(Tselitelsky practice for all - researches of succession of events in time and their information transformation in space)
St. Petersburg
Table of contents
1. Introduction.
2. Materiality of reality.
3. Perception of reality - imaginary and real.
4. As through own understanding to come to success in private life.
5. Ingenious madmen - a portrait of the contemporary.
6. Application of special ways of achievement of the changed condition of consciousness for information management of events and space.
7. Consciousness development to self-comprehension level within area of the same consciousness.
8. Ways of consciousness of the person to have impact on time spans of a past and the present.
9. Transfer of an event of reality to information event and vice versa.
10. Possible directions of spiritual development of society.
11. Competent use of opportunities of the organism.
12. Management of events of various level which has occurred in last time and their reflection on the present.
13. Division of power phases of a condition of an organism into separate levels of available information.
14. Optimization of future events on the basis of available information on system of creative development, both the past, and the present.
15. Structure of information communication between separate bodies in an organism.
16. Some mechanisms of adaptation of a live organism in space.
17. Structure of information management of space in time by means of opportunities of Biopower resonant medicine.
18. Basic principles of information change of space.
19. Main methods of information change of space.
20. Power information perception of the person and his role in self-restoration system.
21. Information judgment of own acts in the current situation analysis.
22. Information communication of the worlds.
23. Information impact of national plots.
24. We clear the house of negative power impacts.
25. Information research of the intra family conflicts.
26. The waist - information judgment of household life hurts.
27. Philosophy of true freedom.
28. Glossary.
29. Interesting thing this evidential medicine.
30. The congenital and found pathologies of the person and unique methods of their modern treatment by means of information transfer.
31. Treatment of difficult diseases by new methods.
It is devoted to my mother Fevroniya Mikhaylovna
We are witnesses of prompt development of science, and equipment which all occurs being accelerated rates. We live in such time when each half a year absolutely new equipment and new technologies when the new computer becomes outdated two times in one year when not to follow and keep up with progress is born. But if to ask a question: what happens to ourselves? How we develop and in what? With what in general it is necessary to connect development of the person, his progress, its evolution? That you come to a conclusion that it happens only to development of our consciousness.
In our society there are such fast changes that we do not manage to fix at all them and at all we do not realize them. Our society ceased to understand long ago that to us happens, we degrade and we do not understand that it at all our way.
Let's look as the perception of the world the person with the changed standing of consciousness changes. In a usual dream the perception of the world is transformed by us. In an awake condition of people perceives the world through a prism of three-dimensional space and one-dimensional time. And as he sees the world such since the birth, and naturally does not doubt that the world such and is.
And if to believe in the ample opportunities and to expand own feelings of a body, it is possible to see it in absolutely other look, precisely in scale of magnificent paints. The person can perceive the world and spaces of any number of measurements, and this truth was known to people from time immemorial. In practice it means possibility of possession ability to perceive at least four measurements of space.
Therefore, submitting on your court the book which is information understanding of a course of lectures of many known healers of the last time, I continue to acquaint the reader with developed earlier own techniques in the light of the new various receptions connected by one direction in biopower resonant transformation of surrounding space.
For many people who purposefully do not reflect on how the World, what its laws is arranged that such life, any facts of transformation which are carried out by me in the contactless way of transfer of information, at distance can be perceived by them as a miracle. However it must be kept in mind the following that all this does not contradict Nature laws, after all any information is transferred by quanta in space instantly.
In this book essentially new scheme of life of mankind and the scheme of revaluation of values, reorientation of thinking of masses in everything going deep, present crisis of moral and esthetic perception of the world and the Universe is set. Therefore I address to those who already now would like to start building new life on Earth, to master unknown earlier for many practical skills and to try to apply in real life new approach in human relations and with the nature. To people who for this purpose yet did not have some practical help as psychological, and in the field of the hidden knowledge of our ancestors.
My book is turned to the people aspiring to comprehension and education. On the basis of the principles and the techniques stated in it, it is possible to transform the life completely. I suggest you to look attentively once again at occurring events, soberly to estimate a situation around, to look, whether really want to change the future and the future of the children. Then take practical steps which are prompted by your soul, your conscience.
Came to change time our settled ideas of world around and its device. It is required to be made now for World rescue. I understand that when try to inform truth to large audience, it is required to understand, various perception her people in an original look as, any information is passed through internal perception of each reader, is commensurable with his concepts and representations, according to savoir vivre.
Therefore, adhering to the point of view, and without being afraid, critics, I explain to readers everything as I understand our reality itself. Though my explanations can be and insufficiently full or not absolutely clear, but they will help to move readers to new thinking and truth searches. This book is focused on that, having good perception of information of people, had at least any preliminary knowledge in understanding of thin material structures. It would be for this purpose possible to read at least a little from my previous books or it is simple to study one 53rd book.
I think, already there came in science such period of researches of new structures - biopower information which define development of humanity according to its information program. This new direction in understanding of processes of heredity and variability, it allows to define the main reasons for diseases power field structures of an organism. It is very complex problem as doctors are not trained absolutely not for the such. I consider, first of all, they should be acquainted with bases of understanding of the Universe which include difficult system of philosophical, psychological, medical and physical views on the nature and essence of the person.
This concept has to be in a basis of meaning of the life inherent in all people as the main engine of development of the personality. After all we need not an equilibrium state and stability, and constant, let though slow, but movement to the real purpose. And only the combined, advanced, sensory, internal perception of the person inseparable from his ability of self-development gives unique abilities about which many at all do not suspect.
Finding of new modes of work and improvement of own life comes from an open condition of reason when the person hears at once all Universe. Using own body as an oscillatory contour for its control in a resonance with environment, the person can overcome any spaces, not to mention overcoming of the shortcomings. And, having learned to accumulate free energy of electromagnetic fields of a galaxy, will be able to use them as a source of the growth, heat and a driving force when transporting.
Having learned to use such powerful streams of space radiation which bear in itself the most various information, the mankind will start applying kept in planetary bank of memory energy, and further to release it by means of creative rituals or internal mystical control. This is that force, using which person will find the power over surrounding space.
The power car concerning real literacy of the population does not slip it simply does not go anywhere.
Original, national practice of healing always relied on force of a human brain and its ability to influence material reality. At the majority of nonspecialists in this difficult business such statements raise numerous doubts and charges of charlatanism. But leading scientists of many countries of the world already look for ways as it is possible to develop the theory tested with time, and to put it into practice in concrete areas of science. For them interaction of consciousness and a material world any more is not submitted today something fantastic as the consciousness is the energy which is showing in the most dynamic form. It helps them to understand how our thoughts influence reality events, and explains how the image created by a brain of the person materializes.
If to perceive the thoughts as the reality existing near material reality, we approach ourselves to perception of interrelation of these two phenomena as we live in several worlds or several realities - internal part of our thoughts, and external - things and events. When we cannot divide these worlds, we allocate only one visible outside world and we allow it to predominate in our life, allocating for other inner world only opportunity to reflect that happens to us.
The inner world in the same time becomes very sensitive mirror reacting to external of influence and not giving to us of understanding strength of that we have at the order. But the person nevertheless can influence true reality in which lives if changes the relation to a factor of time and will cease to react to a continuity of its change. Here the feeling of everyone, even very small aspect of the life which is a body of essence and in which our progress and failures consist becomes the powerful force promoting awakening of internal consciousness. And power of thought becomes the energy feeding our various abilities.
Any thought of the person constantly tries to take shape and concrete self-expression. And its aspiration and ability to a materialization are put in natural ability of the frequency characteristic. Our usual thoughts quickly disappear, but they are similar to lightnings and also possess huge internal potential. One thought possesses a certain force and at concentration is capable to increase the force many times over just as magnifying glass when targeting in focus.
In usual daily vanity, we can not notice how works and about what tells our brain, but under certain conditions Wednesdays and with use of special trainings of consciousness it is possible to learn to understand, concentrate and develop thought, strengthening its potential to incredible force, for own transformation. Then your belief will be capable to influence you, surrounding people and external space.
The inner world of people is not similar one to another and is various, but through it each thought is reflected in the Universe which is in turn reflected in us and influences it. Each person the thoughts creates own life, own reality and by that influences all others. Therefore it would be quite good for all to remember it and to try to change itself to the benefit all of us.
Therefore, speaking about aspiration to something, it is possible to tell so - one desire you will not help business. To hope for someone or for something that will change a situation, it does not make sense. It is not enough and to work simply, even it is intense, even if for twenty hours per day. To move from a familiar spot and to achieve necessary, it is required to change the views and to learn to operate them in the necessary direction. Then to any looking for it will be given - everything, and at not looking for that was will be lost also as the standing still, not developing person - degrades.
The Universe is so arranged. Rules of our life are that. These rules allow the person to choose own thoughts with which he creates reality surrounding it. You want to change events and circumstances - develop in yourself necessary type of consciousness. You want to succeed - possess the consciousness which has been adjusted on success.
Unsuccessful vital circumstances or difficult everyday situation just also appear only when for completeness of internal harmony to us stir uncontrollable own thoughts. Usually emotions start operating consciousness at increase of intra cranial pressure at scoliosis. Therefore I can give practical and very good advice which I use under various circumstances - want that the consciousness directed emotions, and not the reverse, lower the left shoulder.
We in the majority of the right-handed person or the retrained lefthanders and to us it is necessary to load the right hand more often. From it scoliosis develops, and the right shoulder considerably falls. It pulls for itself some vertebras from the lower part of cervical department which presses the carotids feeding a brain at the exit from the head. It turns out that in a brain there is an excessive oxygen and then the right hemisphere which is responsible for imagination starts prevailing. Here emotions also start directing us, that is take us in unawares, and the consciousness is removed aside and forgotten. Here we are always ready to make daredevil acts and to think of them only after their commission.
The reality surrounding the person changes only after development of new type of operated consciousness, but in any way earlier. It always has to be ahead. Want happiness - develop consciousness of happiness and prosperity. Want spirituality - work over consciousness of spirituality. All situations are achievable. From you the desire and an energy charge is required only, and then any purpose becomes reality.
As they say everything passes, but something can get stuck.
The quantum mechanics says that until supervision any quantum object is not defined, that is it is in a set of possible states, and only the consciousness of the observer induces this object to do a choice, to pass into a certain state from a set of possible states. From this point of view, "the principle of reality" contains not in the physical world, and in the consciousness plane.
Therefore the dividing line between the potential and real passes between physical and mental, (conscious). From here fully the opened, self-organizing, self-regulating organism or the person who it is conscious is capable to perceive Space only, continuously perceives the way of life which is constantly subjecting to its introspection. In that case even without special trainings at the person alternative sight can join and, activity of a brain becomes more high-frequency, especially in frontal part. The brain is thus reconstructed on other mode and starts using the over opportunity.
The world surrounding us directly depends on our understanding of its structure, interaction and a state, and furthermore on steady collective representation that is reached by increase of level of consciousness - that is a true way not only to change itself, but also world around. Now we forgot to perceive and process continuously original information of space surrounding us. Therefore in us the social stamps of thinking imposed to us by mass media sit tight. People ceased to hear and understand something new, perceive only to what them accustomed same as they.
We created to ourselves false ideas of the universe device. And with the person when carrying out diagnostics a condition of an organism which continuously changes and in quite big limits. But if to conduct research instrument, the steady picture will be observed. The matter is that devices give the evidences connected with idea of collective consciousness about this situation. And on them the picture has to be only static, it such and becomes actually.
Our maniacal and technogenic thinking and own self-assessment, and also objectivity, mean inability, unwillingness and inability to perceive and realize themselves and world around as the subject. We try to replace it with any mania, we reduce all variety of life to performance of any function, putting myself in dependence not from Life laws, and we subordinate ourselves momentary to "objective circumstances".
In our reality any "objectively conceiving" person is surely maniacal. It as addict. And drug its it only one of a set of the standard manias. It can be not dangerous and not effective, that is one of many. Any our habit, such as attempt to fill life with any rubbish, beginning from useless work or imitation of receiving the real education, belongs here.
It appears, our consciousness generally perceives reality not that that exists really, and that that exists in our collective consciousness. If you think of something, represent that it is for your consciousness the same reality, as well as that there is round you, for example, that you see own eyes. This principle for us is fundamental as at combination something, of what we think, that occurs, in external allegedly objective reality when there is a combination at the level of action, the real situation changes also. Actually there are as though two realities: reality in consciousness and reality out of consciousness, it that is perceived as something steady.
We too do not see thin bodies and we do not feel, but it does not mean that they at all are not present. Character of the person, quality which are shown by the personality, too are reflection of that process which happens at power levels invisible by us in thin bodies. For their perception it is required to combine sensual internal understanding and feeling with the electromagnetic potential of a body.
Completely to escape from the vicious environment of our dwelling, it is necessary to be reconstructed first of all, having changed all processes occurring, in a physical body which have to occur only in an active form. That is the consciousness has to direct emotions, instead of emotions consciousness and the person. Therefore regular physical activity is necessary, in addition. The major here is the task to learn, perfectly know own body as the tool, constantly raising level of systemacity, an optimality, thinking, ways of a self-assessment and perception of feedback. Where, a component, refusal of a narcotization public opinion of own thinking as now our society degrades in the psychoemotional plan surely enters.
Any physical body represents a power clot of definitely issued space, that is the psychogenic field determined by individual behavioural and cogitative structures of the person, with the weight and gravitation characteristic. The psychogenic field is a component of the electric field created by hemispheres of a brain, and playing a crucial role in all processes proceeding in a brain at sensory perception, thinking or any physical activity.
In a normal state function of the filter detaining both harmful, and insignificant external and internal impressions is peculiar to a brain. Drugs and drugs for some time in whole or in part disconnect such control. Exists as communication between the electrobrain phenomena and changes of a condition of consciousness, both in norm, and at hypnosis, meditation, a trance. And some conditions of a trance are accompanied by extremely big changes of electrobrain potential. High power loading of a brain, as a rule, happens at its deep simultaneous relaxation, but also at the correct position of a backbone.
If to speak about structure of physical object, about how it is arranged, it is necessary to allocate its elementary cell on which it is possible to make direct influence for qualitative and I emphasize, harmonious influence. For material bodies it is the atom, the smallest particle of substance keeping all its properties which can be physics operated on basic laws. On my supervision the smallest particle of substance is characterized by several electric and magnetic parameters on which it is possible to have impact for change of a condition of the whole organism.
So, for example, any cage of an organism has the electric and magnetic potential reflecting its state. Intercellular liquid as has the potential and so on. All this opens ample opportunities for the original researcher capable power of own thought to influence such hardly noticeable parameters of an organism which the medicine does not notice.
The person at the same time lives in last, real and future and if to use it, it is possible to operate in the past future, correcting the errors made once by inexperience, an oversight or tragic accident. Competent use of information structures of own body will allow to harmonize the present.
The reason of our meeting with any vital disharmony consists in our inability in time to pay to it attention and to comprehend an occurring event. Though would be only one desire in time to pay attention and enough to take the appropriate measures of precaution. The person listening to Laws of Creation of the nature, always lives in harmonious balance with it.
The objective modern science abstracted even our speech, dooming existence of the person to nonsense. To return itself ability it is correct to perceive said words, not abstractly, simply reacting to familiar sounds, it is required to perceive their images and deep values, that is the sense put in them. Each said word deforms space as appropriate and from us it is required that it was made harmoniously.
The modern person forgot to say the strong words filled with sense capable to affect own habitat, and respectively ceased as deeply to perceive them. The reason of it in abstract perception of the world, technogenic behavior and thinking.
We need to understand that all objects of world around, are under construction on cumulative consciousness of living people and therefore if at least to change one part of consciousness, and the world will start being transformed. Therefore, for any transformations, we need to carry out various researches and transformations, but, not destructive character, and creative on the wide knowledge base of the reached level of own development. That is, it is required almost instantly, with subconsciousness use, to find that point in information space which is filled with necessary information, and instantly to use it by means of concrete thought and with full use of intelligence.
The intelligence represents the structure generalizing reactions of consciousness, soul and a body on external influences or the circumstances, representing system of their interlacing at the level of perception, both information, and actual. The intelligence - is structure of the personality who realizes communications in the considered phenomenon and in too time in an operating way realizes communication of the concrete phenomenon with all other phenomena of the World.
The intelligence is harmonious only in that case when soul, the body, consciousness interact among themselves and the reality phenomena in harmony. On the researches conducted by me the mankind on the average uses intelligence, only for 5-12%, a maximum for 20-25%. The original genius from our history what can be counted on fingers of one hand, used intelligence as much as possible for 31%, represent what opportunities, are not used by us!
When we see world around, we look not on the steady present, and that turns out as a result of averaging - the most convenient for all living space, with all objects which were there is information. We are people, we perceive only collective reality, as in space, and time. The true reality for us remains incomprehensible. We live blindly and the stopped-up ears. From here our Earth - the consequence of association of consciousness of all consciousnesses of terrestrial beings is simple.
I consider that to modern generation of people, except for 1-2%, it is not necessary to see true reality any more if they are not helped by highly advanced people of our world as there are no conditions suitable for this purpose. At first it is required to raise economic possibilities of the country, then to stabilize the inner world, and already then to study new perception of reality. Now we degrade, and not only in Russia, and everywhere, it consequences of process of a transition period, but it we prepare conditions for our descendants which further everything will be on a shoulder.
The understanding of such structure of objective true reality gives in hands of the person the instrument of management of space. Therefore when we know that such Spirit that such Consciousness, we can create demanded space and build the World surrounding us. That is by decision-making to make any creative actions directed on harmonious transformation, both objects, and space. For such transformation consideration of objects or time intervals in more detail for what can be necessary possibility of increase in true scale up to the demanded necessary size is used.
The world is filled with the interconnected structures of reality when change of one structure conducts to change of all other structures. Laws under which the world changes can be defined as internally perception and consciousness of the person, depending on change of perception and consciousness of the person external. Perceiving known and observed laws of the World as function of static area of consciousness and perception, it is possible to operate the world only by means of one changes of consciousness and perception.
Management of created reality has to happen only to full understanding the person of the act made by it and consequences which can follow it if the law of Space Harmony is broken. And at management of any reality we have to remember that everything that we see round us, all this is created on the basis of collective consciousness. Simply for each certain person it occurs not obviously and therefore people do not give themselves in it the report. But, changing collective consciousness, we can change reality surrounding us.
There is a lot of people, and people one. That is the consciousness of the person is purely individual, depending in the main degree, from a condition of its brain blood circulation. Therefore, the condition of the person is the type of his own consciousness arising at certain merge of resonant frequencies of forming average bearing frequency of a brain, and adjusted on collective consciousness. Merge of resonant frequencies can be defined as synchronization of two and more voice-frequency ranges which are depending on a condition of the main resonator of a backbone.
Here the brain has not a direct bearing any on consciousness. He only perceives information from the sphere of consciousness and forms it in sequence of impacts on the nervous centers through голографическо a power schematic map of an organism, and these impulses - on muscles of this or that body of a physical body, besides in specularly turned situation. At any violations of brain blood circulation the consciousness of the person physically is always displaced to the left side, (it is connected with heart and a condition of a magnetic field of a planet), and mentally on time - in the future or the past, depending on increase or fall of intra cranial pressure and average bearing frequency of a brain. Then the perception of the real, true reality of the person, is completely distorted.
The frequency characteristic of average bearing frequency of a brain of the person, measured by modern physical devices, lies ranging from 0,001 Hertz at the birth and to 12 Hertz at autism or 13,5 Hertz in the presence of the strongest pathology, for example - narcolepsies. In the presence of serious violations in brain work it as much as possible can increase no more than 13,5 Hertz, further there comes death, but at spiritual revival of the personality is capable to fall much below, approaching to 0. Such fall of average bearing frequency of a brain gives to the person a huge number of advantages before other people, beginning from firmness of health and before finding of new qualities of a body and properties of mind.
I will give an example: - fall of average bearing frequency of a brain of the person to 0,2 Hertz gives the chance of it to the owner in the presence of special knowledge and use of special techniques to lower the weight to several grams, that is to find ability to a levitation. Same allows to change density of a physical body, due to change of the frequency to reach full invisibility in the physical world, leaving a range of frequencies seen by an eye and therefore opportunity to filter through dense physical bodies, such as monolithic concrete or other walls with use of various transformations on a time scale.
As I give an example of long-term work the materials saved up by me on various bents of people depending on a condition of average bearing frequency of a brain:
1. The clarified and spiritually advanced people - the average bearing frequency of a brain from 1 to 0,001 Hertz and less.
It about them is told: - "A lot of things from eyes of ordinary people are hidden that the person with the most true mind sees". That is it is the people devoted, become practically superpeople to whom knowledge of the physical and thin world is available equally. They as possess ability to change the worlds of the stay on own will.
This group includes, first of all, all presents sacred, canonized by Russian Orthodox Church, (except for the last - members of an imperial family and several casual people from foolishes whom our people by kindness sincere accept for sacred), about ten monks of skhimnik, some real scientists and there are some other outstanding persons of the present who are carriers of the highest spirituality and moral. These are the ingenious, clarified and spiritually advanced people possessing the most rare outstanding abilities, know about them, and use them in full. All their actions, without exception, are accompanied by movement of spirit and reflection, that is a reasoning. They are capable to break the potential in-formatsionnoenergetichesky barrier blocking a way to the Thin World, to feel unity with life, with a surrounding and divine source.
Are able, they, to reach a condition of impassivity necessary not to allow the feelings to advance thought, correctly and furthermore to stir, to estimate a situation, events and. These are people with the developed culture of internal mentality, at first surely think, and then feel and worry. A basis of their self-control - impassivity.
Time factor for them is not important, they are freedoms from it. The material aspect of providing the life for them too does not play any role. Therefore can where not to work, but to safe comfortable existence they always have means. Are engaged generally in development of psychophysical data and improvement of the personal - spiritual qualities. Can conduct school or group of two three pupils no more.
Each their thought, each word and each act - is power impulses which proceeding from them immediately, get into the thin worlds, attracting to itself similar power impulses, amplify and later, already all together come back to the physical world, being embodied in action.
From the frequency of 0,3 Hertz and less the person finds for himself new and quite unexpected opportunity - initial skills of a levitation which are shown in the absence of a daylight. Free flight, during daylight hours, becomes it available only from the frequency of 0,1 Hertz and below, besides in the presence of continuous daily trainings.
2. Spiritually developed and clarified people - the average bearing frequency of a brain from 2 to 1 Hertz.
The stage of a full enlightenment, still demands big preparation and the management, but the first step of development, transition lower than 2 Hertz, can be reached by them even by means of books and sincere internal tranquillity. These people lead harmonious life after mastering four components of success:
Physical efforts with will power manifestation;
Application of reason, logic, comparison, reasonableness and analysis;
Understanding and understanding of pain and sufferings as they are;
Manifestation of divine favor.
They have developed culture of mental activity and total absence of negative emotions. But bright, strong positive emotions necessary for self-improvement, are present fully. Possess outstanding abilities and a full measure of mental health therefore have tendency in everything to look for and achieve only the positive. Developed the qualities independent persistent work over itself. Such people can enter any abnormal zones freely, and also to leave them at own will without damage to health. Earn means to own existence using abilities and the education got earlier if lead wordly life, but constantly study, developing itself even in all areas close to a main objective.
Are capable to lead the mass of people as possess special magnetism capable to inspire many. This group can include, first of all, all skhimnik, some monks living in monasteries, a small amount from parishional priests, especially outstanding scientists in old age and other advanced people of our world. Their thought possesses as the corresponding force as the emotions enclosed in them and sincere rushes attract to similar of the thin world.
3. Healthy people - the average bearing frequency of a brain from 2-2,6 Hertz.
Possess good abilities, but can not suspect about them because of a fast rhythm of life and therefore not to use at all. They feel is sure, are always counterbalanced, ready to a reasonable compromise, are far-sighted and quiet. Are accustomed to think light categories, quite consciously and systematically develop itself. The high priests having bindings to wordly life, that is teachers of seminaries, parishional priests and everything, simply healthy people treat this category.
4. The people having insignificant mental problems - the average bearing frequency of a brain from 2,7-4,9 Hertz.
From here and above on frequency the shizoidny type of the personality begins. Still it is possible to call it so - the split mind. The name directly indicates nature of the processes happening in the person, shifting his vision of space and consciousness to other world and it is a little aside. The injuries forming this type of the personality, can be the most various, but all of them are connected with threat of life of the child in a uterine state.
The child, being in a womb, perfectly understands that occurs round him and to keep the life, adapts to new living conditions in the changed power structure of a body. In such state it gives less impulses of life and ceases to perceive it as threat to own wellbeing that, actually, and it is necessary for it. So changing itself, it keeps life. If mother underwent danger and endured a serious trauma during pregnancy, it also serves as the reason of a bookmark shizoidny like the personality.
The following type of a trauma which puts such type - this emotional separation of mother from the child as a result of pain and fatigue after the delivery. Same can promote and physical separation of the child from mother which was so popular until recently in our maternity hospitals.
Schizos are separated from physical reality and badly feel that live, the problems practically can not perceive though often test an overload of nervous system and are tired, happen, are violent, irritable, but still, effort of will can get it together. Deliberately it is possible to prefer light thoughts not always, so it is only temporary, it is possible to alleviate suffering and to smooth inconveniences of life. Want to live quietly, but cannot and under pressing - are ready to concede in many respects, in some a case even it is more, than it is required therefore such people are deceived constantly by swindlers of different colors.
In abnormal zones when crossing border of a zone can hear extraneous noises like a chirr of grasshoppers or other noise similar to it with sound increase, and at some instant are literally knocked by a forehead about the invisible barrier, blocking it a way.
At the moments of an overload of their brain it is possible to see how at them eyes become glassy, and they are out of themselves, or as though other-wordly. At conscious level of perception of the healthy person it can be felt, how a certain easy discomfort in communication. With a resonant frequency in 4 Hertz, the person likes to put on himself tattoos, headdresses and to be allocated from crowd with an extravagant look.
This group includes kleptomaniacs who seldom do big harm to people around. They are energetically closed on the problem and receive additional energy by performance of ritual of theft of the small sums of money, products, vegetables from others kitchen garden, small insignificant subjects, often absolutely useless things about which forget soon. For them theft process is important. They thus feel the powerlessness or not hunting to do something another, or explains the unwillingness to work in other ways - up to that now bad time, the Moon not in that phase.
In life it is the quiet imperceptible persons more often shipped in. Usually with low lowered chin and with a round-shouldered back. An etiology is the trauma of cervical department from the general overstrain of long muscles of a backbone or from blow from above when the first or second vertebra comes back, and the sixth or the seventh forward.
Here, in this range, there is one dangerous line. With a frequency of 4,11 Hertz. because of specific work of endocrine system and a sharp exit of thin bodies in left from a physical body probably spontaneous moving of thin bodies of the person to the parallel world, except for his physical body which ignites spontaneously then there are about hundred grams of an easy black dust from excess carbon. The reasons of such phenomenon are not found out by me yet, a subject not absolutely mine.
5. The people having considerable mental problems - the average bearing frequency of a brain from 5-8 Hertz.
It about them and following is said that to one it is good, - it does not suit another. Here all people who have had uterine or patrimonial psychological and physical injuries enter. Their reason is blocked. All their actions are not accompanied by movement of spirit and reflection, that is a reasoning. But to find or accurately to allocate deviations in mentality, at them, fully, it is possible only after organism puberty. And the intra cranial pressure in the right hemisphere is higher, the it is more difficult to make it. Also in this group there are the people who have transferred strong stressful states, a post-traumatic syndrome and testing vegetososudisty dystonia. In the majority, they constantly hold the head a little inclined to the left side. It especially well is visible at conversations with them. The person becomes frequent as a mask. The mouth and a nose are, as a rule, asymmetric. At communication speak the depersonalized language, that is in their language generally there are no pronouns, and offers are impersonal. Accept the physical existence, therefore, feel, the body, same concerns also other people. Are not able to show the feelings and do not pay attention to feelings of others.
In a soft form when only the most extreme, lateral shares of a brain are excited, can have distinguished manners, to be attentive to others, delicate, tactful and too polite. Can seek for cooperation, to be pleasant in communication, flexible, dexterous, inventive. Like to sap, manipulate under everything people, to destroy their life, but at the same time at communication as though to seek for reconciliation. Love юлить and to evade, showing only superficial humility that it is possible to notice on appearance which causes mistrust in soberminded people. Generally, try to deny the feelings, especially own vulnerability and powerlessness. They for them simply are not taken out.
Inside feel suppressed and fenced off from others, but without sense of guilt and therefore strive for proximity with people around. Parade itself to take a situation on control and to put themselves over others as have the huge incentive to the power. Therefore in policy and the top echelons of power mostly there are only such people. Stalin since 1924 was included into this group of people and was their typical representative. They use sex as game for the power. Therefore pleasure taken from sex for them again in relation to the won victory. Having achieved the power, start considering intimate proximity as falling of the status though for external image may contain some mistresses.
People with a frequency of 7 Hertz start influencing very negatively on people around the power, but seldom notice it. Children with such frequency, having activization of the extreme right side of the right hemisphere - (imagination activization) and clearing of the extreme left side of the left hemisphere - (violation of logic and account function), scattered and not collected therefore not very well study at school. These children are pursued often by fears. In their room a constant disorder, to an appeal to be accurate - are indifferent. They not standardly answer the simplest questions, than bring into bewilderment of seniors. Sometimes they deceive, but the purpose of their lies most often does not give in to logic and does not pursue personal interests, this impetuous imagination which was tore outside.
Both the absent-mindedness, and bad progress which teachers quite often treat as intellectual insolvency, is explained by a psychophysical factor. All these problems are reparable at restoration of the correct brain blood circulation by a method of removal of muscular blocks, probably, broken is received in a womb or at the birth of the child. The biopower resonant and information medicine has no binding at the right time, and are capable to correct any pathology when it arose, as in the present, so far back in the past.
At adults at developments of stagnation in blood circulation of middle structures of a brain, (when corners of a mouth are lowered down and the person is strained as hardened), the person loses the shape and becomes the tyrant and the murderer. He especially, despises those who is weaker than him therefore starts all hating and if to consider that brakes at him completely are absent, for him the life is possible, and furthermore others.
Other people, without the lowered corners of a mouth, but with the imagination torn off from reality, in the majority, are fond of starvation, vegetarianism and various diets. I almost did not see that such people had a fresh complexion, - generally they look exhausted, weakened, and they have a gray complexion and happen slightly plump, to a red face, from the liver blocked by muscular blocks. But if to point by it to it, they with great feeling will start assuring you that never so vigorously they felt.
In essence, they constantly are in own blocks - in them and so there is a feeling of a razdelyonnost with the world, disbelief in abundance of the Universe and feeling of emptiness inside, and they again as though confirm these feelings with specific physical actions, creating still bigger deficiency in the life. So they step by step exhaust themselves in the most extreme situation.
They are capable to change quickly style of behavior to react to a situation. In their behavior it is easily possible to track a manner to evade and instantly to use a case if it promises any benefit. They can be impulsive, that is can dart off without preparation, and their future does not worry because in them anticipation gift is well developed.
They jealously watch the image, relying on own ideas of and the exclusiveness. In them in the majority lives huge sense of superiority and deep contempt in relation to other people that hides for itself a strong inferiority complex. Usually such people go against society. It is impossible to rely on them never. From contact with them one troubles.
They communicate by means of the absolute terms having nothing in common with concrete terrestrial concepts. Hardly listen to other people, can set a set of questions, and to answers do not listen. The speech at them not direct, evasive, it means that they never directly say that it is necessary to them. However, they and do not know that it is necessary to them as their feeling of emptiness is so great that they are lost in it. It means that will speak about space, about spirituality, about love, but if to ask them what to do specifically how specifically to solve a situation, they will look at you a blank blank look and will continue to argue on the same subjects.
Sometimes prevailing in their state there can be a syndrome of chronic fatigue. It leads to violations of logical function of a brain and ability to the account. Such people never have no money because they cannot dispose of them, how many would not earn. Differ from other subjects that can spend in a short space of time any sum of money. Actually become a black hole, both for financial means of a family, and for health of surrounding people. Happens and so that in combination with the increased intra cranial pressure in the right hemisphere become very unaccomodating people, they always want to argue, get to the bottom of trifles, to fight with all and to do everything only in own way.
People from this group are very jealous. Long ago it is known that the jealousy is generated by greed, feeling of property and fear to remain to one. Show passivity in many situations or go to dependence, or show strong desire of possession something. And mischievous venomous passivity arises in them because they, being already adult, still identify itself with the child. The last gives them to that they start suppressing in themselves active the energy, giving the chance to them to work and realize itself. Thus, all sincere desires are transformed to avidity and greed, and it seems to them that it is simpler to hold a thing at itself, than to share it, or to realize something new and the best.
Their life is forever attached to desire of possession by something therefore they can be never satisfied. This desire is so great that its all the time should be controlled, as generates a state of dependence which tightly ties to desire, and by it determines all their life. They can save long years money for any purchase, completely subordinating life this desire. For satisfaction of the desire they always choose the middle between loneliness and pretense. This their internal belief.
Do not recommend to people of this and following groups to hang up on walls the drawn portraits or photos as it threatens health not only all family, but the main thing with him first of all. As these people are a powerful power source which reflects all their features, and its influence will be corresponding. The negative energy concentrated in images, will be constantly and to influence purposefully all and, first of all the original. The healthy person maintains loading of such image no more than three years, and for the patient health completely is undermined for a year and a half.
At violations in extreme right areas of both hemispheres the real talent of vision of the surrounding thin world created by their sick imagination which is shown in various perversions, obscenities or prophecies is observed. Can pass a side of the thin world with a frequency of 8,6 - 8,7 Hertz.
If violations prevail only in work of the left hemisphere, such person ceases to see prospect and tests from it a dejectedness. That is why in this group there are all beginning addicts. From presence at the company with the addict during the day, at the healthy person temperature can rise to 39 degrees and hold on about three days. Alien, very rough energy of the addict are capable to make of any person of periodic contact absolutely sick for two month.
Here women fans of infinite television series with melodramas and men big fans of beer and other hard liquor enter. They find an outlet in them for a discharge from the pulled hard affairs. Live with a constant overload of nervous system, test oppressing irritability. They have frequent failures in the emotional plan. It is possible to get it together with huge effort of will, but to short time. The ethical compass in the relations with other people is lost, but there is a noticeable scoliosis of a backbone, is more often on the right shoulder. They like to sit, having thrown a foot on a foot and to a floor having collapsed with an inclination on one party. In group the neurotic type of the personality prevails. Heart at them works with big loading as scoliosis to the left in the top part - the seventh vertebra to the right which influences heart is compensated.
6. The people having very considerable mental problems - the average bearing frequency of a brain from 9-11 Hertz.
All above-mentioned qualities against the new - additional are inherent in them. Always take an aggressive offensive position as in actual daily, and imagined situations. It can be people something the achieved earlier, big money having once, but lost in fight for a survival with competitors. Can work at a factory, but always show the hidden neglect to the direct duties. Sometimes such violations in work of a brain are shown as a non-standard of thinking and ability to the invention of inconceivable things and original opening.
Here the matter is that with a frequency of 9,1 Hertz in a physical body of the person there can be a spontaneous podseleniye of essence of the thin plan, wishing to declare itself in something, and then the effect is shown. It can be as manifestation of earlier absent talents, new qualities or any new and unexpected abilities. When frequency long does not change, podselenets can be fixed for long term.
The self-assessment of personal qualities at such people completely is absent, but aggression of a trough and is available. Can be externally impressive, emphasize the independence unclear from whom, emotions are splashed out by drift without any control or management from the personality. They constantly are not satisfied, angry and have no brakes in dynamics of development of any situation, at communication with people. At expression of emotions to the forefront there is a facial expression and frequent out of place unnatural laughter.
The typical representative of this group is the known historical character Graf de Saint-Germaine (1710 - 1784) - 9 Hertz. More than three decades under various masks, was engaged in many professions (the alchemist, the jeweler, the healer, the diplomat, the producer of paints, the musician, the artist, the linguist), it caused contrast responses in all whom met. At it everything perfectly turned out, for what it only did not undertake. But, keep on the positions won, earlier, it could not.
From this circle of most of all drinking people and addicts with a long standing. Not less dangerously here and abuse of tobacco. In recent years the number of smokers from this group increased by 14%. It is almost impossible to reach their consciousness. They never give way to the passer. Here the majority of young people in the people called by "new Russians" enters. They have dangerously sensitive nervous system, as the bared electric wire.
The external information which is not concerning their main kind of activity, always perceive in bayonets. It is impossible to convince them of something. They there is nothing do not trust, have on all own opinion, the self-assessment is distorted before full misunderstanding of the events with them. Make group of the population from 30 to 40% and times more. Constantly refer to a situation, a situation, an environment and circumstances. Are most active at the moment and after magnetic storms.
This group includes fans of "Graffiti" who paint walls and transport in our city. These are very capable artists at whom holds apart the head from the gushed ideas, and hands from desire everything itch to change in own way. Their attitude is negatively directed and incredibly as it is created by sick imagination. The concept of beauty is distorted therefore oppressive colors and the same plots prevail.