[1] Total population of ethnic Koreans of Uzbekistan is given on materials of State Committee of Statistics of Uzbekistan, 2008.
Poll questions
Question 1: 'What language do you consider as native?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Russian |
65,4 |
Korean |
27,8 |
Uzbek |
0,2 |
Russian and Korean |
5,6 |
Russian, Korean and Uzbek |
0,4 |
Russian, Korean and Kazakh |
0,2 |
No answer |
0,4 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Russian |
77,7 |
55,5 |
61,9 |
Korean |
17,8 |
37,6 |
28,6 |
Uzbek |
0,6 |
0 |
0 |
Russian and Korean |
2,8 |
5,8 |
8,8 |
Russian, Korean and Uzbek |
0 |
1,1 |
0 |
Russian, Korean and Kazakh |
0 |
0 |
0,7 |
No answer |
1,1 |
0 |
0 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Question 2: 'What languages do you know?'
The absence of the column "The overall percentage" in the poll tables indicates
that the question provides for several response options simultaneously.
Consequently, the total percentage of all responses may not make 100%.
Total results:
Language proficiency |
Language |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Poor language skills |
Korean |
35,2 |
Uzbek |
33,4 |
English |
19 |
German |
6,2 |
Russian |
1,2 |
French |
1 |
Chinese |
0,4 |
Japanese |
0,4 |
Bulgarian |
0,2 |
Kazakh |
0,2 |
Pashto |
0,2 |
Good language skills |
Korean |
42,6 |
Russian |
37,8 |
English |
13,6 |
Uzbek |
8,4 |
Chinese |
1,8 |
German |
1,2 |
Ukrainian |
0,6 |
French |
0,6 |
Japanese |
0,6 |
Spanish |
0,4 |
Kazakh |
0,2 |
Turkmen |
0,2 |
Excellent language skills |
Russian |
50 |
English |
3,4 |
Korean |
3 |
Kazakh |
0,2 |
Uzbek |
0,2 |
Results by age groups:
Language proficiency |
Language |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons)
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons)
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons)
Poor language skills |
Korean |
41,1 |
32,3 |
31,2 |
Uzbek |
45,5 |
30 |
22,4 |
English |
27,2 |
17,9 |
10,2 |
German |
4,4 |
6,9 |
7,4 |
Russian |
1,1 |
0,5 |
2 |
French |
1,6 |
1,1 |
0 |
Chinese |
1,1 |
0 |
0 |
Japanese |
1,1 |
0 |
0 |
Bulgarian |
0 |
0,5 |
0 |
Kazakh |
0 |
0,5 |
0 |
Pashto |
0,5 |
0 |
0 |
Good language skills |
Korean |
33,8 |
41,6 |
54,4 |
Russian |
20 |
45,6 |
50,3 |
English |
34,4 |
2,8 |
0,6 |
Uzbek |
6,6 |
8,6 |
10,2 |
Chinese |
5 |
0 |
0 |
German |
1,1 |
1,7 |
0,6 |
Ukrainian |
0,5 |
1,1 |
0 |
French |
1,6 |
0 |
0 |
Japanese |
1,6 |
0 |
0 |
Spanish |
1,1 |
0 |
0 |
Kazakh |
0 |
0 |
0,6 |
Turkmen |
0 |
0 |
0,6 |
Excellent language skills |
Russian |
63,8 |
43,3 |
40,8 |
English |
8,8 |
0 |
0,6 |
Korean |
0,5 |
5,7 |
2,7 |
Kazakh |
0 |
0 |
0,6 |
Kazakh |
0 |
0,5 |
0 |
Question 3: 'Where did you learn in the past/ learn in present/ plan to learn in the future Korean language?'
Total results:
Time of study |
Place of study |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
in the past |
School |
62,8 |
High School |
2,2 |
Korean Education Center in Tashkent |
11,6 |
Tashkent Se-jong Hangeul School |
7,4 |
Individual tutoring |
2,4 |
Group courses |
2,4 |
Republic of Korea |
2,6 |
Self-learning |
3,6 |
Church |
0,2 |
I haven't learnt Korean |
16,8 |
present |
School |
0,6 |
High School |
5,6 |
Korean Education Center in Tashkent |
0,2 |
Tashkent Se-jong Hangeul School |
4,8 |
Individual tutoring |
0,4 |
Group courses |
0,8 |
Republic of Korea |
0,2 |
Self-learning |
4,2 |
I don't learn Korean |
71,8 |
in the future |
School |
0,2 |
High School |
3,6 |
Korean Education Center in Tashkent |
4,4 |
Tashkent Se-jong Hangeul School |
4,8 |
Individual tutoring |
2,4 |
Group courses |
2,6 |
Republic of Korea |
8,2 |
Self-learning |
5,8 |
'New hope' courses |
0,2 |
Russia |
0,2 |
I don't plan to learn Korean |
56,8 |
I find it difficult to answer |
1,4 |
Question 4: 'How long have you learnt Korean?'
Total results:
Total respondents (500 persons)
Average time of study (quantity of months)
47,6 |
Results by age groups:
Persons in the young-aged group
(180 persons) |
Persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Average time of study (quantity of months) |
42,5 |
44,9 |
53,5 |
Question 5: 'How do you think must Koreans of Uzbekistan know Uzbek language?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Yes |
83,4 |
No |
0,6 |
Not necessarily |
13 |
I find it difficult to answer |
3 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Yes |
68,9 |
87,3 |
96,6 |
No |
0,6 |
0,6 |
0,7 |
Not necessarily |
26,1 |
9,2 |
1,4 |
I find it difficult to answer |
4,4 |
2,9 |
1,3 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Question 6: 'How well do you know Russian language?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Excellent language skills |
53,6 |
Good language skills |
46 |
Poor language skills |
0,4 |
I don't know Russian language |
0 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Excellent language skills |
67,8 |
50,3 |
40,1 |
Good language skills |
32,2 |
49,1 |
59,2 |
Poor language skills |
0 |
0,6 |
0,7 |
I don't know Russian language |
0 |
0 |
0 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Question 7: 'What language do you use in communication within family?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Russian |
66,8 |
Korean and Russian |
22 |
Korean |
10,6 |
Russian, Korean and Uzbek |
0,4 |
Russian and English |
0,2 |
Uzbek |
0 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Russian |
90 |
63 |
42,9 |
Korean and Russian |
8,3 |
26 |
34 |
Korean |
1,1 |
10,4 |
22,4 |
Russian, Korean and Uzbek |
0 |
0,6 |
0,7 |
Russian and English |
0,6 |
0 |
0 |
Uzbek |
0 |
0 |
0 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Question 8: 'How do you think what language will be the most useful in your life?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Russian |
64,8 |
English |
36,4 |
Korean |
25,6 |
Uzbek |
17,6 |
Chinese |
3,4 |
Spain |
0,2 |
Any language |
0,2 |
I find it difficult to answer |
1,8 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Russian |
40 |
82,1 |
74,8 |
English |
66,7 |
23,1 |
15 |
Korean |
29,5 |
23,7 |
23,1 |
Uzbek |
13,9 |
20,8 |
18,4 |
Chinese |
7,2 |
1,7 |
0,7 |
Spain |
0,6 |
0 |
0 |
Any language |
0 |
0,5 |
0 |
I find it difficult to answer |
1,1 |
1,2 |
3,4 |
Question 9: 'How do you think must Korean of Uzbekistan carry out the national Korean traditions and customs?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Yes |
85,8 |
No |
0,2 |
Not necessarily |
11,8 |
I find it difficult to answer |
2,2 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Yes |
70,5 |
93,6 |
95,2 |
No |
0,6 |
0 |
0 |
Not necessarily |
25 |
5,2 |
3,4 |
I find it difficult to answer |
3,9 |
1,2 |
1,4 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Question 10: 'Do you carry out the national Korean traditions and customs?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Yes, completely |
33,8 |
Yes, for the most part |
47,4 |
Yes, for the less part |
17,6 |
No |
1 |
No answer |
0,2 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Yes, completely |
15,6 |
33,5 |
56,5 |
Yes, for the most part |
58,9 |
47,4 |
33,3 |
Yes, for the less part |
23,3 |
18,5 |
9,5 |
No |
2,2 |
0,6 |
0 |
No answer |
0 |
0 |
0,7 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Question 11: 'What rites of Korean family ceremony do you carry out?'
Total results:
In which extent |
Rite |
Percentage of total respondents
(500 persons) |
Completely |
Asyandi (Korean child's first birthday) |
94 |
Traditional Korean marriage |
80,2 |
Hvangab (Korean 60th birthday tradition) |
87,4 |
Korean funeral rites |
86,8 |
Partially |
Asyandi (Korean child's first birthday) |
4,4 |
Traditional Korean marriage |
13,8 |
Hvangab (Korean 60th birthday tradition) |
8,8 |
Korean funeral rites |
8,2 |
I don't carry out |
Asyandi (Korean child's first birthday) |
1 |
Traditional Korean marriage |
3 |
Hvangab (Korean 60th birthday tradition) |
2 |
Korean funeral rites |
4 |
No answer |
Asyandi (Korean child's first birthday) |
0,6 |
Traditional Korean marriage |
3 |
Hvangab (Korean 60th birthday tradition) |
1,8 |
Korean funeral rites |
1 |
Results by age groups:
In which extent |
Rite |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Completely |
Asyandi (Korean child's first birthday) |
89,4 |
95,3 |
97,9 |
Traditional Korean marriage |
67,2 |
84,3 |
91,1 |
Hvangab (Korean 60th birthday tradition) |
78,8 |
89,6 |
95,2 |
Korean funeral rites |
80 |
89,6 |
91,8 |
Partially |
Asyandi (Korean child's first birthday) |
7,7 |
3,4 |
1,3 |
Traditional Korean marriage |
21,6 |
12,1 |
6,1 |
Hvangab (Korean 60th birthday tradition) |
15 |
6,9 |
3,4 |
Korean funeral rites |
13,8 |
6,3 |
3,4 |
I don't carry out |
Asyandi (Korean child's first birthday) |
1,1 |
1,1 |
0,6 |
Traditional Korean marriage |
5 |
1,7 |
2 |
Hvangab (Korean 60th birthday tradition) |
1,1 |
3,4 |
1,3 |
Korean funeral rites |
3,8 |
3,4 |
4,7 |
No answer |
Asyandi (Korean child's first birthday) |
1,6 |
0 |
0 |
Traditional Korean marriage |
6,1 |
1,7 |
0,6 |
Hvangab (Korean 60th birthday tradition) |
5 |
0 |
0 |
Korean funeral rites |
2,2 |
0,5 |
0 |
Question 12: 'What Korean traditional holidays do you celebrate?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Korean Lunar New Year Holiday |
89,8 |
Tano |
42,2 |
Chuseok |
63,6 |
Hansik |
61,6 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Korean Lunar New Year Holiday |
80,5 |
95,3 |
94,5 |
Tano |
22,2 |
43,3 |
65,3 |
Chuseok |
41,6 |
64,1 |
89,8 |
Hansik |
33,3 |
67,6 |
89,1 |
Question 13: 'What public holidays of independent Uzbekistan and the former USSR do you celebrate?'
Total results:
Frequency of celebration |
Holiday |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons)
Permanently |
1st of January (Happy New Year) |
96 |
14st of January (The Day of Defender of Motherland in Independent Uzbekistan) |
8,2 |
23st of February (The Day of Defender of Fatherland in USSR) |
28,2 |
8st of March (International Women Day) |
86,2 |
21st of March (Navruz) |
47,8 |
1st of May (International Labor Day) |
15,2 |
9st of May (Victory Day) |
39,6 |
1st of September (Independence Day of Uzbekistan) |
38,6 |
1st of October (Teacher's Day in Uzbekistan) |
21,6 |
8st of December (Constitution Day of Uzbekistan) |
16,8 |
Kurban Khait (Muslim holiday) |
9,4 |
Ramazan Khait (Muslim holiday) |
8,2 |
Sometimes |
1st of January (Happy New Year) |
1,8 |
14st of January (The Day of Defender of Motherland in Independent Uzbekistan) |
11,8 |
23st of February (The Day of Defender of Fatherland in USSR) |
19,4 |
8st of March (International Women Day) |
8,8 |
21st of March (Navruz) |
16,2 |
1st of May (International Labor Day) |
8,6 |
9st of May (Victory Day) |
15,8 |
1st of September (Independence Day of Uzbekistan) |
12,4 |
1st of October (Teacher's Day in Uzbekistan) |
12,2 |
8st of December (Constitution Day of Uzbekistan) |
10,8 |
Kurban Khait (Muslim holiday) |
5,2 |
Ramazan Khait (Muslim holiday) |
5 |
I don't celebrate |
1st of January (Happy New Year) |
2,2 |
14st of January (The Day of Defender of Motherland in Independent Uzbekistan) |
80 |
23st of February (The Day of Defender of Fatherland in USSR) |
52,4 |
8st of March (International Women Day) |
5 |
21st of March (Navruz) |
36 |
1st of May (International Labor Day) |
76,2 |
9st of May (Victory Day) |
44,6 |
1st of September (Independence Day of Uzbekistan) |
49 |
1st of October (Teacher's Day in Uzbekistan) |
66,2 |
8st of December (Constitution Day of Uzbekistan) |
72,4 |
Kurban Khait (Muslim holiday) |
85,4 |
Ramazan Khait (Muslim holiday) |
86,8 |
Results by age groups:
Frequency of celebration |
Holiday |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Permanently |
1st of January (Happy New Year) |
94,4 |
96,5 |
97,3 |
14st of January (The Day of Defender of Motherland in Independent Uzbekistan) |
5,0 |
8,1 |
12,2 |
23st of February (The Day of Defender of Fatherland in USSR) |
16,1 |
35,3 |
34,7 |
8st of March (International Women Day) |
84,4 |
84,4 |
90,5 |
21st of March (Navruz) |
31,7 |
50,3 |
64,6 |
1st of May (International Labor Day) |
1,7 |
19,7 |
26,5 |
9st of May (Victory Day) |
13,9 |
46,8 |
62,6 |
1st of September (Independence Day of Uzbekistan) |
27,2 |
40,5 |
50,3 |
1st of October (Teacher's Day in Uzbekistan) |
25,6 |
16,8 |
22,4 |
8st of December (Constitution Day of Uzbekistan) |
9,4 |
20,8 |
21,1 |
Kurban Khait (Muslim holiday) |
3,9 |
12,7 |
12,2 |
Ramazan Khait (Muslim holiday) |
3,9 |
9,8 |
11,6 |
Sometimes |
1st of January (Happy New Year) |
2,8 |
0,6 |
2,0 |
14st of January (The Day of Defender of Motherland in Independent Uzbekistan) |
21,7 |
8,1 |
4,1 |
23st of February (The Day of Defender of Fatherland in USSR) |
33,9 |
12,1 |
10,2 |
8st of March (International Women Day) |
12,2 |
6,9 |
6,8 |
21st of March (Navruz) |
28,3 |
11,0 |
7,5 |
1st of May (International Labor Day) |
8,3 |
12,7 |
4,1 |
9st of May (Victory Day) |
29,4 |
9,2 |
6,8 |
1st of September (Independence Day of Uzbekistan) |
23,9 |
5,8 |
6,1 |
1st of October (Teacher's Day in Uzbekistan) |
22,8 |
8,1 |
4,1 |
8st of December (Constitution Day of Uzbekistan) |
19,4 |
7,5 |
4,1 |
Kurban Khait (Muslim holiday) |
6,1 |
6,9 |
2,0 |
Ramazan Khait (Muslim holiday) |
5,6 |
6,9 |
2,0 |
I don't celebrate |
1st of January (Happy New Year) |
2,8 |
2,9 |
0,7 |
14st of January (The Day of Defender of Motherland in Independent Uzbekistan) |
73,3 |
83,8 |
83,7 |
23st of February (The Day of Defender of Fatherland in USSR) |
50,0 |
52,6 |
55,1 |
8st of March (International Women Day) |
3,3 |
8,7 |
2,7 |
21st of March (Navruz) |
40,0 |
38,7 |
27,9 |
1st of May (International Labor Day) |
90,0 |
67,6 |
69,4 |
9st of May (Victory Day) |
56,7 |
43,9 |
30,6 |
1st of September (Independence Day of Uzbekistan) |
48,9 |
53,8 |
43,5 |
1st of October (Teacher's Day in Uzbekistan) |
51,7 |
75,1 |
73,5 |
8st of December (Constitution Day of Uzbekistan) |
71,1 |
71,7 |
74,8 |
Kurban Khait (Muslim holiday) |
90,0 |
80,3 |
85,7 |
Ramazan Khait (Muslim holiday) |
90,6 |
83,2 |
86,4 |
Question 14: 'What public holidays of independent Uzbekistan and the former USSR are favorite for you?'
Total results:
Holiday |
1st place |
2st place |
3st place |
1st of January (Happy New Year) |
84,4 |
4 |
0 |
14st of January (The Day of Defender of Motherland in Independent Uzbekistan) |
1,4 |
3 |
10,6 |
23st of February (The Day of Defender of Fatherland in USSR) |
4,6 |
7,8 |
9,8 |
8st of March (International Women Day) |
35,4 |
19,8 |
4,2 |
21st of March (Navruz) |
7,6 |
8,8 |
8,2 |
1st of May (International Labor Day) |
5,4 |
3,4 |
10 |
9st of May (Victory Day) |
10 |
7,6 |
8,2 |
1st of September (Independence Day of Uzbekistan) |
5 |
7,4 |
7,8 |
1st of October (Teacher's Day in Uzbekistan) |
3 |
5,6 |
7,8 |
8st of December (Constitution Day of Uzbekistan) |
2 |
4 |
8,4 |
Kurban Khait (Muslim holiday) |
1,2 |
1,6 |
11,2 |
Ramazan Khait (Muslim holiday) |
0,8 |
1,8 |
10,8 |
Question 15: 'Do you celebrate your professional holiday?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Yes |
14,4 |
No |
76,4 |
No answer |
9,2 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Question 16: 'How do you think is there any difference between national traditions of Koreans of Uzbekistan and traditions of Koreans of Korea?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Yes, great difference |
32,4 |
Little difference |
38,4 |
No difference |
3,8 |
I find it difficult to answer |
25,4 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Yes, great difference |
30,6 |
39,9 |
25,9 |
Little difference |
47,7 |
31,7 |
34,7 |
No difference |
0 |
3,5 |
8,8 |
I find it difficult to answer |
21,7 |
24,9 |
30,6 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Question 17: 'How do you think is there any loss of traditional Korean culture of Koreans of Uzbekistan?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Yes, the complete loss |
4 |
Yes, the loss of most part |
38,2 |
Yes, the loss of less part |
30,2 |
No loss |
10,6 |
I find it difficult to answer |
17 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Yes, the complete loss |
2,2 |
4 |
6,1 |
Yes, the loss of most part |
41,1 |
41,6 |
30,6 |
Yes, the loss of less part |
31,7 |
31,2 |
27,3 |
No loss |
6,1 |
8,2 |
19 |
I find it difficult to answer |
18,9 |
15 |
17 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Question 18: 'The loss of traditional Korean culture of Koreans of Uzbekistan is...?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Negative phenomenon |
36,2 |
Positive phenomenon |
3 |
Natural phenomenon |
31 |
I find it difficult to answer |
29,8 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Negative phenomenon |
30,6 |
39,3 |
39,5 |
Positive phenomenon |
3,3 |
2,3 |
3,4 |
Natural phenomenon |
38,3 |
32,4 |
20,4 |
I find it difficult to answer |
27,8 |
26 |
36,7 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Question 19: 'Are the Korean dishes cooked in your family?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Yes, every time |
61,2 |
Yes, very often |
27,8 |
Sometimes |
9,2 |
Rarely |
1,4 |
It is not cooked |
0,4 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Question 20: 'What national dishes do you prefer most of all?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons)
1st place |
2st place |
3st place |
Korean dishes |
92 |
4,6 |
1,8 |
Russian dishes |
14,4 |
33,8 |
26,6 |
Uzbek dishes |
12,8 |
42 |
26,4 |
Results by age groups:
Age group |
Dishes |
1st place |
2st place |
3st place |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Korean dishes |
91,1 |
5,6 |
1,7 |
Russian dishes |
13,9 |
41,7 |
30 |
Uzbek dishes |
10,6 |
42,2 |
33,9 |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Korean dishes |
91,3 |
4,6 |
2,3 |
Russian dishes |
15,6 |
36,4 |
23,7 |
Uzbek dishes |
15 |
40,5 |
27,2 |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Korean dishes |
93,9 |
3,4 |
1,4 |
Russian dishes |
13,6 |
21,1 |
25,9 |
Uzbek dishes |
12,9 |
43,5 |
16,3 |
Question 21: 'What national dishes are usually cooked in your family?'
Total results:
1st place |
2st place |
3st place |
Korean dishes |
88,2 |
8,4 |
2 |
Russian dishes |
16,2 |
43,4 |
31 |
Uzbek dishes |
7,4 |
44,4 |
39 |
Question 22: 'Are there any traditional Korean clothes in your home?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Yes |
37,6 |
No |
61,8 |
I find it difficult to answer |
0,6 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Results by sexual character:
Answers |
Percentage of men (185 persons)
Percentage of women (315 persons)
Yes |
28,6 |
42,9 |
No |
71,4 |
56,2 |
I find it difficult to answer |
0 |
0,9 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
Question 23: 'How often do you wear the traditional Korean clothes?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Often |
0,6 |
Sometimes |
5 |
Rarely |
18,8 |
I don't wear |
75,2 |
No answer |
0,4 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Results by sexual character:
Answers |
Percentage of men (185 persons)
Percentage of women (315 persons)
Often |
0,5 |
0,6 |
Sometimes |
2,7 |
6,3 |
Rarely |
8,1 |
25,2 |
I don't wear |
87,6 |
67,9 |
No answer |
1,1 |
0 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
Question 24: 'What items of national Korean culture paraphernalia are in your home and when had they been gained?'
Total results:
When had it been gained |
Item |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons)
It has been in our home for every time |
Korean traditional box with clothes |
8,2 |
Korean traditional low table |
77,8 |
Straw mat |
5,2 |
Kuduri (Ondol) |
63,8 |
Korean traditional cushion |
76,2 |
Chopsticks |
36,2 |
Korean traditional comb |
16,2 |
Korean traditional painting |
4,2 |
Korean traditional vase |
4,6 |
Korean traditional sculpture |
2,2 |
It had been gained for a long time ago |
Korean traditional box with clothes |
1,8 |
Korean traditional low table |
9,6 |
Straw mat |
0,8 |
Kuduri (Ondol) |
6 |
Korean traditional cushion |
3,8 |
Chopsticks |
15 |
Korean traditional comb |
4,8 |
Korean traditional painting |
5,2 |
Korean traditional vase |
3,4 |
Korean traditional sculpture |
1,8 |
It has been gained recently |
Korean traditional box with clothes |
0,8 |
Korean traditional low table |
1 |
Straw mat |
0,6 |
Kuduri (Ondol) |
2,6 |
Korean traditional cushion |
2,2 |
Chopsticks |
16,2 |
Korean traditional comb |
1 |
Korean traditional painting |
5 |
Korean traditional vase |
3,6 |
Korean traditional sculpture |
2 |
Question 25: 'Are you relating your future to Uzbekistan?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Yes |
58 |
No |
11,6 |
I find it difficult to answer |
30,4 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Yes |
30,6 |
61,8 |
87,1 |
No |
19,4 |
9,8 |
4,1 |
I find it difficult to answer |
50 |
28,4 |
8,8 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Question 26: 'Where do you want to migrate for a work?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
South Korea |
29,8 |
Russia |
13,6 |
9,6 |
Western Europe |
8,8 |
Kazakhstan |
4,2 |
I don't want |
41 |
Question 27: 'Where do you want to migrate for permanent residence?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Russia |
18 |
South Korea |
11,2 |
Western Europe |
8,6 |
4,8 |
Kazakhstan |
4,2 |
I don't want |
51,2 |
Question 28: 'If the Government of the Republic of Korea had given you and your family an opportunity for permanent residence in Korea on condition that you refuse the Uzbek citizenship what decision would you make?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
I would migrate to Korea |
26,2 |
I would remain in Uzbekistan |
42,8 |
I find it difficult to answer |
31 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
I would migrate to Korea |
32,8 |
23,7 |
21,1 |
I would remain in Uzbekistan |
18,3 |
48 |
66,7 |
I find it difficult to answer |
48,9 |
28,3 |
12,2 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Question 29: 'Are you planning to obtain the Korean Visa H-2?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Yes |
34,4 |
No |
40,8 |
I don't know about this Visa |
7,8 |
I have this Visa |
4,4 |
I find it difficult to answer |
12,6 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Yes |
46,7 |
37 |
16,3 |
No |
23,3 |
35,8 |
68 |
I don't know about this Visa |
6,7 |
6,9 |
10,2 |
I have this Visa |
1,1 |
9,8 |
2 |
I find it difficult to answer |
22,2 |
10,5 |
3,5 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Question 30: 'How do you think about mixed marriages?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Positively |
43,8 |
Negatively |
15,4 |
Tolerantly |
20,4 |
All the same |
18,6 |
I find it difficult to answer |
1,8 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Results by sexual character:
Answers |
Percentage of men (185 persons)
Percentage of women (315 persons)
Positively |
50,3 |
40 |
Negatively |
12,9 |
16,8 |
Tolerantly |
16,8 |
22,5 |
All the same |
17,8 |
19,1 |
I find it difficult to answer |
2,2 |
1,6 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Positively |
35,6 |
48 |
49 |
Negatively |
12,2 |
15 |
19,7 |
Tolerantly |
16,1 |
26,6 |
18,4 |
All the same |
33,3 |
9,8 |
10,9 |
I find it difficult to answer |
2,8 |
0,6 |
2 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Question 31: 'What ethnicity do you prefer for marriage?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Korean |
86 |
Uzbek |
0,6 |
Russian |
3,4 |
Tatar |
0,2 |
Korean or Russian |
1,2 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Korean |
87,2 |
84,4 |
86,4 |
Uzbek |
0,6 |
0,6 |
0,7 |
Russian |
4,4 |
2,3 |
3,4 |
Tatar |
0,6 |
0 |
0 |
Korean or Russian |
1,1 |
1,7 |
0,7 |
Question 32: 'If you are married (or you was married) what ethnicity of your marriage partner?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Korean |
71,2 |
Uzbek |
0,8 |
Russian |
1,8 |
Other |
1,4 |
I am not married (I wasn't married) |
24,2 |
No answer |
0,6 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Korean |
33,3 |
89,6 |
95,9 |
Uzbek |
0 |
1,7 |
0,7 |
Russian |
1,1 |
1,7 |
2,7 |
Other |
0,6 |
3,5 |
0 |
I am not married (I wasn't married) |
63,3 |
3,5 |
0,7 |
No answer |
1,7 |
0 |
0 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Question 33: 'If you are going to get married what ethnicity of your marriage partner?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Korean |
42,2 |
Russian |
0,8 |
Tatar |
0,2 |
I am not going to get married |
49,8 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Korean |
70 |
36,4 |
14,9 |
Russian |
2,2 |
0 |
0 |
Tatar |
0,5 |
0 |
0 |
I am not going to get married |
20 |
52 |
83,6 |
Question 34: 'How do you think about mixed marriages with Koreans from South Korea?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Positively |
43 |
Negatively |
18 |
All the same |
26,4 |
I find it difficult to answer |
12,6 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Results by sexual character:
Answers |
Percentage of men (185 persons)
Percentage of women (315 persons)
Positively |
49,7 |
39 |
Negatively |
12,9 |
21 |
All the same |
26,5 |
26,3 |
I find it difficult to answer |
10,9 |
13,7 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Positively |
25,6 |
49,7 |
56,5 |
Negatively |
22,8 |
16,8 |
13,6 |
All the same |
37,2 |
23,7 |
16,3 |
I find it difficult to answer |
14,4 |
9,8 |
13,6 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Question 35: 'By what criteria do you know your Korean ethnicity?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Genetic origin |
81 |
Appearance |
62,6 |
Mentality |
32 |
Education |
6,8 |
Knowledge of Korean language |
20,4 |
Knowledge of Korean traditions and customs |
36,6 |
I don't feel my Korean ethnicity |
0,8 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Genetic origin |
81,7 |
85,5 |
74,8 |
Appearance |
69,4 |
54,3 |
63,9 |
Mentality |
31,7 |
30,6 |
34 |
Education |
2,2 |
8,7 |
10,2 |
Knowledge of Korean language |
15,6 |
22,5 |
23,8 |
Knowledge of Korean traditions and customs |
41,7 |
33,5 |
34 |
I don't feel my Korean ethnicity |
0,6 |
1,7 |
0 |
Question 36: 'What ethnic group is intimate with you by mentality?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Uzbeks |
13,6 |
Russians |
15,8 |
Koreans of the Republic of Korea |
4,8 |
Koreans of Uzbekistan |
73,4 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Uzbeks |
11,1 |
14,5 |
15,6 |
Russians |
13,3 |
15,0 |
19,7 |
Koreans of the Republic of Korea |
3,9 |
4,6 |
6,1 |
Koreans of Uzbekistan |
81,1 |
75,7 |
61,2 |
Question 37: 'How do you think is there any difference between Koreans of Uzbekistan and Koreans of other countries of CIS?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Great difference |
27,6 |
Little difference |
41,4 |
No difference |
18,6 |
I find it difficult to answer |
12,4 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Great difference |
27,8 |
32,4 |
21,8 |
Little difference |
46,7 |
42,2 |
34 |
No difference |
6,7 |
17,3 |
34,7 |
I find it difficult to answer |
18,8 |
8,1 |
9,5 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Question 38: 'How much Koreans in the place where you live?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
All Koreans |
0,8 |
A lot of Koreans |
70,8 |
A few Koreans |
27,6 |
No one Koreans |
0,6 |
No answer |
0,2 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
All Koreans |
0,6 |
1,2 |
0,7 |
A lot of Koreans |
69,4 |
71,7 |
71,4 |
A few Koreans |
29,4 |
25,4 |
27,9 |
No one Koreans |
0 |
1,7 |
0 |
No answer |
0,6 |
0 |
0 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Question 39: 'How much Koreans in the collective where you work or study?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
All Koreans |
4,6 |
A lot of Koreans |
28,2 |
A few Koreans |
19,6 |
No one Koreans |
4,6 |
I don't work/ I don't' study |
43 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
All Koreans |
4,4 |
6,9 |
2 |
A lot of Koreans |
52,2 |
19,7 |
8,8 |
A few Koreans |
30,6 |
19,7 |
6,2 |
No one Koreans |
2,2 |
8,1 |
3,4 |
I don't work/ I don't' study |
10,6 |
45,6 |
79,6 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Question 40: 'How much Koreans among your friends?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
All Koreans |
32,4 |
A lot of Koreans |
51,8 |
A few Koreans |
13,8 |
No one Koreans |
2 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
All Koreans |
25,6 |
31,8 |
41,5 |
A lot of Koreans |
59,4 |
52 |
42,2 |
A few Koreans |
12,8 |
15 |
13,6 |
No one Koreans |
2,2 |
1,2 |
2,7 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Question 41: 'What religion do you profess?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Catholicism |
0,8 |
Protestantism |
17,6 |
Orthodoxy |
8,6 |
Islam |
0,2 |
Buddhism |
7,4 |
Christianity |
6 |
Other |
2 |
I'm not religious |
57,4 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Catholicism |
2,2 |
0 |
0 |
Protestantism |
22,9 |
15 |
14,3 |
Orthodoxy |
14,4 |
5,8 |
4,8 |
Islam |
0 |
0 |
0,6 |
Buddhism |
1,6 |
8 |
13,6 |
Christianity |
2,8 |
7,5 |
8,1 |
Other |
2,3 |
2,4 |
1,4 |
I'm not religious |
53,8 |
61,3 |
57,2 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Question 42: 'Do you read the newspapers issued by Korean Diaspora of Uzbekistan?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Newspaper 'Koryo Sinmun' |
22,2 |
Newspaper 'Yedinstvo' |
0,6 |
Newspapers 'Koryo Sinmun' and 'Yedinstvo' |
1 |
I don't read but I want to do it |
48,4 |
I don't read and I don't want to do it |
24,8 |
Other |
3 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Newspaper 'Koryo Sinmun' |
18,3 |
22 |
27,2 |
Newspaper 'Yedinstvo' |
0,6 |
1,2 |
0 |
Newspapers 'Koryo Sinmun' and 'Yedinstvo' |
0,6 |
1,7 |
0,7 |
I don't read but I want to do it |
52,5 |
50 |
41,5 |
I don't read and I don't want to do it |
24,1 |
22,2 |
28,6 |
Other |
3,9 |
2,9 |
2 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Question 43: 'Do you watch the TV-program of Korean Diaspora 'Chinsen' on Uzbek Television?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Every time |
1,8 |
Often |
7,8 |
Rarely |
30 |
I don't watch this program |
43,6 |
I haven't heard about this program |
16,6 |
No answer |
0,2 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Every time |
1,1 |
2,3 |
2 |
Often |
2,8 |
7,5 |
14,3 |
Rarely |
22,8 |
37 |
30,6 |
I don't watch this program |
47,8 |
39,3 |
43,5 |
I haven't heard about this program |
25,5 |
13,9 |
8,9 |
No answer |
0 |
0 |
0,7 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Question 44: 'Do you watch Korean movies?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Every time |
27,8 |
Sometimes |
45,6 |
Rarely |
16,4 |
I don't watch Korean movies |
10 |
No answer |
0,2 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Every time |
30 |
20,2 |
34 |
Sometimes |
48,3 |
49,1 |
38,1 |
Rarely |
13,3 |
18,5 |
17,7 |
I don't watch Korean movies |
7,8 |
12,2 |
10,2 |
No answer |
0,6 |
0 |
0 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Question 45: 'What kind of Korean movies do you watch?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Korean serials |
69,2 |
Korean feature films |
44,2 |
Korean animated cartoons |
6,2 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Korean serials |
71,7 |
64,7 |
71,4 |
Korean feature films |
47,8 |
40,5 |
44,2 |
Korean animated cartoons |
11,7 |
3,5 |
2,7 |
Question 46: 'What songs do you usually sing?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons)
1st place |
2st place |
3st place |
4st place |
5st place |
Russian songs |
74,2 |
8,8 |
1,4 |
0,4 |
0,8 |
Korean songs |
7,8 |
14,8 |
9,6 |
4 |
3,4 |
Uzbek songs |
0,4 |
1,6 |
4,6 |
5,2 |
10,6 |
Other foreign songs |
8,8 |
14,8 |
3,6 |
1,2 |
2,6 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
1 place |
Russian songs |
67,2 |
85,0 |
70,1 |
Korean songs |
6,7 |
4,0 |
13,6 |
Uzbek songs |
1,1 |
0 |
0 |
Other foreign songs |
22,8 |
1,2 |
0,7 |
2 place |
Russian songs |
16,7 |
1,2 |
8,2 |
Korean songs |
13,9 |
13,9 |
17,0 |
Uzbek songs |
1,7 |
1,7 |
1,4 |
Other foreign songs |
38,9 |
2,3 |
0 |
3 place |
Russian songs |
3,9 |
0 |
0 |
Korean songs |
26,1 |
0,6 |
0 |
Uzbek songs |
8,9 |
1,2 |
3,4 |
Other foreign songs |
8,3 |
1,7 |
0 |
4 place |
Russian songs |
1,1 |
0 |
0 |
Korean songs |
10,0 |
1,2 |
0 |
Uzbek songs |
13,9 |
0,6 |
0 |
Other foreign songs |
2,8 |
0,6 |
0 |
5 place |
Russian songs |
1,1 |
0 |
1,4 |
Korean songs |
5,6 |
4,0 |
0 |
Uzbek songs |
25,0 |
4,0 |
0,7 |
Other foreign songs |
2,2 |
4,6 |
0,7 |
Question 47: 'What national Television do you prefer to watch?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Russian Television |
93,8 |
Uzbek Television |
8,4 |
Korean Television |
12,4 |
European Television |
6,4 |
USA Television |
4,6 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Russian Television |
91,7 |
94,8 |
95,2 |
Uzbek Television |
3,3 |
6,9 |
16,3 |
Korean Television |
16,1 |
8,7 |
12,2 |
European Television |
15 |
2,3 |
0,7 |
USA Television |
12,2 |
0 |
0,7 |
Question 48: 'What kind of TV-programs do you prefer to watch?'
Total results:
1st place |
2st place |
3st place |
4st place |
5st place |
6st place |
7st place |
Feature films |
45,8 |
21,8 |
10,2 |
4 |
1,6 |
1,6 |
0,4 |
TV-shows |
23,6 |
23,8 |
11,8 |
5,6 |
2 |
2,4 |
1,2 |
News |
33,8 |
20,4 |
16,4 |
7,2 |
3 |
0,8 |
1,2 |
Culture |
5,4 |
7,4 |
7,8 |
9 |
4,8 |
8,8 |
4,8 |
Sport |
7,8 |
8 |
8,2 |
5 |
7 |
4,2 |
9,2 |
Popular science |
12 |
12 |
10 |
9,2 |
6,4 |
5 |
2,2 |
Analytics |
4,2 |
5,8 |
7,6 |
6 |
7,4 |
5,4 |
11 |
Question 49: 'Do you communicate with Koreans of South Korea?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
No |
58,6 |
Rarely |
29,4 |
Often |
6,8 |
Permanently |
4,4 |
No answer |
0,8 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
No |
50 |
67,1 |
59,2 |
Rarely |
32,8 |
24,3 |
31,3 |
Often |
10 |
5,2 |
4,8 |
Permanently |
7,2 |
2,3 |
3,4 |
No answer |
0 |
1,1 |
1,3 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Question 50: 'What things make a difference between Koreans of Uzbekistan and Koreans of South Korea?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Mentality |
57,4 |
Traditions and customs |
37,6 |
Behavioral pattern |
75,6 |
Appearance |
35 |
Character |
54 |
Culture |
46,6 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Mentality |
59,4 |
60,7 |
51,0 |
Traditions and customs |
24,4 |
44,5 |
45,6 |
Behavioral pattern |
74,4 |
78,6 |
73,5 |
Appearance |
36,7 |
37,0 |
30,6 |
Character |
53,3 |
52,6 |
56,5 |
Culture |
36,7 |
54,9 |
49,0 |
Question 51: 'How do you think what qualities of character are more suitable for Koreans of Uzbekistan and for Koreans of South Korea?'
Total results:
More suitable for Koreans of Uzbekistan |
More suitable for Koreans of South Korea
Equally |
Diligence |
28,6 |
18,4 |
35,4 |
Laziness |
15,6 |
1 |
14,8 |
Stupidity |
4,2 |
5,6 |
17,4 |
Wisdom |
11,4 |
6,2 |
22 |
Avarice |
4 |
37,4 |
10,8 |
Generosity |
29,6 |
2,8 |
11 |
Intellect |
13 |
12 |
25,4 |
Practicalness |
14,6 |
24,8 |
16,8 |
Kindness |
36,4 |
4 |
16,8 |
Malice |
4,6 |
6,6 |
19,8 |
Openness |
31,4 |
4,4 |
11,6 |
Secretiveness |
6,2 |
20 |
14,8 |
Politeness |
19,8 |
21,8 |
18 |
Impoliteness |
7,2 |
8,6 |
16 |
Hospitality |
49,4 |
3 |
15,6 |
Willingness to help |
30,4 |
6 |
16,6 |
Responsibility |
16,8 |
15,4 |
20 |
Professionalism |
8,2 |
27,2 |
17,8 |
Question 52: 'What country do you call your Motherland?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Uzbekistan |
81,2 |
Korea |
3,8 |
Russia |
2,2 |
9,4 |
Other |
3,4 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Uzbekistan |
89,4 |
76,9 |
76,2 |
Korea |
4,4 |
2,3 |
4,8 |
Russia |
0,6 |
0,6 |
6,1 |
3,3 |
17,3 |
7,5 |
Other |
2,3 |
2,9 |
5,4 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Question 53: 'Would you call yourself a patriot of the Republic of Uzbekistan?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Yes |
32,8 |
No |
34 |
I find it difficult to answer |
33,2 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Yes |
20 |
32,4 |
49 |
No |
37,2 |
34,1 |
29,9 |
I find it difficult to answer |
42,8 |
33,5 |
21,1 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Question 54: 'How well do you know about activity of follow organizations?'
Total results:
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
I know about this organization and connected with its activity |
I know about this organization but not connected with its activity |
I don't know about this organization, but I want to know about it |
I don't know about this organization and I don't want to know about it |
I find it difficult to answer |
Association of Korean Cultural Centers of Uzbekistan |
6,4 |
64,6 |
19,4 |
8,2 |
1,4 |
Union of Koreans of Tashkent Region |
1 |
22,4 |
47,2 |
25,2 |
4,2 |
Korean society of culture and traditions of Tashkent 'Noin' |
0,8 |
8,8 |
53,4 |
31,4 |
5,6 |
Question 55: 'If you know about these organizations, then how do you estimate their activity?'
Total results:
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Completely satisfied |
Partly satisfied |
Not satisfied |
I find it difficult to answer |
Association of Korean Cultural Centers of Uzbekistan |
21 |
13,2 |
9 |
56,8 |
Union of Koreans of Tashkent Region |
7 |
4,2 |
5,4 |
83,4 |
Korean society of culture and traditions of Tashkent 'Noin' |
2,2 |
3,4 |
3,2 |
91,2 |
Question 56: 'Could you call the reasons you aren't satisfied with activity of these organizations?
Total results:
Reason |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Association of Korean Cultural Centers of Uzbekistan |
Union of Koreans of Tashkent Region |
Korean society of culture and traditions of Tashkent 'Noin' |
Negative atmosphere, frequent conflicts |
3,8 |
2,8 |
1,2 |
The opinion of majority is ignored during the making a decision |
5,4 |
2,8 |
1,2 |
Group interests |
6,8 |
2,4 |
0,6 |
One-sided focus on the policy of North or South Korea |
2,6 |
1 |
1 |
Financial secrecy |
4,6 |
1,8 |
1,2 |
Low level of efficiency |
9 |
3 |
2,2 |
Disregard of the problems of people |
10,8 |
4,8 |
2,6 |
Question 57: 'How do you think how the Government of the Republic of Korea could help to Koreans of Uzbekistan?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Education programs |
63,2 |
Teaching materials |
38,2 |
Job support |
47,2 |
Financial support |
26 |
Support Korean traditional cultural events in Uzbekistan |
44 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Education programs |
79,4 |
58,4 |
49,0 |
Teaching materials |
38,9 |
38,2 |
37,4 |
Job support |
37,8 |
56,6 |
47,6 |
Financial support |
17,2 |
28,9 |
33,3 |
Support of Korean traditional cultural events in Uzbekistan |
42,2 |
49,7 |
39,5 |
Question 58: 'Do you keep up with socio-political events in Uzbekistan?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Yes |
39,4 |
No |
23,4 |
Sometimes |
36,8 |
I find it difficult to answer |
0,4 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Yes |
20 |
40,5 |
61,9 |
No |
22,8 |
24,9 |
22,4 |
Sometimes |
57,2 |
34,6 |
14,3 |
I find it difficult to answer |
0 |
0 |
1,4 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Question 59: 'Would you like to participate in socio-political life of Uzbekistan?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
I already participate |
3,2 |
I don't participate but I want to do it |
20,8 |
I don't participate and I don't want to do it |
55,4 |
I find it difficult to answer |
20,6 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
I already participate |
2,2 |
5,2 |
2 |
I don't participate but I want to do it |
32,2 |
14,5 |
14,3 |
I don't participate and I don't want to do it |
40,6 |
57,8 |
70,8 |
I find it difficult to answer |
25 |
22,5 |
12,9 |
The overall percentage |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Question 60: 'What country team do you usually support during the watching International Sport competitions (for example Olympic games)?'
Total results:
Answers |
Percentage of total respondents (500 persons) |
Uzbekistan |
38,6 |
Russian |
57,8 |
Korea |
28,8 |
Results by age groups:
Answers |
Percentage of the number of persons in the young-aged group (180 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the middle-aged group (173 persons) |
Percentage of the number of persons in the old-aged group (147 persons) |
Uzbekistan |
30,0 |
41,0 |
46,3 |
Russia |
57,2 |
59,0 |
57,1 |
Korea |
26,7 |
23,7 |
37,4 |
Please, your critics, opinion and advices send me to my e-mail: koreanbook2013@gmail.com
Thank you
Sincerely yours,
Michael D. Ten
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