nowadays Koreans live practically worldwide. Large on number the Korean communities have formed except for the former four of countries-recipients (China, the USA, Japan, the USSR) in Canada, Australia and New Zealand, the countries of Latin America. Modern Korean communities are rather appreciable in some countries of the Western Europe, Southeast Asia. Koreans live in the Gulf, Middle East, the African Continent, i.e. in the regions which are taking place on significant geographical removal from the Korean peninsula. The countries which have accepted modern Korean immigrants strikingly differ from each other a level of the economic development, existing political строем, ethnic culture, creed and language.
      The age, sexual and social structure of the Korean immigrants has undergone essential changes if in the initial stage the Korean peninsula voluntary or compulsorily was left with the poorest and illiterate parts of the population, on change there came people having high enough educational level and concerning in the bulk to middle class of the Korean society. Among early immigrants dominated numerically the young single men because they should bear all burdens of subsidence on the new ground. New newcomers from South Korea in the different countries of the world, in particular businessmen-investors, moved with the families on the prepared ground which was already mastered by Korean immigrants previous to them. Former дисбаланс to an age and sexual attribute eventually it was gradually leveled. New emigrants from South Korea descent from large cities and represent the urbanized population in the first and second generation, possessing experience of the urbanized way of life, industrial production familiar with achievements, techniques, a science and culture.
      The reasons of emigration from South Korea and immigrations in the concrete countries have changed, the factors motivating the international migration (" push*pull factors ") were transformed. Originally the principal cause laid in an economic plane as South Korea up to the end of 1960th years remained the underdeveloped agrarian country, with the low standard of living, a unstable political situation and the mass protest of the population. At the end of 1980th years in connection with tremendous successes in economic development of South Korea with all following positive social consequences, the economic reason began to fade into the background. The non-economic reasons of migration in other countries were characterized by a variety, however the most widespread, by answers of respondents in the different countries, were: desire to educate children qualitative English-speaking formation, an opportunity to see other world, religious missionary activity, discontent with a political or welfare atmosphere in Korea, a marriage with the foreigner, etc.
      Koreans, despite of short history of participation in the international migrations, have experience in all its forms, types, kinds and directions. Under forms of realization migrations distinguish organized and unorganized. Emigrants, leave the country in the individual order, even then more often when there was a mass outcome from the country of residing. Koreans did not make in this plan of exception, however in some cases they migrated from one country in another in the organized form. First of all, it concerned repatriation from Japan and China when the questions connected to returning Koreans home, were in the competence of ruling authorities of these countries, and also the international organizations.
      As a rule repatriation occurs in the short term, the prevailing part of the Korean immigrants has returned home right after its clearing and the termination of the Second World War. However process of repatriation Koreans proceeded with breaks during all researched period for in the end the 1960-beginning 1970 significant groups on number Koreans have gone from Japan to Northern Korea. In 1992 officials of Russia, South Korea and Japan have discussed a question of repatriation Koreans of the first generation. The Japan which has accepted responsibility for violent resettlement Koreans to Sakhalin, has allocated money for arrangement wishing to return on the historical native land. From the middle of the ninetieth years the first immigrants have started to arrive to South Korea and now in various cities of South Korea live about 1300 "Sakhalin" Koreans from which about one thousand person were placed in the city of Ansan.
      Sending in the beginning of 1960 young Koreans to the Western Germany as miners and nurses; agricultural immigration in the countries of Latin America and work of the Korean Contract Workers in the countries of Persian gulf in 1970-1980-s years has grown out of the lead work as the governments of South Korea and countries-recipients and the business interested circles. The policy of the South-Korean government concerning the international migration has passed a way from its strict interdiction before encouragement and acceptance of direct participation in its organization at a macro level.
      At a micro level immigrants-old residents rendered to again arriving immigrants all help on arrival, accommodation, in employment and registration of necessary documents. Operated various Diasporic networks (community network) among which the special place is borrowed with the Korean Christian Missionary churches which are carrying out wide ethno social functions.
      The international migrations could carry mixed individual and collectively-organized forms, for example, such there was a resettlement Koreans from Central Asia and Kazakhstan, begun with the post Soviet parade of sovereignties and processes of nationalization of the new states. Movement of the Korean population from the Central Asian region to the Russian Primorski Krai, the Volga region and Northern Caucasus has received certain financial both encouragement South-Korean НПО and churches, and also the governmental funds.
      By the form migrations shares on irrevocable, seasonal, pendular, disposable, proceeding, chain, transit, etc. In the bulk Koreans, immigrating in different countries-recipients, made efforts on adaptation in new conditions and did not come back back.
      Seasonal kind of migration have very evidently shown Soviet Koreans, engaged "Kobonjil" - seasonal agricultural activity on cultivation of vegetables and melons, organized on a family-clan (brigade) principle. Seasonal prevalence of migration is defined by a cycle of vegetation and cultivation of agricultural crops: spring crop (shoots) - years leaving (maturing) - autumn gathering (crop). Seasonal prevalence of migration is defined by a cycle of vegetation and cultivation of agricultural crops: spring crop (shoots) - years leaving (maturing) - autumn gathering (crop). Thousand of Koreans have parted from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan across all Soviet Union in the early spring and came back in the late autumn back.
      Participants of pendular migration name "astronauts", first of all, fine and average Korean businessmen who leave the families in Korea or in safe the country-recipient concern to them, and challenge between two countries. Such pendular migration is characteristic for the Korean immigrants in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the countries of Southeast Asia, the post Soviet states and other regions.
      The history of immigration Koreans knows some episodes when resettlement in any country had disposable character, immigration to Hawaii and to Mexico in the beginning of a 20-century was such. Migration of the Korean construction-workers in the countries of Gulf and Middle East ended after the Boom and the Contract-workers returned back to homeland or moved in other countries. The Period of the Korean building boom in the countries of Persian gulf appeared very short and current of this term of tens thousand young Koreans, have accepted unitary participation in the international movement of a labour. Naturally, the proceeding kind of immigration with the stages, the periods and waves, a classical sample - mobility Koreans on North American continent more often practices.
      It is noticed, that immigration Koreans in some countries carried a kind of "chain reaction", that is after successful adaptation of pioneers of resettlement, then there were with increase of weight of immigrants all new and new waves. Usually, one concrete immigrant follow native and close, and for arrived again under the same scheme new immigrants will follow. Chain immigration is rather distributed among Koreans in many countries-recipients and will proceed in the foreseeable future.
      The following kind of immigration - transit when Koreans, not directly appeared in the country of residing, and transit through the third countries. The reasons of such broken route can be different. For example, at a part Koreans , appeared in Vietnam, in the Near East, the Western Germany, etc., after the termination of terms of obligations, has not arisen desires to return home, and they were forwarded in other countries. Other scheme - immigration Koreans in the USA through Canada, Australia, Europe and Latin America. The Latin American countries frequently were not a terminal point by way of the Korean emigrants, and they was only used as preparatory base for the further resettlement to the USA, Canada or Australia. Sometimes, such transit movement occured in the states adjoining with each other, in one of which entrance was simplified, and in another - complicated. Koreans, immigrating to Paraguay or Bolivia, were forwarded then to Argentina and Brazil.
      On character of migration can be voluntary and compulsory as deportation or mobilization. Koreans immigrated in the bulk voluntary, however in history of the Korean immigration there are the dark pages connected to Stalin deportation Soviet Koreans, mobilization by the Japanese authorities Koreans for forced hard labour in Japan or on Southern Sakhalin, internment American Koreans during time of 2-nd World War, etc.
      Immigration Koreans the post-war period reflects in itself all variety of movement of the population in our planet. Koreans during the researched period were repatriated home, migrated in quality Gastarbeiter, experts under the contract, businessmen-investors, partners on the international marriage, reception children-orphans, war captives, refugees from starvation and military refugees, for reunion with family, missionary activity, for study at foreign universities. Soviet Koreans have gone through a unique kind of international "migration" when with disintegration of Soviet Union, they, remaining in the former republics found independence and the sovereignty, appeared in other states, became citizens of other country.
      Number of the Korean immigrants dynamically changed during the researched period, experiencing at times sharp gallop. Post-war repatriation has instantly cut almost by half number foreign Koreans, then down to the middle of 1960th years Korean Diasporas replenished basically due to natural reproduction. Then a major factor of changes of number in some countries became inflow of new immigrants, and to others dynamics of number was defined exclusively by parameters of demographic behavior.
      Migrations Koreans during the post-war period occurred in conditions of prompt economic growth of South Korea, strengthening of its international communications with foreign countries, huge world achievements in the field of techniques, transport and communications, etc. Nowadays migrants use air transport, the Internet and cellular communication, receive the audiovisual and graphic information on the interesting countries in unlimited volume, to their services are submitted set of travel agencies, lawyer offices, etc., making out immigration by legal image. Migrants are sent in this or that country, having the certain personal impression about it, received as a result of preliminary trip, or from various sources of the information. Time of travel from Korea in any country was reduced up to a minimum that also has simplified process of the international migration.
      At the moment, the Korean immigrants in the world represent two basic groups: those who has moved at the end of 19-ого - the beginning of 20-th centuries and their descendants and the new immigrants, becoming to move since second half 1960th years. They scientifically differ from each other on geography of an origin, initial age, sexual and to a social composition.
      However irrespective of features of the country-recipient and duration of residing in it all foreign Korean Diasporas steadily show identical demographic parameters. Before they are connected to low birth rate, with significant average life expectancy, a high share of interethnic marriages and preference of settlement in large cities. Families of the Korean immigrants have lost the traditional features and represent simple one or a two-story cell. However inside such nuclear families there is a difference in the language competence of parents and children; there are divergences in valuable orientations, a way of life and mentality. Prevalence of a share of interethnic marriages as it takes place among Japanese or Russian Koreans creates preconditions for gradual assimilation of Diaspora in dominating ethnic environment.
      Historical experience has shown one more feature of foreign Korean Diasporas - a special talent to adaptation to new ecological, economic and welfare conditions. Koreans in many countries recognize as exemplary ethnic minority - " Model Minority ", reached for short term of the big progress in sphere of business, in particular small and average, establishments, science, formation and even in a policy. Koreans name recently the Asian Jews, emphasizing thus amazing social mobility, adaptability and a mimicry, and researchers distinguish their forced acculturation from the slowed down assimilation. That is, at external fast adaptability and the accelerated transition to rules of a hostel in a new society, as a matter of fact, they remain former. The parallel with Jews is based on similarity of that social function which carry out adaptability in a polyethnic society. They, as well as Jews act as " Middleman Minority "), the intermediary playing a role between different ethnoses and from this providing the their life.
      In the world 6 million ethnic Koreans living on all continents and in many countries incorporated by the general genetic origin is totaled from above. Uniqueness of foreign Korean Diaspora consists also that they are compelled to correlate themselves not only to a geographical place of an origin of ancestors on the historical native land, but also with real-life two Korean states. Peace association of Korea which should be carried out on democratic principles - expectation of all Korean people, including foreign Korean Diasporas. Association of Korea assumes creation of a generality of all Koreans in the world and then, all Koreans will name itself one identical word, as against present set " hanguk saram", " choson saram ", " chaemi kyop"ho , "chosonjok", koryoin ", " koryo saram ", " chaevi dongp"ho ", etc.
      љ Ким Герман Николаевич, профессор, доктор исторических наук, директор Центра корееведения КазНУ им. аль-Фараби, Республика Казахстан, Алматы, 050012, ул. Амангельды 61а, каб. 200; тел./ факс раб. 7-327- 2674589, сотовый: 7-701-7551494; e-mail:; MSN
       љ Prof. Dr. Kim German Nikolaevitch, Director of the Center for Korean Studies Faculty at the Kazakh National University. Republic of Kazakhstan Almaty, 050012,Amangeldy str.61a, Room 200;
      Phone/fax: 7-327-2674589, mobile: 7-701-7551494; MSN
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  • © Copyright German Kim (
  • Обновлено: 27/07/2008. 17k. Статистика.
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