by Zina Ulitka: другие произведения.

Who Am I?

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  • © Copyright by Zina Ulitka
  • Обновлено: 23/03/2008. 2k. Статистика.
  • Статья: Великобритания
  •  Ваша оценка:

    Am I the poet dreaming
    she is a butterfly?
    Or the butterfly dreaming
    she is a poet?
    Am I a pebble iying
    lying on a spit of
    sand & shingle?
    Or a dandelion seed
    taking root on Peckham Rye?
    Am I the orphaned child,
    drowsing under a thorn tree?
    Or a snowflake
    melting on the sleeve of a
    black overcoat?
    (If death hath ten- thousand several doors
    which one shall I exit by?)
    Am I a charred hand
    lying on the road from Basr?
    A moth
    trapped behind a pane of glass?
    Am I longest whisker
    on a brown rat?
    A man on his 83rd birthday
    lost in the crowd of a
    Moscow Metro station?
    Am I rain
    falling on an abandoned orchard?
    The imprint of a football cleat?
    The crease in a child's elbow?
    A sun-warmed pomegranate?
    A young woman
    crying out in anguish?
    A candle burning on a table?
    Am I a sleeper?
    A dreamer?
    A speck of dust?
    (If death has 10,000 doors
    truly, does it matter
    wich one we shall exit by?)
    (Since pain is pain --
      Since you & I are we --
    then mine & another's pain --
      how are they different?)
    (What grounds have you
    for all your strong distinctions?)
    Am I not you,
    reading this poem,
    turning the pages,
    taking a sip of tea
    & reaching out your hand
    to a marmalade cat?
    &are you not me,
    sitting at the kitchen table, 
    taking a sip of tea,
    glancing out at the birch trees
    newly in leaf?
    were we not lifted for a moment
    by the sight of the new moon's
    pale sickle?
    do we not laugh
    Do we not weep
    (The human race is a single being
    Created from one jewel
    If one member is struck
    All must feel the blow
    Only someone who cares for the pain of others
    Can truly be called human.)
    So what is the self
    that decrees I do not feel
    your sorrow
    your loneliness
    your fear?
    (If a pain
    To free myself
    Means freeing all.)
    Be happy
    readed, sleeper,
    dreamer, butterfly.
    Be safe from harm.
    Be free.
    Who Am I? Is an amalgamation
    of my own words and those
    written by others.
    I thank my collaborators:
    chuang Tzu, John webster,
    Boris Pasternak, Shantideva,
    David Edwards & Saadi.
  • Оставить комментарий
  • © Copyright by Zina Ulitka
  • Обновлено: 23/03/2008. 2k. Статистика.
  • Статья: Великобритания
  •  Ваша оценка:

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