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Time of disclosure of secrets

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      Zhuravlyov V. N.
      Time of disclosure of secrets
      St. Petersburg
      If you it is more, than one day feel happy, so from you something hide.
      Pyramids, why there is a lot of and what they in general are?
      The ancient stone pyramids scattered worldwide of me interest long ago, as researcher and as scientist. Therefore so long this article also was born, yet it was not succeeded to understand all trifles. Three Great pyramids protected by the Big Sphinx, are considered as part of a huge necropolis of Giza, but whether so it?
      The largest of pyramids - pyramid of Cheops. It is the only thing from "7 wonders of the world", escaped up to now and a long time was the highest construction on Earth. Its initial height - 146,6 meters, corresponded to a 50-ti-storeyed skyscraper, but after an earthquake in the XIII century pyramid of Cheops decreased by 8 meters and lost facing of white color and a gilded stone of pyramidon with the big crystal established on it, crowning a top.
      Over time, Egyptians took away facing plates from the polished white limestone and used them in construction of Cairo houses and mosques. Pyramid of Cheops amazes with the greatness and titanic work of the people who have lifted to the sky stone blocks weighing 2,5 tons with the help as it seems to some near people, primitive adaptations - ropes and levers. And in "Tsar Camera" granite blocks weigh already to 80 tons. It is noted that separate blocks are so densely adjusted to each other that between them it is impossible to push a razor edge.
      In pyramid of Cheops there are funeral chambers, and outside, its bottom has a Museum of the Solar castle. By this ship constructed of a cedar without uniform nailing, the Pharaoh as historians consider, had to go to a next world.
      The second-large Ancient Egyptian pyramid is built for 40 years after the first by the Pharaoh Khafra - Cheops's son. Though Hefren's pyramid concedes on height (136,4 m) to a tomb of his father, but thanks to an arrangement on higher point of a plateau it made the worthy competition to the Great pyramid. On a pyramid top Hefrena partially remained the white basalt facing reminding a glacier on the mountain.
      Now the ensemble of Great pyramids is finished rather modest by the sizes by a tomb Mikerina constructed for the grandson Cheops. Contrary to the loud nickname "Heru" (high), it reaches only 62 meters in height, but emphasizes greatness of pyramids of Cheops and Hefren.
      But quite recently, several centuries ago them was 4. The last pyramid was the smallest and absolutely black color. Now it is on the same place, but in the turned look, underground and in the world parallel to us with a frequency of 30 Hz. Now I will try it to return to our world, having lowered own frequency and it, having turned over counterclockwise, can gradually appear in our world and to become visible for all people.
      It simple one of my new experiments and therefore at us appears opportunity to be convinced of how ancient artifacts which I found recently in the worlds parallel to our world work. I at all did not begin to transfer them here, and simply copied them and was already convinced that they work therefore here and decided to try their energy in such huge scales. Time will show how it everything works.
      Further at the bottom of a plateau of Giza the monumental sculpture 73 meters long and 20 meters high rises. It is cut from the monolithic limy rock in the form of a sphinx - a mythical being with the head of the person, paws and a body of a lion. According to scientists, features of the Big Sphinx are similar to shape of the Pharaoh Hefren. The look of the Sphinx is directed to the east, to a rising sun. According to beliefs of Egyptians, the lion was a symbol of a solar deity, and the Pharaoh - the deputy of god Solntsa Ra on the earth and after death merged with a shining star.
      Lions stood at gate of a next world therefore the Sphinx it is considered to be the policeman of a necropolis. The person of a statue is strongly injured. Most often it is possible to hear that the nose to the Sphinx was beaten off by Napoleonic grenadiers. According to other version of a legend, the damage to a sculpture was caused by one shah, the religious fanatic. The reason of vandalism is simple: Islam forbids to do images of people and animals.
      Secrets of ancient times: for what pyramids were under construction? Still disputes on purpose of pyramids do not stop. The traditional version says that barrows towering over a frail world could be tombs of Pharaohs, from where their ashes rose closer to the sky and the sun. One scientists consider pyramids as temples where attendants of a cult of the sun made religious practices; others - the scientific laboratories created for astronomical supervision. The German archeologists made one more hypothesis: pyramids are natural generators of terrestrial energy.
      Pyramids of queens against Mikerin's pyramid
      It is considered that this terrestrial energy Pharaohs "were loaded" and rejuvenated. "Solntselikiye" was visited by pyramids, in the same way, as modern people go to psychologists and massage therapists. Also there is an opinion that pyramids of Giza stood here long before a bible flood and their mission still should be solved. - https://putidorogi-nn.ru/100-chudes-sveta/20-velikie-piramidy-i-bolshoi-sfinks
      Dzhoser's which is better known as step, the pyramid is in Sakkara that in 30 km from Cairo. Visit of this pyramid is included, as a rule, in the combined excursion Dashur - Sakkara. Feature of a pyramid of Dzhoser is that it has a step form. Six steps, according to the assumption of historians, symbolize a way on which the Pharaoh goes to a next world. Dzhoser's pyramid in Sakkare rather low - 62 m. Despite the status of the most ancient construction, it well remained.
      In Dzhoser's pyramid 11 funeral chambers for the Pharaoh and members of his family are arranged. And during modern archaeological researches mummies just the last were found, scientists did not find Dzhoser. That a sin to conceal: by that moment when excavation began, the pyramid was already strongly plundered. From North side Dzhoser's pyramid is adjoined by the temple complex which, by the way, too not bad remained. - https://static.tonkosti.ru/images/3/3d/Vid_na_piramidu_dzhosera_v_sakkare.Jpg
      Feature of a pyramid of Mikerin that it was two-color. To the middle ancient builders made a pyramid of red granite, and used white limestone above. But in the 16th century almost all facing of a construction was destroyed by soldiers-mamlyuki.
      Scientists connect rather small sizes and height of this pyramid not with insufficient skill of architects, and from the beginning of "decline" of an era of great pyramids. It is possible to tell that after Mikerin's pyramid Egyptians ceased to build so grandiose tombs.
      - https://tonkosti.ru/Piramida_mikerina
      Pyramids of Egypt are a unique monument of the architecture, remained in centuries thanks to the mysterious builders, managed to create constructions so strong that no natural cataclysms and destructive wars could destroy these Ancient Egyptian constructions entirely. The riddle of pyramids still is not solved: with confidence it is impossible to speak neither about a method of their construction, nor about the one who acted as the main labor.
      Now only in Egypt total about 118 pyramids the biggest of which were constructed during board of III and IV dynasties of Pharaohs, that is in the period of a so-called Ancient kingdom. Pyramids happen two types: step and correct form. Constructions of the first type are considered as the most ancient. For example, the pyramid of the Pharaoh Dzhoser dated by 2650 BC.
      What do we know about pyramids of Egypt? Yes anything one guesses and assumptions though for the first time about pyramids learned thanks to the Ancient Greek historian Herodotus living in the 5th eyelid B.C. Traveling across Egypt, it was struck with the well-known pyramids of Giza and right there ranked one of them, devoted to Cheops, as seven wonders of the world. Moreover, Herodotus created a legend of how built these constructions. As soon as pyramids became object of research of scientists, and it occurred only two hundred years ago, this legend right there became the historical truth which reliability disproved at all long ago.
      How built ancient pyramids? Our time in an integrity and safety reached not so much as it would be desirable. The numerous vandals plundering pyramids for the sake of hidden in treasures, and the locals who were breaking out stone blocks for construction of palaces and mosques, destroyed part of external and internal shape. So, the Pink or Northern pyramid from Dahshur (26 km to the South from Cairo) received the name because of color of the stone which is turning pink in beams of the coming Sun. However it not always was such. Earlier the construction was covered with white limestone which was completely used for construction of houses in Cairo.
      At the end of the 20th century architects established that pyramids - perfect designs, with mathematically verified and absolutely correct proportions.
      - https://tonkosti.ru/Piramidy_egipta
      That would be desirable to note especially, so it that proceeding, till this day, to be imposed to the public opinion on use of brute manual physical force - absolutely unconvincingly and do not maintain any criticism. In the V century B.C. the Greek historian Herodotus the first put forward idea about wooden levers, ideas about embankments to the top and spiral external ramps moved forward. These hypotheses are in any textbook of history, but all of them are not convincing.
      Only over 6 million tons cut down in stone quarries and delivered from far away carefully processed stone blocks went to one pyramid of Cheops. Today any construction company equipped state-of-the-art led by ingenious engineers is not able to repeat realized 4 500 years ago and therefore I have a definite answer as pyramids were under construction, and it in the previous article on my site.
      As it is accepted to consider nowadays, the main milestones of construction of pyramids are connected with the next historical periods: 2680 BC - construction of the Step pyramid in Sakkare the Pharaoh Dzhoser. 2640 BC - construction by the Pharaoh to Snofr of a pyramid in Meduma, Broken and Red pyramids in Dashure, 2600-2400 BC - construction of pyramids of the IV dynasty on a plateau Giza and in Abu-Roashe. - Same covers the period of the IV dynasty, that is time of construction of three great pyramids in Giza Pharaohs Cheops, Hefren and Mikeren!
      By consideration of the standard picture in the world there is a logical question. If it is tombs, where mummies? If pyramids were under construction with use of the highest technologies, knowledge in areas of sacral geometry and astronomy, and all history of the Egyptian bas-reliefs is literally penetrated by indexes on a way in the direction of search of eternal life (immortality), really the human megalomania is capable of so unimaginable nonsense to immortalize someone's mortal remains in an enormous pyramidal sarcophagus? Is not present and once again not!
      On this example we can observe basic collision of two polar spheres of a human nature - animal (official) and spiritual (truth aspiring to search and knowledge not official). One proves that 4500 years ago multiton stone boulders dragging on a hump savages, lived some centuries in Egypt to design and construct something unimaginable and it is stupid to bury in it "a body of the Pharaoh" which remains will soon decay and will go wrong.
      The second trust in higher ideals and missions of the person and try to solve this intimate secret. Byyuvel and Hancock's inconvenient theories only prove to sane people, as there is a plot theory, the concealing law as the official Egyptology at all does not take a set of the reasoned facts and opening into account, in particular, from the section of astronomy and proofs of a binding of a complex of pyramids at Giza to the heavenly reflection - constellation Orion.
      Also it does not take in the account well-known theories of a pretsessiya (about it also it was written in the article "Pendulum Orion Dragon"), predicting approach of times of global cataclysms on Earth where there are such lines:
      Many scientists consider that one of the main objectives of construction of a complex of pyramids of Giza in Egypt and the temple complex Angkor in Cambodia is need to warn mankind about date of approach of "Doomsday". Approximately each 13 thousand years on Earth occur certain changes, global scale, cataclysms, earthquakes, floods, eruptions of volcanoes. They, are somehow connected with Orion Dragon pendulum. But I absolutely not agree with it, after all all geometry of a pyramid is closely connected with physics. Having a similar design and possessing necessary Knowledge it is possible to cause accurately certain effects owing to interrelation between measurements, thanks to natural physical laws.
      Internal structure of the Great pyramid:
      Let's continue further our acquaintance, but already with the forgotten pyramids of America. - Medieval Europe was torn apart by wars, and in Central America the great civilization of the Maya finished quantum races. It passed from the frequency of our physical world - from 0 to 12,5 Hz to the frequency of the new astral world from 15 to 20 Hz and therefore became for us absolutely invisible. In the same time, in the middle of the XI century, in North America almost instantly as if on wave of a magic wand, the huge city to measures of that time - with the population in fifteen thousand people, which only grew that came to our material world instead of only the moved.
      In a valley of Mississippi, in desert until then the district crowds of immigrants from neighboring lands rushed suddenly. They almost instantly built to themselves the dwellings, all infrastructure necessary for the new city, including some barrows (the largest of which - a huge embankment of the size of the 10-storeyed house), topped with various buildings. And also created the area of the size of 37 football fields on which probably various events were held: from sports meets and festivals before religious practices.
      Interestingly!? And the matter is that they came here together with all the infrastructure, as well as we only that made. After all the frequency of our world was completely changed recently, and the infrastructure remained former. Judge to make an embankment of the size of the 10-storeyed house, thousands people of Cahokia had to slave away many years.
      Kukulkanamnogiye's pyramid.
      It is considered that this pyramid allegedly is the temple construction which has escaped among ruins of the ancient city of the Maya Chichen Itza on the peninsula Yucatan in Mexico. Kukulkan at the Maya was analog of god Kettsalkoatl.
      The temple costs in the center of an extensive terrace about 18 hectares and is surrounded with a wide stone parapet. Height of a pyramid makes 24 m (plus of 6 more m are the height of the temple at top), length of each of its parties makes 55 m. Each side of the temple has 9 steps. With all four parties from the basis to top of a pyramid conduct four abrupt ladders oriented on parts of the world. The stone balustrade beginning below with the head of a dragon and proceeding in the form of a being bent snake body to top of a pyramid borders ladders.
      Annually in days of an autumn and spring equinox it is possible to observe a unique show of "the Feathery Dragon". The shadow of step edges of a pyramid falls on balustrade stones. The impression is thus made that the Feathery Dragon comes to life and creeps, in March up, and in September down. Each of four ladders of the temple has 91 steps, and their total quantity is equal 364.
      Together with base platform at top of the pyramid uniting all four ladders, number 365 - number of days in solar year turns out. Besides, the quantity of sections from each party of the temple (9 steps of a pyramid рассечены a ladder in two) - 18 is symbolical that corresponds to number of months in calendar year of the Maya. Nine ledges of the temple correspond to "nine heavens" to mythology of Toltecs. 52 stone reliefs on each wall of a sanctuary symbolize one calendar cycle of Toltecs including of 52 years.
      At top of a pyramid the small temple with four entrances settles down, it is considered that in it sacrifices were made. In a pyramid the main entrance in which is from North side and it is decorated with two massive columns in the form of coiling snakes standing on the head, the temple with two rooms is located directly.
      In it there is a sacrificial figure Chuck-Mool and "the Mat of the Jaguar" (the Yaguarovy throne). Besides temple function the pyramid probably carried out calendar function. At a depth about 20 meters under the base of a pyramid the karstic underground lake which can create threat for its destruction settles down. - https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piramida_kukulkana
      The most interesting pyramids in Mexico.
      Though about tribes of Aztecs and the Maya many have heard a lot in Central America in the territory of Mexico too there are unique pyramids. And they not less interesting, than Egyptian, - the same wonder of the world.
      Huge Pyramid of the Sun about Mexico City rises by 60 meters, and in the basis occupies the space of 200 square meters. It is twice less, than at pyramid of Cheops, but too much. There is an opinion that not all are open pyramids of Mexico as tribes of the Maya, leaving from native places because of any force majeure and allegedly covered pyramids with earth that to keep them.
      The Mexican pyramids differ that on formed as a result of truncation of the top part platforms temples for solemn services were built, and it was possible to rise to temples on the wide ladders going on the outer side of pyramids.
      The architecture of the Maya surpassed everything that was to them and on number of monuments, and on their quality. The ancient Mexican cities of Mayapan, Kaabakh, to Labn, Sayil and many others are known. Built in Mexico of limestone, using traditions of previous wooden architecture.
      The most ancient of the monuments opened for today is the small pyramid from a stone in Vashaktuna, relating to the II century. Long argued on for what the cities of the Maya served - to only the cult purposes or in them there lived people? The point of view won that inhabitants of the lowest estate lived on suburbs, and in the city high pyramids with temples, palaces, wide streets, constructions for pastime of the nobility - for sports, dances, occupations by astronomy settled down, and the lowest class huddled in suburbs outside the city limits in pathetic tiny houses.
      On the well-known Ladder of hieroglyphs, in which 62 stone steps, a huge inscription from 2 thousand hieroglyphs. The city totaled 16 suburbs, one of them - at distance of 11 km from the center.
      One more large city - Tikal - hid in the impassable jungle where it is possible to meet a tapir or a jaguar. The city center - the stony area protected from invasion by bottomless ravines. Ancient prospectuses connect among themselves 5 huge architectural complexes to a large number of temples, steles, in one of them the largest pyramid (more than 70 meters of height).
      The city of Chichen - Itsa is known not only the greatest number of the population, but also that it was twice populated and as much time is left by citizens, and the second settling happened 300 years later after leaving of inhabitants - in 987.
      One more feature Chichen - Itsa that it was the art and pilgrimage center. To a sacred step well - the senate in the downtown on wide roads there were pilgrims from all peninsula Yucatan. The "highways" of the Maya connecting the cities and ceremonial places, are called сакбе - from sac (white) and bé (the road, a way).
      The white - because were filled up with limestone. The main pyramid of the city devoted to god Kukulkan is unusual on a plan. In Spanish it is called by Castillo - the Kremlin. Four ladders rising in the middle of sides of a pyramid, total 365 steps by number of days in a year.
      Kukulkan's pyramid in Chichen - Itsa, as well as many others in Mexico, is a two-layer bulb as on a local calendar it was recommended through certain time over an old pyramid build one more!
      Besides in pyramids there are the halls protected by exotic statues - jaguars, the snakes standing on the head. Along with four stars of the first magnitude (The Copan, Tikal, Uxmal and Chichen - Itsa) more than hundred thirty other cities of the Maya are found.
      With the city of Teotihuacan it is connected most of all riddles, its present name is not known even, and Teotihuacan (a divine place) he was nicknamed by Aztecs living nearby. Accurate planning of the city, the huge constructions, the found pictograms testify to high level of a civilization. In the city more than 2 thousand constructions: the biggest - Pyramids of the Moon and the Sun, round them 600 pyramids are less, and also temples and the artificial channel.
      Pyramid of the Moon is only in 50 km from Mexico City. - http://latintour.ru/meksika/mx-locations/piramidy.html
      At its top allegedly human sacrifices were made. Under Pyramid of the Sun not so long ago opened the cave of a natural origin used by ancient people for sacrifices that the relics found in it confirm.
      This cave even more ancient, than a pyramid - remember the principle of a bulb? Teotihuacan - the most impressive city in the territory of present Mexico. - https://www.indiansworld.org/piramidy-severnoy-ameriki.html#.Wh7A1LZeMW8
      Most of all our scientists are tormented by a question of by means of what adaptations heavy stone blocks rose by top levels. It is not less interesting how blocks as any of tools known to mankind does not allow to reach such high level of processing of calcareous breed were turned. All this gives the soil for versions about an alien origin of the Maya or at least about contacts of the mesoamerican tribes with extraterrestrial civilizations. Especially as in the drawings found in pyramids, the beings who are very reminding newcomers in space suits are represented.
      Proceeding from interpretations of hieroglyphs and other historical sources, these beings were considered as Indians of the Maya as gods and in their honor pyramids were under construction. But unlike the Egyptian pyramids which played function of a place of burial of Pharaohs, the Maya it had cult objects. At top of a pyramid the temple for sacrifices and other sacral rituals settled down.
      However there is also other interesting version. At research of Pyramid of the Sun - the biggest of pyramids of Teotihuacan - between two levels of pyramids was found seven centimetric layer of mica. Two plates from mica were found and under stone plates of one of the half-ruined structures entering the temple complex.
      In modern equipment this material use as an electroinsulator as it holds fast neutrons. Also crystals of mica can, both to store, and to transfer huge volumes of information and energy. If to consider that ancient pyramids were under construction in places of the tectonic breaks which are a source of geomagnetic radiation, that, probably, mica was used for storage or accumulation of this energy.
      In myths of Indians of Central America it is said that gods presented to people thirteen sacred crystal skulls. Having gathered them, it is possible to receive the power over time and to communicate with gods. In 1927 the British archeologists under the leadership of Mitchell Hedzhes found in the jungle of Mexico the ancient city Maya. The first that was evident: on amphitheater tribunes on 1000 people headless skeletons sat.
      As a result of excavation under an altar of the temple the skull from the polished quartz was found. Level of processing of crystals was so high that is inaccessible even to modern technologies. After archeologists withdrew this crystal skull, every night someone decapitated one of members of expedition and put on an amphitheater tribune. Probably, headless "audience" found by archeologists also was hunters behind this artifact.
      Within a year some more such skulls were found in different pyramids of the Maya. On one of versions, these skulls - part of big technical installation. The person (most likely the priest), standing in its center and holding a crystal skull, could communicate with in what honor constructed this pyramid. If this artifact - simply cult subject, it make of gold, than of mica rather.
      One more interesting detail: underground corridors of the temple of the Sun conduct to the strange cave executed in the form of a four-petal chamber. Fragments of mirrors and powerful system of drainage cooling that Maya can testify only to technical mission of these pyramids were found in it.
      - https://www.lifejourney.club/america/mexico/civilizaciya-i-piramidy-drevnix-majya.html
      All pyramids of Tibet very much, very ancient. Their age much more exceeds age of the Egyptian pyramids which unlike the Tibetan remained much better. For comparison if the age of Great Egyptian pyramids averages about 4 600 years, that, by some estimates, age of the Tibetan pyramids about 1 000 000 years!
      As the majority of pyramids owing to the surprising antiquity considerably suffered from time, naturally there is a question: instead of whether scientists could see pyramids where they simply are not present? In other words, to confuse freakish outlines of neighboring mountains with a pyramid form? After all Tibet is one of mysterious places of a planet, for many people it is sacred.
      First of all, despite big destructions if to look narrowly attentively, it is possible to see rather accurate contours of pyramids clearly. However, not to be mistaken, scientists entered the obtained data into the computer (photos, sketches, video filming) which processed them. As a result of such processing it became clear, where in a picture a pyramid, and where the usual mountain.
      In total scientists found about 100 pyramids, and also various monuments accurately focused on parts of the world and located round Mount Kailas most sacred and esteemed for all east world. It represents the main pyramid and in height has 6 714 meters. All other pyramids in a form and the sizes very differ from each other. Their height makes from 100 to 1 800 meters. For comparison we will remember that the highest Egyptian pyramid - pyramid of Cheops originally reached 146 meters. Now, when the main part of facing is lost over the years, its height only 138 meters!
      Among pyramids quite strange stone educations with the concave or flat surfaces, called by "mirrors" are had. As it became clear, they have very curious mission. Besides, something was revealed, is very similar to huge stone statues of people. - http://worldpyramids.blogspot.ru/2010/04/blog-post.html
      Stone designs round pyramids have a smooth or concave surface. It is considered the biggest riddle for science is as stone mirrors change time. There was a recorded case which the modern medicine could not explain. Four climbers during expedition descended from the sacred road. After return back they grew old in one year and died of an old age.
      All stone mirrors have a different form. The highest of them reaches 800 meters, it is called "The stone palace of happiness". Scientists consider it as a place of transition to the parallel worlds. The greatest mirrors have accurately concave form, they are located from the West and North side of the main pyramid Kailas. Height of each such mirror - 1800 meters. According to scientists, these mirrors accumulate energy for transfer to its other streams of power forces of the Universe.
      After all if to carry out an axis from Kailas on the opposite side of the globe, we get directly to Easter Island and if to continue an axis and to connect Easter Island to the Mexican pyramids, and then to prolong an axis further, we again will return to Tibet, at Mount Kailas.
      If to connect Mount Kailas to the Egyptian pyramids, axis continuation again will bring us to Easter Island. Distance from Kailas (the Tibetan pyramids) to Giza (the Egyptian pyramids) and from Easter Island (the sunk pyramids) to Yucatan (the Mexican pyramids) everywhere are absolutely identical and it says that in the world there is a uniform world system of pyramids.
      Pyramids of China.
      The Chinese pyramids too are considered as unique monuments of ancient Chinese culture and they are located in the Province of Shaanxi on a site in 20000 square kilometers. - http://kartcent.ru/piramidy-tibeta/#axzz4zpYiIqjf
      There is enough of one only the word "pyramid" as at once blows as unsolved secrets. How many pyramids on Earth? On different sources in their Egypt - 34, in Mexico - 16, and here on Tibet it appears ... more than 100! The Tibetan pyramids are grouped around most by the highest, placed on the sacred Mount Kailas. And all of them are strictly aimed on parts of the world.
      Now on the basis of the new found results of researches certain scientists make a hypothesis that "mirrors" played a role of specific "time machine". Besides, "mirrors" shield powerful streams of different energiya about which nature we have no today idea.
      But those who in deep antiquity created these stone "reflectors", perfectly knew a definite purpose. It is unconditional that the civilization of these builders was not simply high, and was at any ultraboundary level for us. Otherwise how to explain movement in mountains of the huge stone blocks making pyramids? How ridges and how the necessary form was given to almost kilometer stone "mirrors" were ground?
      On some Tibetan pyramids there are cut images of the people which persons very much remind descriptions of Atlases in ancient sources. A row often presented a certain unknown device of a roundish form. Perhaps, it is the legendary device "vimana" - the flying car of Atlases? It is not excluded that drawings give the help: all sacred complex of Tibet is built by Atlases.
      View from the satellite. A pyramid of Tibet - Mount Kailas.
      In ancient Tibetan legends manuscripts it is said that Atlases at any stage of development seized knowledge of the lemuriyets relating to even more ancient civilization. These data are engraved on special gold plates on which it is traced: "True Knowledge". It is known from legends that plates are stored in special hiding places of pyramids and comprise information of universal scale. Trying to come nearer to secrets of pyramids in the nineties last eyelid, scientists paid attention to the monumental monument 38 meters high executed in a grotesque form of the sitting person. It has Buddha's reading the book lying at it on a lap form. The person of a statue is turned on the southeast, to the Pacific Ocean where, according to myths, just and there was ancient Lemuriya, over the mysterious continent.
      Kailas. Stone mirrors.
      It is not excluded that the monument indicates secret of legendary plates of "True Knowledge", but it is impossible to come nearer end-to-end to a statue because it is in the focus of action of stone "mirrors".
      The Tibetan scientific international expedition of 2003-2004 (professor of the Munich university K. Figelman, the Nobel winner headed) received sensational fruits: there is a world, vseplanetny system of pyramids! Indisputable communication between a complex of the Tibetan pyramids with other constructions of an antiquity - the Egyptian and Mexican pyramids, colossuses of Easter Island, the Lebanese Baalbek and Stonehendge in England is revealed ...
      Height of the main pyramid of Tibet - Mount Kailas - directly makes 6666 meters. Distance from Kailas to the North Pole equally to 6666 kilometers; the distance from Kailas to Stonehendge also identical to 6666 kilometers, and is eventually equal to 6666 kilometers from Stonehendge to the middle of the Bermuda Triangle!
      The axis done from Mount Kailas through the Globe, certainly precisely indicates Easter Island with its improbable 20-meter stone idols. If a straight line to connect Kailas to top of Great pyramid of Cheops, its continuation also rests against Easter Island; main "mirror" of Kailas is absolutely precisely directed on the Egyptian pyramids, and two northern - on Mexican. Towards Kailas the Sphinx look is concentrated also.
      While anybody with reliable fidelity did not specify concrete purpose of this global system created with an amazing accuracy. But recently more and more scientists incline to the assumption that it is prepared for communication of Earth with a certain mysterious corner of the Universe, far Space. - http://joy4mind.com/? p=772#ixzz4zpZOCqP2
      It is very difficult to investigate historical events modern instrument methods, from stratifications of centuries and therefore I applied for this purpose the subconsciousness which on the basis of modern knowledge allows to consider the matter in all its aspects and in time of development of a situation and in space. And here that turned out.
      Each complex is constructed of pyramids by aliens with the big head, that is with the skull extended back. Such precisely skulls were and at all first Pharaohs of Egypt. Each complex of pyramids is constructed with a definite purpose and serves for collection of information about Earth besides it works at a certain frequency and the less pyramid, the frequency at which it collects information is higher and then her transfers to a certain point of a planet, from where it in the processed look goes to a certain point of the Milky Way and again on our Earth.
      All "direct" pyramids are adjusted only on one frequency of the work, and step have a certain step of radiation, with top down, through 5 Hz! Therefore the main frequencies of their work are the frequency of 5-10-15-20 Hz, and very small, low pyramids scattered worldwide are adjusted on higher frequencies reaching 60 Hz.
      The internal device of pyramids surely has existence of special wave guides, mirrors and a great number of others while devices unknown to us for fine tuning on the necessary frequency of received information. All information from pyramids established worldwide not only constantly gathered, but also at once was transferred to the certain place which is in our North on the Kola Peninsula. It gathered in this place of our planet, approximately till 80 years of the last century, was processed there and then in the processed look again was transferred to Earth space, that is the consciousness of people went to a certain course by means of impact of certain frequencies on our brain. Therefore that modern Egyptologists assume about existence and mission of pyramids, is full fiction and deception.
      That interestingly further, I do not know precisely, but only I assume, after deliberate destruction of this transferring knot by the Soviet Union, aliens it was constructed, according to arrangements with the US authorities, the new transmitting station on the island of Okinawa. Tracing its work, I came to a conclusion that it often irradiated people of Earth with a certain range of frequencies adjusting, this most their on purely aggressive actions defined generally.
      I by means of quantum physics and cybernetics learned to operate many processes in our world, doing it at any distance from the object. Besides if such, harmful to people, frequency managed to me to be disconnected, the same influence at a certain frequency started proceeding from the 4th, in turn shutdowns, points of our satellite of the Moon. If I disconnected also this influence, one of transmitters being on a reverse side of the Moon and at the same frequency joined. At its shutdown - radiation started proceeding with Mars, Venus or from the Milky Way, from constellation of Orion.
      Here it also proceeds still. It is possible to switch off it only for a certain time of 5 minutes till several o'clock, but it is spent a lot of my energy. Once I completely suppressed this signal, and it again went around, since Okinawa, the Moon and so on that points to purposeful influence in the direction necessary to aliens. Therefore we today it is so bad itself and we feel - continuous aggression, after all certain frequencies influence consistently all our organism since a brain of the person and finishing usual weight in the feet, caused by violation of brain blood circulation. From here and such oppressive situation in the world and even prolonged gloomy weather. I now will not provide the list of all frequencies, but they sometimes reached hundred Hz!
      Having rummaged on the Internet, I found data that else the Solovki monks and associates, feeling the negative power which was often proceeding from the Kola Peninsula, believed them "devilish signs", and or destroyed this design influencing them by means of physically issued мыслеформ, or made relaying available on border of a monastery of spirals and labyrinths, adjusting them on blocking of harmful frequency and sealing them crosses.
      As far as we have competent people that simple people, with open consciousness, are capable through connection and use of own subconsciousness learned to apply spiral labyrinths to clearing of such harmful radiations. Even earlier I already wrote many articles on this subject opening a true essence of the labyrinths laid directly on the earth or spirals, drawn on walls which served as the instruction for opening of portals and переходив to other worlds and at the same time for protection of space or property.
      Global warming which seriously concerned thawing of glaciers on all Earth, bared one more find and at the same time a riddle. On Alaska suddenly thawed ancient pyramids. It, of course, occurred not yesterday, however scientists, and in particular the geologists, any time could not believe, and therefore publish that the thawed tops of pyramidal constructions actually can be man-made and commensurable with great pyramids of Egypt.
      But everything appeared quite so: on Alaska there are most ancient constructions in the form of pyramids, and time of their construction is commensurable, and even is much more senior than the Egyptian. As well as in a case with many other similar constructions scattered on all Earth, scientists found out that pyramids of Alaska the man-made. Stone blocks of which they consist, carefully вытесаны and yuvelirno are adjusted to each other. To assume that the Mother nature, in any way подучается could make it: it has absolutely other tools and handwriting. Any cataclysms, geologists assure, are not capable to create the pyramids collected from geometrically correct and almost identical stone blocks.
      But who constructed these pyramids if on age they are commensurable with the Egyptian? What civilization lived in that far time for territories of modern Alaska?
      That such constructions are excessive to the ancient people that suggests an idea that all pyramids of Earth were created or the advanced civilizations which were much more more advanced, than even ours is remarkable also, or aliens, newcomers from the parallel worlds, people of the future, at last in this case participated ... After all we still plainly at all do not know purpose of all these grandiose constructions, including most studied - the Egyptian pyramids.
      Pyramids of Alaska still only just started thawing. It is thought, what even for scientists here will be problems - in respect of research and expectation when the nature will release these grandiose constructions finally much. As for tourism, by all means there will be those who will be interested by exotic and secret of northern pyramids then also everything is very problematic is not to Egypt to fly ...
       - http://psifactor.info/ed/neizvestnye-piramidy-mira-rukotvornye-gory-ledyanoj-alyaski.htm
      In Siberia as are open a number of the hills surrounding Red Yar which consist of the huge stones having traces of careful machining. Suspect that it is stay traces here the states Tataria, occupying the territory of the Western and Eastern Siberia.
      30 thousand years ago in the territory of Krasnoyarsk Krai there lived ancient people. At the beginning of our era ancestors the ketoyazychnykh of the people here lodged, but they disappeared by the beginning of the XVIII century. They were succeeded by Turkic tribes. Before arrival of Russians there lived ancestors of modern Kyrgyz. Their settlement was called "Kyzyl-yar-Tura", that is "the city of the red coast".
      For many years the Guard mountain (Qom-Tigey) was for Krasnoyarsk citizens sight with symbolical sense. In 1667 this place gave up as a bad job in commemoration of a victory of Cossacks over aggressive Yenisei Kyrgyz, and in 1805 the cross was replaced by the well-known chapel. To Russians it became known thanks to the picture on a banknote. However, according to the image of a turret it is difficult to understand where specifically it is located.
      In the summer of 1927 expedition led by the archeologist S. A. Teploukhov found rich burial of the XIII century on the Guard mountain. In a burial ground there was a set of expensive subjects. It is visible that the person of a princely sort here was based.
      In 2005 in the Evening Krasnoyarsk newspaper there was sensational article of the Krasnoyarsk alternative scientist and the amateur archeologist Pavel Poluyan. He wrote that the Guard mountain has an artificial origin and is the pyramid, created in ancient times the mysterious Siberian people. "I stand, leaning a hand on the huge stone block. It almost from me growth and though its edges crumbled and broke off, the block has a form of almost correct cube. The stone not cold, is heated by the sun, and to the touch reminds a usual concrete plate".
      Really, megalytic layings in the form of huge gray blocks can be made out with the naked eye if to turn towards Red Jara. Ranks of these blocks go almost in parallel. The archeologist wrote that familiar geologists to whom he asked a question, pointing to ranks of stone blocks, answered without hesitation that similar rocky exposures have nothing in common with an artificial laying, and are the opened edges of a stone body of the mountain. The scientist considers that the skeptical relation to his idea is connected with that "the hypothesis of artificial character of a hill seems absolutely fantastic".
      However, this assumption becomes more plausible if to remember history with pyramids in China. The matter is that near the large city of Xian, in the center of agricultural fields, were found ancient pyramids. These pyramids there were some tens, and one of them reached height of 60 meters, that is is only twice less than the largest pyramid of Cheops in Egypt.
      The European science at all did not suspect long time about existence of these pyramids, and only in 1997 the amateur archeologist Hartwig Hausdorff managed to receive a consent of the authorities for research of mysterious structures. Pyramids were put of clay bricks, but them long could not recognize for pyramids as their slopes overgrew trees and it seemed that it is usual hills.
      Later here the remains of walls and lists were found. According to researchers, pyramids were tombs of ancient Chinese emperors of two-three thousand-year prescription. But only forbade to conduct excavation of the power of the People's Republic of China, having declared to that research of mysterious constructions - business of future generations.
      This instructive history forced the archeologist enthusiast Pavel Poluyan to continue researches, without trusting sceptics. At the head of small expedition, with the digital camera and a hammer he made an ascension on a slope of a Krasnoyarsk pyramid. Researchers came to a conclusion that rocky exposures are really similar to the remains of ancient walls as vertical cracks go with surprising frequency, dividing a rock monolith into the correct blocks. The attention was drawn by also thin layers of black substance similar to the remains of pitch, here and there covering a surface of the blocks, fastening a laying. Examples of this substance was are taken on the analysis, as well as samples of estimated concrete.
      Researchers made one more hypothesis that the huge hill has a natural origin, and here its top - an artificial pyramid. Really, an eminence at top equal and pyramidal. If it is not more ancient burial, it is possible to assume that in the ancient time on the mountain defensive strengthenings of any Siberian civilizations settled down. It could be constructions of the tagarets living here 2 500 years ago, could be and strengthenings of ancient Kyrgyz. Refined jewelry of medieval beauties is still stored in funds of museum of local lore, and after all they were found on hill slopes.
      There is one more, apparently, absolutely improbable version that to the Great flood the climate was softer and warm, and all living beings, including people, were more tall. These ancient giants also constructed megalytic constructions on all Earth, including in Krasnoyarsk.
      There is in vicinities of Krasnoyarsk one more mountain - overgrown with the wood White which is since ancient times called a pyramid. It is considered that stay near it "cleans" a karma of the person and even relieves it of many illnesses.
      Hill Black (Kara-Dag) - highest "pyramid" in vicinities of Krasnoyarsk. It - long ago the gone-out volcano. In the early nineties the group of archeologists studied parking of the primitive person, and came to conclusion that the mountain trihedron with the destroyed western slope consists of the stones put in the artificial image. Also near the mountain increase of a radiation background was revealed, but the reason of this phenomenon still is a riddle.
      Besides, district pictures which confirmed opinion of archeologists were made of space: Kara-Dag has a man-made origin. Probably, representatives of ancient civilizations, having chosen an extinct volcano, used it as a basis for pyramid construction. But the millennia hid their works from descendants.
      - http://paranormal-news.ru/news/krasnojarskie_piramidy/2013-05-30-6979
      - https://pikabu.ru/story/samyie_drevnie_piramidyi_na_planete_nakhodyatsya_v_rossii_448857
      Came it is time to draw a final conclusion - all pyramids are made as uniform system of supervision over us and at the same time a way of management and even destruction after we went on the wrong way and possible destruction ourselves by means of atomic weapons.
      All our brilliant ideas are born in the childhood, are embodied in a maturity, other intermediate time is spent on search of latent answers in the subconsciousness.
      Well anything to itself, research - in space and time therefore decide to trust or not
      How many myself I remember always was curious, was fond of physics, mathematics, history, geography and especially medicine and on the basis of this knowledge tried to construct the life. I subjected everything to the most careful analysis, in myself and therefore if something to someone told me never trusted, but already being the adult repeatedly received confirmation that was always right in perception of the oldest historical events.
      As always, I something think out interesting, for the pro-driving time, поисследовать in last, real or future, besides I do it with use not only subconsciousness, but also very detailed analysis in time or space. And here that at me it turned out therefore to trust or to trust - to judge only to you.
      Life now became very interesting, every day there are any opening in themselves. Here, for example, today, after morning exercises, it in 11-that hours, the thought came to check the muscles, after all already 74 and there have to be any bad changes, I am confident in it. Looked everywhere on the muscles, at cellular level, and paid attention on collecting in stem cells of muscles a large number of mutations which there gradually collect and break their ability to self-restoration. Therefore returned to the past, years on 40 back, and looked as there with it affairs were. There was a little in a different way. Began to compare to look for and found.
      It appeared - my body and muscles have own resonance of 20 Hz, and mutations in them already the frequency of 40 Hz! It is too much and harmfully to an organism as it is alien. Further, it appeared, changes happen not everywhere, in muscles, equally, and any another in a random way, there were more protected areas and weaker, is visible connected with their stimulation at my exercises and a physical activity which I do constantly.
      Began to look for, compare and found - they can be transformed, having transferred to the frequency of 20 Hz necessary to me if to change one gene in DNA of stem cells of muscles, in the second quarter of a chain of DNA which I consider as four shorter and more convenient in piece work, so more conveniently. This gene was simply switched off, with a low electric potential.
      On conditionally created phantom of the separate taken muscle checked that will turn out if to restore the correct work of this gene and was convinced that the received result corresponds to the frequency of 20 Hz. Therefore reconstructed this gene in all muscles of all the organism. Action of this reorganization was almost instant though sometimes they happened to a considerable delay of notable result in my 27 DNA previous transformations. Some transformations, for example, joined only in 8 months after the work carried out by me.
      I as a rule investigate various situations occurring in our world and causing general interest in our society. So was and with the plane crash, flying to Syria from Sochi. And here that at me it turned out. The plane was completely serviceable and all people in it were absolutely healthy, but among passengers there was one woman with very big psychoemotional overload and high own resonance of equal 10 Hz. Such changes, for the worse mental health, happen from too big communicative overload.
      (The note of the author - events considered here occurred at different times and therefore I give numerical value of frequency on time of commission of each separate event and therefore they should not coincide with that we have now. All this is sharp and was reversed since September, 2017 after full completion of quantum jump.)
      The person, with the wrong way of life, from backbone strongly twirled on the axis, at the started scoliosis, becomes "a plug to any barrel", that is it in one "place" has a pricker which does not allow it to sit and the person starts showing excessive activity in all actions where the many people participate and it is possible to find quite healthy person - the donor for replenishment of the exhausted internal reserves.
      Usually such people, most often, constantly stay in the thick of the people, always, the statements, clothes or behavior, try to shock the public what to draw to itself the greatest attention and work in medicine, journalists, TV hosts or in police and under the guise of assistance to the neighbor give help personally to itself, as allows them to be in a good physical form. Such form of power vampirism is very developed today and therefore many overactive people are very dangerous to people around though the bulk of the population and does not suspect about this misfortune.
      The transferred, preliminary flight of the plane to Sochi appeared new additional loading for an organism and therefore its own resonance increased already to 12 Hz, and it indicates total loss of forces and sharp falling of own power. In such condition of people becomes the power vampire because of sharp violation of brain blood circulation, besides internal understanding of this problem never happens, after all the brain any more does not work and does not analyze a situation, and only degrades, being diluted to a condition of spinal liquid.
      The sick person who was in such unbalanced state is very dangerous, being in the car, the bus or the plane he subconsciously looks for the most healthy person capable to restore it and becomes frequent them the one who operates this vehicle. Therefore at the one who appears such unexpected donor instantly heaven and earth it is moved from feet on ears - body temperature sharply increases, pulse becomes frequent, intercepts breath, and the head is completely switched off and the managing director of the vehicle can make any unjustified action. Such here also happened to the specified plane.
      I write about it for this purpose that someone responsible on the top would reconsider the materialistic outlooks on life and probably having become took necessary measures for elimination of the specified tragic events more circumspectly. I observed such actions repeatedly - in the bus, at the last door, the woman with sticks for the Scandinavian walking enters. Such people are vampires, they constantly look to themselves under feet and are afraid to fall, but sticks allow them to become straight and be surer though their internal essence from it does not change. It, gradually, passed on all salon choosing a place and stopped about me, drilling the not bright eyes, I saw it and was instantly closed. It at once lost to me interest and moved forward, having stopped at a cabin of the driver.
      Right after it the driver began to pull sharply the bus at a set of speed or a stop and so that all passengers simply fell. His consciousness and a foot lost intermediate distance at a pedal, and it pressed it in a floor, to the emphasis or simply released up to the end therefore we or gathered the maximum speed or sharply stopped. To me, after several sharp pushes it bothered, and I restored to the vampire brain blood circulation. Already on thirds to a stop, after my action, we again ceased to fall and the bus went again very softly.
      I, somehow met it then, again, in the bus and разговорил, there was it watched TV lying in a bedroom, as led it to such serious condition - made recommendations and probably it helped. Our people in such cases are absolutely illiterate and therefore so badly and live.
      At the same time, if near such patient there is thin electronics, it always fails, and it is inevitable. I somehow time investigated other plane crash, so there the cause of accident was the same vampire who removed the raised biofield of high frequency all Avionics and plane engines simply everything were at the same time switched off.
      For me there is no problem to open or close a portal to other world. It usually the space, the size limited on the area, with very high frequency for our world. It becomes by means of thought and quantum physics. In such place laws of physics of our world already at all do not work, and time simply stops.
      That is, in such space there is a wormhole, the transitional platform or "a star gate" in vertical situation as it is convenient to you opens, and consider, and on the earth there is only their projection, but there are any miracles and it is often possible to meet UFO which in our world appears through such place.
      If the healthy person comes into such "rotten" place, as approaching the main vertical pass he gets to greenish fog and can get stuck in it for the most indefinite time, and then is spontaneous back return. But if, the psychoemotional state it is not counterbalanced also own resonance of such traveler high, it has chance to pass through a portal and to remain there forever, having disappeared from our world completely as its rough covers will be arranged under new physics and reverse motion, for it, any more will not be.
      But here it is necessary to remember, always, that, getting to the new world you always awake for it are adjusted on most, extremely, high frequency and this world always you will apprehend with aggression as stranger and therefore to adapt there, you will not manage never. And even after death your soul to the thin worlds any more does not pass in that world, so collapses and to a new embodiment is not capable any more and perishes.
      Once fans of soccer addressed to me with a question why our teams lose in the most decisive matches. Looked and found out that football players are absolutely healthy and, apparently, have to play well but as itself saw it at all so. It was necessary to look on dynamics of game and very strange thing became clear.
      At an exit to a game field to immune system of leading team players there is a multiple foreign connection at the level of the solar plexus rendering braking of a brain, at the level of 10 chest vertebras blocking feet and at the level of a humeral belt, breath blocking system, and also various set of other small influences influencing the general physical and psychoemotional condition of athletes.
      As it appeared, the part from such influences was purely deliberate magic influence of fans of the team of our opponents and smaller part simple power vampirism of people with existence of violations of the brain blood circulation, occurring from the wrong way of life, at misuse of the computer, a tablet, the smartphone. Besides, the magic, often, came to an end at once after game, and elements of connection of vampires sometimes lasted for 2-3 weeks.
      After connection of the vampire to power of the healthy person that instantly starts feeling a condition of a catarrhal disease that at once considerably increases its temperature, increases pulse and lifts warm pressure, causing the general weakness about three days then continuation of an illness is perceived only as a syndrome of chronic fatigue which, the patient, always is explained by simple overfatigue.
      Somehow people addressed to me on mail from Europe with a question why their grandsons ceased to understand the parents, became absolutely uncontrollable and now, to majority, changed a floor for the opposite. It understood and became clear that it occurred from that they used the laptop incorrectly, put on the knees from what their backbone accepted a condition of the letter "S".
      Certainly, to me, at a phone conversation did not believe, but at the same time decided to check on neighbors who had a similar situation and were convinced by really received result after I corrected, at the children, all backbone, without meeting at all the patients and at all without having taken an interest as call these people. The result, according to them, was such that they obviously did not recognize the children literally in some days.
      Once I decided to learn whom was in the past, the most near on time of an embodiment and why me the medicine and healing so strongly interests. To make it not so simply and therefore to find itself in the history I decided to put some repernykh the end for definition of such person, and also the necessary temporary period.
      At first I put a certain power sign in the form of a rectangular triangle on right forearms, in front, at the person in which body I lived last time. On the left hip too put the same triangle, and on a back drew a square. Checked, signs are easily read. At the same time on a line of time made notches those years where then looked for itself.
      Further, established a tag in the form of a small pyramid and two absolutely small pyramids just as points, on each side in that place where lived and worked recently, and then began to look for on the card where they stand. At increase in the card in a format of the globe found a place and in the analysis it became clear that it is Petersburg at the end of the century before last. At specification it appeared that I there lived and worked approximately till September 27, 1873.
      It was much more difficult to find a name of the person, but comparing many factors, several times, I came to a conclusion that my surname was Badmayev and called me Alexander Aleksandrovich. This surname for me represents the special importance as Badmayev Pyotr Aleksandrovich for me always was the meaning size and an example for imitation. It was Badmayev A. A. brother., which became the receiver of the brother after his death in 1873. Esteem on the Internet about his life, and you will understand as far as it there was a great doctor, the scientist and simply remarkable person.
      I noticed that recently somehow with health did not become absolutely stable and began to look for the reason of such state - it appeared it is all about the increase of radiation of the space beams coming from our galaxy - it raises and as the range of a set of other factors of the frequencies of people of a planet acting on health connected with increase Earth raises. Probably, it was directly connected with recent quantum jump and reorganization of our biological body.
      Therefore I had to take measures and despite today's peak of solar activity, to affect a condition of the Sun, having blocked all its peak of activity completely, before full clearing of solar spots on all Sun. You can be convinced of my words, and even to see photos of this pure Sun, is perfect without spots that in peak of its activity a perfect nonsense. And also you can, understand a situation, reading articles distributed by scientific astrophysics on the Internet and to be convinced that the required result is reached by me. On the Sun steadily spots are not present! As I do it I already in detail described in my previous books located on - 154 sites on the Internet.
      And today I read the message on the Internet that group of the international scientists who are not knowing about my actions, consider that it is connected with abnormal decrease in solar activity in recent years. They write that usually at activity of the Sun there are solar spots which strengthen a magnetic field of our star and thus all this reduces the general level of space radiation.
      Therefore I solved, from now on on March 21, 2018, temporarily to stop the influence made on our star - the Sun and to look at result to draw a conclusion as farther to be and on the basis of received new facts to extinguish or release solar activity further. The result of my impact on a solar kernel was shown at once as the frequency of an active surface of a star increased twice and there were 40 Hz. Such frequency for people too is not really pleasant, but we will look there can be a radioactive background in near space begins less, and further there will be an opportunity to choose the smallest problem.
      In character I am a researcher and constantly I look for the most important for me life, in my remote past, in other last embodiments therefore I carried out a set of researches and at me it turned out that once I lived in ancient Italy in the city of Naples, was the priest and preached there Orthodoxy till 305 when for it there it was decapitated at the age of 30 years. That I was remembered by my parishioners, very much helped me with further lives. Precisely, as it occurred I cannot tell yet, but on internal feelings this memory helped me to develop with my multiple aspirations to various sciences.
      Here one more moment interesting in my opinion. I moved on frequency to 50 Hz to other world the consciousness and it appeared on the suburb of the mighty wood. The wood was dense and unusual to me. I was interested by wood structure. At us on a cut of a tree annual rings, and here as though it not a tree, and the steel cable cut across or a thick plait of twisted ropes on an axis are visible. That is here at all rings, and densely located circles of a set of plaits with a point on the middle.
      Wood dense, very easy as the dry linden, gray, is closer to black than color, I would tell on color as a cut of the thin oak just caught from water and sawn across. By chips determined that the tree is easily cut and sawn.
      If to consider deeper layers of information on development of soul, mankind, it is possible to tell that once, long ago, I and much of you lived in constellation of Orion, on Mars, on Venus and already appeared on Earth when already left Lemuriytsa and Titans much later, and Atlanta too were going to rise in top on the frequency of the resonance and to pass into other world, at development of the soul. So I speak to you if the person is mortal, his soul is immortal. Remember it!
      People, remember it and know that this your life in this physical body now for you, after quantum jump, the last. Will pass new rather fast changes of your DNA, one or two times, but are closer the second and after that after change of the physical cover you find ability to live in the Universe eternally, and also to form the body if necessary power of only the thought and will be able to live in any of the spaces chosen by you in any a look convenient or accepted for you.
      Old age - it when you bend down to tie laces and think: what still to make in passing?
      Find out, the type of the personality!
      People mainly use four main ways to hold phone and each of them corresponds to a certain type of character of the person.
      If you hold phone one hand, it testifies to your ability to the solution of multitasking. You are accurately organized and disciplined, always understand that for you it is good, and that is bad. You like to speak more, than to listen as you have from scoliosis a developed imagination, but are not aggressive and specially you are very kind. You are able to distinguish pure love from feigned and for the half you are ready on a lot of things.
      It shows that you are healthy and counterbalanced and therefore hope for protection against people around, are eager for attention and care. You not willingly express feelings therefore your partner can feel shortage of love. Be softer and do not hesitate to show the emotions to people!
      You have the strong scoliosis, too developed imagination, but you are physically weak and therefore the partner who will be able to understand you for all 100% is necessary to you and to protect you. If you are supported by the reliable person, you are full of self-confidence. You will love the elect very much and will be able easily to forget about troubles in the past!
      You are absolutely healthy and counterbalanced. The silent and balanced behavior is peculiar to you. You are ready to offer everything, for the sake of wellbeing of people surrounding you. You do not love crowd, prefer quiet and familiar places. As at you and in love is a smooth water about which you superfluous will not tell anybody and never. That you do not take out, so it got down, especially close people. Mistakes of the darlings you forgive with a record speed.
      - https://boltai.com/topics/kak-vy-derzhite-telefon-psihologicheskij-test/
      The age of the person shares on three stages: the childhood, youth and "You perfectly look!". There is, however, still the fourth stage, absolutely sad: "You perfectly keep!" So there is a wish to be late longer at the third age.
      Opening and guesses of scientific last days and that it is possible to make if to include logic and to apply observation
      The technique of identification of risk of a suicide at people with autism elements is developed. On this dangerous state, when fluidifying brain to a condition of spinal liquid, in blood of the patient, specifies the lowered level of protein content, that is a neyrotropny factor of a brain (BDNF). It means that BDNF can be considered not only a marker of the current suicide moods of the patient, but also a stable marker of risk of such manifestations in the future. - riaami.ru
      Though if doctors faced to people more attentively, only on one eyes it is already possible to do similar diagnostics. Eyes at such people prickly, and the person rigid and all occurs from violation of brain blood circulation at a neck inclination forward.
      It is found recently out that allegedly people with thin persons seem to another more healthy. And smaller amounts of fat on a face, according to some experts, tells about a normal blood pressure. Possibly, such conclusions of researchers will lead to development of methods of diagnostics of a state of health in a shape of a face. So the shape of a face and an ethnic origin were closely connected with a blood pressure. - Meddaily.ru
      Instead of it is simpler, it is simple to look at a condition of a bearing, what more is evident and therefore at once to define existence of diabetes of the second type if the left foot is not in the joint, proceeding in the mode hidden from doctors?
      Scientists from Obernsky university (Auburn University, Alabama) found out that only one of ears is "lock" for optimum processing of acoustical information both at children, and at adults. Hearing - ability to perceive sounds are a difficult function. This complex process demands not only sensitivity of acoustic analyzers, but also the powerful device for processing of arriving information which happens is complicated by extraneous background noises from several sources at the same time. - Medportal.ru
      Scientists-audiologists found out that in difficult conditions and children, and adults use the right ear for receiving and processing of more intensively that they hear, but at the same time did not pay attention to lack of a bearing when at the person lower and only therefore the left ear hears the right shoulder worse. Probably they conducted the researches blindly.
      Around the world lives about 100 million people having dementia, and 60% from them are the share of the countries with the high and average level of the income. Dementia - is the syndrome, occurring from not vertical position of a neck of the person, especially at the wrong using smartphones at which there is a degradation of memory, thinking, behavior and ability to carry out daily actions. Dementia, generally affects elderly people, but it is not a normal state of aging of their organism, and simply is caused by lack of normal blood circulation in the head.
      Dementia makes considerable social and economic influence from the point of view of medical expenses, expenses on the social help and the informal help. In 2015 the general global expenses on dementia were estimated at 818 billion dollars that corresponds 1,1% of the world gross domestic product. The general expenses varied from 0,2% of gross domestic product in the countries with low level of the income to 1,4% of gross domestic product in the countries with high level of the income. -
      As it became clear, modern people absolutely cease to use the memory, thereby, атрофируя a brain. They in everything rely now only on the Internet. Probably with mankind large-scale experiment is made. To understand how searchers affected people, it will be possible only later certain time. That the brain normally worked, it needs to be used constantly, instead of to shift mental work to others. In view of that people started living more long, it is worth expecting growth of number of patients by dementia.
      Modern methods of a cancer therapy only promote growth of new tumors, it is revealed that dead and dying cancer cells are capable to cause an inflammation and to provoke cancer development. So, the cancer therapy by means of chemotherapy and radiation therapy becomes the main reason of new growth of secondary tumors, tells The Deccan Chronicle. According to experts, secondary tumors are very aggressive. The chemotherapy and radiation therapy remain the main methods of a cancer therapy, despite side effects because modern methods, such as an immunotherapy, cost much. - Meddaily.ru
      I for a long time and it from 80th years use absolutely simple technique for a cancer therapy, besides at any stage. For this purpose I use knowledge of study of the strength of materials and helps. Simply thought, through a muscular corset I restore broken earlier local blood circulation in the struck fabrics, and the immune system restored by such action already itself cleans cancer cells an organism. Both it is cheap, and it is simple, but such simplicity does not arrange many. First, very quickly and cheap, secondly the pharmaceutics is not used at all and a great number of doctors remain idle, and this scary dangerous phenomenon when those who got used to earn much, are out of work!
      Researchers from University of Connecticut (University of Connecticut, UConn) and Eksetersky university (The University of Exeter) found interrelation between probability of occurrence of death and gradual decrease in arterial pressure for previous years. The data received by them specify that pressure starts decreasing slowly approximately in 14 years prior to death of the person (at advanced age). Results of research are published in JAMA Internal Medicine.
      The first conclusion which was drawn by researchers, consisted that at patients with the mentioned diseases falling of arterial pressure with a current of years was observed most distinctly. But consideration of data on wide temporary intervals showed existence of the same symptom and at still healthy people.
      Arterial pressure gradually grows from children's age about "average years", remaining usually within norm. And at advanced age normal pressure is not guaranteed not: arterial hypertension the ordinary satellite of an old age though a number of the previous researches connected statistical pressure drop at elderly people with the beginning of an administration of drugs against hypertensia.
      But present research showed a similar symptom and at those who did not accept such preparations and did not suffer from an elevated pressure. Therefore the main problem there is a search of the reason of such correlation and possibility of prevention of death of patients at which pressure decrease at advanced age is revealed. - Medportal.ru
      Whether it is simpler to look simply, at least on a tomography or a X-ray, at a bearing of the person. If the seventh chest vertebra left to the left a little or was a little developed on an axis in left, and to the grandma do not go, pressure will be always lowered! And everything occurs from an uncontrolled pose during a dream. If there is a small twisting of a shoulder or a hip forward, on a bed, rejoice - the problem of the lowered pressure is surely provided to you. And then know - it was necessary to live to you, as well as scientists predicted no more than 14 years!
      Extroverts and purposeful people are not threatened by problems with mentality. So, according to the new research conducted at Buffalo University, extroverts and purposeful people suffer from alarm and a depression less often. High level of a nevrotizm increases risk of these problems. But neurotics at whom ekstraversiya and integrity levels are high, are less inclined to alarm and a depression, transfers The Deccan Chronicle.
      Scientists came to a conclusion that the ekstraversiya and integrity protect from problems with mentality. According to researchers, the ekstraversiya helps people to get social support and positive emotions in the course of communication. And integrity is connected with aspiration to achievement of the objectives and an embodiment of plans. - Meddaily.ru
      The truth scientists did not consider that purposeful people are healthy sane people, leaders correct, a regular life and only therefore they are not threatened by problems with mentality, after all their correct direct bearing will not allow it never, so and everything in their life always will be fine. But no scientists want to speak about it never, after all they understand that if they will declare it, access to the publication will be blocked by it forever. At us in society it is so accepted, all that yields result small expenses simply is held back.
      From here, when I directly and frankly tell the opinion on various sites on the Internet, in the form of comments, it is instant забанивается, and becomes without any comments. Nobody loves the truth, especially when it prevents to deceive people and to earn on it.
      Here the example, and still to me comes the mass of various offers to invest money in any action what to earn billions but as soon as I once will respond to the letter directly then after that, it is already impossible to write anything. And even, if I wanted to address or praise to them, purely conditionally, I cannot make it any more. From here becomes clear are swindlers and I was right.
      In Russia today 70% of graduates of schools and 35% of children of preschool age have problems with health and it is so modest. According to the Federal research center of food, biotechnology and safety of food, excess weight is observed at 14% of kids at the age of 5 years, and obesity more than 5% from them have. By 10 years the situation is aggravated and suffering 17%, and obesity of 8% become excess weight. Thus diseases of a gastrointestinal path are diagnosed for 15%. 70% of children have caries.
      Investigating this question, I came to a conclusion that such situation, mainly, depends only on a way of life of parents of the child. Tracing this situation throughout several tens years, I was convinced that if to a family at the grandmother and at mother scoliosis is observed, in this family of healthy children simply does not happen - never and if such it is observed also at the great-grandmother, the child is born with obvious signs of physical defects which cannot absolutely be cured. Here always there is a diabetes of the second type of which doctors are not capable or do not want.
      And according to physicians, only violations in food are the reason of a bigger half of diseases of children. Probably thus they care of the future earnings. So, they consider, the lack of milk leads to a growth inhibition and development of caries, fruit and vegetables - to problems of a gastrointestinal path, fishes influences development of brain activity, and the surplus of salt provokes a hypertension, saturated fats - to atherosclerosis development. Everything is simple and everything is classified. And it is more than a half - 65% of children absorb in a large amount of sweet to the detriment of necessary food.
      And I as remember myself in all 74 years, always loved sweet in large volumes if circumstances allowed, and on salt in general any restrictions never did and I do not do still, but I feel perfectly, constantly I work at the computer and I read much, every day, directly from the monitor screen, but correctly established. Therefore I wrote already 50 books and hope will be written yet less. Some tens years I was not at doctors, and the last time would be to make just there fluorography which was necessary concerning replacement of the medical policy, at change of insurance company.
      And here according to the research supervisor of FITs, the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Victor Tutelyan, in all this first of all parents which lives from the first days accustom children to sweet and salty are guilty. Then such children refuse to eat in school cafeteria because to them it is tasteless: 66% of pupils bring food from the house. - riaami.ru
      In Russia the incidence of an acute hepatitis And grew by 1,6 times. The most problem region in this plan - the Republic of Udmurtia. As report "News", from January to September of the current year 6,9 thousand new cases were recorded. According to Rospotrebnadzor, the highest rates are registered in Udmurtia where the incidence of hepatitis A exceeds average Russian almost three times: there 13,9 patients on 100 thousand of population.
      Also among "leaders" on incidence - the Penza region (10,6 cases) and Perm Krai (9,7 cases). Therefore the most effective way of prevention of an illness of Botkin - vaccination is offered. But today mass free hepatitis A inoculations on a regular basis do only to workers of professions of high risk - physicians, employees of a public catering and so on. - http://www.medlinks.ru/article.php? sid=76043
      Such disease state occurs only from a turn on an axis of a backbone 3 chest vertebras. From here I have a counter offer, why inoculations, simply start sleeping correctly, sleep accurately on one side and support the top shoulder from a turn forward, the bottom hand bent in an elbow. I thus corrected recently whole family which was afraid to take medicine and therefore appealed to me about the help. I at all did not treat them, and simply taught to sleep correctly and it helped at hepatitis A.
      I.Q. of the person is directly connected with a structure and certain properties of his brain, after all at people with high I.Q. communications between different departments of bark of big hemispheres are in a different way arranged. Was considered earlier that our intelligence depends on intensity of work of different parts of a brain. So, the prefrontalny cerebral cortex participates in development of difficult cogitative schemes, temporal shares are responsible for recognition of the speech and control over oral speech, and frontal lobes are responsible for initiative and independence of the person during decision-making.
      But in 2015 research in which it is assumed was published that the forward ostrovkovy share and forward zone bark at people with high I.Q. most actively interact with other parts of a brain. And the message between a temporal and parietal share which helps us to cut unnecessary information, is weak, but found out a little later how "quality of communications" affects brain activity between different areas. It appeared, the brain is a social network and the "more strongly" between them communication, the person is cleverer.
      It appeared that in a human brain work is arranged by the similar principle. The most important and active areas which make impact on activity, are closely connected among themselves, and much more weakly connected with what value for activity is not so great. Therefore if the person holds the head directly and his brain blood circulation good, the person is clever and it "social to sit down a brain" more actively. But if your mother had a scoliosis, means problems with blood circulation to you are provided for 100% and already tablets a bearing will not correct. - http://www.medlinks.ru/article.php? sid=76026, Medportal.ru
      Long ago it is known that scoliosis existence at mother during pregnancy increase risk of congenital defects at children. So, for example, very often at the child the cervical department of a backbone that causes violation of the brain blood circulation, the raised hyperactivity and considerable weakening of immune system is damaged. If the such occurs and in femoral part, diabetes of the second type is always provided. Doctors do not see it almost till 30 years, and the person grows up with very excess weight and noticeable mentality violation.
      At any woman, at scoliosis, childbirth always proceeds with various complications and if events for restoration of breath of the child after that at the kid the sacral department of a backbone is damaged are held that surely leads to increase of hormones in blood and by a sexual maturity changes sexual orientation of the person, and in 25 years will inevitably lead it to floor change.
      But the most terrible that at a difficult confinement, besides from scoliosis of mother at it it amplifies, breaks a mental state and does her by the vampire of the kid. Therefore the child constantly is ill, and no medicine can cure him as it is necessary to treat at first mother, and the child only after that. Thus each subsequent child it becomes obligatory the full disabled person and each woman should remember it not to live all the life as the nurse. - Meddaily.ru
      The depression - one of the most widespread diseases resulting in disability not only Russians, but in the most part of Europeans and in particular Americans where the way of life of people only is called as image, and actually absolutely is absent. Therefore at them, the depression prevails as one of the most widespread diseases resulting in disability and any energizers, here will not help, after all they will not expand brain vessels, here it is just necessary to live absolutely in a different way. Mine are that not consolatory conclusions.
      Statistically, more often than a depression, at people of a "free" way of life only cardiovascular diseases as scoliosis at our people in general is not considered an illness, and in Europe and America this concept explaining an illness of all organism, as though meet and does not exist.
      However soon the depression has to locate strongly on the first place among all diseases as people it is accelerated degrade under the pressure of the increasing frequency of our world and space of a planet surrounding people Earth. So, in the European territory of Russia every third inhabitant within a year feels disturbing and depressive frustration and especially such tension occurs from September-October to March-April when people a long time, absolutely, do not see a sunlight.
      Thus the small increase in life expectancy of Russians pours out in growth of distribution of vascular dementia and Alzheimer's disease. And here schizophrenia is already diagnosed approximately for 40% of Russians. Present now what percent of this disease in America - 70%!
      Such disease, with the changed condition of consciousness already prevails in the world, in it and there is a terrible danger, after all it meets identical frequency on all continents, at all people. The climate changes, conditions of our life change, there is a reorganization of our internal state and all our bodies, in connection with quantum transformation of Earth, but people instead of that what to become reasonable and remember precepts of ancestors think out new ways strenuously to do much harm to itself and for one and our planet.
      Former experience, shows in the solution of this question, what even artificial and consecutive attempts of sterilization or physical destruction mentally patients who were undertaken in Germany in 1940-1941, did not lead to noticeable change of an indicator of incidence neither on quantitative, nor on qualitative structure". Therefore I suggest modern mankind to think again, start living, slowly, consciously, measuredly, to remember that as you think, and live, and from here think correctly, that is it is exact as want to live. People, get rid of envy, a profit and self-interest and everything will change in your life, I to you as the spiritual healer, I guarantee it. - http://www.medlinks.ru/article.php? sid=75257
      Character at me from that and heavy, what the gold can?
      Psychological secrets which will help to read people as open books
      To hide the announcement
      You for certain reflected more than once on how it would be healthy to be able to read mind of people around, but it is possible. Someone with this question is helped by intuition, but if you do not possess a similar insight, there is only one: to learn to understand language of a body of the person.
      Not a secret that by means of nonverbal communication we can receive to 55% of information. The mimicry, gestures and gestures are capable to dump a mask from the person and to bare his true thoughts and feelings.
      I suggest to pay attention to signals which send us people around, sometimes that without suspecting.
      1. Prikryvaniye century
      If the person, communicating with you, covers eyelids, know: he tries to hide, protect itself(himself) from the outside world. And it at all does not mean that the interlocutor is afraid of you. It is rather on the contrary, he wants to move away you from a field of the sight because you could bother it. Closed eyes - bang! - and you disappeared. That is you are with it in different own resonance and between you there is no full understanding therefore draw the correct conclusion. Conversation needs to be stopped urgently and more never to continue with this person.
      2. Protection of a mouth by a hand
      It is a striking example of that all of us a sort from the childhood. Remember how you covered a mouth with a palm when did not want to tell something. At adult age the same. Some fingers, a palm or even a fist at a mouth help us to keep said words. Sometimes this gesture masks a feigned tussiculation. That is the person very much wants to tell something, but because of the indecision is afraid to make it.
      3. Pokusyvany handles of points
      See, what the acquaintance thoughtfully bites a handle of points? Hasten to support and encourage it. It obviously is anxious with something and at subconscious level seeks to feel safety, as in infancy, at a maternal breast. By the way, the pencil, the handle, a finger, a cigarette or even a cud in a mouth can speak about the same. Such person, is born through Cesarean section by means of the careless doctor and therefore spineless, that is it "a rag on a wind" where the wind there it will blow and will turn. Both so in everything and always.
      4. Demonstration of the person
      As a rule, this gesture apply to drawing attention of representatives of an opposite sex, that is you were pleasant to it, but remember that such people very much ветрены and are changeable from chronic scoliosis. At it the right shoulder is always lower left, probably it carries a bag on it, and in our hemisphere it is necessary to carry a bag only on the right shoulder.
      Leaning a chin on the put hands, we parade the person as if in a shop show-window, as though speaking: "Here it I in all beauty, admire health". Men should remember this gesture not to miss opportunity in time to pay a compliment.
      5. Chin stroking
      So, the diffident person having strong scoliosis, tries to make the decision. Thus his look can be turned up, down, sideways... yes anywhere, as the logic at it is blocked, and he hardly realizes what exactly considers at present as it is completely shipped in the reflections, therefore everything that he will decide to make steadily will turn against him.
      6. Skreshcheniye of hands
      One of the most widespread gestures. No wonder that in this pose many feel most comfortably - such situation allows to be fenced off from people around. Often we use this gesture when with something are dissatisfied. The hands crossed on a breast - it is an obvious signal of a negative spirit of the interlocutor and says that you with it have a big difference in own resonance that means - conversation is required to be stopped immediately as it will not bring any useful result.
      7. Preening
      Agree, it already more open pose? Seeking to be pleasant to the man, the woman starts exposing herself in the most favorable light. It becomes straight to emphasize a breast, and, as a rule, crosses feet. The hands put and lowered down - a signal of attention and keen interest in the interlocutor.
      8. Inclination forward
      When the person takes a liking for the interlocutor and is ready to make with it contact, it usually bends to it, but does it only in the absence of life experience. Thus feet can remain on a place, but the body will intuitively move forward.
      9. Otkidyvaniye back
      If the person leans back on a chair back, he thereby lets know that it was bored by conversation, and actually you are not interesting to it. Probably, he feels awkwardly in the company of the interlocutor therefore look for the reason in itself.
      10. Rocking from a sock on a heel
      Yes, so do not only children, but also adults. It means that the person strongly worries in adoption of the correct decision as is afraid of responsibility. Usually such there are people without internal midstream given rise through Cesarean section.
      11. Potiraniye of palms
      It is considered that hands broadcast that the head thinks. Potiraniye of palms, as a rule, expresses positive expectations of the person, hope that it will succeed in something, that is will be able to deceive you. In a word, quite so we do when we think of the forthcoming benefit, probably you want to earn by deception.
      12. Handshake "glove"
      If a free hand the interlocutor clasps your brush, shows that he can be trusted and he very much wants to gain you.
      13. Handshake with a palm from above
      The palm from above, covering others hand, testifies to empathy, participation but only if it was made at once. If hands were already linked some time, and then someone decided to put from above the second hand - it can speak about his desire to show, who here the main.
      14. Handshake with a palm from below
      If you support a hand of the interlocutor from below, as though speak to him about readiness to give help.
      15. Handshake with a touch
      Free hand it is possible to touch also a forearm, an elbow or a back of other person. Similar invasion into personal space symbolizes need for communication. And the this gesture is closer to the body case, the more this requirement.
      16. Tie correction
      Here everything is very situational. If the man does so in the company of the nice woman, probably she very much is pleasant to him. But the same gesture can mean that to the person it is uncomfortable. It told lies or simply wants to leave society in which is.
      17. Collecting of nonexistent fibers
      It is so-called gesture of replacement. Most often people use it, expressing that silent disagreement. In other words, they openly do not express the opinion, but with the events around precisely do not agree.
      18. Zakidyvaniye of feet on a table
      Such gesture can mean a lot of things: bad manners, disrespect, aspiration to prove to be the big boss and at the same time say that the person does not think at all of the safety in the future. And still I advised that even if to you is comfortable in this situation, means you already broke a kobchik and in such pose it is better to have a rest houses or at relatives. Such pose will inevitably lead to increase of hormones in your organism and in 10 years to change of a sexual inclination, and in 25 years to change of a floor on opposite and so each next 10 years!
      19. Sitting astride a chair
      Chair - it not a horse, and his back though bears a faint resemblance to a board, but nevertheless serves other purposes. This is the person an aggressor, probably suffers noticeable damage of mentality or autism. So such manner of sitting quite reasonably irritates many, after all intuitively we feel aggression proceeding from the person, besides at the same time says that the person has a high resonance and he is ready to everything. This pose is chosen, as a rule, by people of dominating type. Do not want to seem weaker - be above them while they sit on the horse.
      20. Poigryvaniye the taken-off shoe
      The crossed feet - it is considered one of the most attractive female poses, at not expert people on safe life, but actually it very much harms to an organism causing scoliosis, and then and diabetes of the second type with the subsequent accumulation of fat on hips and over time on all body. Poigryvy the semi-taken-off shoe, we still as though focus on them attention more. Such gesture speaks about the quiet, relaxed mood of the woman and serves as some kind of green signal of the traffic light for the man on many subsequent actions. Usually so conduct women of easy virtue when at them at the birth the kobchik is broken. Such women have feet too thin, thin and are thus widely placed.
      21. Visual contact
      Eyes - this window to the soul, and also the excellent instrument of communication. In them it is possible to read all feelings and emotions of the interlocutor. Lovers fixedly look each other in the face, subconsciously expecting to see how they become more. And it very much even is noticeable, after all pupils can increase by 4 times in comparison with a quiet state. By the way, if the person becomes angry or angry, his eyes become similar to beads due to the maximum reduction of pupils.
      Any car will suffice until the end of life if to go rather dashingly.
      Travel in time and in space, but whether is necessary it?
      If you were tired of this life when magnetic storms every single day, their resonance reads off scale and therefore not to fall asleep in the evening, not to rise in the morning, and all day go as on wadded feet, rejoice: travel in time sometime becomes possible for all though it and is now feasible, but only for the people perfectly being self-controlled and knowing laws of physics of space.
      It appears, in laws of theoretical physics there is nothing that forbids travel in time. At least, by words Eitan Ziegel's astrophysics from Lewis Clark's college. He explains how it is possible to travel in time by means of tiny quantum fluctuations in structure of space and time which were already found.
      According to it if "positive" and "negative" fluctuations of energy connected to your desire, to travel in time would become quite possible. Connection them has to provide a through wormhole or so-called "the mole hole", that is pass through temporary space that long ago already occupies minds of science fiction writers around the world.
      All this is very interesting, but it can be done by several different ways which are a little similar as change of frequency of object of impact on space or on the contrary demand the space influencing object. It depends on circumstances in which there is the operator, after all all possible, potential, events exist for a long time in a quantum field in the form of uncountable opportunities and therefore they are not required to be created anew, and it is necessary to choose from the existing simply.
      When we will adjust the electromagnetic radiation on the necessary wave of an event which is present at a quantum field, our body will be attracted to a desirable event so that we as though will pass to the new line of an event of time, and the required event too itself will find us in this new reality.
      That somewhere to change something, it is necessary to think new thoughts with new results. The scheme here is very simple - habitual and familiar for a long time thoughts or feelings hold us in a steady-state condition of life which, in turn, again and again provokes the same models of behavior and creates the same reality. Therefore if want to change something in the new reality, it is necessary to think, feel and work in a new way and actually "to be" others, that is to refuse long ago habitual reactions to existing events. It will be necessary "to become" someone to another. For this purpose the new condition of mind and ability to think new thoughts of new results is required.
      If to argue from positions of the quantum theory to us as to observers, it is necessary to pass into a new condition of life and to change the electromagnetic radiation, and in other words the frequency. As it becomes I already repeatedly described. Only after that we will get on a wave of one of probable realities which while exists in a quantum field only in the form of electromagnetic potential. And when our essence and our radiation will coincide with this electromagnetic potential of a field necessary to us, us will attract to this probable reality, or she will find us.
      Actually, if you are capable to do it by power of thought, with use of quantum physics, can freely open a portal to other world, before emergence of the real greenish fog and then having plunged into it, through transitional the platform to move to other world.
      This world will be, for certain, with a frequency of 30 Hz as it the next to us now, but it is possible if to want to get, in general, where it will want. It is just necessary to be able to operate change of frequency and the nobility, than it everything can turn back. About safety measures it is impossible to forget never!
      Or you can change, for example, the frequency in the space, the world surrounding you, you for travel even should not descend from a place - changed the frequency to a certain range of frequencies of other world, and you already there. Wanted to move changed frequency, and you already in other world, with other time frames and with the physics. But there can be such neighbors who can come in dream only in the fairy tale and therefore it is necessary to accept all precautionary measures what only are possible, up to immediate return back.
      Thus, movements only with increase of personal frequency, that is to more rough worlds in which dangers can wait for you, almost, continually are most available, in my opinion. And here to thinner, advanced worlds to get much more difficult though it is possible if you are able to lower an own resonance. But it is for this purpose better to have indigo DNA. Then for this purpose you receive a number of advantages.
      I always skeptically and with care treat all such travel. If we live here, and it is necessary to study this world, and thin or other any worlds we for a long time we know and this knowledge is in our subconsciousness therefore wake subconsciousness better, learn them to use and any travel neither in time nor in space at all will not be necessary.
      First, there, in the presence of our rough covers is always dangerously and the safety measures have to be on the first place, and that it is possible to cast away itself in development for whole millennia ago, but it I hope anybody and do not wish. Therefore I advise, on my sites read the previous articles on this subject, there is a lot of them and there the main subject, safety measures.
      And though while, negative energy is not found yet by our scientists, but existence of "the mole holes" any more does not contradict the theory of relativity of Einstein. Proceeding from it, Ziegel perfectly notes that creation both a supermassive black hole, and the negative energy equivalent to it, is possible and their connection has to create a through wormhole. Only he tells nothing about change of own resonance of the person or object of movement, and after all without its change you will not get anywhere, that is and will remain in the material world. And though borders of the worlds, presently, already were considerably narrowed, but in any way without it not to step over them.
      If to use already ready wormhole, at the time of hit in it your own resonance will at once change, having adjusted on the frequency of this wormhole. All this perfectly is suitable for instant movement in space. But how about time? Here where laws of the theory of relativity of Einstein enter. First of all you will get to greenish fog where there will be your internal reorganization, and control for new time parameter and as leave it at once appear in the new world, but it will be very difficult to understand it, especially, when you do not watch the frequency or frequency of the world which enter.
      But it is possible to travel it is possible and in a different way. I can do it in the thinner bodies, leaving a rough cover through the right shoulder falling out as in vacuum, and then when I start falling in space I choose the purpose to which I want to get, that is the world.
      Recently I investigated DNA of a certain angel and found difference from myself in only two genes therefore already by 16 times reconstructed the DNA and even once the RNA code, on only one gene, but it gave me big advantage. Now I possess wings in three thin bodies and I can use them for movement in those spaces where they are quite applicable.
      It increases my own safety and to move at good lighting much more pleasantly as wings give as much light, as well as a body, it when are in the dark, and at the same time replace transport. If you travel in thin bodies, mostly, it should be done at night as in the afternoon all there as in milk and all sense of such walk is reduced to zero, and at night light gives own body. Besides there such physics that allows to receive by force of thought very quickly the most necessary subjects.
      And here when you are in rough covers, at all you do not use wings and them simply and is not present. After all all angels tonkomaterialny also consist of three last ph. Those people who opened the abilities them can easily find behind my back, in the last thin bodies, or at least feel if yet completely use the opportunities, and other people simply will not believe. But it is not my trouble, and their personal.
      Unfortunately, such the majority though on life, after recent quantum jump, many capable people with indigo DNA began to come across to me, but also these people simply "sleep" and do not wish to wake up. Therefore these by nature versatile abilities practically do not use.
      If you travel with a speed close to velocity of light, and it and occurs, you surely are influenced by the phenomenon known as delay of time and it can, simply, for you to stop and the years spent there for you, remain one moment if close to you on spirit of people does not change the will your temporary constant. Such option of succession of events meets, but is very rare and I know only some cases when power of thought of other person could punch space both change time and return the loved one who has got stuck in hard times back to our world.
      That is, if your own resonance high, and it occurs at mentality violation, you can get to other space absolutely spontaneously and not apprehend at all the transition. Therefore, at us many people with problems of a mental state live for a long time on two worlds. They live in one world physically, and in other the psychoemotional state and even to harm to itself the actions in this physical world, through the spiritual sphere.
      And it is possible to get to other world absolutely incidentally if to meet a portal available somewhere to other world where usually the physics absolutely differs from ours, and there проблудить and not to know long time at all that probably there passed the whole centuries as you there got, and then as incidentally to leave back. To that, in our history, examples a big set, but the people who have come back back long do not live and quickly grow old.
      It means that travel with incredibly high speeds through space forces you to move more slowly in time. For example, if you moved in space with a speed close to velocity of light to the place located at distance of 40 light years ... those you would reach the destination of all in a year, and then would return back too all in a year.
      But having returned to Earth, you would find out that passed 82 years, and everything whom you knew, grew old long ago or died. The wormhole could be designed so that one end remained almost motionless, and another - moved almost with velocity of light. It is quite possible. If you enter the moving end of a wormhole, you will appear in the static end of the mole hole - on Earth - all a year later after its creation whereas for you will pass 40 years.
      If 40 years ago someone created such couple of intricate wormholes and went on them to travel, it would be possible to enter one of them today, in 2017, and to return to the past in another, having appeared in ... 1978. Such too happens, but very seldom it is possible to learn about it. The only problem is that you could not be also in this place in 1978 - you would need to be on other end of a wormhole or to travel in space to try to catch up with it.
      Now our life not only interesting, but also very difficult because of constant, almost everyday, radiations by high frequencies from far space, and even from the boiling Sun and it is simple from feeling sick, from unstable weather and therefore if we pass the current test, we will take a huge step to the bright future. Constantly heavy feet though many young people do not pay attention to it, pleading fatigue of the working day, but it not so.
      It was necessary to suffer very little and your patience will be rewarded, I promise it to you, with a certain confidence, well and the worst, though too the possible option us simply does not remain on a planet Earth - came to release time a place for other civilization. Our civilization got rid of the, and you it is, subconsciously, already feel.
      There are scientific people, and there are wise. Scientists - is what know much. And wise - which understand that they know.
      The reason of behavior of people which not only surprises us, but sometimes and even shocks though even the word "shock" should not be present at a lexicon of the sane person never
      And not only such words, but also words - "anything to itself" and others similar to them. Each person, except five sense organs, has the specific characteristics speaking about a level of development of his personality. It: intelligence, spirituality, will, mentality, mentality, talent based on access to subconsciousness, abilities, skills and abilities, and also appearance. All this together taken is directly connected with your subconsciousness and a condition of brain blood circulation. And without it in any way.
      As I believe, I you and noticed that the freedom of our people does not know recently any borders. The more liberated wants to seem or the person considers himself, the range of its inadequacy is wider, especially the figure is not more symmetric than it, that his right shoulder is lower, his neck is more inclined forward and below the chin is lowered, that it is more round-shouldered more his face spots and respectively more aggression in his beautiful speech in which emphasis is placed on its rights and freedoms given to it by the constitution.
      In confirmation of told, the Russian geneticists revealed that about 11% of Russians are carriers at least one mutation connected with development of age and genetically caused diseases. Contrary to the standard representations, mutations appear in our DNA almost constantly.
      Small differences which are connected with casual mutations, appear even in genomes the odnoyaytsevykh of twins. The genetic material of children contains, usually, two new mutations in comparison with the DNA device of their parents, and on the average unrelated each other people differ on 10-20 thousand mutations in structure of genes.
      According to scientists, the vast majority of these mutations are harmless and practically do not influence in any way carrier life, and only 10% are connected with change of a mental condition of the person and considerably worsen work of cages that in a final case points to the last embodiment of soul and full its destruction in the Universe.
      The scale of these changes does not depend on the sizes of mutations, it is about a third of the serious hereditary illnesses causing mutations in genes only one long a nucleotide. - http://www.univadis.ru/medical-news/183/Po-mneniyu-uchenyh-kazhdyj-devyatyj-rossiyanin-yavlyaetsya-nositelem-opasnyh-mutacij? utm_source=newsletter+email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=medical+updates +-+ daily&utm_content=1920921&utm_term=automated_daily
      The concept adequacy of the person at our physicians - in general extensible and the worse looks the doctor, the his descriptions of adequacy are wider. That in behavior at one people seems to it normal and organic, in behavior causes rejection and condemnation in others. And such conclusions are drawn not only because of excessive extravagance, for example, the young girl whom will count by style manifestation though the same shocking in a dress of the elderly woman will cause denial and hints on her inadequacy rather.
      At these people, from violation of a bearing violation of brain blood circulation is shown and there is the chronic social stress provoking changes in work of neurochemical systems of a brain, and as a result there is a full suppression of immunity and the increased risk of development of cancer diseases. Such influence of a stress happens so serious that the expression of genes will change even, (The expression of genes - is process during which hereditary information from a gene of sequence of nucleotides of DNA will be transformed to a functional product - RNA or protein.) why steady psychoemotional frustration which is very long is formed remains, starting the whole cascade of the subsequent changes in an organism. - http://www.medlinks.ru/article.php? sid=76471
      Extent of development of the personality as person can be learned through his behavior in society. Here behavior types which, in my opinion, unambiguously testify to inadequacy of the personality, to sharp violation of its brain blood circulation connected with illiteracy and wrong views on life besides obviously, being shown not in one generation in this family. I, here, do not estimate behavior, but only its psychosomatic symptoms, and only signs of an underdevelopment of the personality which are shown through behavior:
      1. The person contains a great number of animals in the city apartment: big dogs or there are a lot of cats. - The person from fauna. Such person does not commensurate mission of a place and the image of behavior. Does not know that habitat of different beings has to be accurately divided. He does not reflect that his animals can create serious problems for people around and him.
      Very often it is a consequence of lack of the correct education, change of a mental state of health from the started scoliosis through which the dissatisfaction of a maternal instinct is shown.
      2. The person who is capable to steal others, is capable to a taking and assignment of the stranger. - Such person believes that the owner of things become after this thing will appear in his hands and a way a taking for it does not matter. Here because of the changed condition of consciousness and rigid violation of mentality its education remains at the level of consciousness of Papuans of New Guinea.
      3. The person constantly quarrels, abuses, offends and accuses others of the problems, besides only concerning all healthy and, apparently, ethic people. Usually such occurs in a condition of autistichesky crisis from not stopping emotional excitement and is a sign of the increased aggression, irritability and dissatisfaction of succession of events against that the person is not capable to estimate critically himself and tries to convince all that others are guilty only.
      4. The person openly says lies, pretends to be, feigns. - Such person lives in the unreal world of the inflamed brain and tries to lodge in it others, through power vampirism. Besides, spreading various delusions, he quite often tries to use a false situation in own favor.
      Such people live "without tsar in the head" and without real vital image, they are amused by the distorted and perverted picture of the world. They do not look to people in a face, and always come from a back. They tell one, do another and think - the third - such is their internal essence. It consequences of the distorted hereditary picture of the world in the 3rd 4 and more generations of his ancestors.
      5. The person drinks - consequences of sharp violation of brain blood circulation of that inclined a neck forward and the head moved in the Atlas forward and down or smokes - consequences of the traumatic birth at scoliotic mother 5 cervical vertebras which have caused traumatic shift, creating new perception of bitterness in the top sky. Therefore quickly to wean from smoking put 5 cervical vertebra on the place, without it to you never to give up smoking it will not be possible never.
      At the same time this condition of cervical department of a backbone creates the underestimated self-assessment and indifference to that it does is caused. And it does that wants at the moment time, but about it at all does not know, destroying itself. Such person is always angry in lack of a habitual dope.
      6. The person beats weaker, but at the same time is afraid to be beaten or despite everything always rushes to a fight. His body as if a stone because of violation of fabric blood circulation. It manifestations of one of autism stages. - Such person is at very low animal level and usually has otlichitelno animal, corporal development is when the body physically developed in damage of all of the rest. They usually badly state the arguments, are not capable to creativity - have the predatory nature. Especially unworthy among them - beating women and children. Beating the children believe that their children - it is their property and they have the indisputable right to use any physical methods of education.
      7. The person is religious. - it always has easy or average violation of mentality from the scoliosis breaking brain blood circulation. At it the imagination is always a little displaced from a cover of a dense body and therefore he trusts in secret, but not the obvious. At the same time such person is mystified and quickly inspired. Its model of the world: shepherd and herd. At a low level such person is absolutely dependent, he does not wish to form itself the destiny, and prefers to obey to will of another - usually in his imagination of the highest being.
      He lives by the principle of repetition, copying of similarity, dependence and continuous expectation, is at the same time inclined to the principle of secondary existence. He considers that, being at high level of religiousness is capable to reach the highest knowledge of causality of life.
      8. Authoritativeness. - The person has desire to order and operate people surrounding it, usually without receiving the indulgence from others. It has thirst of the power and euphoria from finding of this strong feeling which to be under construction on satisfaction of his egoism.
      From here, the person who has learned the power over others, risks to live in the egocentric world, after all the desire of the power is stronger than other desires and passions: passions to money, to glory, gluttony and voluptuousness. The world and the person is operated and possessing the power attribute to itself a divine ordination.
      Usually, similar people do not know in it borders, arranging for others dependent and defenseless situation and can be very dangerous as their mental state always has to be under control, but in any way does not allow them to be in power. Such state always only intermediate stage of development of a disease and people starts killing over time animals, and then and people.
      9. The person feels need to judge others. Not to condemn, namely to arrange court with adjudgement and execution by punishment.
      And usually near such requirement there is not a fault existence, and difference of behavior is simple, and presence of another sometimes suffices. Procedure of such court at them happens short, and punishment ritual and indicative.
      Such people test constant displeasure all and all and see in fear of others before punishment discipline and order strengthening. And, of course, they see themselves only as the indisputable judge as long ago are genetically struck on the thin plans, being transferred by the nature of, already in several generations.
      10. The person - openly shows the disrespect for the law and long ago to the order got and recognized in society. This deviant behavior usually contacts violation of brain blood circulation from head shift in the Atlas, received at childbirth at scoliotic mother or from a physical trauma, during the falling, blow or during accident on transport. Such person himself inside is not organized and usually has advantage before others in force who constantly wishes to realize.
      There are more many other known types of inadequate behavior, manias and phobias, but all sometimes and not to list:
      - the person can not watch himself, show untidiness or can be careless and start littering around.
      At full intellectual degradation in the last stage of autism of the person, for example, when viewing TV in a lying state, starts collecting any junk and to drag everything to the dwelling, shows vandalism or tendency to destruction. The person lives in other world and that world which surrounds it, to it does not correspond, irritates and he wants it to destroy. So people of chaos destroy the civilization world.
      However the most part of behavior of the person it is motivated with his egoism corresponds to level of its intellectual and spiritual development. People possessing inadequate behavior usually for themselves do not notice it and therefore deny that. Their behavior seems to them normal, and they give a set of the far-fetched reasons and justifications for the actions. - https://www.proza.ru/2013/11/15/1839
      The most significant factors of inadequacy of the person are shown through:
      1 - Natural or it is more correct to tell through genetic properties of the personality that is when some generations of the people, not less than three, live in one family brainless on own shoulders. It when injuries, from not the correct life, one generation are imposed on injuries of the second and third generation when for them, everything, the word the bearing absolutely empty word, that's it then in genetics occurs activization of the last gene in a chain of DNA and human life becomes short, full fight for the existence and similar to an obstacle course for assault paratroopers though such divisions, actually, simply are not present.
      2 - Specific features of character - an azartnost, an egocentrism, the leadership skills, the raised sexual inclination or its radical change and others which are inseparably linked with strong scoliosis, damage of the lower part of a backbone and a considerable separation of imagination from the most dense body of the person.
      3 - Situation in society, watch points 1-2.
      4 - Family relationship, watch points 1-2.
      5 - Social living conditions or economic wellbeing, watch points 1-2.
      6 - The interpersonal relations, watch points 1-2 when contacts with the person setting a negative example of you completely destroy, and you absolutely blind try to adjust any relationship. It is similar to that as our politicians who adjust relationship with Americans or Ukrainians who, sometimes, not that have no head on shoulders do, but there are also no shoulders as they live on the frequency of the resonance in absolutely other world and you are not seen simply, living only internal feelings of the tired subconsciousness.
      7 - The psychological trauma, a strong stress - equals to a condition of point 1 or 2.
      8 - Mental health, its deviations, watch point - 1.
      9 - A serious illness, injuries - always available point 1-2, and already only then a serious illness and injuries.
      Other reasons of emergence of deviations, besides listed above, cannot simply be as all of them are connected with points 1-2. However it is worth remembering that most often the essence of a problem is many-sided and contains some components, main of which simply total absence of education. Recently, when all consciousness of the person is ground only on getting of money, the moments of total absence of any education began to appear.
      Bases of inadequate behavior of the person:
      Any inadequate behavior of the person, is an integral part of that of Wednesday in which he is. Social, political, economic, cultural and moral components, everything influences the return reaction of the person to external conditions.
      It is much simpler to reduce everything to the specific personality, having allocated her against the others and having made her a whipping boy. But each personality, is formed as a result of external influence, and, therefore, is part of all other members of society. From there is quite reasonable question, how why among the members of society having almost identical living conditions, there are certain individuals who behave inadequately and contrary to everyone logic? And all therefore that - logicians at them also are not present.
      Present, in each herd there are weak individuals who cannot maintain the same loadings as the others, in the nature they perish, and in society are exposed, at best, to sneers and contempt. In any society always there are the strangers who have not been adjusted on a wave of own resonance of society therefore it tears away them or they society. Usually it is people receiving patrimonial injuries less often hereditary though recently to tell what more very difficult.
      Time when the people of Russia were beaten out from stability of the psychoemotional state there was World War I of 1914, the second wave is the civil war which has done the most irreparable harm to the people in sense of a rupture of unity of people with the ancestors, precepts and foundations of former generations of people. And further everything went on the nakatanny.
      But the biggest loss to the people was caused by time of board of Yeltsin when zombiing of consciousness of people passed to a new step thanks to our American "friends" and that we have now is their work, and concrete care of their American wellbeing. If Yeltsin stayed in power some more years, we would live today as in Ukraine.
      This moment of destruction of our patrimonial foundations and consciousness thanks to night blindness of the authorities and their domestic policy trusting in beautiful words, directly to tell enemies, proceeds through the mass media, controlled by the West and other NPOs, through plantings of language alien to us, the way of life imposed to us of material and cultural wealth, and also a mentality of young generation. Look only at one advertizing on TV and all your questions will disappear by itself.
       There is a set of the factors influencing inadequate behavior of the person and it concerns, first of all a way of life and its thinking. For example - the person given rise through Caesarian sections and not passed on patrimonial ways has no character and develops on life as a rag on a wind. He first of all not the fighter, but beautifully speaks and always to the detriment of itself(himself) and society though thinks that does on the contrary.
      The person living sharp manifestation of the always not the uderzhnykh of emotions is constantly available to vampires of the bottom world of a planet Earth - рептилоидов therefore has very high electric potential of a projection of endocrine system on the thin plan. From here his behavior is always directed against any manifestation of logic and any rules of decency. It is always aggressive, impulsive and constantly says lies, is always untied and sexually dismissed.
      If mother of the child has a scoliosis, that is there is a bearing violation at the time of pregnancy, life of her child will be full of surprises, adventures and it all the short life will work for drugs, tablets and pricks. All free time it will be is treated for spots on the face, an allergy and pathology of endocrine system. So mummies think such child is necessary to you?
      Therefore at us today many people say that the person is not guilty in that what he is, from here such life, such deputies and such laws, and also situation in society, began what to steal money in billions, gold cars, brilliants by planes, remaining unpunished and being registered in dissidents, to live in England, in Miami or to Brighton a scourge.
      From here, in supervising society now often it is considered that the stealing person is not guilty that he inadequately behaves that does and says that we create round ourselves society in which everyone can come under the spotlight as the negative personality. What is the person mistaken in the relation of and it prevents it to adapt in society and to take in it a worthy place, but unless it is a rarity today, inadequate behavior, unless it is possible to reduce everything only to several individuals? Society degrades and even the church noticed it and began to turn even more often on this our attention, and the necessary conclusions still are not drawn by the power. Nevertheless begins with the head!
      All of us gradually become inadequate, and society strongly is mistaken, both concerning itself, and concerning everyone. And if we do not create a situation of revival of precepts of our ancestors, we will not develop and we will not accept national idea of the country - maintaining the correct way of life by each person, we will not be able to adapt among ourselves, and the country will be lost. After all when the old tempered generation will leave, on change it still has only units which will be in large quantities зомбированы gone wrong the majority.
      With the people having sick mentality and destroying our society to agree it will not turn out never, at them in the heads and on the thin plan such damages which are not restored by means modern and very backward medicine therefore they are destroyers, with fascist ideology in themselves.
      Look soberly at a mode in Kiev and it becomes clear to the sane person about what I speak. Even the power at them another - it has high own resonance and therefore to hear each other to us it will not be possible - we at different frequencies perceive the world. Though to correct it it is possible but if not to change to such people a way of life and to live as they lived, my work will suffice only for 2 weeks.
      Yes our medicine backward though in some moments also there are motions, but the pharmaceutical companies, as well as oil hold the and therefore we stand still. And if dared to think not material categories, and the medicine would began to be based on knowledge of physics and cybernetics, duration of people would pass for a long time in 300 years!
      The criterion of an assessment of any activity is that result to which she led and which is necessary to us. If it is, everything means truly, all of you made correctly and if is not present, means somewhere the mistake, or in the attitude towards, or in the attitude towards another is made. And whether we want such society where always there will be inadequate persons, whether we want this result?
      And if the inadequate behavior of the personality, only is that because does not fit into public standards of behavior, and the person thus receives that wants how we have to treat it? So know at the heart of inadequate behavior of the person, not banal rejection by its society because of the belief, and very serious violation of mentality of such person who should be treated under supervision always lies. Otherwise society following on speaking perverts gradually will die out, by itself.
      Here a good example, to me addressed from other city concerning the problems. It became clear, in a big family, everything began with that in a bedroom put the TV and began to watch it lying, and business by came to an end that all changed sexual orientation, and parents replaced a floor with the opposite. The family actually broke up, and me asked everything to return. There were at me similar cases in work, there I was listened at least, but there were only one requirements, namely all of them wanted to change not themselves.
      Without external irritants, people only the person who acts according to the instincts and desires. If the person has need for food, then desire to get it any way, becomes its most that on is adequate behavior. If to plunge into the nature of natural desires is deeper, it will be possible to see all natural manifestations of the person on a way to achievement of the purposes. And the only thing that can confuse it, these are external factors, hope on which certainly does not follow, but also it is impossible to exclude them certainly too.
      In my opinion, at the heart of inadequate behavior of the person, first of all it is necessary to blame his parents, the wrong education, a way of life and respectively arising from this delusion concerning ways of achievement of the natural desires based on needs of nature. And external influence thus does not play any enormous role as the psychologists who are not leaving the scoliosis can tell. And at us such 41% of experts - therefore and we live that sometimes we look at the world consumer and through dark glasses.
      With such situation, you want you do not want, and society should fight, and for this purpose to change itself, adapting, under the conditions dictated to us by a harmonious condition of the Universe, after all it does not allow disharmony any way and moves away such people stirring to it changing their mental state through impacts on their backbone. All that will not be adjusted on the frequency of the Universe cleaned from a scene forever, details watch on my site, in many articles.
      Each compound particle of the outside world, affects behavior of the person, considering it and analyzing impact on, it is possible to operate the behavior according to the interests, besides without straining, and simply correctly thinking - figuratively presented thought is material for our world of an astral in which we live now. For this purpose the brain has to be not obscured by any external changes in your backbone, in a muscular corset and capillary blood circulation.
      If to pay attention to the reaction at this or that situation, by rational selection, it is possible to allocate both the positive moments for itself, and negative. And it can give powerful advantage in adaptation and compliance with public interests and own. - https://psichel.ru/osnova-neadekvatnogo-povedeniya-cheloveka/
      Signs of inadequate behavior:
      How to suspect violations? Yes them and заподазривать it is not necessary - they climb in eyes, only you them open more widely. Symptoms of inadequate behavior, following:
       Anything inexplicable reaction to the events around and suspicious unpredictability in affairs and acts.
       Boundless sexual dissoluteness and aggression.
       Instability of mood, motive rastormozhennost, hyper excitability and hyperactivity.
       Tendency to risk, self-damages and suicides.
       Asocial and immoral behavior, violation of rules of law and behavior of the healthy person.
       The increased or picture emotionality, theatricality, the pathos unnatural speech.
       Grimacing, active gesticulation.
       Conflictness, uncommunicativeness, categoriality of judgments.
       Extremeness in appearance, existence of piercing, tattoos and the excessive epatazhnost inappropriate to age, sex, inappropriate on time or a place.
       The increased picture floridity of the speech, use of an offensive language and a slang.
      Treatment of inadequate behavior:
      How to help the person which behavior is inadequate, whether it is possible to make it in general? It is possible to help always and anyway if to show consideration for deviations, but usually such people consider themselves completely healthy, with rare exception, and only you seem to them sick. Having dealt with the reason of emergence of abnormal behavioural reactions, it is possible them successfully корригировать modern methods, but not outdated techniques from psychotherapy, and more progressive techniques of information medicine. Usually not enough time is spent for such treatment - actually seconds and pharmaceutics here is absolutely not pertinent as its collateral actions only will prevent us.
      However has to do it real, instead of narrowly directed expert only with one medical education, and owning many skills found on the basis of several various educations as knowledge of medicine, physics and very often study of the strength of materials here is necessary. Be not surprised to it as without knowledge of forces operating on your backbone, you never anything acceptable, will not make correctly. And if awake to do correctly, all treatment most difficult for modern physicians will take from you only some minutes.
      And with consultation you should not tighten, after all it is necessary to remember that the inadequate behavior can testify to a serious psychological trauma in the present, the past or to be a symptom of the terrible disease demanding immediate intervention of the psychotherapist or the psychiatrist. - http://www.neuro-ural.ru/patient/dictonary/ru/n/neadekvatnoe-povedenie.html
      Statistically every seventh person on a planet suffers or had a mental disorder, and the psychiatry became the modern and quickly developing section of medicine. - https://psyclinic-center.ru/neadekvatnoe-povedenie
      Due to the lack of generalizing norm of the correct way of life and general illiteracy in psychology questions, then, when still there is an opportunity to estimate the state, many people at early stages of a mental disorder are afraid to address in psychiatric clinic. It occurs because of negative image of this area of medicine which is surrounded by numerous myths. Besides, still mental diseases are considered as something shameful about what it is not accepted to speak.
      However after when the brain completely degraded, from serious violation of brain blood circulation and it is not capable to estimate own state and the organism tragedy, people start considering themselves by a standard of norm and reconstruct all healthy and harmonious world under itself. That is why on the international scene such policy, in Europe, in the USA and many other countries is pursued. Ukraine is a good example of that where already the greatest part of the population together with the country leaders are seriously sick with schizophrenia.
      Only Russia, China, India, Iran and Turkey with their yet not completely destroyed spiritual sphere set the tone in the world community, that is why Americans as at them with the mental condition of business are even worse, than in other countries of the world also run over them first of all.
      Formation of mentality of the child begins not with early age, after the birth, and still even in a womb of mother. Lack of adequate conditions of formation of mental activity of mother, for example, in the presence at it scoliosis, provokes emergence of the same deviations and violations in the central nervous system of the child. And after the birth of the child, because of his very rapid growth and the cell renewal, sick mother as a rule becomes for it the power vampire and that that does not suffice to her starts filling at the expense of the kid, that is why their organism does not give in to traditional treatment. At first it is necessary to treat mother!
      Such problems with the kid it is shown very much early and often various forms of his inadequate behavior. If the child without special on, the reasons constantly is not in the spirit of, перевожбуждается, often cries, in his mood negative emotions and negative reactions in relation to people around prevail, his behavior can be considered inadequate and completely depending on his sick mother. Though mother, at this time, absolutely ceases to complain of a condition of personal health.
      For our backward medicine which has become numb in the materialism a normality of behavior of the kid and his deviation at early children's age - concepts rather shaky, physicians are not able to get at the root of a problem and interrelation with environment at all. And it just also is the most important factor for a developing and young organism.
       Based on the practice, I came to a conclusion that to treat the child in a modern family it is necessary to begin directly with the DNA transformation as if the baby has problems with health means they already collected at parents, other reason simply does not happen when there is such situation. Only then there is the real and real chance to cure the child as treatment by experts from abroad for the mad sums never gives required result but only superficial and that for a while.
      And if to influence directly DNA, all internal structure on depth of all rough and thin bodies changes, errors of many former (previous) generations and people are corrected becomes healthy without chemistry application in the organism weakened by an illness. Such treatment is carried out by power of thought, and correctly concentrated thoughts and feelings influence DNA after all communication to a quantum field happens mainly through them.
      Our, human, thoughts are energy of huge force (electric impulses of a brain easy to measure by such devices as the encephalograph), they - thoughts are the major channel on which we transmit signals to a quantum field. I learned to operate the encephalograph recorder by force of thought even during study at institute.
      Any conscious intention to make something always needs power feed or the catalyst - and as such catalyst our specific emotions act. Here heart and reason act together, and sometimes it is possible to strengthen emotional influence and any, conditionally thought up gesture. At this moment all feelings and emotions of the person unite in a condition of life. And if this state created by a brain can reconstruct all genetic chain of DNA of other person in a second, these a lot of things speak about human ability to create new existing reality.
      Look, I will reveal to you secret of the DNA transformation that here occurs - the quantum field just like that does not react to our thoughts and desires or purely emotional inquiries. It does not react and to our purposes, that is thoughts, but the quantum field responds only when thoughts and emotions are coordinated with each other at one frequency, so, transfer same, but much strengthened signal.
      When the positive emotion of the healer tested from the heart, is imposed on the formulated conscious intention and the accurate visually presented object, here the quantum field receives a necessary signal on which really amazing material answer will follow, after all the quantum field reacts not to our desires, and to our condition of life.
      Thoughts and feelings of the trained healer are capable to transmit in space over any distance a considerable electromagnetic signal to a quantum field and as all potentials of the Universe exist in the form of the waves of probability possessing an electromagnetic field or in essence being energy, it is reasonable to assume, as our thoughts, and feelings of an exception do not make.
      I consider long ago very convenient the following model where our thoughts can be presented in the form of the electric potential of a quantum field, and feeling in the form of its magnetic potential. Thoughts transmit to a field an electric signal, and feelings as if a magnet, attract to them an event. Together they generate the condition of life possessing electromagnetic radiation which influences each atom of our world. The question arises: what waves we radiate day by day to the world consciously or unconsciously? It has to frighten all sane people.
      In this regard I want to tell to all people of a planet pleasant news that on March 30, 2018 I carried out psychoemotional alignment of all people of a planet Earth, and probably and made it on all space, that is at the same time and at once all restored internal mental balance as all of us together already almost reached critical line. As I made it I cannot tell you it, but it was simple if to consider my experience in this case - it was necessary to change only one thing, but having made it on all Universe. Yes! Yes! On all Universe, and not just in our Galaxy or it is simple in Solar system.
      I know that all potential events exist in a quantum field of the Universe in the form of electromagnetic waves of a certain range and it for each of Universe civilizations, but only in specific, depending on a civilization level of development, the range of frequencies. The uncountable set of the potential electromagnetic ranges corresponding to all our desires, such as genius, wealth, freedom, health and so forth already exists in the form of specific power frequencies, and I woke them for all at once, and at the same time.
      If, having changed a condition of life of all Universe, I managed to create the new electromagnetic field corresponding to one of potentials in a quantum information field, created specially for you, can happen that you will attract to strongly and long ago to a wished event, and that this event even will find you. So that observe all surrounding you and try not to destroy but only to improve, this new state created for all of you. Be happy!
      Our medicine still considers that immaturity of a brain at the child and some features in his reactions can be considered as norm, under a condition if they are short-term and easily give in to an explanation but as practice shows all this has very important indexes on not the correct reaction, for example, the child can begin to cry, not only for the reason if strongly overtires or when it take away from a playground, but also because of change of an electromagnetic component from a magnetic storm which caused violations in harmonious work of its internal. And here no medicine will help, but only strong love of parents and their intuition.
      The majority of parents, on the illiteracy, often tries to ignore signs of inadequate behavior of the child. Do not attach special significance of an excessive capriciousness of the child, to appearance of "invisible companion", suppress his nightmares or tendency to self-damages. And after all it already initially a disturbing call which directly indicates available deviations in mentality.
      Forms of inadequate behavior of the child:
      • aggression,
      • obstinacy,
      • uncontrolled whims,
      • causeless crying,
      • unmotivated refusal of contacts with people around,
      • hypererethism,
      • motive rastormozhennost,
      • absence of attention
       On my researches of the reason of inadequate behavior of the child though sometimes also are rather various, but always are directly connected with mother. Sometimes they can be combined. The main of them:
      Hereditary predisposition, is a problem of a bearing of the grandmother or mother which had a started phase of scoliosis, as influenced change of a genetic code.
      Diseases of mother during pregnancy, stresses, impact of adverse physical or chemical factors on fruit development - alcohol, nicotine, drugs.
      Pre-natal hypoxia or sharp hypoxia in childbirth which is always connected with the scoliosis, an imperceptible turn of a backbone on an axis, and the considerable tension of muscles on the one hand bodies of mother.
      Difficult family relationship, the frequent quarrels which are usually happening because of various own resonance of parents.
      Lack of love and attention from parents and the people around just occurring at violation of brain blood circulation and various own resonance in a family.
      Difficulties at adaptation in a family or children's collective, usually in the presence of the same problems, but already at the child on the thin plan that is absolutely not available to the most modern medicine because of purely materialistic approach to the person.
      Usually, almost all serious illness and mental disorders, is a consequence of problems with a bearing of several generations of this family, usually it is 3 - 4 generations.
      The real prevention of inadequate behavior of the child consists in prevention of problems in behavior of parents. From time to time it happens rather difficult, but sometimes when parents correct the bearing own efforts, they become capable to help not only, but also the kid.
      In any concrete case the individual approach and attentive clarification of the reasons of a problem is necessary. For example, aggression in relation to surrounding children can be caused not by social disorder of a family, but only direct violation of a mental state at not the correct way of life. In powers of the majority of parents to adjust harmony of the family relations and this most to help the kid, but, unfortunately, the such occurs very much and very seldom, after all own self-assessment of the personality in such affairs always completely is absent.
      The excessive capriciousness and tearfulness as doctors consider, can be caused by chronic fatigue or overfatigue but as actually this state was connected with increase of own resonance of the environment occurring at the moments of magnetic or solar storms. In that case, I always advise to change a day regimen.
      It is possible not to allow inadequacy in behavior of the child, having created for it favorable living conditions and developments but only when in a family all her members are physically healthy. It is promoted by the warm family atmosphere, optimum conditions of communication with adults and children, adaptation in collective, sufficient physical activity and fresh air, but all this brings benefit only if around there are no sick people being power vampires. As soon as it appears in a family instantly scandals, squabbles and a dissidence begin.
      In education the individual approach always is required: sluggish, inactive children need to be stimulated to activity, excessively mobile - to teach assiduity and attention. Encouragement to independence is important. The excessive severity can provoke isolation, mistrust or ignoring of all ban in the future therefore to be scattered by the word it "is impossible", absolutely, it is not necessary. And at the same time you should not cultivate permissiveness and to raise from the child of the egoist that also can provoke deviations in the form of aggression, obstinacies or excessive whims. - http://www.neuro-ural.ru/patient/dictonary/ru/n/neadekvatnoe-povedenie-rebenka.html
      Therefore, on ignorance of true information we sometimes exclaim: "It is impossible to understand this person - he behaves inadequately!" or we remember the girlfriend: "After communication with it I feel the broken..." is just and is an example of full discrepancy of own resonance of two people, when at whom it suppresses the healthy person more. Our mentality is arranged so: the first that it does, she tries to find a justification from a set of things known for it and the phenomena receiving the whole list: ill-breeding or character, "it simply bore that here you will do", "she - the big original"...
      Concrete treatment of various diseases by my technique of information medicine: Our society very much needs today judiciousness and healthy people therefore I offer you the new development. The system is fulfilled by long remote practice, without personal visual contact, and at all does not demand introduction of any completions or improvements!
      I work absolutely in a different way - simply I represent that I want to see in the specific person and all this instantly occurs. Besides it turns out to carry out only a positive, and a negative, even at all desire at first it is blocked by the Universe resonance, and then goes directly to the author, so, that remember it and live at a harmony frequency.
      The narcolepsy, myasthenia, various psychoemotional violations, various heart troubles - the increased or lowered pressure, unexpected sharp temperature increase, a fever and the increased general weakness in all body are treated so: To rise in front of a big mirror so you it would be visible at least on a belt.
      Mentally, having applied all your imagination throw in itself, with top, a lightning as if Zeus which will burn out everything disturbing you to live in you. High-speed passing of this lightning should try to be felt for once and this action it is not required to repeat any more.
      Further to incline the top part of a body from a waist or from that place where it was earlier to the left side approximately under 45 degrees and so the head would be direct continuation of an axis of a backbone and is perpendicular lines of shoulders and to stay in such situation slowly having counted till 120 or 2 minutes on hours. Having at the same time adjusted on that you, specifically, want to correct in yourselves.
      After that it is necessary to become straight, lower the left shoulder by 0,1 m of millimeter, that is consciously to pay attention of your subconsciousness, on that as he should watch a condition of a bearing, and to keep such situation for the rest of the life. In 4 hours you feel in yourselves full judiciousness, inflow of forces, sincere harmony and former cheerfulness.
      Further I recommend to get rid already of diabetes of the first and second type, foot pain from hips to toes, a hip pain, cirrhosis and if you had no other physical spine injuries are treated so: Sitting, resting hands against sitting, having extended feet forward, to twist with the right foot all left foot as far as at you it will turn out, and slightly, constantly, sipping the right foot down, to stay so 2 minutes - slowly considering to 120. After that forever to cease to cross feet as in top, and below. Other recommendations about a way of life allowing, further, to live without diseases and always to be in festive mood watch on my site - http://world.lib.ru/z/zhurawlew_w_n/
      The truth is always paradoxical. Sometimes you will tell the truth, speak: well you are a liar. And you will tell lies, and all are surprised: it is necessary as in life happens!
      Than we are engaged after the physical death
      I was fond long ago of physics, cybernetics, quantum physics and mechanics, and also astrophysics moreover it is a lot of than another, but the first five sciences and hobbies moved all the rest therefore on these subjects already wrote many articles and reports, and other ideas and remained, almost, without realization. From this rattling mix of different aspirations the new theory of which I yet did not pick up the name was born. But having rummaged on the Internet I picked up the suitable name of so-called new biocentrism.
      The biocentric Universe, biocentrism - is the concept offered in 2007 by the American scientist in the field of regenerative medicine and biology by Robert Lantsa who sees biology as the central science in the Universe and a key to understanding of other sciences in what I completely and agree with it.
      According to biocentrism, death does not exist. It is only illusion which arises in consciousness of the people remaining in this dense world, divided with other, higher frequency of new less dense worlds where pass our incorporeal covers. That is having died, and having left a rough body, we leave, but we do not disappear forever in the boundless Universe, and we pass into the thin worlds of our former life which are regardless time and space, from where came here behind the new experience which has necessary for us then.
      Such thin power covers, on real момет, at us can be from five and less, everything depends on extent of development of your consciousness. The more you are developed, the less covers at you remain. But everything is not so simply. Our final task to dump all excess covers except the last, and to remain in one divine body to merge with the Absolute.
      But it is so difficult to make it that, on my personal researches, focus with transition to two steps instead of one as it do the majority of people, could make all very limited number of the devoted. But from those who it made, for very short, to space measures term, could rise even above, by 1-2 steps. It were really advanced people in very small format.
      Our doubts about the death arise because people identify themselves with the one purely physical body. Know that the body will die sooner or later. Also think that will die together with it. Actually, the consciousness exists regardless time and space. It is capable, even at human life to be, anywhere: in a human body or out of it, and after death of a physical body always in the astral world if passes and will not get stuck in the platform between the worlds. This my statement well fits into bases of quantum mechanics according to which a certain particle can appear and there, and сям, and a certain event - to develop on several - at times uncountable - to options.
      I consider and always proved in the articles that there is a big set of the thin worlds in which we will be able to develop in the direction chosen by us. In them all probable options of succession of events also are realized. In one Universe the body died. And in another - continued to live, having absorbed consciousness which in this Universe flowed.
      Besides ways of development of human soul there is too a big set - through the physical world, the power world, through the biological world, the world of minerals and a great number of others, but if you once chose a certain way you in this direction and develop further. Anybody imposed nothing to us, we made the choice of development.
      There is the gradation where you get after transition to the thin world, and it depends on level of your development, but in any way on the education got in our physical world. Education only promotes your development, but in any way does not help you to rise above upon transition to the thin worlds.
      We pass always into the next thin world with a bigger own frequency of a resonance, than there was our physical world. Therefore till fall of 2017 all passed into the worlds on frequency over 14 Hz, and now after quantum jump already into 30 Hz - ordinary people, and 40 Hz - people with indigo DNA. Such lifting on frequency in 40 Hz is available to people with indigo genetics and only with a certain level of development of consciousness and spirituality degree. Indigo DNA, without it, the admission in "the best life" is not.
      In other words, dying, appearing about a tunnel or at once getting to it, it is carried by on it to the first thin world and passes into a place from where came to our physical world though now it can be done at once through one step but if you know quantum physics and it is capable to move on frequency, you can rise above.
      The such happens not to all died people, and only to the people having low own resonance or with mentally healthy having to death a good bearing of a backbone through which yours, the backbone in the information plan, will interact with a tunnel.
      The same at whom own resonance above a certain line get stuck in a tunnel in hard times and already to rise or somewhere are absolutely not capable to pass at the choice - they have no own power for this process. That is, when there is no immune system and your battery is completely discharged, you in a tunnel on it are not advanced by electric interaction with a tunnel. Everywhere the physics so study and it always is useful. The Universe allows to develop to only harmonious creations and that gives itself stability.
      Those souls which did not pass to the thin world, because of the high resonance, gradually filter through tunnel walls as their frequency higher and settle under it before full dissolution on molecules in the platform, space, projections of the physical world. But the most unpleasant that, being actually in the physical world they cannot exist without power of a physical body, for life continuation while exist and therefore they begin, having collected the last strength - dreams the healthy relatives, are energetically connected to them through sympathy of subconsciousness of the person, those get sick and it bring relatives to the state. That is this they clean, cleaning for itself, the injured genetics which disturbs the Universe and conducts it to destabilization.
      The consciousness of the person, - is energy of very low frequency, and it for each certain rough world the specific rule, but if it, consciousnesses, frequency are higher than a certain limit, it is liable to destruction strictly. So that do not hope for god, and if you were not reconstructed on harmony in time, you any more will not be, there in the thin worlds anybody will not potter with you and psychiatric clinics there simply are not present, and the world owes a life to the stable. It here is too much "well-wishers", at first spoil to people life, and then under the guise of the help earn on them big money.
      I do not know in what here business, but probably at people any internal subconscious psychological installation works, how many I checked everything, for the practice charity foundations - all directed people with various deep mental injuries, let them physically be not found at all by modern medicine, but do not disappear from me, they are, even came across with a projection on a divine body and therefore these people of sympathy never caused in me. Whether from here, all of them came to the tragic end or came to an end with a pure crime.
      Here and now such companies, constantly, raise money for treatment of children abroad on TV, and the help to children any and will not turn out, there will be only one optical deception - it is necessary to treat, as a rule, not children, and both parents and only then it is possible to try to help their child when they will cease it вампирить and actually to live at his expense, but well-wishers of it do not know therefore throw out big money for a wind, but result do not achieve.
      I repeatedly checked quality of such foreign treatment and was convinced there is only a short outer effect only on a physical body, but in the main thin bodies of people both was the vampire or the donor, and remained, the genetics too does not change, and it means - it will sponge and spoil not long life to people surrounding it, and having died anywhere will not pass for new revival.
      That is gained effect only deception and agony extension. Whether it is simpler to embody my idea about national idea of the country and to begin in our society promotion of a true healthy lifestyle and through it not to allow the birth of sick posterity on which money will go to others countries, instead of on our own wellbeing.
      Abroad for a long time felt our sincere kindness in such questions and through well-wishers constructed the whole industry for the pro-forage, sharing with our propagandists the earnings. That is why they have such expensive treatment and every year if to track, the sum of millions for treatment considerably increases. It is necessary to feed the very many.
      The data obtained by means of a space telescope of Planck testify to that our Galaxy is not lonely also. On their basis scientists created the most accurate map of a microwave background - the so-called relic radiation which has remained from the moment of origin of our universe. Also saw that it abounds with dark failures - certain holes and extended tears that points to a set of the worlds divided by certain frequency sites, with the internal structure, time and rules of physics.
      The physicist-theorist Laura Mersini-Houton from University of Northern Carolina and her colleague prove: anomalies of a microwave background arise because others have impact on our Galaxy, located absolutely nearby.
      Professor Stewart Hameroff does not doubt existence of eternal soul from office of anesthesiology and psychology of University of Arizona and in combination the director of the Center of studying of consciousness at the same university also. Last year he declared that found proofs of that the consciousness of the person does not disappear after his death.
      According to Hameroff, the human brain is a perfect quantum computer, soul or its consciousness in the type of information, saved up at quantum level. It cannot be destroyed and can be transmitted in space over any distance.
      Absolutely basic or something new Lants in biocentrism is not present anything. But the scientific basis brought by it and colleagues, cannot but please. It turns out that a next world - it not inventions, and quite probable reality. The scientist needs to reconcile his concept with religion. After all while the role of the Lord in it is not looked through though the Absolute role quite really and accurately is defined. - http://X-files.org.ua/news.php? readmore=4766
      So for the developed souls, with the low own resonance, mentally healthy people even atomic warfare does not constitute any danger - dumped a firm cover and continued existence in other world, and wanted to complete not graduated in a solid body chose other planet.
      And though today our world, according to many scientists with a phase lag of the mental state faces at once several threats all these frightening scenarios you should not consider as the universe end. Power of thought of the person is capable to change the Universe, but only harmoniously voluntarily and all negative forecasts never will take place, and here if not to fight against it, it is possible and спрограммировать for itself a big problem.
      So think correctly and in the direction necessary to you and the thought with low own resonance never will break your wellbeing.
      Taking into account stated and level of technological development and proceeding evolution of our look, people are capable to survive quietly and существовать в to the form necessary to them, even later hundreds years after possible death of Earth though for this purpose our far descendants should replace some planets for the residence. So be not afraid, the first large-scale space crisis can happens not earlier, than, approximately, through 1.5 billion years.
      Fortunately, only in the Milky Way more than 200 billions other stars are already known, and near the majority planets turn. Probably, our descendants will learn to travel with nearly a velocity of light. Even now, with modern technologies, interstellar travel any more do not seem something incomprehensible.
      The life which is based on information, can exist, constantly changing a form of a basis of information component. The gravitational era which, probably, will begin through 15 trillion years, can exist quintillions years and more. Kvantilyon   -  это unit with 18 zero and in trillions times more time of existence of mankind on Earth. By that moment the mankind already as I am completely sure, will have no physical form or power - remains only information that means full immortality. - https://zen.yandex.ru/media/funscience/kak-liudi-mogut-perejit-zemliu-solnce-i-daje-samu-vselennuiu-5a4bb0707425f592dba570ce? https://zen.yandex.ru/media/funscience/kak-liudi-mogut-perejit-zemliu-solnce-i-daje-samu-vselennuiu-5a4bb0707425f592dba570ce?
      How many I live, I cannot understand two things: from where the dust and where money disappears undertakes.
      Travel through space lying on a sofa
      Recently, despite my wealth of experience, even more often I do not cease to be surprised to opportunities of the person and power of his thought. Probably it directly is connected with transformations which now happen to us though I know that power of thought of the person it is possible to manage any affairs, not only on Earth, but also in space. For the last some months environment frequency, every day, changes with 10 to nearly 200 Hz! And it can be felt on a condition of the health, on continuous failures of electronics, unstable weather and many other factors if to get accustomed.
      It is connected with recently occurred quantum jump which has completely changed people and now finishing reorganization of our endocrine and genetic system. So there is a human body reorganization to change of own resonance of our world from low frequency on higher frequency. Respectively and our own resonance too considerably changed, and certainly spiritual opportunities increased to limits of solar system.
      Relying on knowledge of physics, now, I can influence any processes happening on Earth, in our world, and near space. That is it is possible not only to weaken, but also completely to stop the Tornado, and it is a tornado of incredible force, but the thought of the person can with it will cope, it becomes through impact on the bottleneck in a tornado. Here, in an isthmus, it is necessary to change own resonance of without restraint turning stream to the lowest frequency of our world and it now 15 Hz, and it ceases to exist.
      It is possible to operate quietly bad weather, changing its high resonance for a positive and it too the frequency of 15 Hz. It is also possible to stop the begun movement of tectonic plates or to lower degree of activity of a volcano - to stop already begun eruption that becomes through management of the melted kernel of our planet. The simple physics at quantum level allows to change its electromagnetic properties and such it is possible to make with any planet and not only being in solar system, but also beyond its limits. The thought which has been correctly created, extends in any space and therefore it is capable to overcome any distances instantly.
      Opportunity to influence, at any distance, a condition of electronics today when our frequency strongly increased, considerably extended, it allows to influence by force of thought as operation of any consumer home electronics, and, for example, through impact on it, to have impact on thrones, on an orbit of satellites and other objects using modern electronics.
      Well and even it is not necessary to speak about medicine, it is enough to want only to the expert and the person will instantly be transformed to the optimum norm, is not dependent on that where it is, in what state is and he wants it or not. After such remote influence it becomes physically, mentally and emotionally healthy, adequate and balanced that is carried out, absolutely, without use of any medicines.
      However, it can return to a former state in two weeks if does not change a way of life and thinking, but about it he can be warned, and he will always hear you and will understand, after all now the understanding with it will be full though a few hours ago it could make the diagnosis schizophrenia.
      And so to what I bring you, recently to me the thought came, instead of whether to begin to me, using power of thought, space research. And here lying on the favourite sofa I went to master space, strangely enough it sounds. Here that from this it turned out. At first I went perpendicularly, it certainly is conditional, the planes of solar system. If to take a detached view, it turns out down.
      My consciousness moved, freely without feeling any barriers and I applied acceleration not to lie on a sofa all day. But it is unexpected, on border of solar system I ran on not a known wall which did not pass me further and as I noticed went around to the left. Then I moved in the opposite direction and as ran on not a known barrier. It appeared that it was from all directions.
      It became clear, such barrier having own resonance of 30 Hz surrounds all solar system and does not allow anything terrestrial, having lower resonance, to pass through it. That is it will not be able to overcome neither the person, nor the spaceship made on Earth and will go only on radius - an internal surface of "ball" surrounding all our solar system.
      It was necessary to raise the resonance to 30 Hz and to move further - forward. Thickness of this wall appeared to equal only 50 kilometers that on space scales absolutely a kickshaw. Further the new huge space with a resonance of 5 Hz revealed, it was necessary to change again the frequency of the resonance not to bring a dissonance, that is before me the outer space without any barriers in the infinite space stretched. A show I will directly tell the bewitching. Here is how it approximately looks, as in the pictures, made a telescope Hubble. - https://subscribe.ru/group/klub-lyubitelej-kosmosa/14401446/? utm%5Fcampaign=subscribe%2Dgroup%2Dgrp&utm%5Fsource=subscribe%2Dgroups&utm%5Fmedium=email
      If to come nearer to something closer the picture changes on such look.
      My attention, especially, did not attract anything as I tried not to come nearer close neither to planets, nor to black holes which were invisible, but were felt as a specific chill from the high resonance when approaching to them. Around, there was an improbable beauty but as it there was my first exit so far, I had to return back and to begin research of solar system from outside, as though with a side or from above as it is more convenient to whom to consider.
      - http://spacegid.com/kompyuternaya-model-solnechnoy-sistemyi.html
      Having reflected, paid attention that planets are somehow built artificially, after all on physics they have to stand located on the increasing weight closer to the Sun, and here all on the contrary, anyhow.
      - http://spacegid.com/kompyuternaya-model-solnechnoy-sistemyi.html
      Orbits of planets are elliptic with the Sun in one of focuses though all of them, except orbits of Mercury and Pluto are almost circular. All orbits of planets are more or less in one plane with the plane of an orbit of Earth. The plane of an ecliptic seemed a little rejected approximately on 5-7 degrees from the plane of the equator of the Sun.
      Only the orbit of Pluto most of all deviates the ecliptic plane (that is, a big circle of the heavenly sphere on which there is an apparent year motion of the Sun. Respectively, the plane of an ecliptic is the plane of the address of Earth round the Sun) approximately on 15 or a little more degrees.
      In a picture the relative sizes of orbits of nine planets are shown if to look at an ecliptic from above therefore, they have not absolutely round look. All of them rotate in one direction clockwise if to watch the Sun from the North Pole. All planets, except Venus Urana and Pluto rotate round an axis in the same direction.
      In a picture, from above, nine planets with approximately correct relative sizes, are shown in the true provision of planets existing for October, 1996 which are calculated by means of the Macintosh Starry Night program.
      - http://www.astronet.ru/db/msg/1170734/overview.html
      It was necessary to think of the provision of the Moon and there was an impression that here, in general, there is any regularity in a deliberate illogical arrangement of planets and it is possible creation of certain conditions for existence and development of life of mankind, and also implementation of continuous control by means of the base located on our satellite. After all that huge planets are located incorrectly can serve as protection of Earth which has been specially created by someone all-powerful. And in general, if to look at our life on Earth in the history, the full impression is made that all it proceeds under someone's control and to constants, vigilant management.
      And the barrier put outside solar system, in general, caused association of the high fence located round prison or a special zone of re-education of souls which has earlier guilty on another planets. It seems that all of us the mankind, any experiment created at will of the Absolute, after all except solar system I any more did not find anywhere there are no barriers to travel on distant space.
      So my readers, seriously think of the place in life of space community and draw a conclusion why we so shortly live if all other civilizations are almost immortal. Can be to us created conditions for this purpose that we would be re-educated and changed the way of life to another which corresponds to this space commonwealth and is conformable on the frequency of universal harmony.
      It is beautiful to live you will not forbid. But it is possible to prevent.
      Whether there will be able to live the person more long?
      I consider will be able if is attentive, but here attentiveness and does not suffice to us constantly. In this regard I remember about penicillin when in the Middle Ages physicians used bandages with roquefort cheese, but about it it is possible to add and something even more surprising. Ernst Dyushen, the student of voyennomeditsinsky school in Lyon, submitted on December 17, 1897 the thesis under the name: "Assistance to research of vital rivalry of microorganisms - antagonism between плесенями and microbes".
      It is possible to find the experiences showing action on a bacterium "penitsillum glaukum" in this work. However and this thesis passed absolutely unnoticed for doctors. I specially stop on this example of obvious oblivion during the era which is very close to our era of full triumph of bacteriology.
      To live hundred years - it is not so difficult as the individuals which bearing can still be an example of the modern youth which has rolled in computer reality prove. By the way, at such people in most cases all the and any sets of false teeth they never used teeth. But this information always passes by those to whom something is necessary, after all they simply do not see such facts. They chase sensations, but the real sensations are concealed in usual daily occurrence and therefore people without the good bearing, torn off from reality, it do not notice also such examples a set.
      If to understand, the theory, we could live for eyelids as in all respects our organism it is calculated on all 300 years. And that is why we do not live there is a set of questions so much. First, very frequent wars, and it is injuries, stresses and their consequences. Secondly, diseases, hard physical activity and big loads of a backbone. And, thirdly, lack of literacy at the majority of the population, after all even now the person with the higher education lives for 10 years more long!
      Over a cherished dream of mankind many scientists but while there is not a lot of progress work. Whether there is at someone from people of your age a chance to live hundreds years? I think that is not present. Whether such chance at generations will be younger? Too it is possible to say no, with confidence.
      Question of long life and that is important, healthy life, excites many in the field of biology and medicine, but in any way does not excite modern youth. Molecular biologists, geneticists, nutritionists seek to an ultimate goal - to delay emergence of senile diseases, and then at all to eradicate them, but considering my experience in medicine - it only excuses, actually is a simple earning of big money.
      And though decrease in burden of diseases has to be the purpose of public health care which motivates the governments and communities of physicians to conduct researches in the field of aging, long life and search of an elixir of eternal youth, or immortality really captures imagination no more. Actually the stupid obstinacy of medical science in materialism area also spoils all business. Complexity of treatment and its price constantly increases, and the result of healing from diseases remains former - that is low.
      It agrees, at physical level, scientists learned the already many, but on power even lost that had before. Though, still all about the person as about the many-sided and multistructural personality long ago it is investigated and proved, till 1914, but then was crossed out by revolution and headless revolutionaries. After all, all revolutions in the history of Earth were done by people with very rich imagination from scoliosis and respectively strongly distorted mental condition of consciousness. Here therefore we have, that we have.
      I not one, in the country, go in for the serious medicine based on knowledge of our ancestors, worldwide there are a lot of experts who did not put money ahead of the engine, receive result which the modern medicine is not capable to receive, but it interests nobody - too small costs of such treatment, so and interest to it at science.
      If not to consider wars, hunger or large economic crashes and shocks human life term steadily grew worldwide within the last century. Expected life expectancy in Russia is expected in 74 years, and in Australia about 83 years. These benefits are in many respects caused by improvement of access to medical care and its technical quality. We still should see influence of methods of the treatment intended specially for treatment of aging, and it can seriously lead to increase in expected life expectancy.
      The majority so-called "gerozashchitnykh" of connections which are developed now, is mimiced (that is adapt to the environment, existing living conditions, changing appearance, coloring, a form and so forth) by effects of restriction of calories or physical exercises. Therefore restriction of calories during all life or reduction of consumption of calories approximately for 30% is considered allegedly one of the most powerful interventions which are known for extension of term of life.
      Though actually it not so, the main indicator is qualitative immune system which all population, after quantum jump, already has no Earth more than 2 months at anybody. If there are not concordants can explain by phone separately, but that I would start speaking with you to you it is necessary to be mentally healthy person. Then you awake me are capable to understand, and so with high own resonance it is simple to people not to hear me.
      According to my data, within the last twenty years persistent researches on organism aging which seek to define are conducted, what genes and molecular ways join and switched off at restriction of a diet and increase in physical activity. It led to opening of a number of ways - called сиртуинами, insulin/IGF-I the alarm system, mTOR and AMPK which can be used for a manipulation animals and extensions of term of their life.
      The anti-diabetic preparation метморфин activates one of them and also passes tests as the means improving human health at advanced age, but it everything not the correct way. I, for example, carry out all such work by means of opportunities of quantum physics and human thought, and already changed the DNA of 17 times, only for today, but I am going to make it much more times as I see prospects in such business. The last time, the day before yesterday, activated a survival gene, on feelings the advantage is.
      But it not always was so. Here once I reconstructed to myself genetics under the ancient Martian, same, with the skull extended back, there were first Pharaohs of Egypt. And so in some days felt not convenience, carried out the analysis and it appeared actively grow, extending, cells of a brain, and a skull for them small as bones extend much more slowly and therefore intra cranial pressure rose. It was necessary to return two genes and at once pressure in former situation fell, and the head became former.
      In a different way extensions of term of life there can be a lengthening of heat meters or removal the senestsentnykh, that is old damaged, cages which cause diseases. But here that is important: this way, after all, can prolong life for 30% so from the "usual" term of life in 83 years we will live only 100 years.
      Though to live more than hundred years for our population will be and without that a great achievement though it is close not centuries of which people dream. To achieve these objectives, biologists of an old age should go to very big feats - completely to reconsider the outlook - it is beyond far restriction of calories, change of a metabolism or washing away of old cages.
      Instead we can look for inspiration in the surrounding nature. The jellyfish hydra, for example, does not show noticeable biological aging and is functionally immortal, most likely, because of the high maintenance of stem cells which can fill up an adult organism. Other look, Turritopsis dohrnii, "an immortal jellyfish", can transfer an adult body to a youthful state, and then again mature, repeating this cycle almost infinitely.
      Right there I had a question, and what, specifically, will periodically include this gene? Looked and appeared a gene from a RNA chain which has to be activated constantly and thus at the right time activate a gene in DNA chain. In the theory inclusion of these factors in due time and in the right place could rejuvenate our bodies, then we could live in the theory for eyelids.
      Though it is necessary to remember that extension of term of life in itself not the same that extension of quality of life or healthy years. There is no need to postpone death, doing the illness periods by longer. Reduction of time during which people would be unhealthy has to be an ultimate goal. For this purpose change of a way of life on the correct has to be a decisive factor, and also complex achievements in the field of technologies and medicine have to be directed on as much as possible to increase a share of time which leaves on life, and to delay inevitable emergence of the diseases connected with aging. But to live for eyelids for all - it is dream while remains dream. - earth-chronicles.ru
      If you argue with the idiot, probably the same is done also by him.
      We learn to make themselves the correct diagnosis and to avoid various problems with health and mentality
      The praised medicine, especially Western, is so overestimated, what even physicians will periodically confess that to many diabetics is more senior than 30 years they often make the wrong or wrong diagnosis. And it in spite of the fact that and cannot treat him at all. Diabetes of the first type, according to a popular belief, children and young people till 30 years get sick mainly. However the British scientists showed an inaccuracy of this point of view and declared that among adults more than 40% of cases of this disease are the share of people is more senior than 30 years.
      And I with them, for the first time for all many years of acquaintance to their medicine, completely agree. Usually they do statements without being based on what at all, and here is seen the head into operation put. I even checked a mental condition of the author, and it appeared in norm that for British a big rarity.
      And so researchers from School of medicine of Eksetersky university, having used the UK Biobank resources, for the first time used the new genetic analysis for identification a case of diabetes of the 1st type at patients of 31-60 years. They found out that to the majority of patients with diabetes of 1 type which developed after 30 years, diabetes of the 2nd type was initially diagnosed. And such patients on the average needed, at least, a year to receive the correct diagnosis and insulin treatment, scientists claim. According to them, among such patients and the British prime minister Theresa Mai, it is initially long receiving drugs for diabetes of the 2nd type which could not control level of sugar in blood. Ripened a question, it they so treat the prime minister whereas treat all the others?
      Scientists are declared that though diabetes of the 1st type is not so widespread among adults as diabetes of the 2nd type, but it is extremely important to make the correct diagnosis that patients received adequate treatment. According to the last research, every ninth of diabetics of the first type was more senior than 30 years is hospitalized with such heavy and life-threatening complication, as diabetic кетоацидоз which without immediate treatment can lead to a coma and death. To help doctors to improve knowledge and the correct diagnostics, scientists began additional researches under the name StartRIGHT, the press service of Eksetersky university reports. - http://www.medlinks.ru/article.php? sid=76021
      Here I with them even will not argue, everything is correct. Let's understand an order of formation of the reason causing diabetes both first, and the second type. I will tell directly - the main reason here in violation of a bearing of the person, and it occurs most often with a backbone bottom, usually that the person ceases to hold both feet together during a dream.
      I warn the correct dream only on one side and if the person does not do it, finds, though gradually, but very big mass of various problems, from which violation of its mental and emotional state is main. And the this violation of mentality at it is more, the it is less shanets to draw correct conclusion.
      The problem begins after the sleeping scatters feet and when the top foot does not lie, during a dream, on the bottom foot, and the backbone, from the bottom leaves a little forward, here, starts being developed on the axis in left. This turn depends on Earth hemisphere in which there lives the specific person.
      Having overslept so two - three nights in a row, you find a problem and the first of them is diabetes of the second type. The turn with a bottom is dangerous that breaks muscular blood circulation on the left side over a hip where the spleen therefore here the krovoobrazovaniye system changes a little is located, blood gets denser, and blood clots on walls of blood vessels start being formed, and the tail of a pancreas going, from right to left, to a spleen from a pancreas at the same time inflames.
      And than its most part is inflamed, that more sharply feels diabetes of the second type. This inflammation, an organism does not trace and means of modern medicine, practically, too it is not found therefore doctors, as a rule, find it in about 20 - 25 years.
      Further events develop so - the person not only throws out the top foot forward, but starts inclining and the hip forward on a bed, and the turn of a backbone of the person hidden from doctors at the wrong pose of a dream gradually increases, reaching 7 chest vertebras. Here also diabetes of the first type begins.
      Here at the level of 7 chest vertebras the bearing of the person breaks, the right shoulder falls considerably, broken local blood circulation on the right, around a stomach, while here we do not speak about it, but at the same time with it the pancreas leading to diabetes of the first type is excited, it is easy to find it in unexpectedly arising places which start scratching strongly for the inexplicable reason. And such situation remains only some days, and problems with skin begin then. That is diabetes of the first type always requires time which is spent for a final ugrobleniye of a backbone.
      Let's notice that at any, even the most insignificant lowering of the right shoulder down, and it can begin with early injury of a backbone, at the level of the lowermost vertebras of chest department of a backbone, since 10 on 12, the logic of the person is at once extinguished, and his imagination leaves for dimensions of a physical body, with a separation in left and forward.
      It leads to that the person starts seeing perfectly future events, far forward, but ceases to feel reality around, here and now. Therefore it starts coming off reality, becomes the bag of wind and the troublemaker, due to the imagination which has left and torn-off from a body, but speaks, on the same problem, it is always very beautiful and with inspiration. All revolutions become the same people and therefore they come to an end with the big human tragedy, that who believed in them. At the same time at these people with scoliosis, always the main factor, the paranoid aspiration to the power is shown.
      The mentality, at the level of schizophrenia develops at once after only the person the first time starts sleeping being developed, almost on a stomach at night, here from twisting of cervical department of a backbone brain blood circulation is completely broken and already self-assessments from such person never to wait. All at it are guilty in everything, on what his eye will fall. It as in the congress of the USA, where healthy people only 2 percent, therefore at them and such aggressive policy.
      Way of recovery of see slightly below, it works almost instantly, but only after restoration it is required to sleep correctly, to go with a direct bearing, to sit too directly, instead of to a floor having collapsed, differently over time you should change sexual orientation, and a bit later and a floor. It is necessary to watch constantly that that in time on a hand your right shoulder was higher than an oblokachivaniye left, and it is independent on what hand you lean the elbows.
      In such a way it is possible to cure the mass of diseases in your organism in the cheapest and fast way, it is perfect without financial expenses and also physical that in our rigid time it is possible to consider as expensive gift and I give it to you. Use!
      For this purpose it is necessary to become in front of a big mirror so you it would be visible at least on a belt. Mentally, having applied all your imagination throw in itself, in the head and all body, a lightning as if Zeus which will burn out everything disturbing you to live in you. It is possible to do it, only once, do not take in head to improve - will spoil all business. High-speed passing of this lightning should try to be felt for once and this action it is not required to repeat any more.
      Further to incline the top part of a body from a waist or from that place where it was earlier to the left side approximately under 45 degrees and so the head would be direct continuation of an axis of a backbone and it is perpendicular lines of shoulders and to stay in such situation slowly having counted till 120 or 2 minutes on hours. Having at the same time adjusted on that you, specifically, want to correct in yourselves.
      After that it is necessary to become straight, lower the left shoulder by 0,1 m of millimeter, that is consciously to pay attention of your subconsciousness, on that as he should watch a condition of a bearing, and to keep such situation for the rest of the life. In 4 hours you will completely restored a mental state, and you feel in yourselves fervent judiciousness, inflow of forces, sincere harmony and former cheerfulness. But psychologically, at the level of the thinnest bodies there can be a delay on a hypophysis if on you earlier was the program brainwashing consciousness is rendered. It meets today quite often when the disease of mentality lasted long very much. Here the lightning passed only through a hypophysis will help again.
      Further I recommend to get rid already of diabetes of the first and second type, foot pain from hips to toes, a hip pain, cirrhosis and if you had no other physical spine injuries are treated so: Sitting, resting hands against sitting, having extended feet forward, to twist with the right foot all left foot as far as at you it will turn out, and slightly, constantly, sipping the right foot down, to stay so 2 minutes - slowly considering to 120. After that forever to cease to cross feet as in top, and below. Other recommendations about a way of life allowing, further, to live without diseases and always to be in festive mood watch on my site - http://world.lib.ru/z/zhurawlew_w_n/
      The ends happy do not happen. If happy, the end means not.
      We avoid the conflict even before its approach
      External symptoms of any disease can always give out in the person of the patient, and make out these signs ordinary people if they know on what to look are capable. Ability to determine behavioural or physiological features by external signs is necessary for successful avoiding of various dangerous situations. For example, macaques Rhesus factors use external symptoms of a stress for protection against threat: having seen a being scratched individual, the relative will prefer not to approach close to avoid the conflict. Besides, many animals also developed ability to define potentially dangerous individuals - for example, patients on their specific smell.
      At people similar ability is developed not so well, especially in recent years when there was a set of the distracting moments in the form of smartphones, tablets and computers, they even talk now with each other through SMS therefore to define sick people, without looking them in eyes, most often can only thanks to the most obvious external signs like cough or cold.
      We look at the person: To begin, most convenient, from sites round eyes.
       Rare light eyebrows say that in an organism is very little developed an estrogen and testosterone. Besides, not bright eyebrows mean that in an organism there is not enough zinc, phosphorus and iodine.
       Rare eyelashes speak about an urogenital infection which approaches impotence.
       Accrete eyebrows are a disturbing signal to that the person is inclined to spasms in anger, from deficiency in a magnesium and potassium organism.
       The pinkish shade of eyelids is a symptom of a disease of a bladder.
       In the presence of flabby eyelids at the person an overexpenditure of nervous energy and it is fraught with development of depressions and a syndrome of chronic fatigue.
       The lower eyelid of eyes, brown color speaks about development of the latent hemorrhoids in an initial stage.
       The yellowish lower eyelid speaks already about hemorrhoids existence.
       High, , the forehead looks not bad, but such forehead speaks about the weak sexual constitution.
       If thus skin on a forehead constantly cold and damp it means that there is a predisposition to liver diseases.
       High temples on temples speak about bad work of adrenal glands.
       Two vertical folds over a nose bridge and are a little higher on the middle between them one more testify to an excellent insight and opportunity to see, both the future, and the past.
       One deep vertical fold on a nose bridge is a sign of that the person is inclined to depressions, is stubborn and hardly make a compromise. Such fold says also about weariness life and that the person needs good rest.
       Early emergence of a gray hair warns that you have problems with a bearing, stoop developed and the thyroid gland suffers from it. On the same soil gastritis develops also.
       Existence of a deep wrinkle between a lip and a nose speaks about defect of a heart valve.
       The periodic posineniye of lips speaks about heart failure.
       Under eyes and puffiness persons tell bags about problems with kidneys.
       Existence of bruises round eyes or under eyes speaks about problems with adrenal glands.
       If the person has a sloping forehead, usually it is result of a rigid injury of the top vertebras of cervical department of the backbone, received in the childhood. The trauma influences head landing, and through it mentality and character which starts differing rigidity, malignancy, persistence and insidiousness on the attitude towards all other people who are with them in an antiphase. At mature age often leads the person to autism, and sometimes to suicides. The mathematics never was on friendly terms with such people. Money in large numbers, at them, practically is not late.
       If eyes large, on roll out, the exit of the third cervical vertebra forward takes place. It always leads to violations of mental parameters of a brain - development of a syndrome of chronic fatigue begins.
       When eyes are deeply put - the same vertebra was displaced back. All the rest, as well as in the first case.
       Eyes different in size or a form - the turn of the third cervical vertebra takes place, intra cranial pressure in the right hemisphere is increased, shift of an astral body and consciousness to the left from a physical body, mentality with strong violations, hypererethism, obstinacy, self-confidence and frivolity in character.
       Cheekbones acting forward, nose, or all person with a noticeable exit forward, tells about a serious trauma of cervical department of a backbone and considerable violations of mentality of the person.
       Nose large with a small hump or a duck - shift forward the fourth cervical vertebra or back. Other parameters as in the first case.
       The turn of a tip of a nose in any party speaks about a turn there the fourth vertebra. It is led to increase of intra cranial pressure in the right hemisphere to shift of an astral body and consciousness to the left from a physical body, here by mentality with strong violations, hypererethism, obstinacy, self-confidence. In the relations with people the raised conflictness is observed.
       Any shift of all mouth aside speaks about same.
       The exit forward the top jaw, with a possible turn of teeth, speaks about shift forward the fifth vertebra and development of a syndrome of chronic fatigue with violation of logical function of a brain.
       The exit forward the bottom jaw together with a chin, with a possible turn of teeth forward, or only a chin, signals about an exit in a touch the party of the sixth cervical vertebra, or with an incomplete dislocation the lower part, leads to development of a syndrome of chronic fatigue with violation of logical function of a brain.
       The Adam's apple acting forward speaks about shift forward the sixth and seventh vertebras leading to violation of logical function of a brain.
       Curve teeth happens only because of a trauma of cervical department of a backbone and speaks about defective mentality and inadequate behavior of the person. Beketov or Liners tells existence practically about the same.
       The lowered corners of a mouth speak about a head distortion in the Atlas, development of problems of mentality and autism. Such person due to the lack of communication between cerebral hemispheres becomes isolated on himself, ceases to see and pay attention on people around, acquires children's fears, becomes a spiteful and aggressive being. Others life for it, becomes the price about kopek. Further it is threatened by full immobilization and total loss of a voice, a cancer of a throat.
       When at the person one corner of a mouth is lowered, and another is raised - it means that the person sleeps on a bad pillow, above or below than it is required, the landing which have brought to a distortion of the head in the Atlas on one side. It becomes dangerous to society the hidden aggressive essence and the powerful power directed only on destruction of space surrounding it.
      Diagnostics on lips:
       Smooth, equal lips of juicy color are the card of full health.
       The increased upper lip of the person speaks about emotional inconstancy, excessive self-confidence, good vision of the future, absence of logic and sense of superiority because of increase of intra cranial pressure in the right hemisphere and corresponding change of mentality.
       If the lower lip forward acts, the capriciousness and a selfishness here is shown, and such people as a result become deeply lonely.
       People with a shape of lips a heart are very active, full of ideas, are capable to solve quickly problems at work and at home. They as can be slightly thoughtless, inclined to a coquetry, are sensitive, it is easy to be fond, and are not really true.
       The twisted lips happen at the people, not differing the big imagination. They are conservative and give in to difficulties.
       People with thin lips, are closed, stubborn and suspicious. They have increased intra cranial pressure which prevails in the left hemisphere and this fact makes active logic, but at the same time cleans future and prospect vision. Having won an arrangement of such person, you will be able safely to rely on it.
       Diagnostics on hair:
       They have to be average fat content. If not to wash them 2-3 days, and then to carry out on them toilet paper, on it should not remain any trace.
       If hair dry, in them there are no fats and vitamins A, D, E, K. There is nothing to add - accept vitamins or replace food.
       If hair dry, drop out, and almost ceased to grow, in an organism there is no zinc.
       If hair fat, they contain excess quantity of hormones of bark of adrenal glands. It occurs at an exit back 7 or 8 vertebras of chest department of a backbone. Probably, you incorrectly lift weights (with a back inclination forward that cannot be done).
       If hair break and секутся - in an organism there is no gland.
       If hair drop out (norm of loss per day - 50 - 70 hairs) then, the brain does not have enough food, probably, there is the muscular block pressing carotids on an entrance to the head. Such happens at the wrong pose of a dream to a turn on a stomach. It causes angiospasms of skin of hairy part of the head, and serves as the reason of neurosises and depressions.
       If the woman has hard dark hair over a lip and on a chin, predisposition to tumors, first of all in gynecologic area is observed. Here, first of all, the lumbar department of a backbone touching the hormonal sphere is problem. Probably, you sit incorrectly, not directly, and with an inclination back when the waist does not concern a sitting back. Over time such person is threatened by change of sexual orientation and floor change.
       Diagnostics on ears:
       If ears look as at the Cheburashka means, this person a long-liver and it is necessary to rejoice, instead of to regret.
       If ears small and accurate, this person very quickly overtires and more often than others is subject to colds.
       In the presence of deformation of a lobe of an ear of people it is predisposed to diseases of cardiovascular system.
       Diagnostics on appearance of language:
       Healthy language of the person always pink color, damp, pure, without deep lines and cracks.
       If it red and crimson color, in an organism does not suffice B12 vitamin (meets at anemia, tumors, worms and inflammatory diseases of intestines).
       Pale color of language speaks about deficiency of iron and possible violation of functions of marrow.
       Dry language speaks about organism dehydration, a peritoneum inflammation, overdose of atropinic drugs with which treat ulcers, gripes and pains.
       The gray-white raid speaks about an illness of teeth and gums (caries, periodontosis), a chronic infection of a nasopharynx (sinusitis, antritises, pharyngitises, tonsillitis). The main problem consists in cervical department of a backbone.
       The gray raid speaks about a disorder with the top department of a gastrointestinal path, ulcers are possible gastritis, дуоденит.
       Yellowish raid - problems with zhelchevyvodyashchy ways. Cholecystitis or холангит is possible.
       The deep crack with a break indicates a spine injury.
       In language deep cracks appear from shortage of iron and existence of a chronic infection.
       Lack of nipples in language speaks about shortage of microcells and iron.
       Big nipples happen at a hypertrophy at search of spicy, spicy food and alcohol.
       At emergence of prints of teeth at the edges it is necessary to pay attention to a bite, or swelled language. So happens at diseases of a thyroid gland. Here always injury of a backbone to cervical department is the initial reason.
       Diagnostics on a state and skin color:
       Any changes on skin speak about pathology of an internal.
       Puffiness of skin can speak about malfunctions in work of heart or kidneys, the mechanism of acid-base balance, лимфоотока.
       Cyanosis of skin is a sign of warm and pulmonary insufficiency. At a disease of heart lips and nails can become blue.
       The persistent itch of skin, especially in genitals and the back pass, being combined with yellowish-brown spots of the wrong form, with the same spots on skin of a neck and a breast can speak about sugar increase in blood. Same can correspond and existence of fungoid diseases of skin, nails, dryness of skin, existence on shins and feet the vnutriepidermalnykh of bubbles.
       Yellowish plaques acting over skin show that there is a danger of atherosclerosis.
       Longitudinal or cross strips of nacreous or pink color on skin of a stomach, hips, buttocks, mammary glands testify to existence in an organism of diseases of endocrine system. Pigmentation strengthening round a mouth, on a neck, on the back party of a surface of hands and feet testifies to changes in work of a thyroid gland.
       The increased greasiness of skin speaks about redundancy in an organism of a man's hormone - testosterone. Its increase causes the increased hairiness (girsutizm) and sexuality in women. This state gradually leads to change of a sexual inclination, and then and a floor,
       Thinning and dryness of the skin, cold hands and feet, chill, and also increase in a fatty layer at men testifies to age hormonal reorganization which call a climax.
       Raised orogoveny skin of feet and palms it is accompanied by a disease of a thyroid gland or climax approach.
       Emergence of dermatitis, eczemas, фурункулёзов, acne rash, skin wounds which badly heal, trophic ulcers hardly, giving in to treatment always is connected with deficiency of zinc in an organism.
       If at the woman obesity, a hypertension and deforming arthritis is observed at an excess orogoveniye of skin of palms and feet, especially on their edge, it speaks about approach of climacteric changes.
       Sensitivity violation, up to a sleep of a skin zone between a chin and a lower lip speaks about heart troubles.
       The peeling and skin reddening, emergence of fatty tumors, keratomas, papi-scrap, and also spots in a zone of upper eyelids and area round plaintive channels speak about an illness of kidneys, developments of stagnation in them and formation of sand.
       If skin has a greenish shade, it speaks about an anemia with deficiency in an iron organism.
       But if skin pale with a yellowish shade, an anemia with deficiency of B12 vitamin.
       Yellow skin color speaks about presence of false or true jaundice. In such organism there is a raised content of carotene from big consumption of carrots, pumpkin, tangerines and oranges.
       The earthy-gray shade of skin speaks about the increased consumption of the preparations containing silver and about chronic inflammations. Here too surely there is a scoliosis and other problems of a backbone with which it is required to begin treatment.
       When there are one or several white spots with sharply outlined borders (vitiligo), the chronic inflammation of a liver - hepatitis here is available. Traumatic scoliosis on the left shoulder is possible. Then it will be lower.
       If on palms, hands, feet there is a set of small pale specks with indistinct edges (mramornost), there is a vegetososudisty dystonia. First of all, it indicates available injuries in cervical department of a backbone and violation of brain blood circulation, that is on mentality violation.
       Diagnostics on nails:
       If nails in a form convex and roundish - the chronic disease of lungs, bronchitis or pneumonia, at the same time is present polyposes - operation on its removal is required.
       If with longitudinal, cross deepenings, you have a chronic infection.
       If nails with convex strips, there is no iron and microcells.
       If nails fragile, in an organism proceed inflammatory processes, there is no gland, probably, there is a fungus.
       When nails pale - an anemia.
       If they have bagrovosinyushny color is speaks about heart failure.
       Diagnostics on a figure:
       Stoop of the person always causes violations in work of a stomach, kidneys, adrenal glands and all gastrointestinal path. The tummy grows.
       Scoliosis on the right shoulder sooner or later, but will lead to backbone destruction - practically all departments. Such scoliosis speeds up work of the right hemisphere, doing the person far-sighted, but without possibility of combination of knowledge with the real reality as the consciousness always is displaced aside from a physical body, there is a mentality destruction, resonant frequency increases.
       Scoliosis on the left shoulder much more rare. It breaks logic work, extinguishes mathematical abilities of a brain, causes a syndrome of chronic fatigue, results in lack of money. Such person, as a rule, becomes an inveterate drunkard, differently is strongly oppressed and his life does not interest.
       The increased hairiness women - the reason can have giperandrogeniye, that is the increased development of man's hormones - androgens, the only thing of sources which at healthy women bark of adrenal glands is. In their norm very small quantity is developed. The reason causing their excess, the wrong pose is during lifting of subjects from a floor of any weight which leads to a hardly noticeable exit back an intervertebral disk 6 or the 7th vertebra of chest department of a backbone which in turn speeds up work of adrenal glands in not the necessary party.
      Diagnostics and management of the size and shape of a female breast:
      Such diagnostics it is made on information position 5 of a chest vertebra in the thin divine plan. That is its purely physical situation and a state for this purpose has no role. When at 5 chest vertebras situation with an inclination forward approximately under 30-45 degrees forward, a shape of a breast the correct about 4-5 sizes and distance between them minimum. But if a vertebra it is information it is inclined back, under the same corner, breasts are slightly extended forward, no more than 3 sizes and have long distance among themselves. In the general plan all such adjustment is made at any age.
      Diagnostics on gait:
      Shuffling gait occurs from violation of capillary blood circulation of middle structures of a brain of the person at autism development, that is development of intellectual degradation. - http://world.lib.ru/z/zhurawlew_w_n/delaemsebepolnujusamodiagnostiku.shtml
      Huge happiness - to see the real truly heroic life, but not to participate in it.
      Physics, as decisive, present science
      Each of us is an integral part of a whole of an information field, therefore if at the person the head on shoulders it can use his information fully. Using the given nature opportunity, I as the physicist, conducted recently one unusual research and learned that becomes with the modern person if it gets to a black hole. It appeared, all covers available for the person, will break up to molecules, and the immortal soul again will return to the initial state, that is that time when it only appeared in a font of the Absolute and besides there will be it absolutely pure from all saved up before information, for all centuries lived by it.
      To return back to our state the soul will need to increase again all bodies which it lost at pass through a black hole, and for this purpose again it is necessary to live, at least, 157 560 years. And after that to be necessary to live 26 620 more years before quantum jump and only then it, probably, becomes that the person whom was earlier.
      For final and full return to the Absolute - all purpose of our life, that is to end of the cycle of spiritual development to soul probably needs 78 780 more years or even 105 040 years, it already depending on degree of its development and tseleustremleniye. This fact speaks only about immortality of soul, but not about saving of information saved up by it at hit in a portal of high frequency or the higher world, that is it is possible to pass into other worlds only in thin bodies or only after physical death.
      Though limits for purely spiritual and moral development at human life are not present. That is after quantum jump, since September, 2017, our inhabitants of Earth opportunity independently to change genetics on the thin plan and as throughout any long time to increase the internal frequency to very considerable limits, a limit which I still yet did not reach opened.
      Now we will look as the physics considers antimatter, it is in every respect similar to substance, after all both of them were formed at the same time and of one source. As a result of one there is a lot of, and another practically it is not visible and to this fact there has to be any explanation.
      Everything to what we adjoin in the life, consists of a matter. The cup which we hold in hand, consists of molecules, a molecule - of atoms, atoms, contrary to the name - "atom" in translation with Greek means "indivisible" - from electrons, protons and neutrons. Two last call "baryons". They can be divided further, into quarks or maybe further away but while on it we will stop. Everything together they form substance. Tracks of positrons in a vesiculate chamber.
      As readers guess, the substance has an antipode - antimatter. At contact they взаимоуничтожаются with allocation of very big energy or annihilate. According to the estimates of physicists, a piece of antimatter of the size of a brick, having got to Earth, can cause effect it is similar to explosion of a hydrogen bomb.
      In all the rest antipodes are similar: antimatter has a weight, on it physics laws, here only electric charge at it fully extend is opposite. At an anti-proton it is negative, and at a positron - an anti-electron, is positive. And still antimatter practically does not meet in reality surrounding us as has own resonance higher than a frequency of our world, and we cannot simply see it.
      Many scientists fixated on materialism consider time it somewhere is, means it it is possible to find, in it their main mistake, crying anything for the moon in such assumption is not present, we live on light though we and cannot shake hands with the antipodes. But the exit is, for this purpose it is necessary to apply physics, to increase own frequency, and you appear already in other world and there already the matter will seem to you invisible, and an anti-matter here it, even hands it is possible to touch. And here is how it is possible to make it in detail to read on my site.
      From here, all galaxies observed for today consist of usual substance. Otherwise their borders would be a zone of almost continuous annihilation with a surrounding matter, it it would be visible still from far away. Terrestrial observatories would register the quanta of energy formed at annihilation but while it does not occur and there will be never, after all between them an invisible border between the worlds approximately in 0,5 Hz.
      As the evidence of presence at the Universe of noticeable amounts of antimatter detection somewhere serves in space - anti-helium kernels, but only where it if it in a body of the person cannot be seen simply, except as theoretically. Two anti-protons, two antineutrons. The antiparticles which were such center regularly are born at collisions of high-vigorous particles in terrestrial accelerators and a natural way when bombing substance by space beams.
      But their detection in these installations does not speak to us about anything as they leave at once abroad visibilities, and you though a forehead break from diligence them all the same you will not see. And here anti-helium can be formed in the same way if in one place four components it a particle at the same time are born. It is impossible to call it absolutely impossible as it such and is - impossible.
      Therefore our scientists still, nevertheless, consider a situation of detection of anti-helium, which can quite be regarded if not as hello from antipodes, as the certificate of that somewhere in abysses of space the piece of antimatter of the decent sizes floats. Here it from there also arrived that in principle a full nonsense from the sore head. It is impossible to see that that simply in our world is not present. In each world the physics and it it is absolutely impossible to combine in one world.
      Alas, numerous attempts to look for anti-helium in the top layers of the terrestrial atmosphere or on the way to it yet did not bring success, and I will tell you will not bring. Certainly, it is that case when "lack of traces of gunpowder on hands proves nothing", but can quite be, it was necessary what to fly simply not really far - about billion light years, and to stand still, but to change the frequency of the device and then anti-helium will get to the small detector and there it will record, what then having moved it here people could read that information. And it is exact if the detector was more sensitive and more expensive, no chances of success would be higher if not to change the frequency of the device.
      Anti-stars, and they in the nature of other world precisely exist, during thermonuclear reactions would not generate the same stream of an antineutrino, as well as usual stars - a stream of their antipodes. The same antineutrinoes have to be formed at explosions anti-supernew and are formed, but we are absolutely not capable to see them. While neither that, nor another is not revealed, but, it is necessary to notice that the neutrino astronomy in general takes the first steps and I trust at last will understand that goes on a wrong way.
      Anyway while we do not possess reliable information about existence some noticeable amounts of antimatter in the Universe that badly and well at the same time. Badly because, on modern representations, during the first moments after the Big Bang it was formed both substance, and antimatter. Subsequently they annihilated, having generated relic space radiation.
      The quantity of photons in it is very great, it approximately in billion times exceeds quantity of baryons, that is protons and neutrons in the Universe. In other words, once, at the beginning of times, substance in the Universe it appeared on one milliard share more, than antimatters. Then all "superfluous" disappeared, having annihilated, and one milliard share remained. That in special literature is called as barionny asymmetry turned out, here again a mistake, asymmetry is not present.
      For physicists this wrong opinion lack of balance a big problem, (though it is not present) because it should be explained somehow. At least, in a case with subjects which in all other relations behave symmetrically because of one frequency therefore full annihilation never will be - here frequencies different.
      Existence of a big cosmological problem was realized by scientists somewhere to the middle of the XX century. We see conditions under which the Universe becomes such it what we, were formulated by Andrey Sakharov in 1967 and since then are "platitude" of thematic literature, at least, in the Russian and English languages. In strongly simplified look they look so.
      First, under any conditions probably existing in the early Universe, physics laws after all unequally work for substance and antimatter. And further already there is a mistake.
      Secondly, the barionny number, that is quantity of baryons after reaction not equally to that was to it thus can not remain.
      Thirdly, process has to proceed in an explosive way, that is to be nonequilibrium. It is essential as in balance of concentration of substances seek for alignment, and we need to receive something different.
      On it the conventional part of an explanation comes to an end, further and in half a century hypotheses dominate. The most authoritative at present connects an event with electroweak interaction. Let's look at it closer.
      For an explanation of that after all happened to our matter, we should strain imagination and to imagine that in the Universe there is a certain field. We yet do not know anything about its existence and properties, besides, that it is connected with substance and antimatter distribution in space and is to some extent similar to temperature habitual to us, in particular can accept great and smaller values, to a certain level which can be assimilated to boiling temperature.
      Originally the matter in the Universe is in the mixed state. Around is "very hot" - quotes here could and be lowered as usual temperature too is very high, but we speak about its imagined analog. This analog "boils" - value maximum.
      In process of space expansion from initial "steam" "drops" in which is "more cool" start being condensed. While everything looks absolutely the same as with water - if superheated steam is in the vessel which volume quickly enough increases, there is an adiabatic cooling. If it is rather strong, the part of water will drop out in the form of liquid. - The water condensed from steam.
      Something similar happens and to a matter in space. In process of growth of volume of the Universe the quantity and the thaw size increase. And here that has no analogies in the world habitual to us begins further.
      Conditions of penetration into "drops" of particles and antiparticles are unequal, it is a little bit simpler to particles to make it. As a result initial equality of concentration is broken, in condensed "liquid" there is a little bit more substance, and in "a boiling phase" - its antipode. The cumulative number of baryons thus does not change yet.
      And further, in "a boiling phase", quantum effects of interacting electroweak fields which, it seems, should not change quantity of baryons start working, but actually level quantity of particles and antiparticles. Strictly speaking, this process goes and in "drops" too, but there it is less effective. Thus, the total of antiparticles decreases. It is written shortly and, of course, very much simply, actually all where is more interesting, but we will not press in the theory deeply now.
      Key for an explanation of a situation there are two effects. Quantum anomaly of electroweak interactions - is the observed fact, it is found in 1976. A difference in probability of penetration of particles in a condensation zone - the fact settlement and, therefore, hypothetical. The field which "boils", and then cools down, it is not revealed yet.
      But when forming the theory it is supposed that it is Higgs's sex, but after opening of the well-known boson it became clear that it there is nothing. It is quite possible that its opening still is waiting in the wings. And maybe, also is not present - and then cosmologists should invent other explanations. The Universe waited for it fifteen billions years, can wait and still. Here I also hope my theory can it is useful to scientists of the world especially as at my approach to physics, it perfectly works. - https://vseonauke.com/1323278982764562715/zagadka-antiveschestva/
      Life - piece unclear. Give out it without prior notice and take away without strong reasons.
      Development of modern medicine on the basis of experience of ancestors
      Recently, with pleasure learned, about an initiative of the State Duma which has offered the state program of support of traditional medicine of the people of Russia by analogy to support of the Chinese medicine in the People's Republic of China. In recent years in the Russian Federation very wide circulation receive Chinese and other types of traditional traditional medicine, the deputy of the State Duma Fedot Tumusov ("Just Russia") noted, having specified that "even from People's Republic of China state programs on distribution of the Chinese traditional medicine at us in the Russian Federation" exist and are financed.
      According to the parliamentarian, all useful to people has to be implemented naturally, however, he believes, primordial should not be forgotten.
      "I mean, at the people of the Russian Federation, at Russians, Buryats, Kalmyks, Yakuts is and national methods of traditional medicine were from time immemorial applied. It would be desirable to keep them and even to develop. Therefore it is offered to develop and realize a state program in support of traditional traditional medicine of the people of the Russian Federation" - Tumusov offered. - regnum.ru - http://www.medlinks.ru/article.php? sid=76413
      Small happiness - it to see a toilet and to manage to reach it.
      Problem of jaundice and why her are not able to treat quickly and qualitatively, but are able long and irrationally
      As a disease jaundice understand coloring of skin of the person in yellow color, its skler and mucous membranes as a result of treatment of fabrics by a bilious pigment - bilirubin. Jaundice is a symptom various on an etiology and патогенезу the diseases occurring from loss of a bearing and formation of scoliosis to lowering of the right shoulder down on 2,5 centimeters of rather left shoulder when 4-5-6 chest vertebras for this reason are displaced to the left side and with a small turn forward.
      For example, at pregnant women jaundice is most often caused by liver pathology, so-called hepatic jaundices, are less often observed under hepatic or obturatsionny, it when 6-7-8 chest vertebras and over hepatic, haemo lytic anemias of jaundice when the top 3 and 4 chest vertebras are displaced only are displaced in left and with a turn forward.
      Therefore jaundices can be divided into two big groups: I - the jaundices caused by pathology of a backbone; II - the jaundices connected with accompanying diseases as sharply arisen, usually after a trauma which can be received if to live brainless on shoulders and not to watch position of the backbone, and not to protect it, practically from scratch, for example, "conveniently" sat - a floor having collapsed or being twisted, having created itself excessive "convenience".
      From here jaundice, mistakenly, is caused by various accompanying diseases: the acute virus hepatitises caused by viruses of hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, and also viruses of yellow fever, Epstein-Barre, simple herpes of I and the II types, a cytomegalovirus and some other, and also medicinal, toxic from alcohol and others; obstruction of the general bilious channel - mechanical jaundice; some bacterial, parasitic infections and sepsis;
      diseases preceding, for example, pregnancy: chronic diseases of a liver of various etiology, unclear for physicians and from where the arisen, haemo lytic anemias, family not haemo lytic giperbilirubinemiya and some other.
      - the second for frequency after acute virus hepatitis the reason of emergence of the jaundice, causing to 20-25% of its cases. The etiology its also is unknown to our medicine and therefore it is supposed that at the heart of a disease genetic predisposition to unusual holestatichesky reaction, such as, on an estrogen produced during pregnancy lies.
      The main clinical manifestation intra hepatic холестаза is the skin itch advancing emergence of jaundice when jaundice still can not develop completely. Jaundice, as a rule, not intensive, is accompanied by urine darkening, clarification a calla, but the general condition of patients especially does not suffer.
      Here it is characteristic no more than 5-fold increase of level of bilirubin of serum of blood, increase of levels of the alkaline phosphatase (AP) at 7-10 times, gamma глютамилтрансферазы (GGT), bilious acids; small increase of a ratio аспартатаминотрансферазы and аланинаминотрансферазы (AST/ALT). Histologic changes in a liver represent idle time холестаз. State forecast the favorable.
      Diagnostics, as a rule, does not cause big difficulties, especially in the presence the anamnesticheskikh of data on recidivous character холестаза or hereditary predisposition. The circle of states with which the differential diagnosis has to be carried out, is limited by the diseases, being characterized a syndrome холестаза: obturatsionny jaundice, holestatichesky form of acute virus hepatitis, medicinal hepatitis, some forms of chronic diseases of a liver.
      Obturatsionny jaundice is excluded on the basis of a clinical picture in the absence of a pain abdominal syndrome and results of ultrasonic research the zhelchevyvodyashchikh of ways. Acute virus hepatitis help to exclude minor change of indicators цитолиза (AST/ALT), lack of serumal virus markers. Carrying out a biopsy of a liver in such cases, as a rule, is not required.
      Here, further, it is possible to write much, but everything will be absolutely useless and therefore I will a little reduce and I will pass to the main thing as everything quickly to correct it: Prepare, on long your precious attention I will not detain. All these problems occur from bearing violation therefore and we will correct it.
      Get up in front of a big mirror, bend from a waist to the top of the head in left on 45 degrees that the axis of this part of a backbone was absolutely on one straight line and staid so, including slowly to 120. After that became straight that both shoulders would be on one line on the horizon and mentally throw in itself a lightning which will straighten all your backbone to one equal direct vertical line.
      Further conduct normal life, but watch the right shoulder constantly, and do so that it under no circumstances never was below the left shoulder even if you, for example, sit or lean the elbows on the left or right hand, or something bear in hands. I guarantee problems any more will not be never. - http://www.medlinks.ru/article.php? sid=74727
      The more long I am engaged in boxing, the it is more for me mysterious and unclear.
      Acquaintances in a network it is dangerous not only to mental health, but also to all quiet human life
      Possessing the work trained for many years as the healer and in perfection the fulfilled opportunity to estimate a condition of people in all existing medical parameters at all without seeing their photo but only on the NICKNAME or a name, I saved up an extensive experience, both in diagnostics, and in treatment of various diseases, despite their versatility or complexity.
      Long work as the consultant on the most different difficult situations and various questions discussed with the employer only by phone and without personal contact, taught me to estimate instantly any situation and to give it the most perfect assessment and also quickly to transform it configuring to the positive plan.
      Everyday working at the computer within nearly 30 years, often being in a network as I have already 150 sites, and it is necessary to watch them incidentally, I was involuntarily compelled to have the finger on the pulse of life of this society best of all learned to understand its state therefore I can share with you a conclusion - the further there is time, the I am less mentally healthy I meet in network communication.
      The main problem of these people the wrong landing at the computer, and is more often behind the laptop when the monitor is much below than the sight line on the horizon. It leads to development of sharp violation of brain blood circulation and the subsequent autism.
      In such state this very sick and mentally dangerous, the person becomes a powerful problem for any healthy person, even being at distance from it as in the autist the strongest power vampire for whom distance any more an obstacle, and it can join any others power develops having made the person by the feeding trough within very long years.
      Besides, the vampire will consider himself absolutely healthy and not to feel at all any collateral pains or problems, and a condition of the mentality to it already will be not to estimate never. And if to tell it about existence at it mental diseases, guilty in it you always awake moreover огребете the mass of insults. So draw a conclusion - bypass such people at distance and never talk to them.
      On dating sites absolutely there are no mentally healthy people, I watch this process already some tens years and did not meet there any mentally healthy person. At each of them a huge array of problems with mutual understanding not only, but also people surrounding it and even space round themselves such people perceive absolutely in a different way.
       Such acquaintances usually lead to tragedies on life in a family when mutual understanding is broken completely, and also to casual sexual communications damaging physical health and, in particular, to occupations by unprotected oral sex. Meanwhile unprotected oral sex - one of the main ways of distribution of a virus of papilloma of the person, including the strain of HPV-16 causing a cancer of a neck of a uterus, a cancer of language, almonds, a soft palate and a throat. - Meddaily.ru
      Reading gravestone inscriptions, you are convinced: complete unanimity is not present even on a cemetery.
      Consequences of very serious dependence from wrong, long, usings phone and the smartphone
      Supervision of modern Korean scientists, for the first time for very long time, completely coincided with my own conclusions about maloperation and work with phones of "telephone addicts". They showed that development of similar hobby absolutely changes all chemical balance of a brain and a manner its work that pulls together this form of dependence with real drug addiction and a full idiocy of consciousness of the person.
      Such development of "telephone" dependence inevitably conducts to increase of concentration gamma аминомасляной acids, main "brake" of a brain, in forward zone bark, and to balance violation between GAMK and a glutamate, other important alarm molecule of nervous system.
      In recent years scientists became in two new forms of dependence about which inhabitants often speak, - "telephone" and "Internet" - drug addiction seriously interested. Their studying shows that in this case simple people often happen are right - at their some carriers special changes in behavior, characteristic for real addicts are really observed, and the same dangerous risk factors act them.
      For example, last year scientists found out that the impulsive people suffering from scoliosis who badly control the desires become their victims most often. Similar characteristics as show supervision of scientists, are a distinctive feature of the people who have been torn off from true reality, and therefore alcoholics, and also the real addicts not capable independently to get rid of the addiction.
      Scientists became interested in, whether brain work at the people suffering from similar "digital" forms of dependence changes, and whether these changes that happens to nervous system of victims of drugs and alcohol are similar. For the answer to this question scientists collected two groups of volunteers of two tens teenagers and the young people to which half the similar diagnosis was made, and started watching work of their nervous system, using the special magnetic and resonant tomograph, capable to open a chemical composition of different regions of a brain.
      Having compared the received results, the Korean biologists found out that development telephone or the Internet - "drug addiction" really changes brain work at chemical level. The most serious violations in its work were observed in that part of bark which is responsible for impulsive behavior and feeling of uneasiness that can explain how there is a similar dependence.
      But here for some reason further comments so did not follow. It is visible they or are not capable to draw a right conclusion or by it simply do not allow to make it as at us try to treat only people and to earn on it, but not to cure in any way, therefore such disease as autism, is considered absolutely not curable disease.
      I have all this, problems never causes - absolutely. I always, at first, redeem vertical position of cervical department of a backbone, then, earlier broken, in the carotids pressed by inclined vertebras, brain blood circulation, doing it, only one power of the correct thinking, at all without touching the patient. But my technique of information medicine is necessary to nobody, the first - she demands from the doctor of a reeducation, and also does not demanded all pharmaceutical industry of our materialistic world, on what, anybody, beginning from the top does not want to go as is afraid for the familiar spot. - https://news.mail.ru/society/31809661/? frommail=10
      If the man first of all noticed mind in the woman, all means the rest did not draw its attention.
      Whether it is necessary to distribute to people free money
      The press, recently, actively discusses this problem, and in particular - influence of poverty on health of the population. As a whole our people it is difficult to surprise with poverty. Practically people lived all XX century under its burden. If to look at shots of a pre-revolutionary newsreel, becomes clear, in what burdensome conditions there lived the people. Situation was aggravated because of the ruin generated by World War I, and then and Civil wars and even at the Soviet power in a number of regions of Russia severe famine raged.
      To the modern inhabitant of Russia, especially the youth which has got used for the last decades to a grocery and commodity variety, it is difficult to present what was real life of the country. Even in the best years by present estimates of the Soviet power when due to import of goods and the food, first of all from the countries of the socialist commonwealth, the market began to be sated gradually, life remained quite poor.
      "Abundance" was perceived by "abundance" only against scarcity of previous decades. People of the senior generation remember lines for meat, cyanotic hens, oranges. And in manufactured goods stores - for shtapely, the Polish jackets, the Czech shoes and the German bras. And, of course, behind toilet paper which was originally perceived as an overseas miracle. And were also bones with the meat scraps, called in the people "fittings of the proletariat".
      Why millions and million inhabitants of Russia with such nostalgia remember today years of the Soviet power? One of the main reasons that the Soviet poverty was muffled by almost total equalization. Not numerous "nomenclature" in comparison with present bureaucracy lived, on present concepts, rather modestly and did not tease the people the prosperity.
      Then there were certain party and state ethics of consumption. Some kind of "the red line" to cross which it was not permitted to the high-ranking officials and Party members, especially their children. On nowadays well-known Rublyovka still there are remains of modest wooden dachas of 100-150 sq.m in which there lived the Soviet ministers and large Party members. And houses were, as a rule, allocated for two families. Against present palaces on 1000-1500 meters worth millions dollars they look as "the dwelling of the father Carlo".
      However, for the last two hundred years life in conditionally developed, but already started to rot and degrade the countries of Europe came nearer to a picture of paradise life as it was imagined by our hungry poor medieval forefathers. Welfare of the certain countries and people grew many times over, but poverty and an inequality so completely and were not eradicated. Therefore young thinkers of modern times started suggesting to reconsider the outlook which is cornerstone of the existing world order, and even to doubt faultlessness of available economic theories, about need of calculation of gross domestic product and for belief about need to earn a living by a hard work.
      I as the physician with a long standing very much was interested by the question asked by several authors: - why poor people make silly acts? The world not without poverty it and is clear but why so occurs? It appeared, it is to favourably small layer of the richest people with damage of function of a brain, that is people with sick mentality as whom it consider all the others as the correct self-assessment at them completely is absent. And it not a utopia as can seem not to the expert person.
      But any who treats this dream seriously, inevitably should face several difficult questions. Why poor commit crimes more often? At once frankly I answer, as person perfectly knowing this problem. The first - at such poor people is not present knowledge of the correct way of life and therefore they live where it is necessary and as it is necessary, that is at them is universal scoliosis, and this violation of function of a brain, so and mentality. The second - at all of them imagination very developed for this reason. It concerns the people living in the northern hemisphere of our planet, in the southern hemisphere all on the contrary, and we while about is mute we do not speak.
      And so, the imagination shifted in space forward and total absence of logic, because of scoliosis, as though relieves responsibility from the person. He does not see it and does not feel because of head misoperation though the repentance will come inevitably, but only after change of brain blood circulation to the correct party, it will be short and greased as the next night spent in the wrong pose, again will knock out brains at all.
      Why they are more subject to obesity? Besides because of scoliosis, but the change is a little lower on a backbone, at the level of a hip, and it leads to formation of diabetes of the second type. Here obesity is simply inevitable at first hips and buttocks, and then and all organism completely. Well and as soon as scoliosis will break spleen work then one more mass of new problems is connected.
      Why they take more alcohol and drugs? More shortly why the poor make so many bad decisions? Everything is again simple - violation of a bearing and a neck inclination forward shifts the head in the Atlas forward a chin down and changes position of cervical vertebras pressing carotids on necks behind and in front. It leads to falling of intra cranial pressure or sometimes to stagnation of blood and a brain, because of a lack of oxygen simply turns into spinal liquid.
      That is autism develops. That in turn demands to raise heart blood pressure, but pass is not present and then subconsciousness finds a way out how to expand brain vessels - suggests to get drunk and vessels extended, and the condition of the patient improved and so any time proceeds, and then ceases to help and the turn reaches drugs. Everything is simple, but at the same time this way is inevitable.
      It is possible to track, for example, life of any singer known to you, the composer, the musician, the artist or the writer, that is those people who use developed, due to bearing violation, imagination. I specially will not call a surname, but they simply very famous for all and it practically any least known for the elaborate actions and acts of people. From here inevitable reusable disintegration of a family, repeated filing of "torpedo", a kidaniye in search of the place and as a rule departure abroad where as it becomes clear to it is born more mutual understanding.
      And I agree with it, at us in the country of most of all healthy people, than in all other world, and here such schizo finds to himself a niche where be in Europe or in America where there live the same morons, I ask applications for frankness, in a different way I cannot, and it there understand, and it there prospers for the time being. But as soon as its state, for any reason improves, the situation around ceases suit it, nostalgia on the homeland starts getting, and it goes back where it again understand and accept.
      And how many such left was and all known people, and all because of scoliosis, because of violation of brain blood circulation, because of violation of the mentality. And all on ignorance of the correct way of life of the person, and it is brought up only in a strong, competent family, and all have it? As a rule not.
      So draw a conclusion - there is no strong family - there is no correct education - there is no happy person, and there is a rebel, the publican, and the cattle without the homeland and a tribe who considers itself by the advanced sample on whom all other uneducated and underdeveloped small fry should equal and to envy it such knowing and brightened up, beautifully speaking, but really torn off from the harmonious. It harmonious is impossible to it and directs to revolt, chaos and search something new in an available world order.
      Roughly? Probably, but let's look at statistics: poor borrow money more, postpone less, smoke more, play sports less, drink more, eat less healthy food as on healthy there is no money and there is no concept of consciousness healthy.
      On management of own finance the poor will register in training in the last turn though training can provide same, as well as he, the person considerably torn off from reality. I, for example, receive by e-mail to ten similar invitations to courses for increase in the welfare and the same mass of letters on receiving prizes, inheritance and any unknown draws with very large sums and sometimes in dollars, euro and even pounds sterling.
      And so having opportunity in detail to consider a condition of the author of the letter I never met any person without strong scoliosis or mentally full. Therefore poor people both write the worst job applications and come to interview in the most nonprofessional look. The mentality is mentality and from it will not escape anywhere. Yes besides us so brought up, in a former system that when the person learns that it has with this business not absolutely an order, is strongly offended and is ready to take offense at you on for the rest of the life.
      Here the prime minister of Great Britain Margaret Thatcher when still it was healthy, once, called poverty "defect of the personality" and I completely agree with it. Though at us, even the post of the prime minister or the president from this case, not luck on a state of health, at all will not protect, an example of that Ukraine - the President Poroshenko loudly on television, all over the country declared: "The boot of the Ukrainian invader tramples down the suffered much earth of Ukraine".
      Therefore not many politicians come so far, saying that responsibility for a solution of the problem of poverty lies on poor people and it is not new. After all who admits that in the country, under its management, all attention is paid to itself favourite and than farther from it by the illiterate people to it better and quieter.
      From Australia to England and from Sweden to the USA representation that the person has to overcome the poverty itself took roots. Certainly, the government can stimulate movement poor in the correct direction - the policy encouraging sensibleness, penalties and, the most important, education, but rigidly directed to the course necessary to the ruling class. Actually if something also is considered panacea from poverty, it is the diploma about the termination of the higher school, and it is even better - degree of the graduate of college.
      Whether but there is something else? What if poor really cannot help itself? What, if all these incentives, all data and education by it like water off a duck's back? And what if this loyal pushing only worsen a situation? - Yes it is possible to help itself if to be engaged in introspection of the actions, acts, and desires, that is all should be subjected to the analysis and to draw the corresponding conclusion. And only then the internal experience hidden in subconsciousness, will receive disclosure. Even if you absolutely "stupid" in this life, all the same, knowledge from subconsciousness always will be to you very useful, and you will be able to use them purely intuitively.
      Such severe questions, who sets not got, and Eldar Shafir, the psychologist from Princeton university. It and Sendil Mullaynatan, the economist from Harvard, submitted recently the new revolutionary theory of poverty. In what an essence? In a context.
      The best man is not modest in the aspirations. He wants to base neither more nor less new area of scientific research - science about deficiency. But unless we still do not have it? Economy? "We constantly hear it, - Shafir when we for the first time met in Amsterdam hotel laughed, but I am interested in deficiency psychology which is surprisingly a little studied".
      For economists round deficiency everything spins, eventually, even the richest spendthrift cannot buy only. However the perception of shortage is non-uniform, and it depends on a condition of mental health, whether that is from that the person is able to be using trezvomysly or he behaves as the small child self-controlled, knowing only - I want.
      The feeling generated by incompleteness of time, differs from the feeling arising because of the overloaded working day, and it is not harmless and is not insignificant, after all deficiency discomposes mentality. People behave differently when it seems to them that it is not enough of something. And to them it is not important about what there is a speech. It is not enough time, money, friendship, food - all this makes a contribution to "mentality of deficiency".
      However this type of mentality has advantages: the people feeling shortage of something, well cope with short-term tasks. Poor people possess improbable ability to make ends in short-term prospect all meet, in the same way, as heads of the enterprises are able to achieve transaction end.
      But nevertheless defects "mentalities of deficiency" outweigh its advantages. Deficiency compels to concentrate attention on with what shortage is connected: at the meeting beginning in five minutes, or accounts which should be paid tomorrow. To long-term strategy simply does not remain places. "Deficiency absorbs you - Shafir explains - you cannot concentrate on other things any more which for you too are important".
      Imagine the new computer which is carrying out at once ten difficult programs. It works all more slowly, makes mistakes and eventually hangs not because it is the bad computer but because it should do too much only at once. Poor people also face the same problem. They make bad decisions not because they bad but because live in such context in which any will make bad decisions. - In it I absolutely not agree with it. Will make not the right decisions only when the analysis completely is absent and if it is such not to happen never.
      "If you want to understand poor, imagine to yourself that your reason is absolutely in other place, they write, it is correct at scoliosis which not only poor do not notice, and it is simple in general all people, such, by itself. Their consciousness is displaced for dimensions of a physical body and therefore it is not used at all by the person. There are no logicians there is no analysis and there is no attempt to apply it. - Self-checking is represented extremely complex challenge. You easily distract and fly into a rage. And it occurs every day". So deficiency of time or money conducts to the same unwise decisions.
      There is a key difference of the people occupied from people poor: from poverty it is not possible to have a rest. Though busy if do not analyze the state can pass too the critical line of health, despite the amount of business that occurs very quickly and to start stealing that again, though over time, but will result them in poverty.
      I already saw enough of such moments recently. Mostly it is connected with our reorganization of an organism after quantum jump. If to someone expression is unclear - quantum jump be educated on the Internet, it is impossible to be absolutely incompetent if you want to be successful.
      Fight against poverty gives huge advantages and big money, who it is engaged in that, for example, charity foundations and to that the similar organizations, apparently, urged to help mankind, but they help only to themselves that many people still did not notice. They give them money, and those settle in a pocket of "well-wishers". Probably, time came to measure not only gross domestic product, but also gross internal mental capacity. High mental capacity - this best education of the children, the best health, more productive employees and so forth.
      In Britain even conducted research, and it showed that expenditure for poor children in England reach 29 billion pounds sterling or 44 billion dollars a year, and the result is not visible almost, though one two facts always and at all on a look. According to researchers, the policy of eradication of poverty "mostly will pay back itself", is sure, itself will pay back.
      In the USA where more than one child from five grow in poverty, results of uncountable researches already testify that measures against poverty work like the tool for reduction of prices. Greg Duncan, professor of the Californian university, counted that the pulling of the American family from poverty on the average costs approximately 4500 dollars a year - less, than payments of a casino of the Cherokee. Finally these investments on the child allegedly will give:
      12,5% of additional business hours;
      3000 dollars of annual economy on grants;
      50 000−100 000 dollars of additional earnings during life;
      10 000−20 000 dollars of additional tax revenues.
      Professor Duncan came to conclusion that fight against poverty "will pay off by then as poor children will reach middle age".
      By itself to solve such serious problem, the big program is required. Research 2013goda estimated expenditure for children's poverty at the USA in 500 billion dollars a year. The children who have grown up in poverty, lose two years of education and as a result work at 450 o'clock in a year less, and the general risk to ache at them three times above, than at those who grew up in a provided family. Researchers say that investments in education actually will not help these children. At first they need to rise above a poverty line.
      The recent mat to management of finance led the analysis of two hundred one researches of effectiveness of training to a similar conclusion: such courses almost change nothing. It is impossible to tell that people there study nothing, poor, certainly, can get knowledge. But it is not enough of it. "It all the same that to teach the person to float, and then to throw him into the sea during a storm", professor Shafir complains.
      It is not so senseless to educate people, but it is not always capable to help them to support the mental capacity if there are problems in mental health, and they as a rule always are. It is possible to assume that all these rules and red tape are urged to cut those who does not need really. But actually all exactly on the contrary: poor, whose mental capacity especially suffers and who experiences the biggest deprivations, ask Uncle Sam about the help the last and all for the same reason - a problem in mentality.
      Therefore, the whole array of programs remains not demanded by those people to whom they are urged to bring benefit. Some grants are appointed to only thirty percent from those who has to them the right though research behind research show that the similar grant - some thousands of dollars - can change everything. The economist, looking at these grants, will think: time it is reasonable to submit the application, poor students will begin to give it. But everything occurs differently. Grants work, but at all where the zashorennost generated by mentality of deficiency reigns.
      The best man and Mullaynatan propose some possible solutions: for example, to help needing students to fill the papers necessary for receiving the financial help, or to distribute boxes for the pills, supplied with bulbs which light up, reminding that it is necessary to take medicine. Similar "pushing" are very popular with politicians of the modern Country of abundance, mainly because they cost nothing.
      But, frankly speaking, that can achieve similar actions? They are generation of an era when the policy is occupied mainly with fight against symptoms, instead of the solution of the main problem - changes of a condition of mental human health. It is it can be done very easy if to speak about time spent for it, it is only two minutes. Also represent completely the perception of world around any, earlier not the healthy person changes. Information on this technique is on a site - http://world.lib.ru/z/zhurawlew_w_n/
      Various pushing can make poverty more and more acceptable, but, having looked at a situation picture as a whole, you will understand that they absolutely solve nothing. However and in itself money for distribution insufficiently - the question of their correct distribution is important also.
      It is simple reality: if you want more money, time, friends or food, feel deficiency rather. What you want, in big degree is defined by that the people surrounding you have, after all the growing inequality in the Western world is a large obstacle in this regard. If many people buy the last smartphone, you too want it. While the inequality grows, gross internal mental capacity continues to be reduced. Therefore to assume that money - it is a key fortunately and healthy life, absolutely it is impossible. However in nation scales - only to a certain degree.
      While gross domestic product per capita keeps on a good mark life expectancy raises more or less automatically. But as soon as food becomes enough, the roof does not flow and there is a clear flowing water, economic growth ceases to guarantee wellbeing. From this point equality becomes much more exact predictive factor. When receiving the new benefits each acquisition makes the lesser contribution to your wellbeing.
      Regardless of the fact that we consider - a depression, psychoemotional or communicative burning out, abuse of drugs, expels from educational institutions, obesity, the unhappy childhood, a low appearance on elections either social or political mistrust - certificates indicate each time the same reason: an inequality and business here in relative poverty. How the country grew rich, the inequality always spoils this holiday. To be poor in the rich country - at all the same what to be poor in the past when almost all everywhere were beggars.
      Let's consider ill treatment. It is more widespread in the countries with high level of a material inequality as status distinctions there are more essential. Or, we will consider "psychosocial consequences" these are that the people living in societies who were characterized by an inequality, more time spend in excitements and protests what them are seen by others. It reduces quality of the relations that is shown, for example, in mistrust to strangers or alarms concerning the status. The stress arising as a result, in turn, is the main reason of psychoemotional diseases, including chronic.
      Do not misunderstand me - the inequality is not the only source of difficulties. It is one of the structural factors which are cornerstone of a set of social problems, and it is closely connected with the whole galaxy of other conditions. And actually society cannot function for lack of some inequality. Incentives to work, business, a superiority are necessary, and money it is very effective incentive motive, after all nobody will want to live in society where the shoemaker receives as much, how many and the doctor. Or rather, any, living in such place, will be afraid very much to ache.
      Nevertheless today almost in all developed countries indicators of an inequality of people much more exceed values which it is reasonable to call desirable. Recently the International Monetary Fund published the report from which it is clear that too big inequality even disturbs economic growth. However the most surprising opening is, probably, that the rich suffer from too big inequality even. They too become more inclined to a depression, suspiciousness and test a huge set of difficulties in the social plan.
      Poor, owing to the status and problems with the psychoemotional sphere frolicing generally from an initial stage of scoliosis are not able to address with money. Eventually, be able to dispose correctly they of the finance from what it to appear poor people? It is possible to believe that the poor spend money for fast food and aerated water instead of fresh fruit and books. Therefore "to help", the myriad of smart programs of support, with infinite scribbling, registration systems, army of inspectors is created, and all this turns round the bible principle: "If who does not want to work, that and do not eat".
      The last years the government aid in many countries concentrated on employment more and more and from recipients it was required to submit job applications, and also to participate in the programs "again for work" and obligatory "volunteer" activity. The message of the praised transition "from grants to a remunerative work" is clear: "gratuitous money cultivates laziness in people".
      But in 2008 году the government of Uganda decided to allocate to twelve thousand to mentally healthy aged people from 16 to 35 years on 400 dollars. The only thing that demanded from the recipient in exchange - to submit the business plan. Results in five years impressed. The income of the recipients enclosed in own education and business, grew almost by 50%, and chances to get a job increased more than for 60%.
      Within other program in Uganda poor women in the north of the country received on 150 dollars with similar results: the income jumped up almost for 100%. Especially it concerned women who were helped by the social worker, the cost of his work made 350 dollars, but researchers counted subsequently that where it would be more effective to distribute together with grants and a salary of the assistant. As it is chilly summed up in research, its results will cause "huge changes in programs of fight against poverty in Africa and worldwide".
      And so, researches in a set of the countries convincingly prove that free money works when get to sane people and vice versa goes to sand when people are not quite healthy.
      Scientists already connect unconditional cash payments with decrease in crime rates, child mortality and malnutrition, with a frequency of teenage pregnancy and truancies, and also with growth of school progress, economy and equality of floors. The important reason of poverty - a shortcoming at people of money and us what to give them money - an excellent way of the solution of this problem" should not surprise.
      Therefore from Brazil to India, from Mexico to South Africa programs of delivery of cash became a last word in fashion of the Global South. When the UN formulated the purposes of development stated in "Millennium Declaration" 2000 года, anybody also did not hear about these programs, and to 2010th they captured more than 110 million families in 45 countries.
      Researchers from University of Manchester summarized advantages of these programs:
      households dispose of money;
      poverty decreases;
      the various long-term advantage in the field of the income, health care and a collecting of taxes is possible;
      these programs are much cheaper than others.
      So why to send expensive officials on SUVs when it is possible to give simply poor their salary? Especially if it allows to take away sticky fingers of social services from the equation? Besides free money greases economy wheels as a whole: people buy more that stimulates employment and the income.
      Than money is good? First of all, people can buy on them that is really necessary for them, instead of that is necessary for them according to others, considering experts. And as it appeared, there is a category of products for which poor people do not spend the free money which has got to them: it is tobacco and alcohol. Actually big research of the World bank showed that in 82% of all analysed cases in Africa, Latin America and Asia consumption of alcohol and tobacco decreased.
      But there are even more surprising data. In Liberia experiment with the purpose to learn that will occur if to give out on 200 dollars to the most inveterate poor people was made. On slums brought together alcoholics, addicts and brisk criminals. On what they spent money in three years? On food, clothes, drugs and the small enterprises. "If these did not lower free money who will throw out?" - one of researchers is surprised.
      And still argument about laziness of poor people adduce again and again. Stability of this representation pushed scientists to check its validity. In total a few years ago the prestigious medical magazine Lancet summed up the supervision: poor, receiving money without any conditions, are usually inclined to work more.
      From here, in mass media new information that the general basic income of the population, open borders and fifteen-hour working week are represented by an unattainable utopia and though now we live in the world which would seem to our ancestors paradise began to appear, time came to set for itself new ambitious tasks and to aspire to brighter future.
      - https://news.mail.ru/society/32276655/
      - http://hbr-russia.ru/biznes-i-obshchestvo/ekonomika/p24661/#ixzz55cQZWTB2
      - https://www.vedomosti.ru/economics/news/2017/12/18/745638-uroven-bednosti-rossiyan-v-tretem-kvartale-2017-goda-obnovil-shestiletnii-maksimum
      - http://www.aif.ru/society/opinion/bednye_lyudi
      Given rise to creep - everywhere will creep.
      Morgellonova illness and its secrets
      Because of long ago taken roots materialistic approach to the person, the illness Morgellonov long time was accepted to pure nonsense of mentally sick people, that is these words absolutely mad literally and therefore patients were treated only by the psychiatrist, calling an illness "crazy parazitozy". But now, physicians, were at least convinced that it really exists and that it is very dreadful disease for which at materialistically thinking people never will be any explanations. Though, so-called - crazy паразитоз too exists, and it is very important to distinguish these two absolutely different diseases as treatment will differ also absolutely.
      The first mention known to the world of symptoms of an illness appeared only in 2003 though before cases too met, but did not receive any publicity. Mary Leytao, mother of the little boy Drew, took out at the son from a wound under a lip a suspicious dark thread. The child besides complained of an itch, said that on it small insects creep.
      The boy showed to all doctors available to a family and all of them recognized him completely healthy as on the material plan of a human body no problems never could be found. But the listed above symptoms did not stop.
      Mother began to look for similar and having started reading medical literature in article XVII of century in French found something similar on symptomatology where after bathing in a reservoir from skin of the whole family by the name of Margelons there were black hairs. Called it then an illness Morgellonov (Morgellons) - that is the illness carries the name of the same name with names the sick people first by it. - http://www.medicalj.ru/diseases/infectious/1423-bolezn-morgellonov
      The illness was shown in the form of the black hair appearing from ulcers on a body of the diseased. At first was considered that infection occurred in ponds or the polluted reservoirs, but subsequently this version did not come true.
      Physicians thought that certain disputes which developed subsequently in a human body got to open wounds on a body of people, shrouding a body under skin as though long fibers similar to a black rigid bristle. Growth of a foreign matter caused severe pain for the person. Further the grown organism left a body everything through the same ulcers appearing on a body, leaving behind posterity which developed there again.
      In our country the analog of this organism is considered "horsehair" therefore parents in villages forbade children to bathe in places where infection cases were recorded, and already infected treated by means of alder or aspen ashes, strewing a place of an ulcer through which pulled out "horsehair" which was attracted to ashes. Such is the real history of the Morgellonovy illness, but that occurs today, has absolutely other nature.
      Now symptoms of the Morgellonovy illness are only partially similar to a disease which proceeds rather terribly. On a body of the patient there are not healing ulcers through which fibers of different flowers outside stick out. Sometimes they reminded hair, pautinka, threads, and sometimes granules, sunflower seeds and even small bugs. The most terrible that they behave as absolutely live organisms with the developed intelligence and their own resonance of 40 Hz really says that they really guests from other world. Our world - is the frequency of 20-23 Hz and everything that leaves for these frequencies there is a generation of other worlds.
      I seriously dealt with this issue some years, rummaged the huge mass of various information and the facts, in detail, in time and space, considered all cases which have got to me and came to opinion on deliberate purely physical creation of a situation for penetration of these not invited guests to our world. Besides they get only into that body which in the physical parameters very close approached to self-damage of the physical organism, all the dissolute way of life and the same improper feeding. Usually it is people with serious violation of mental health and as a rule in the third or even the fourth generation.
      In attempts to capture them or to pull out tweezers they seek to be developed and go to deeper fabrics reserving a trace from a drop of almost curtailed blood. In places where after all it was possible to take a foreign matter, the ulcer healed, but leaving a hem on skin. The person the patient with an illness Morgellonov suffered and physically and morally testing: an intolerable itch and pains under skin, uncontrollable spasms, swelling of joints, memory blackouts, a hair loss and nails, weakness, difficulties in communication and the long depression bringing to thoughts of a suicide. All this indicated sharp violation of brain blood circulation which physicians because of materialistic approach to the person could not notice at all and therefore and could not cure too.
      Despite quite prompt rates of distribution of the Morgellonovy illness worldwide, doctors stayed idle, persistently making the diagnosis a mental disorder. Only when it became known that the diseased estimate any more in hundreds, and tens of thousands - physicians began to understand that silly to consider all unexpectedly gone crazy. From here certain experts began to build versions of emergence of a disease.
      On one of the offered versions an etiology are Genno Modifitsirovannye Organisms that doctors, in my opinion, understand least of all on that, as a rule, and dump which at hit in a body of the person cause a mutation of genes as a result of which there are syndromes of the Morgellonovy illness.
      According to other version all responsibility lies on shoulders of the low-quality textile production delivered to us from China and Vietnam. The cheap cotton industry of these countries is infected with disputes of parasites which through skin get into our body.
      As proof of the second version provide article there is nobody Daniel Elkan published in the New Science magazine. In it it described one of patients who for years finds "the fibers similar to flexible plastic, some coil in zigzag fashion. They are thin as silk a pautinok, but are rather strong even to break through skin if for them strongly to pull". Well, both versions sound quite convincingly, but truth as always somewhere nearby therefore we will argue.
      The main and main reason for the emergence given, diseases of people still to anybody, authentically, is not known. The scientists who are based on materialism never, even close will not approach to the solution of this important task, but at me suitable to the solution of any task of the person by means of physics and cybernetics, are available not only serious hypotheses, but also the concrete facts. I at first fulfilled these facts on specially created phantoms, and already then on specific sick people. I them had only some people, but I received fine result of treatment.
      The second and minor reason, but more mass of them such is that in an illness is guilty genetically modified agricultural production - all known products with GMO abbreviation, Agrobacterium changed by means of microorganisms.
      The third most widespread and mass cause of illness of people - this deliberate infection of people by means of dispersion by planes of the USA the special aerosol means leading to a disease. This fact is indisputable and already proved by many experts.
      Agrobacterium represents the universal car on transfer of artificial and alien genes in our organism and to creation in it the alien proteins not always coinciding on own frequency with our world. And it means that they, these genes, live under laws of other worlds and therefore approaching financially we cannot make with them anything - neither to find, nor to influence means of our world, and they, being in us can change fabric structure through influence on DNA of the person.
      Thus, Agrobacterium potentially not only can, but also absolutely definitely carries out horizontal transfer of DNA - cross pollution of DNA of the person from GMO, and Morgellonov can be considered as one of important etiologies.
      Agrobacteria not only infect cells of the person and animals with new genes on the resonance, but also cause migration of genes in them. Now Agrobakteriya transformed at least 80 different not vegetable types including yeast, other mushrooms, seaweed, cages of mammals and the person, and also a grampolozhitelny bacterium стрептомицетов Streptomyces lividans.
      Now by means of agrobacteria already even it was succeeded to simulate a disease Morgellonov on animals, and therefore this theory is considered leading. It is defined that the fibers emitted from ulcers, contain a row the gramotritsatelnykh of bacteria and own resonance in 40 Hz, that is the frequency of other world, capable genetically to transform cages of plants and the person. But not the fact that an illness Morgellonov also is caused by these bacteria, probably, it is only a secondary infection in the defeat center. Expresses as possibility of participation in pathological process бартонеллы and babeziya. Are suspected as well the bacteria colonizing cotton.
      In one scientific research I somehow read that fibers in skin of the person at an illness Morgellonov consist of a keratin and collagen what completely I doubt as the physical substance of other world cannot be determined by means of our world. There other laws and physics too another.
      Therefore an illness Morgellonov, I can explain only as supercritical condition of all of field tonkomaterialny "nested doll" of the person as a whole, besides, where the main victim of this state is the mentality which is damaged throughout several generations at representatives of this sort. This problem hierarchically penetrated already all body to up to an integument, including even a condition of hair bulbs. From here I carry this illness to diseases of the state of mind, those people who lead an anti-spiritual and antisocial life similar to a way of life of inhabitants of Ukraine where full degradation of a top destroys all other population. As early as years ten and such nationality as the Ukrainian can not remain on the map of our world.
      It means that the illness Morgellonov cannot be connected with спирохетами a boreliya (Borrelia burgdorferi) which cause Lyme's illness as Lyme's illness accompany to several koinfektion and cannot be connected with it. Carriers of boreliya - pincers.
      One more theory says that an etiology, including animals, can have tsianobakteriya, and that infection can occur, for example, when bathing in the reservoirs polluted by them. These bacteria possess property of a mimicry, they are arranged under color of the environment, can be it and different color of threads under skin speaks.
      But it does not maintain criticism as all people with an illness Morgellonov have own frequency of a resonance of 40 Hz, and even Autists of only 30 Hz though all other parameters at them absolutely identical. At both as the last gene in DNA chain is activated, that is it is the following step of degradation of the person - with final fracture of mentality, forward development of autism, but already densely connected and with consumption in GMO food.
      From here, to traditional treatment, such illness, in our world, cannot be subjected as we can cure only means of our world, and here absolutely other laws of development and it is necessary to treat such illness only fall of frequency of all organism to norm and then other will pass all into new and healthy parameters of work of an organism.
      Such change, at me, happens always, during the work to the heaviest and not curable diseases. And all scientists should understand sooner or later not all problems in life decide medicamentally, somewhere it is simple to do without physics it is impossible. Therefore learn the physicist children and "cards to you in hands".
      Pathogenic fungi were found in some patients, for example, (Dictyostelium discoideum and others), including endofitny mushrooms and symbioses of microorganisms and still they would not be, after all the organism degrades and is absolutely open for all pathogenic. It can be any cause for infection by all means and even when using the infected cotton fabrics.
      And here theories about infectious defeat make against the facts of that impact on a wound of silver stops growth of threads and it is correct - silver changes all physics of a live organism bringing a resonance to norm for our world which at the moment is equal 20-23 G! Then elements of others world simply perish, but the brain blood circulation broken by an illness all the same does not change it, therefore effect of such treatment the minimum.
      For the correct diagnostics and purpose of treatment it is necessary to exclude all possible reasons of a strong itch. The skin itch can be caused by diseases: itch, louses, helminthic invasions, an allergy though here everything is perfect another. The itch can arise at problems with a thyroid gland, at violation of work of kidneys and a liver. It is also necessary to exclude Lyme's illness. At the same time it is necessary to consider that at such state all these DNA at an organism already is present though the general analysis of blood at an illness Morgellonov always as though in norm, and analyses on parasites reveal nothing. Itself the diagnosis - an illness Morgellonov officially does not exist, but the fact of existence of a syndrome is confirmed by many doctors.
      As the etiology, and treatment exclusively symptomatic is not known and the purpose has only simplification of an itch, inflammation removal, impact on other disturbing symptoms available for the patient. Treatment very long and always without the necessary result, after all and the person at all does not change the way of life, so its own resonance does not decrease at all. From here the doctor can recommend only to you various preparations, depending on concrete symptoms.
      Antibiotics for treatment of the bacterial infection connected with an illness of Lyme and koinfektion is the main protocol of treatment of an illness Morgellonov only for the USA
      Antifungal preparations for treatment of a fungoid infection
      Antiparasitic means for disposal of parasites
      Anesthetizing preparations for removal of pain in muscles and joints
      Antihistaminic means for reduction of an itch and irritation of skin
      Somnolent preparations for dream improvement
      Preparations for an organism detoxication
      Fund of research of an illness Morgellonov recommends to try some various methods which allow to clear ulcers and to remove from them possible fibers. Before using these methods, consult with the doctor about their safety, it is especially necessary in case you have open wounds and ulcers.
      Carry out a peeling of the skin which has not been affected with fibers, during acceptance of a bathtub or a shower. For this purpose the pharmaceutical srub or simply small salt moistened with water will approach. Add disinfecting solutions in water for acceptance of bathtubs. It is possible to add in warm water salt (1,5 kilograms on a bathtub) and to lie in such bathtub of 10 minutes. After that it is necessary to wash away salt clear water and to dry up skin.
      Also physicians recommend to add weak vinegar, peroxide of hydrogen or bentonite clay in a bathtub. Previously consult with the doctor not to cause irritation of ulcers. After bathing process healthy leather olive oil. Bring oil on skin without damages and having combed after it will dry. Thus you moisten skin and remove fibers which cause irritation. But the most important at everything thus needs urgently to change a way of life and a mentality.
      Illness prevention Morgellonov just also consists in lowering own resonance and completely to restore broken earlier brain blood circulation. For this purpose it is necessary to correct a bearing of all backbone - to straighten vertically a neck, to raise the chin lowered down to the line of the horizon and so to hold them always!
      And so, in the itself illness does not leave never, it only mutates and can develop before the most extensive defeats of all fabrics and final fracture of mentality of the person if your environment suffers autism and you there begin вампирить on internal power your relatives. From it your own resonance raises, and you open to parasites of other world on a full measure.
      However, to me different cranks from the USA which infected an organism of patients with nematodes were known, and then treated for them, but they were deprived quickly by licenses for such work though the minimum effect started being shown and patients grabbed it a lot of things, after all the illness differently is absolutely incurable.
      The first scientist who having seriously carried to this most rare disease, also began to study it, there was Randi Vaymor, the head of the research Morgellons Research Foundation program. Having carried out a number of researches, the scientist declared that it not a mental disorder, it not GMO and even not textile industry: - It not worms, not insects, not fragments of human skin or hair. In general these threads appear not from the outside - they simply materialize in a body and in it it was absolutely right.
      In 2008 the scientist managed to receive the grandee on disease research. Taken from bodies of patients of fiber were sent to Oklahoma for deeper studying. After a number of analyses scientists declared that do not know that this such. Then the material was transferred on studying to criminalists who at first carried out the spectroscopic analysis which did not yield results as fiber should one of 800 fibers which were in a database. And then made the hromatografichesky analysis which as did not reveal compliances with one of 90 thousand organic substances which are in base.
      More exact answer that this such was succeeded to give to professor of biochemistry and cellular biology from the New York university Vitaly Tsitovsky. He established that fibers contain a sort the gramotritsatelnykh of the bacteria capable genetically to transform not only plants, but also and cells of the person! However to tell absolutely that matter in these bacteria it could not as it was required to conduct additional researches which will give necessary statistics.
      Having found out that certain bacteria can be activators of a horrible disease, scientists had a reasonable question. How they get to a human body? The answer came unexpectedly. It appeared that primary sources of distribution of this disease are very mysterious and mysterious химтрэйлы.
      Himtreyla (chemical ways) are the traces of chemicals left in air mysterious planes. Earlier people did not understand, why from planes spray chemicals. There were many versions from fertilizer, before test by military of the chemical and bacteriological weapon. Subsequently got under pollination had asthmas, allergies, headaches, nausea and rash.
      People of steel are afraid Himtreylov, moreover some people decided to give the precipitation which has settled on the earth from chemical clouds, thanks to it the scientist and was allowed to find out terrible secret. - The American magnates decided that the earth population too big and therefore decided it to reduce considerably in such a way, besides to make it literally worldwide where their planes fly.
      When compared samples from Himtreylov, and the people who have fallen ill with the Morgellonovy illness, it became clear that Himtreyla over Texas and, say, over Australia are almost identical on structure. But it is important not, but that the fibers sprayed from planes, are as though "rudimentary" option of that grow from a body of patients. That is it as though them "a predmorgellonovsky stage". At illness victims Morgellonov these fibers are more developed and remind the thinnest nanowires, that is they got on favorable "soil" and started developing.
      The interrelation established thus gave, probably, in more detail to study прочес infection and the incubatory period of a disease. After a while the known radio host Jeff Rens officially declared that Morgellonova an illness not that other as an invasion product from the outside in human fabrics of the nanotechnologies, being shown in the form of being self-replicated tubules and color fibers, with a set of sensors or "antennas" and objects of other visible configurations part from which transfer that can appear molecules of DNA genetically changed or spliced together and RNA that in our world cannot simply be because of too high own resonance of objects. After all in our world everything has to enter the range of own frequencies from 20 to 23 Hz.
      In other words, as though it fantastically did not sound, these nanorobots образуясь in a human body, copy its cages, alter under own needs and program DNA on production of the same harmful cages. Further the thinnest wires which shroud all body are under construction of the ready, reprogrammed bacteria (material). Process of construction of people feels, how someone's fuss under skin.
      Interestingly and that all these nanorobots operate as a uniform organism by the principle of a beehive. For the work they use bioelectric energy of a human body, its minerals and other elements. Besides they are supplied with own autonomous food by means of which communication with the outside world is carried out, that is they live and are capable to accept information by means of microwaves, an electromagnetic field and ultra-violet radiation. - https://www.google.ru/search? client=safari&rls=en&q = % 3Cimg+class=art-img+src =/images/cont-images/Articles/2014_03/morgellonova-bolezn-7.jpg+border=0+alt =&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&gfe_rd=cr&dcr=0&ei=kq18WvHdO8GDuAHd4ofgDw
      According to scientists already to twenty million Americans, already have in the body these sensors, antennas, wires, probes, matrixes, grids, lattices and other - all this in nanoparameters, and rates of distribution of an illness Morgellonov approximately to 1000 people a day and these rates will increase every year.
      Today it is known that the centers of an illness are already recorded in all 50 states of the USA, in Great Britain, in Australia, the Netherlands, Ukraine and, unfortunately, Russia. Here so to us the friendly policy concerning the USA, the drunk Yeltsin hallooed. Our sky was open for planes of the USA, and now we disentangle a big spoon that not forward-looking treacherous policy.
      Though and it is difficult for some people to believe that the governments of leaders сран infect the fellow citizens, but prospects of such pollination are very tempting for money-bags of many countries. Judge, the person processed наноробатами is not capable to estimate really an existing situation round himself, but is capable precisely and to accept and execute accurately teams of the owners from the USA at very long distances. And the equipment such already works.
      That is it means that all our and not only our opposition and is such zombie people who exercise the hidden and complete total control over a situation in the country. For the present it is not enough of them from the lump of all population of our country but if intelligence services and the government long looks blank, even to be sorry about last harmonious life there will be nobody soon. Whether the governments of many countries dream of such psychotropic weapon.
      And rescue is also the decision too simple that to it could listen my, struck with a terrible virus, contemporaries are an appeal to precepts of our ancestors, to their conscious and subject continuous control by consciousness of all the actions and the acts, directed forward - to forthcoming, long ago to expected transition of mankind abroad solar system, with an exit in the Universe where we are waited by immortality, and life which will open now to us forever after that, the last, transition to the thin world.
      Our frequency, that is own resonance after this our last forthcoming death and transition to the new world, at an exit from a mental body and transition to a casual body, will increase to 35 Hz, and we will be able to overcome earlier forbidden border for us, long constraining, us within the solar system, more than 26260 years of our former life. So rescue of "drowning" "rolling" in hands.
      If there was someone, ready to pull up trees, for it will be surely followed by others, ready to kill it.
      Concept of the ABSOLUTE and its derivatives
      The ABSOLUTE - limit, the highest, a step of development of human consciousness and life. It includes concept of self-sufficiency, eternity and actually infinite spiritual reality in which as in the basis life of all real roots is finished, complete, full, perfect, independent, independent, untied, free, unlimited, the moment of existence of soul which at own resonance in 100 Hz is only the first step of completeness of development of the personality. The most and most final highest step of the Absolute is - the highest reality, it has own resonance of 200 Hz equal already. This state is stable and invariable. Above it anything is not present.
      It is eternal not a source subject to changes, or the reason, thought existence in the Universe. This its highest beginning - unseparable existence of objective reality of identical pure spiritual reality of consciousness, or internal state of all real.
      The absolute transcendental consciousness and therefore it is not learned. This reality is transcendental in relation to final life. But owing to the infinity it as well is immanent to all real including to human spirit, and owing to this immanence - it is in a special way learned as consists of true divinity.
      Human possibilities of knowledge of the Absolute are, as a rule, estimated always critically as approach to it demands not only intellectual efforts, but also mystical inspiration. It is the philosophical concept used for designation of the eternal, infinite, unconditional, perfect and invariable subject who is self-sufficient, does not depend from anything another, in itself everything contains existing and creates it.
      And here I decided to conduct research - whether it is possible to reach the Absolute and it appeared that it is possible in thin plans of the ordinary person, even at terrestrial life, but to make it it was possible only after recent quantum jump and release of people from 3 most rough ph. I carried out all transformations on the remained thin bodies and gradually could reach the latest level of the Absolute with which the most serious and interesting transformations began.
      Not at once, and about 3-2 times a week to me were possible to move ahead slowly and at the same time allowing an organism to get used and acquire the specified internal reorganizations. All began DNA with transformation my personal. At first I carried out trailer meso replication having carried out change, through switching off (that is potential fall) 5 genes in the last quarter of a chain of the DNA. I took the necessary information from DNA of the naked navvy that allowed me to achieve regeneration and updating of fabric and gave the chance not to grow old in the future to my organism.
      Further, at continuation of research of a method - inclusions and works of this transformation it became clear that the first operation will happen only in 8 months and will make rejuvenation only for one week in a year. But over time such rejuvenation will gradually be acquired in an organism and will start working a little quicker - about two weeks for passable month of life.
      After that started digging in the past of ours, not only the Russian history, but also history of all Earth and a lot of things became clear secret and distorted, concerning our country and in general many other people. Also conducted research of information making many known mythical artifacts and all of them appeared not the fairy tale, not fiction, and the unique reality existing in material life of our ancestors.
      More they were created not by people and as it became clear the alien technologies introduced in our world, and many were the aliens presented to our spiritually advanced ancestors. They it is real, on the physical plan, could make the "miracles" which are repeatedly described in the history and myths of our far ancestors.
      I learned to copy and transfer information of such artifacts, but because of a big difference in their own resonance, application of the hidden opportunities in ours, today being transformed the world, was not really convenient. It generally were technologies from absolutely different worlds of our Universe, made by different civilizations unfamiliar to us for today and therefore all their internal physics is very difficult perceived by our consciousness, from here their studying it is necessary to be engaged a little later if my interest to it is shown.
      A little later I applied research in future time and found that it is possible to make additional genetic change, the same way of fall of electric potential, 3 more genes, but already in the first quarter of a chain of DNA that will allow to accelerate a little and more to stabilize rejuvenation process. I made all this on DNA of my physical cover, and on thin plans of my body other work on increase in own resonance to the highest admissible was carried out by frequency space absolutely.
      Frequency of own resonance rose and acquired by my organism slowly and gradually - small short steps. I did it usually in the evenings and at the same time watched transformation of thin covers of the highest order. So, it became clear that at increase of frequency of own resonance on thin covers to 40 Hz, there is an opportunity after physical death, to break the high-frequency barrier existing round solar system and to leave forever in Universe space. That is we sought to make that to what subconsciously many millennia.
      Further it became clear that the frequency of 100 Hz allows to make or more precisely to make immaculate conception, for example, through internal high-frequency transformation of a tree of furniture, for example, a chair on which the woman will sit and she can become pregnant from it. At the same time it became clear that the child will have DNA of her constant man, that is the husband. Further, in passing, found a condition of DNA at which in the person the fontanel on the head does not grow.
      It appeared that it does not grow at the aliens visiting our Earth in ancient times. There were changes in the first (4 the switched-off and 1 activated gene) and the last quarter (4 switched off and two activated at the edges of a gene) chains of DNA which I because of big are long were broken into 4 sites on 50 centimeters of the long. So, on short pieces, it was more convenient to work and conduct my house researches.
      Thus it was succeeded to find out that at genetic failure in the DNA program, all that in activization of one gene in the first quarter of a chain, turns out a Cyclops with one eye and big growth. Well as to believe in it - one gene and such external changes in a human body?! But there was all quite so.
      In the same way at activization of only one, others, a gene in the first quarter of a chain, at the person the ostrich's foot consisting of two thumbs in front and one behind is formed, and there is a possibility of creation of "the star child", that is from the person with the big bald head and the large widely placed eyes. Change of only 3 genes in the first quarter can make the person the giant, and change of five genes will help to find 2 or 3 rows of strong teeth in a mouth of the person.
      Same technology of our fast future, and probably we will have opportunity to form themselves and the appearance voluntarily. After all there are already today not absolutely mentally the healthy people spoiling for the same reason, now there will be an opportunity smoothly to change the appearance, one power of thought and if it does not suit you to return all this back.
      Me, when studying development of humanity in time and space, certain regularities became clear. At first the mankind gains density of the body, and then it loses, but together with it changes an own resonance in certain limits that is directly reflected in a condition of DNA and a code of correction of errors of RNA.
      Here some moments from my work with own DNA, I will open to you a veil of such DNA transformation. Here occurs here that - the quantum field just like that does not react to our thoughts and desires or purely emotional inquiries. It does not react and to our purposes, that is thoughts, but the quantum field responds only when thoughts and emotions are coordinated with each other at one frequency, so, transfer same, but much strengthened signal.
      When the positive emotion of the healer tested from the heart, is imposed on the formulated conscious intention and the accurate visually presented object, here the quantum field receives a necessary signal on which really amazing material answer will follow, after all the quantum field reacts not to our desires, and to our condition of life.
      Thoughts and feelings of the trained healer are capable to transmit in space over any distance a considerable electromagnetic signal to a quantum field and as all potentials of the Universe exist in the form of the waves of probability possessing an electromagnetic field or in essence being energy, it is reasonable to assume, as our thoughts, and feelings of an exception do not make.
      I consider long ago very convenient the following model where our thoughts can be presented in the form of the electric potential of a quantum field, and feeling in the form of its magnetic potential. Thoughts transmit to a field an electric signal, and feelings as if a magnet, attract to them an event. Together they generate the condition of life possessing electromagnetic radiation which influences each atom of our world. The question arises: what waves we radiate day by day to the world consciously or unconsciously? It has to frighten all sane people.
      So we, as well as our ancestors, began the development with one thin body and gradually for certain, long, a cycle of development of soul reached it limit physical density, and then went in the opposite direction reducing density of bodies, but at the same time changing the resonance, adjusting it to conditions of the environment which changes together with mankind.
      There is a wish to allocate that all events with change by mankind of the density though occur on one planet Earth, but are not crossed among themselves with other people who did not "ripen" yet for transition because of the frequency characteristics. That is own resonance of all people living with them of animals and subjects, made by them, and also events in their life absolutely different in frequency and therefore has absolutely other physics and other opportunities of the development.
      At the same time, I was firmly convinced that physics and the planet atmosphere Earth, as well as all climate considerably change any actuation device or a being, for example, the Absolute, at change of parameters of mankind. That is physical parameters of life of people with one frequency such, and with other frequency, on the same place of a planet, can be perfect others. Therefore we never will see previous us on time a civilization as it passes into absolutely other world together with everything it belonging, that is with all physical property and the world to the new world with other own resonance.
      From here, together with it (a former civilization), pass into other physics, or all objects, subjects or simple things which the former civilization used vanish from our sight. But there can be visible only the objects which have remained from them that directly were not used during transition, and it can be any structures, like pyramids, for example, or the things forgotten in the earth. That is the people who living to us and have changed the frequency at the following step of the development, cannot be crossed with us at all - between us there are an insuperable barrier other physical laws and processes.
      Investigating blockade survivors from the relatives, relatives or simply well familiar people found that hunger and the psychoemotional situation of a wartime operating through a hypophysis, switched - having made active one gene in the 3rd chains of DNA which did not allow them to gain weight already even after war when with food it was already normal.
      More densely, studying aspects of various frequencies, I found out - they can be changed artificially will power, that is at us, after quantum jump, there was an opportunity to change the higher covers, without leaving a physical body and to leave these received changes in itself on the thin plan. So the frequency of own resonance in 24 Hz slows down time round the person. Frequency of own resonance of a thin cover of the person in 100 Hz does him by an angel with a shining nimbus round the head and of it big white wings grow on a back. All this, and certainly, on the physical plan is not found at all.
      It is collateral found a way how to punch thin glass, for example, the thrown hand a needle. During an aiming and preparation for a needle throw the right hand, the left (palm) exposed forward, own resonance of glass changes, and it becomes very fragile, and after a throw physical properties of glass become former. Frequency is very close to the frequency of a protective layer which exists now and creates an insuperable cover in 50 kilometers for restriction of a physical exit of objects of our world out of limits of Solar system.
      Frequency of 200 Hz at an angel already takes away wings thin bodies from dense covers and brings soul of the person to initial level of the Absolute, doing its form in the form of light twice to wider light shadow with the big shining head. At the subsequent available increase of frequency to 265 Hz its visible volume increases still twice, but is at the same time switched off in the first and fourth quarter of a chain of DNA on one gene that increases internal power six times.
      In some days all moments of internal reorganization on the thin plan were already stabilized and there was an opportunity to increase a resonance again having lifted it, already to frequency in 3000 Hz, and then and to 0,1 MHz. Further lifting went on steps - 0,2 MHz, 0,4 MHz, color of aura from yellow color to absolutely white in passing changed, and the volume of a ball of a power cover of the person considerably increased from the size of a tennis ball to 6 and 10 meters in diameter.
      Checking a condition of DNA and tracing its change at change of frequency of own resonance, it was found out that there is an opportunity, on a rough cover, is information to apply "live blood". It is the liquid structure mixed technologically with melkodispersny gold, by me it was found in a vessel being in Genghis Khan's grave. Therefore I applied to introduction in the organism its information component. Pure gold in the liquid state in it it appeared to 40%.
      So, gradually working and transforming the organism within several months, I reached, in the Absolute of improvement of the soul to frequency in 10 GHz! And it probably limit. Externally, on the thin plan I began to look as very light white sphere of 10 meters in size in the diameter. On a physical cover left the last described changes and others any more did not make.
      However several times, even at the time of frequent change in the DNA, some moments did not suit me and it was necessary through any time, feeling internally inconvenience or discomfort, to come back back. So once I found in space of people with the skull strongly extended back, people similar to them lived at the time of Pharaohs in Egypt and used their genetic code on itself, but in couple of days felt any inconvenience in the head, and then and the noticeable increase in intra cranial pressure - appeared that cells of a brain, and volume of a skull which for some reason did not increase so quickly began to grow strongly, started not to sufficing for all new cages. It was necessary to return back to last transformations and every other day the problem of a high pressure by itself was gone in the head.
      And so, working over itself, being engaged in search of opportunities within several days, and in the evenings applying open opportunities I while stopped to develop on the physical plan, and on thin too. All further searches speak about the reached maximum of development of soul of the person. I will hope that it so.
      And now for the non-believers, our history showed that any, even the most unreal fantasy exists those no more than six years, and further it becomes reality!
      All our brilliant ideas are born in the childhood, are embodied in a maturity, other intermediate time is spent on search of latent answers in the subconsciousness
      The real solution of a problem of "sleepwalking" in consciousness of the person
      Sleepwalking, sleep-walking, snokhozhdeniye - names at this state is a lot of, and an essence one. The person strange behaves during a dream. This phenomenon is known some millennia. In the Middle Ages it connected only with Moon influence. And sleepwalkers considered as madmen and even accused in connection with otherworldly forces.
      The modern science rehabilitated "night idlers", having recognized sleepwalking as nervous breakdown. Nearly 4% of people on the globe go to dream time, talk, shift things from place to place, move furniture. They do it with open eyes so can seem that the person is absolutely adequate. But it only at first sight. When sleepwalkers leave instead of a door in a window, it becomes clear that their actions are not conscious and besides are dangerous.
      The main symptom of a sleep-walking is circulation of the person in a dream and performance of various absolutely extramental actions by it. The sleep-walking is directly connected with information failure occurred in endocrine system of the child transferred to it from failure in system of parents and the events in them from the wrong way of life, from distortion of cultural wealth, wrong reference points and the main thing from violation of mental balance of parents.
      In consciousness of the person I am engaged in this difficult moment, long ago and having finally understood this question now is capable to solve any problems of the specified subject. My reprogramming is carried out for one moment of the work which is carried out at the level of subconsciousness and therefore not cut at all by consciousness - it becomes simple the person another and considers that so was with it always.
      The disease is dangerous that the person, simply, it seems, fell asleep, but because of failure in a projection to endocrine system there is an excitement of subconsciousness and from here the person, suddenly, suddenly rises and goes somewhere or makes certain actions, at all without realizing the acts.
      Duration of an attack of circulation in a dream - a snokhozhdeniye can make of several seconds before half an hour, in rare instances - till 50 minutes. Therefore some patients in general do not go anywhere, and simply sit down in beds, sit within several seconds or minutes and go to bed to sleep again. The majority of the people suffering from sleepwalking, nevertheless get out of bed, then can turn on the light, and can pace in the dark the room, making any actions, and even to go out of the dwelling - in an entrance, to the yard, can get into the car, bring her, or even to go somewhere, but far it will not leave - there will be an accident, after all and control of a surrounding situation the driver absolutely has no understanding.
      In some cases people at all without getting up, can carry out certain stereotypic movements, corrects a pajamas, rubs eyes and so on, is too can be sleepwalking manifestation. During a snokhozhdeniye of an eye of the person are widely open, however they as if the glass - the look, actually stiffened directed to emptiness, still it is possible to call it "absent", the person does not express absolutely any emotions, movement slow and smooth. If at this moment to address to the sleepwalker, he will not hear you and questions will not answer, but can in itself say words and incoherent offers or it is simple to mutter something to itself under a nose.
      Sleepwalking episode always spontaneously comes to the end - the patient comes back to the bed or fills up in other place. In the morning he absolutely remembers nothing the night adventures and, waking up not in the bed, can be strongly surprised. If the phase of an active snokhozhdeniye was long, during the day the person feels a certain weakness, drowsiness, weakness and decrease in working capacity.
      Sleepwalking episodes seldom happen daily, and as a rule, they arise with a frequency from several times a week to 1-2 times a month and less often. During a sleep-walking episode all types of feelings are dulled therefore the patient does not realize danger - he can unperturbably walk on a roof, use a knife or jump out of a window. The person can do harm and to himself, after all a quarter of all sleep-walkers are traumatized during a snokhozhdeniye, and to people surrounding it, that without suspecting therefore, living under one roof with the sleepwalker, it is necessary to undertake a number of special events that to avoid it.
      If the circulation episode in a dream happened for the first time, and you can connect it with the stressful situation endured the day before or overfatigue, it is possible to wait a little with the request for medical care. In a case when such episodes repeat repeatedly, you nevertheless should ask for the help the neuropathologist, the neuropsychiatrist or the psychiatrist to establish the reason of these phenomena, but based on the practice I can tell that our doctors will not be able often to render the real help, after all obsession with materialism does not allow to look at a disease, on the other hand.
      By experience I will tell such disease on the physical plan of the person absolutely not curable, this state can be changed on the physical plan only if to break communication of a brain with certain fields, but, and it any more treatment, and finishing to his disability. Such treatment, for example, with laparotomy application, usually, does the person by a vegetable on for the rest of the life. But my technique is made without personal contact with the patient and is always guaranteed returns it in normal life.
      Usually, such patients with sleepwalking people, constantly have the intense person, the stiffened rigid prickly look and the certain violation of a mental and emotional state directed on a constant negative to surrounding healthy people and only to them, with sick people understanding usually full or partial and without aggression. Aggression is always directed only aside towards healthy people as their immune system, putting the involuntary pressure upon subconsciousness of patients is perceived as the hidden aggression. Therefore to healthy people I do not recommend to talk to such patients, you or cause open aggression and will suffer physically or involuntarily will allow the power vampire to be connected to myself, and all the same unconsciously will fall ill for a long time, and even on always. It is necessary for you?
      By me it is noticed that a sleep-walking children till 12 years though presently - radical reorganizations of a human body is are ill happens to very many people having high communicative loading more often and is connected with the hidden violation of their psychoemotional state, that is people too overloaded and incorrectly oriented in the vital purposes.
      Experts physicians of the different countries of the world not try to understand one decade, what reasons cause sleepwalking, but with their material approach it will turn out nothing. The problem disappears in a projection of the endocrine system which is in thin bodies of the person, and it for materialists cannot be simple. For them the person consists only of one physical cover and therefore for treatment of serious or genetic diseases is absolutely incurable.
      In my technique - information transfer, people has some bodies and their projections in the information plan and therefore always recovers simple change or transfer by information necessary for it, on what plan it would not have information failure or deliberate distortion. Everything easy and simply is and as easily and quickly is treated or changes.
      Sleepwalking of the person always has direct hereditary link with parents, is hidden by suffering internal mental problems, but always such communication only in one the subsequent generation, instead of two three as it occurs at power vampires at autism. Absolutely various people irrespective of the provision of the status get sick with such diseases, but only the people who are not able correctly and safely to use the smartphone or the computer.
      If the neck of the person when using the smartphone or the computer though is a little inclined forward wait for obligatory troubles and besides they will affect not only in this your physical, material, terrestrial life, but also final death of all your sort after you will die. You will not be able to pass because of the high own resonance to the thin worlds and there, from the platform between the worlds absolutely unconsciously will destroy all the relatives on the genetic similarity, remained here after yourself.
      On it their life also will finally end, and after all it would be now continuous and very fine and not only within Solar system, and already in all infinite Universe. This opportunity to us opened only recently, upon termination of quantum jump.
      Many sleepwalkers after the night episode remember any facts similar to a dream, and these vague memoirs can coincide with their night behavior. I consider that only the psychoemotional overload before the dream induced them to such actions. There are data that the behavior of sleepwalkers usually something is motivated, they do that, in their opinion, it is necessary to make urgently, for example, перепрятать valuable things, but during a usual dream people so do not behave.
      The sleepy thinking of sleep-walkers is at all a dream, their eyes are open, they answer questions and are guided in a familiar place. However, not always. The sleepwalkers overtaken at a wheel, surely stand and independently move, but thus at all do not understand that from them wanted by police officers.
      Some time scientists even considered that actions of sleepwalkers are connected with dreams, that is in reality they do that at this moment dreams. However the assumption was disproved by results of one research. By means of an electroencephalography - registration of bioelectric activity of a brain - scientists managed to record "attack" time. It appeared, the sleep-walking arises, only when the brain stays in a condition of a light slumber floor of wakefulness. This phase comes right after a zasypaniye and about 90 minutes last. All this time remains a tone of muscles, the person often turns over with a side sideways, but the most important - has no dreams.
      As for the treatment standard for today, any method yet did not pass full clinical tests. However now practice three ways of treatment - hypnosis, controlled awakening and medicinal therapy. Hypnosis can be effective for children and adults with chronic sleepwalking, but real and exact data on successful application of this method a little. Heard that children are affected well by the planned awakening, that is parents awake the child approximately in 15 minutes prior to usual time of an episode of sleepwalking - them can be to three in a night, and so whole month.
      Drugs to sleepwalkers appoint only in a case when the behavior of the patient potentially dangerously to it or is harmful to members of household. Usually it is petroldiazepine derivatives, most often clonazepam and диаземам. They reduce alarm and excitement, suppress a deep slow sleep, but not always adequately control sleepwalking. But at breath violation during a dream surgical intervention can help.
      Doctors sleepwalking often consider as frustration of a slow dream or awakening violation. Arguments are in favor of each of the points of view, however the slow dream of sleepwalkers often interrupts, and EEG registers these breaks even if there are no sleepwalking episodes. Thus the number of awakenings at other stages of a dream does not change. EEG of a slow dream of sleep-walkers can have and other characteristics.
      When healthy people sleep off after long, of days to one and a half, a sleepy deprivation - dream deprivation so is called, their slow dream is deeper, more long and more strong, than usually. Sleepwalkers in such situation, on the contrary, wake up more often. Deprivation interrupts their slow sleep, and right at the beginning, increases quantity of somnambulistic episodes by 2-5 times in comparison with usual level for patients and increases complexity of their behavior. The sleepy deprivation of sleepwalking does not cause in healthy people.
      One of serious problems which modern physicians including judicial face - this studying and sleepwalking diagnostics. Need to conduct all researches over sleeping people considerably them complicates. It is good to find the markers of behavior specific to completely awake sleep-walkers, but observation at experts absolutely in this plan is not fulfilled, and they at all do not see much, probably they should be reconstructed soon or otherwise they remain unclaimed.
      It is known that the dream includes 2 phases: slow and fast. The phase of a slow dream consists of 4 stages - from a zasypaniye to a deep sleep. The phase of a REM sleep is accompanied by active movements of eyeballs, in this phase of people sees dreams. The cycle of a dream including 2 big phases, lasts on the average 90-100 minutes and repeats during the night to 10 times.
      Sleepwalking arises, as a rule, in the period of a phase of a deep sleep (that is at the end of the 1st phase) the first or second cycles. In the afternoon the sleep-walking arises extremely seldom as duration of a day dream is insufficient. As for physiology, sleepwalking arises in that case when in the period of a dream braking of functions of the central nervous system does not extend on the areas of a brain which are responsible for motive functions. That is the overwhelming number of functions of an organism is braked, and movement function - No.
      Above I already wrote that sleepwalkers during circulation can do harm to the health and health of people around at night. That it did not occur, it is necessary to observe the following actions:
      not to leave the patient for the night of one in the room if you are nearby, in time will notice the beginning of an episode and put the patient to bed;
      to make two-storeyed beds, having arranged to the patient a berth on the first floor;
      in the period of a dream to clean all light sources - floor lamps, night lamps, to draw curtains that through a window did not pass a moonlight;
      to block doors and bedroom windows before going to bed and if it is impossible, to establish on lattice windows, after all patients can confuse a window with a door and try "to leave" through it;
      whenever possible "to smooth" acute angles on furniture;
      before going to bed to clean from under feet subjects about which the patient can stumble, sharp and fragile subjects about which he can be injured;
      to switch off before going to bed electric devices, not to leave under electricity cable feet;
      to hide keys from an entrance door and from the car;
      in hard cases it is possible even to tie the patient to a bed, but sometimes sleepwalkers somehow independently get rid in a dream;
      also that is important to put before a bed of the patient a basin with cold water or to lay the rag moistened in cold water - rising, the person will dip feet into water and from it will wake up.
      In summary there is a wish to repeat that in most cases sleepwalking is dangerous that the mentality of the patient gradually collapses further and not always comes to the end with recovery even at treatment. Therefore not to pass these most serious diseases and not to allow a trauma of the person at a snokhozhdeniye, it is not necessary "to indulge in vain hopes" or to treat the sleepwalker independently: the correct decision will be, nevertheless, at all shortcomings of existing treatment, to ask for the help the doctor.
      - https://doctor-neurologist.ru/lunatizm-prichiny-simptomy-lechenie
      - https://www.segodnya.ua/lifestyle/food_wellness/CHto-takoe-lunatizm-i-kak-s-nim-borotsya.html
      - https://psyson.ru/bolezni-sna/somnii/lunatizm-u-vzroslyh.html
      - https://odepressii.ru/narusheniya/sna/somnambulizm.html
      I cannot understand one - if in the country everything depends on prices of oil, in general why to contain the government if it solves nothing?
      Acceptance of national idea of a healthy lifestyle serves as the main incentive for unity of the people of Russia
      The national idea defines sense of existence of these or those people, ethnos or the nation and defines the systematized generalization of national consciousness. It is possible to tell that it is popular idea having idea about a desirable way of life in the country, owning its population. It can be expressed by means of aspiration of the people to achievement of a definite purpose, and also in works of art, various philosophical texts, though has no accurate scientific contents.
      The national idea is called to give the answer to the number of questions, characterizing the people, its purposes and a task for the future. In particular, question of history and nation emergence, and also question of historical mission and of sense of existence. The national idea can have religious aspect as the religion is one of the powerful factors promoting association of the people.
      My, main, author's intention consists in aspiration to give to national idea energy of action and capacity of the organization of life of the country. It is necessary to me not in itself as brilliant intellectual exercise, and for action, management, movement to success of the people and the country as a whole, for self-organization, a goal-setting and movement to a definite purpose of development of society.
      The content of national idea for me is imperative, that is the unconditional requirement to behavior, exact definition of the rights and duties of subjects of the legal relationship, excluding any discretion or freedom of other choice. It everything is necessary for development of intellectual life of the Russian society always acting in continuous search of sense of its existence, definition of a place of Russia in world for "system of coordinates" and its highest mission.
      I declare "the Russian idea" the mytheme, urged to emphasize an originality of the Russian person, that is I mark out those properties which distinguish it from the person of the West and define features of historical development of Russia, after all the people living in the territory of modern Russia, call myself Russians irrespective of a nationality. Russian are the people following national idea of Russia. The name "Russians" can coincide, and can not coincide with a nationality according to the passport.
      National idea - this steady representation of the person about fundamental in last, real and future the country, mobilizing it on vital efforts, and also the corresponding condition of public consciousness serving for upholding of the principles of good and justice in all areas of human activity. The national idea is generally addressed in the country. That its component which is turned outside, to the world, is called as messianic idea.
      That we need to make the first for our further development is to assume as a basis country lives national idea of a healthy lifestyle for all our people that will allow us to rally, begin better to understand aspiration of each other and that the main thing to live without diseases and always with healthy mentality. Solved tasks and the purposes of a healthy lifestyle are already described by me repeatedly and are on my site - http://world.lib.ru/z/zhurawlew_w_n/
      The way of protection against West aggression has to become the following step forward. It is impossible for us as the free developing country, to exist without elimination of moral and psychological and directly material dependence of a political class of Russia from the West. Therefore to the president of the country it is necessary urgently and to liquidate completely granaries of "the offshore aristocracy" to transfer money to the country, to cease to feed the West with our deposits to their economy, and also to be reconstructed from strategic defense - the only strategy guaranteeing defeat to active, various and inventive approach to the west.
      We should have a constant active offensive initiative of all directions and completely to cease to justify for each sovestny napadka of their trained dolls, living brainless on own shoulders.
      Besides, a condition of existence of Russia is resolute transition from social and economic policy of destruction of our country in interests of global speculators to its development, that is to complex modernization of the infrastructure demanding restriction of financial speculation, corruption, the monopolism, reasonable protectionism, guaranteeing a real living wage, normalization of tax and migration policy, health care and education.
      We have people capable to protect the country from any tricks of sushchnost of the bottom worlds, to protect mental human health of the country, capable will adjust mutual understanding and respect between all population, but it is possible at change of foreign policy concerning the West. If we make it, the population and the leaders of the countries of Europe and Asia will follow us, means for their attraction from the country be not required, simply their our spirituality перестоит in a new way. I am confident in it therefore and will be and I ask not to doubt my words.
      If to measure money by small groups, the poor in spirit has always a pole.
      Incidentally overheard conversation "devoted" with "curious"
      Quite recently, somehow absolutely unexpectedly, expecting one friend who has got stuck in a city stopper, I incidentally appeared in McDonald's, on the last floor of a big mall, behind one of the most extreme little tables, about a window and while expectation lasted decided to play checkers on the smartphone. And suddenly heard an accurate pleasant voice of two people unfamiliar to me. They spoke as at first it seemed to me about policy in which I was interested since the earliest childhood therefore I began to listen.
      As I remember, radio - and is a big black, round, paper bell in the form of a funnel, spoke at us all day long, in our country house temporary barracks, collected of the remains of logs big burned with the air bomb which have got to it of the grandfather's house in which we lived after war. As, early in the morning, late at night and especially there was nothing to do in the winter, I listened to it constantly and especially liked to listen to messages on Japanese and Korean war, and so got used to that knew all political events occurring in ours not the quiet world. Therefore this interest to policy and the international life remained for the rest of life.
      The people who are at me behind the back, spoke about Europe, America and as it appeared actually conversation went not about it, and about people of these countries and it I found out only a little later. The similar subject for me became the most important in the last decades. As I am engaged long ago in human health and I write about it books, I carried out at once hidden mental diagnostics speaking to learn as far as they can be trusted and it is simple out of curiosity.
      And here that at me it turned out, these interlocutors were not from our world, though were people. I on them physically eyes did not look not to frighten off and considered them only on the mental plan, in all available bodies which they had only one, and has to be if they were from Earth, at least 4. Their own resonance was equal 205 Hz that said that they not from Earth. It simply pleased me. That is they, on the last body, had wings behind the back, they were simply felt, and a nimbus over the head. It were angels! I did not begin to look at them, and simply aggravated hearing and measurement over the smartphone.
      They continued. - If to look at a problem of development of humanity of a planet Earth is wider, from the point of view of further human evolution, at once there is a question where everything moves? What will be with the person in half a century, a century, or, we will tell much further? Asked a question one. I it called "curious" as it asked questions, and the second "devoted" which answered.
      Before understanding that becomes with people after quantum jump, it would be desirable to find out, whether many people of Earth in general will turn into someone, or not, after all the majority of the population of the developed countries at all does not meet that requirement of a condition of mental health that systems of their organism could be reconstructed for increase of their own frequencies. After all without it to them not to pass for a board of solar system for an entrance to the Universe.
      And to remain here they will be able to go again on proydyonny in solar system to a circle of the development?
      That's just the point that will not be able. If to speak, about it it is possible to forget about evolution of the person forever as after death the mankind has to start living in other higher frequencies and already outside solar system, their term of stay on this planet ended. For the second term they cannot remain as their place will be taken absolutely by other people and for very long time, their full cycle of development yet will not end.
      It that again to gain density of bodies, then to get rid of it? So on it the lot of time and thousands arrivals here their thin world, and then back will leave.
      So precisely. You know that mankind life on Earth is isolated for this purpose specially. The belt 50 kilometers wide is created for togas to protect us and all the others from their last mistakes. They are simply obliged to prove the solvency, after all in the Universe the problems created by it earlier are absolutely not necessary to us.
      I certainly understand it. We know that they are simply obliged to be any time in a certain isolation that either mutated, or developed spiritually. If the first, now is their last life in the physical body, received through the birth and further their way to immortality. If is not present, leaving they will clean even errors of all the sort and all the family wrong genetics already from the thin world. Certainly, if the second - to them opens all Universe, that is they come back back to the commonwealth which and once left.
      It is a difficult question because everything depends on that we understand as the word "on Earth" and in the commonwealth. Evolution by natural selection in its classical option.
      It as about those hindrances which are created by neighbors from the bottom world рептилоидов.
      And as! And that that them вампирят on the thin plan - all want something therefore use, time people open the emotional energy why not to use. If emotions at people would be more reserved, and problems with health would be less.
      Yes, then Russia considerably wins, in States there in general seldom whom will meet that would not be about ten such tails from рептилоидов.
      In Rossi it is simple to eat still the advanced people who have kept the internal spiritual purity and force, here they periodically and work for other population if business with connection of the bottom world approaches to critical line. Nobody knows about it, but it so. In the USA such people was never and there is no place to undertake them, there are people who houses were not arranged or did not find recognition and were not demanded on the homeland. And here spiritual force appreciate everywhere therefore these people never leave the homeland, under no circumstances.
      At bindings рептилоидов on power at people the electric capacity of endocrine system and its information component considerably increases in the thin plan that in the head completely overturns all idea of the world in which they live. From here between the healthy and struck person never any understanding happens, even, on the simplest questions.
      Here the simplest example of such misunderstanding from different perception of the same world. Mother asks the child about a school problem - how many will be apples at the girl in a basket if she at first bought 5 apples in the market, and then to it the grandmother presented six more? The child answers 17 tangerines! And so in everything.
      Simply in forward part of the right hemisphere of a brain the new overactive site becomes more active, and in the left the same site which suppresses planning is suppressed, switches off logic and implementation of speech movement, than breaks not only mathematical abilities, but also even fluency of the speech.
      Me such subjects always very much interest. - But here any guy sat down by me with a tray and something asked while I on it distracted unknown interlocutors and the trace caught a cold.
      If you found for luck a horseshoe, someone means kicked the bucket.
      Outlook on life of the modern person or why suffers a gene pool of terrestrial population
      Observing the international political events from the most children's age you want you do not want, and you will notice that presently with the head something happens at people as their behavior in society does not give in to any description, every day new and not the predictable. And if to look narrowly, the set of various specific trifles seen to only skilled eye of the expert is allocated at once.
      Let's start considering such people from a face, it strained, stiffened, any fossilized, the sublip dimple is absent or nearly is not expressed. It speaks about sharp violation of brain blood circulation. To it still point dark prickly eyes which since the beginning large, and then eventually gradually become different in size at an additional turn of the head in the Atlas at the wrong pose of a dream which the person ceases to control in general.
      Here the main problem from the wrong installation, on height, the computer monitor, in operating time behind it and in addition, wrong, phone use when the neck inclined forward and the chin lowered down becomes a constant pose. Therefore at such people heaven and earth will move in their perception of space and is put on ears.
      The person, is usually warped, to the left side, at the level of the line of eyes, a nose or a mouth, besides is frequent also the tip of a nose is displaced aside as at the boxer after a fight. The mouth mostly is bent is closed not in a straight line on all length and at the left always lips a little wider or already, but can be still a little lowered and open on the bottom corner. If corners (not folds) a mouth are not lowered yet then simply passed not really big term in autism development, but it will surely be shown by time.
      Further we look at a chin and we notice that it changes a form - becomes triangular, is pointed, with an exit forward. On a face the redness, red spots and spots start being shown, it already the lowermost vertebras blocking food by blood of a thyroid gland through capillaries therefore for the majority of women in such condition of "plaster" for the person any more do not feel sorry are connected to all violations in cervical department of a backbone.
      Human life starts being shown very actively and generally through the emotional sphere, nervous activity strongly becomes aggravated and therefore is accelerated all power of endocrine system, with transition to high frequencies of a personal resonance that leads to a checkmate of psychoemotional health and to irrevocable consciousness defeats will be transformed.
      There is a general weakening of protective forces of an organism in fight against harmful mutations in cages, muscles and even in bodies. Own resonance of the struck fabrics increases to very high frequencies belonging already to other worlds parallel to our world and any most modern or advanced medicine is not capable to help the patient with means of our world. Without fall of high frequencies to frequencies of our world already nobody will help the person with cages and organism fabrics, after all even the program code in DNA of stem cells there is already changed.
      Earlier, people with the collected program failures and diseases, in the majority perished, and in the childhood or infancy so there was "rejection" of adverse mutations by the nature. And now thanks to efforts of medicine since the end of XIX and the first half of the XX century there was the whole revolution in the field of social security, development of medicine, a solution of the problem of hunger, disability pensions, rehabilitation programs, and also new remedies, falls of child mortality in the developed countries, and as a result survive almost everything and, respectively, selection already almost does not work.
      Today, average, at newborns about 70 various new mutations, at different levels of an organism as problems not the correct way of life are transmitted already through the third or fourth generation though their parents had no such multiple and deep defeat even are fixed. Among them neutral changes meet also, however always there are some mutations with high own resonance which can reduce quality of work of an organism, having spoiled its systems or a subsystem where the brain and mentality suffers first of all.
      Thousands of genes have to well, harmoniously and correctly to work that we had normally working brain, but it now does not happen almost. Means, all this, with a high probability, beats on cognitive abilities of people, and our gene pool, from it, very quickly degrades. Especially such situation is noticeable in those western countries where approach or already any changes began. People at such moments do not watch themselves distracting on external factors and they have hidden mutations.
      In Russia it does not occur almost and if occurs, it is much less more weakly, people already got used to difficulties, became tempered, besides at us, in comparison with other countries, family relations that rescues a situation are still strong inside. The correct way of life is transferred to children in families of our country even by a simple example of seniors - do as I. And here notice where there are no strong family foundations there always powerful problems with health are shown.
      From this the second reason of probable deterioration of a gene pool follows also. Conducted by scientists in the different countries large-scale researches showed that harmful genetic options are not simply freely saved, and supported by selection as allow people with noticeable genetic failures better to breed in modern conditions.
      Therefore in modern, especially Western society such tendency - mental sick, silly and defective people on genetics is observed, due to the increased aggression in relation to healthy people and pathological aspiration to the power breed better and reach the highest situation in a social status, in comparison with healthy people.
      People who are genetically predisposed to that growing in the clever and educated person, leave behind less children, it is simple because are more occupied with training and a set of life experience therefore start bringing children later. Not much more - for a year - two on the average. But it becomes sufficient to create the considerable pressure of selection against genes of education, intelligence. - https://news.mail.ru/society/32914052/? frommail=1
      Who has a courage, that becomes an atheist.
      View of history of our world using possibilities of the modern person
      Considering a critical political situation in the world presently at me, the thought was born, instead of whether to look that was in our far history at the very beginning of the first century. After all I have opportunities, and such situations when men with brains for certain already had disagreement, but, and we absolutely know nothing about it. Therefore began to choose the personality on whom it would be possible to track best of all a condition of society and its history. The Tsar Herod, which years of life - 73 g B.C. - 4 g B.C. appeared this person.
      Herod Veliky's identity is filled with various contradictions and it most of all attracted me in him. In Christian literature the Tsar Herod is represented almost an embodiment of Antichrist, and all Jewish hronist simply hate it, quite openly, for a collaboration belonging to its policy.
      This tsar governed 33 years that for those times very considerable term and therefore became history as the great sovereign. During the board it considerably expanded possession of the Judaic state and left behind unique models of art and architecture though it remember only as the ruthless tyrant, thanks to massacre of babies in Bethlehem.
      The tyrant was born in the 73rd year B.C. and grew in Judea, that is in the state which is in the center of ancient Palestine in which constantly there were civil wars. At that time a dynasty Hasmoneev, it is long ruling Judea, it was split by rivalry for a throne between two brothers Girkan II and Aristobulus II. Then there was a fight for this territory between Rome and Parfyanami.
      Aristobulus, at that time, had scoliosis on the right side, its resonance equaled 5 Hz and therefore it on everything had the, but always wrong opinion. It was often quick-tempered and constantly aggressive and therefore did not find to itself allies. Herod's father was the military leader and at the same time Girkan's adviser, and they, perfectly understanding each other as were at one frequency of a resonance chose in allies Rome which expelled their rival and Girkana built to a throne.
      The tyrant was born the healthy child, got an appropriate education and saw what benefits to the country brings the union with the Roman Empire though the simple people regarded this union as treachery of national interests. Simply the people did not understand that to their country not to resist mighty neighbors from the East. Therefore when Herod in three years of internal war won Jerusalem and seized Judea and became the tsar, constantly tried on interests of Rome and the citizens, defending political and religious independence. That is he was the far-sighted politician and the wise tsar.
      It was very difficult to keep unstable balance in the country to it, his father was the Jew, and mother from Arabs therefore it did not possess the social status as did not belong to ancient families which had the right to hold a post of the high priest. The majority of citizens considered him as the stranger and respectively him treated. From here and all its further actions were directed on power deduction by any forces that at that time was considered as the quite natural.
      The politician Herod concerning Rome, even at change of emperors always was stable and therefore there emphasized its greatness of spirit and devotion to Rome. For the next decades of the peace power Herod achieved very many for the capital having made it the center of the Hellenistic and Roman culture, having brought together the famous scientists and a great number of creative people from the East and the West.
      It always generously helped numerous citizens even outside Judea and therefore his country prospered and enjoyed big authority in that time far from us. Its construction of the country used the most advanced technologies of that time which by the results surprise even our modern people.
      His sister, because of the wrong pose when sitting and therefore total absence of a bearing had diabetes of the second type, and then and schizophrenia. It had very high own resonance of equal 12 Hz. From here it at all did not understand, constantly got against it various intrigues and clung to its healthy power that was not slow to affect on its health and behavior that further affected on internal, vigilance and the subsequent development of fears and fear of revolution in the country.
      So gradually, at it from influence of the sick sister demolished "roof", and he did many troubles. And the sister began to influence his children and so that they too were seriously ill mental diseases and business reached their execution. The same business is created with many people and today. Look at England, all as well as in the USA at people from communicative loading, the wrong using smartphones and computers, especially laptops and tablets, the stress develops, and then they change a way of life considering that arrive correctly, and at them from it absolutely takes down "roof".
      After that all healthy people become for patients with sworn enemies as their strong, on density, immune system the sick organism always perceives, through the subconsciousness as the hidden aggression, even at very big distance from itself. And here rushed, the whole world and all representations change, on opposite, and the space round such people too collapses, portals to other world and the people are formed starts suffering from various epidemics.
      All these intrigues of internal enemies of a family of Herod brought it as to autism, and it will turn at the end of the life into the real tyrant with rare clearings of mind during strong magnetic solar storms which and then occurred in our Solar system raising a resonance of healthy people and doing them by patients and returning to sick people their former judiciousness, but all this for short time of duration of a storm. It was hurt by everything that only could be ill from constant new bindings of his sister which only one person living at that time could clean, but it still should be found.
      Despite all this, its funeral in the fourth year B.C. was the most magnificent in the history of all next people and was postponed in memory of all planet. Herod's affairs because of the sick relatives who have remained in power and their internal contentions endured him not long, and for the country Jews came the most hard times, and it gradually grew poor.
      To the power in the country son of Herod also sick with autism, in a different way came and could not be. If in a family there is one such patient, everything is in turn hidden for consciousness get sick too. Herod's son began to rule carelessly the country, wasted huge riches, destroyed all operating structure and Rome was compelled to appoint to govern to its place of the new person - the deputy or the procurator Pontius Pilate. The people did not accept it, lifted revolt against Rome, and the country gradually ceased to exist absolutely.
      - https://www.pravda.ru/science/eureka/discoveries/24-09-2010/1050734-herod-0
      - https://www.pravda.ru/science/eureka/discoveries/24-09-2010/1050734-herod-0/
      - http://www.istpravda.ru/excursions/2018/
      - http://jhistory.nfurman.com/code/02-06.htm
      It is rather unsuccessful to marry is when itself you wash the working apron.
      Reasons of emergence of tuberculosis and behavior of the sick person subsequent to it
      Such pose of sitting says that the person has the strongest scoliosis, and all backbone will develop on an axis to the left, after all this woman sleeps, also being developed forward on a bed, practically on a stomach, so anything healthy in it cannot be at all. Here all bodies work with violations and with the last bit of strength the former opportunities. And despite this condition of people does not see any trouble. You will think scoliosis, so it at many and anything live, and here is how there live such people it is already serious question.
      To usually such people, from the speeded-up pulse, constantly hot and therefore they go without headdress even to cold weather. At them, the imagination is for the same reason strongly developed, they speak therefore it is beautiful, with pathos, behave haughtily, but live with a big separation from true reality. They switched completely off logic therefore a constant problem with money, and always live in debts, the credits and various problems. Vzaimonimaniye at them only with the same patients, and they consider healthy people as melancholiacs and lazy.
      Simply look narrowly when happen on the street in cold time, such people always have problems with breath system and therefore go, closing the lower part of the person a scarf. It also is the real tuberculosis, but patients do not trust in it and never with you will disagree. They will have a mass of justifications on any your question. With time when lungs practically decayed the understanding of a problem is born, but time is missed and the train left.
      Here further reasonings what usually I should hear in such situation: "I at last understood how strongly I want to live. It is considered that it is an illness of sidelets or children from dysfunctional families. Our heroine learns by the experience that it not so. She is 28 years old, she lives in the suburbs, works as the realtor, brings up the little daughter.
      Everything began with that parents presented it the laptop and she ceased to leave it. Business was in the winter, was to do, in the evenings, there is nothing and she began to play a little various games, and then sat down on communication on a network and so imperceptibly being bent in front of the monitor which usually held on a lap became absolutely round-shouldered. Therefore communication in live it at all did not begin to interest.
      First it began a little подкашливать, but connected it with cold weather therefore began to close on the street a face a scarf and when already strangers began to pay to it attention descended to the doctor and heard the diagnosis "tuberculosis". It at all did not believe in it - was horrified and burst out crying, but remembered as one elderly man in transport somehow told it that it is tuberculosis and of it die. It, then, offended it and was sure that it is told not about it.
      She was only 16 years old. She at all did not know that this such and not too believed that it is an illness of antisocial persons, after all it not such, and that she could fall ill with it. After that it got to hospital where her warned that treatment will last till one and a half years, but it actually spent some next years in hospitals.
      As they say she was not lucky, and she faced numerous mistakes, the wrong treatment and indifference of doctors, and the illness managed to develop to such stage that physicians hardly saved life of the girl, so, that recovery was given it at very high price.
      Girlfriends asked where it managed to catch tuberculosis and if to tell honestly, itself at all did not know. Perhaps somewhere in transport inhaled Koch's stick - the causative agent of tuberculosis, and immunity at that moment was weakened, here and ached. And found an illness far not at once. At first slightly increased temperature kept, then there was a "barking" cough and constant weakness. Nobody took its symptoms seriously. Mother in general thought that I feign ignorance not to go to school.
      To doctors remained nothing, except how to direct the girl in a tubdispanser where her received with open arms. "When the doctor in a tubdispanser looked at my pictures, she exclaimed something it seems: "Oh, it is our client! The child, go to us". It was awfully tactless. I just learned the scary diagnosis, and the doctor did not try to soften somehow at all for me this news. On the contrary she called the colleague and started showing it my pictures: "Look that here, the whole three holes"".
      "Holes", scientifically "cavities", are cavities in lungs which are formed as a result of disintegration of fabrics. Kavernozny tuberculosis is the already enough started form, so, the girl already long was ill. It confirmed, and school fluorography and on it initial symptoms of tuberculosis were accurately visible. If started treating right after that fluorography, it would recover in the same year. And a lot of time was missed, and it was necessary to begin aggressive treatment urgently.
      "As soon as I crossed a threshold of a tubdispanser, me as if let on a stage - any analyses, inspections began. Doctors did not find the reference that I have no louses, and decided me to process from them. Understand, what public happens in the tubdispanserakh: I sat in waiting list for procedure with different marginal people, on a chair on which to me the bum sat. After processing I was told to wash the head cold water, and then forced to go to office through the street, there was a spring, but on the street was still cold. All this was not only it is unpleasant, but also it is the extremely humiliating.
      I do not know who gave it my phone, but she called and then long was silent in a tube, at all without trusting my words. I understood it and did not persuade but only suggested to become healthy, as happened while it was on a hospital and it strongly surprised attending physicians. - https://health.mail.ru/news/ya_ponyala_kak_silno_hochu_zhit_istoriya_borby/
      The address to members of the Nobel committee - children an award send to the address specified on my site - http://world.lib.ru/z/zhurawlew_w_n/
      "The truth is not obliged to be within reality, but it would be desirable". - We study a brain and a human body the new tool
      The reason of writing of this article is caused by that crisis in which there is a science about studying of a brain of the person as a whole, and it mainly psychiatry and neurophysiology, and besides still the whole mass of other directions of science, related. I came to a conclusion that it is necessary to solve this problem as need of search of the new paradigm which is cornerstone of ideas of how the brain works for a long time ripened. In particular, in connection with the critical situation which has developed in the world long ago it is time to solve why there are mental diseases and that such in general mental disease, and that develops impression that our medicine at all does not own the matter.
      But on a way of obtaining the answer to the matter one absolute obstacle - despite all achievements of neurophysiology lies, cybernetics and other exact medical sciences it is not possible to find interface of psychopathology to the general violations occurring thus in an organism. For this purpose I developed and applied a conditional scale of a condition of telomer, having designated their best 15 conventional youth units (YU) fortune.
      It is known that all cages growing in culture, can share only certain number of times then pass into an aging stage. Such cages are characterized by decrease in intensity of a power exchange, delay of synthesis of RNA and proteins, fall of efficiency of a reparation of DNA and accumulation of mutations. Thus disbalance of cellular regulation is often observed. As signs of cellular aging are considered accumulation specific гликолипопротеида липофусцинаи beta galactosidase activation.
      Growing old cages can remain long time viable. Quite often after a stop of division and braking of a cellular cycle at them does not come programmable cellular death. Usually they are destroyed by cages of immune system. With age in an organism there is an accumulation of old cages probably owing to deterioration of performance by immune system of the functions.
      Shortening a telomer, trailer sites of DNA on the ends of chromosomes is one of the main reasons for restriction of number of cellular division and cellular aging. Function a telomer is protection of chromosomes against degradation and their "adhesion" with each other. The telomernykh of repetitions revealed length analysis that somatic cages lose from 50 to 200 nucleotides at each cellular division.
      The such occurs because the DNA polymerase is not capable to replicate the ends of molecules of DNA. At absence in cages active теломеразы after a certain number of divisions there is a strong shortening a telomer, and the cage ceases to share. The number of cellular division which occurred up to this point, carries the name of a limit of Heyflik. For the majority of somatic cells of the person this limit makes about fifty phases of division.
      Analyzing a state, I eat came to a conclusion that at the smallest violation of the mentality, still yesterday completely healthy person, already today I eat decreases exactly by a half and becomes = 7 I eat. At schizophrenia this indicator is already equal 2 I eat, and at autism 1 I eat. It at all did not surprise me, but allowed to expand my diagnostic abilities and helped to estimate conditionally a condition of immune system of the person on it "vital chance".
      Further it became clear that at autism even if the diagnosis is not made yet by doctors, but the disease already is determined by my techniques, there was an additional diagnosing factor which is shown by reaction of gold and silver on a human body at eat = 1. Gold starts darkening from contact with skin at misoperation of endocrine system and soils skin of hands.
      To silver there is absolutely same thing - it darkens, becoming gray. All this indicates sharp violation of the brain blood circulation which is usually occurring, from the wrong long use of the computer and the smartphone in a pose with an inclination of cervical department of a backbone forward. It cannot be allowed never. Here the mentality at the person takes off at once and practically forever, and our helpless medicine is absolutely not capable to change something.
      In such condition of people becomes an aggressor in the attitude towards healthy people. Look at Ukraine and a number of other countries, the behavior of their leaders is connected with misuse of smartphones. To teach safe operation of phones, at us, such people there is nobody, a problem created - started, and about safety measures absolutely forgot. It and is clear to the USA, this that place from where to the whole world there are problems. Here also I should think and care to one about all morons. I can tell - it turns out.
      As the experimenter and the person already by 27 times changed own gene state - DNA, I decided to change himself and here and replaced on April 2, 2018 available for me I eat to a complete set in 15 conventional units of youth. I will observe and I will publish results in the following articles on many of my 154 sites on the Internet.
      Bulk of experts from psychiatry while, strangely enough, internally as though doubts in this regard, without seeing relationship of cause and effect between these obvious facts. But at us always so, all new opening become opening only after death of the inventor, and I got used to it since then when still, by youth, was engaged in rationalization activity.
      Too long the psychiatry was guided by categorial approach in psychopathology studying therefore introduction the dimensialnykh of methods is perceived often as blasphemous encroachment on incomprehensible by human reason mechanisms of work of Divine Reason. However practical requirements of society will compel all of them to pass sooner or later to methods of evidential medicine and my opening in the field of information medicine will find the application.
      To be fair it is necessary to tell that the modern neurophysiology offers too little suitable in practice of methods of studying of a brain in interests of applied medicine. One are too difficult and dear, others - are failing to prove, the third - are invasive. All this limits access of practical doctors to researches who either confirmed, or disproved the diagnosis of the patient.
      To replace an existing paradigm it is not obligatory to destroy everything existing and to start building something absolutely unlike the former building. I consider it is necessary to lean always on the old base and then will be to look sometimes enough at the facts from an unusual foreshortening, fixing for this purpose uncommon eyes, sometimes, and approaches. One of such attempts consideration of my new theory of information functioning of a human body from modern positions in which there are no shortcomings as it comprehensive becomes possible.
      For example, in the synthesis offered by P. K. Anokhin Afferentn in which memory is treated as set of the interconnected functional systems of various level of the hierarchy, created in the course of evolution and in individual life experience, and the motivation is considered as a specification of one of requirements of an organism. Here thanks to motivation all systems which activity ever led to satisfaction of this requirement are staticized, but at all the formed violations in brain work here are not considered, at violation of brain blood circulation, and an additional weak link is lack of the distinct mechanism of implementation of afferentny synthesis. It turned out that neurons for performance of this function needed "to agree" among themselves by means of any unknown mechanism.
      It is actually possible to manage simpler explanation if to change the views of interaction of material objects in the modern world. Basic idea is representation that interaction it is purely information. For this purpose I will make a small deviation to show possibilities of information medicine - future medicine. I was "got" by the last magnetic and frequency transformations of a human body which happened after quantum jump since September, 2017 and influenced not only mentality of people, but also on the general physical state and even gave inconvenient weight in feet and it at all people of Earth.
      Therefore I applied the abilities and moved to the future when all this will end and here that turned out. I saw absolutely other people and even the genetics at them was reconstructed in a new way. There were essential changes of our genetics, that is "indigo" DNA is replaced with newer parameters in the first quarter of a chain of DNA. That is 6 genes were switched off already, instead of 4 as earlier and one earlier made active is transferred to a normal state.
      Further by detailed consideration of people of the future the new - on the head came to light, from above, in forward part, above a forehead, there was a little acting wide convex ledge, as a hypodermic crest similar in a form with рептилоидами, but not through all head but only in forward part that considerably made active "the third eye". I did not manage to reveal other changes more.
      In the further analysis of our near future I had an opinion that such transformations would do us good and therefore me the crucial decision was made to accelerate this process of our transformation, and that questions with a mental condition of certain people on a planet created very big problems that could lead to a war and elimination of the population or the planet.
      Therefore I accelerated, inevitable, future transformation of all people approaching on us on a planet Earth for 40 years forward. And it led to the considerable stabilizing moment in the psychoemotional state, practically all people. Those people who after that will change the way of life on not harming to an organism remain to live with the new transformations which are absolutely healthy for many years, and those who will not make it gradually will return to the former state and will live limited number of years.
      I even looked forward, how many it will be on time that me very much pleased. There was a term of life expectancy of people now will depend on how they will consider, whether they carried out the task in this world and to go to the thin worlds only after that, that is to do it voluntarily, instead of on will of a case. I even looked forward at many people known to me and drew a conclusion of Russia, in the future, threatens nothing, time such people necessary a camp live so long and are in a fine working form.
      Transformations already happened and completely came to the end and now everyone can be convinced of it, having become in front of the mirror, having looked to the own harm and also on internal feelings of perception of the new life. People became quieter, surer, more far-sighted also more enterprising.
      That interestingly is the change made by me, absolutely, did not touch cellular aging which usually connect with loss of ability of a cage to division. This process also is called as replikativny aging. In Russian-speaking literature as the term cellular aging still understand decrease in functional activity of cages in process of increase in their age, that is the condition of telomer in an organism of people did not change at all, and became steadier and stable.
      The main objective of wildlife is opposition of world entropy when the model of "demon Maxwell" by means of the organization of a metabolism, energy and information in an organism for the purpose of what making elements of its objects are connected by among themselves operated feedback, in difference from the lifeless nature in which feedback are uncontrollable is realized.
      Here the concept of controllability of feedback, in an organism, is fundamental as adequacy and success of behavior of the living being depends on quality of management of these communications for a survival in world around. Evolution of wildlife is an evolution of management by feedback in an organism which at the person reached the peak in the form of higher nervous activity creation - thinking.
      For the purpose of studying of a brain the set of neurophysiological techniques, but as it was already specified is applied, many of them either are remote, or are invasive, or are not informative. The electroencephalography the source is in the 19th century and during this time experienced prompt take-off and cruel disappointments. So far the general attitude towards her as to a nonspecific method of research of functions of a brain, generally in an epileptologiya, with firmness took roots among practical doctors.
      At the same time experts of EEG always intuitively felt that there is a certain correlation communication between rhythmics of fluctuations of capacities of hypermarket and expressiveness of mental violations. This conviction became stronger with the advent of computer EEG and possibility of the detailed spectral analysis on Fourier's method.
      Here that surprising properties of an alpha rhythm in EEG range also came to light. By universal recognition this rhythm is the most significant as only it shows some very essential regularities connected with activity of a brain.
      • The alpha rhythm is the only thing constantly existing even in much desynchronized EEG the EEG component and that is especially important, a constant component at healthy patients.
      • In ontogenesis the alpha rhythm undergoes natural transformations, and they are connected not with power, and with a frequency. Its frequency, accruing from 4 years approximately on 1 Hz/year, by 7 years reaches 9 Hz with what the beginning of understanding by the person of as persons and the optimum beginning of training is probably connected, by the pubertatny period reaches 10 and more Hz and in the absence of the pathogenic reasons keeps at this level approximately till 60 years then starts decreasing progressively. Any other rhythm still does not reveal such strict regularities, and their manifestation, usually, is pathology or transition to other functional state, for example, in the cycles "dream wakefulness".
      • Frequency of an alpha rhythm correlates with cognitive abilities of the adult: the frequency is higher, the mental abilities of the person are higher. Thus the frequency of an alpha rhythm has to be not lower than 9,75 Hz as below this frequency exponential decrease in the general intelligence begins, that is not separate knowledge and abilities, and ability adequately to acquire information and that most important, effectively to analyze it.
      • Experts repeatedly noted splitting of a range of an alpha rhythm in psychopathology, for example, at schizophrenia and other organic diseases of a brain.
      The dispersive cartogram of an alpha rhythm of EEG it is the volume schedule of distribution of equipotential areas of values with a step of 0.025 conventional units, but I consider it here is not pertinent. An example of such schedules is the physical map where various flowers designated areas with identical height above sea level.
      Cartograms on hemispheres are identical and symmetric rather modal value. Similarity and symmetry - the important indicator indicating that the main part of cages in both hemispheres works practically in one mode, but at scoliosis it everything gets off.
      It is important to note that fluctuations of distinctions of dispersive indicators are not so significant, as fluctuations of amplitude indicators of an alpha rhythm. It proves that the specified sizes are not so dependent on external circumstances that allows to compare among themselves cartograms of various patients to a standard of norm and to data of other patients, amplitude which parameters of an alpha rhythm are incomparable to the studied.
      I mastered all this at the very beginning of the tselitelsky work, but further, working in scientific research institute, developed the diagnostic parameters which I could use absolutely without devices, even in any most difficult situations when any second was very important.
      It started being applied by me when the whole group of people offered me work as the family doctor working at removal from the patients. The majority of these people, at that time did not stay at home. Therefore they called at different incidents from a different doomsday, and I on the solution of a question was given only some minutes, and I always consulted though questions not always belonged to a state of health.
      I resolved issues of search of the lost documents, questions of the accelerated obtaining visas, customs questions, admission questions in certain zones and driving through the closed territories. Though questions of health of a family and treatment of casual injuries were the main, certainly. All this was carried out always only at distance, despite the fact that where it everything happened.
      Conventional is that fact that EEG is a nonspecific method of research, that is any changes of EEG - except the epileptiformnykh, cannot be compared with clinical changes in psychiatry. From here any my attempt to apply this technique in medicine, for example on the basis of the brain institute, based on a big clinical material, always came across that condition that the diagnosis was called into question.
      It was necessary to talk only in language of the healer and me here understood always better. Therefore I departed from all devices, hoping only for the developed abilities. Time then was heavy, the country collapsed therefore a lot of work was with mentality that is especially good at me and it turned out.
      The analysis of those data allows to tell accurately that all variety of psychopathology is reduced to gradually accruing dementia which reason sharp violation of brain blood circulation connected, as a rule, with violation of a bearing of the person is. One my remote impact on the patient always sufficed for restoration of its former healthy state and if he внемлел my council to watch a bearing, already even all family members always remained mentally healthy.
      Table of contents
      1. Pyramids, why there is a lot of and what they in general are?
      2. Well anything to itself, research - in space and time therefore decide to trust or not.
      3. Opening and guesses of scientific last days and that it is possible to make if to include logic and to apply observation.
      4. Psychological secrets which will help to read people as open books.
      5. Travel in time and in space, but whether is necessary it?
      6. The reason of behavior of people which not only surprises us, but sometimes and even shocks though even the word "shock" should not be present at a lexicon of the sane person never.
      7. Than we are engaged after the physical death.
      8. Travel through space lying on a sofa.
      9. Whether there will be able to live the person more long?
      10. We learn to make themselves the correct diagnosis and to avoid various problems with health and mentality.
      11. We avoid the conflict even before its approach.
      12. Physics, as decisive, present science.
      13. Development of modern medicine on the basis of experience of ancestors.
      14. A problem of jaundice and why her are not able to treat quickly and qualitatively, but are able long and irrationally.
      15. Acquaintances in a network it is dangerous not only to mental health, but also to all quiet human life.
      16. Consequences of very serious dependence from wrong, long, usings phone and the smartphone.
      17. Whether it is necessary to distribute to people free money.
      18. Morgellonova illness and its secrets.
      19. Concept of the ABSOLUTE.
      20. The real solution of a problem of "sleepwalking" in consciousness of the person.
      21. Acceptance of national idea of a healthy lifestyle serves as the main incentive for unity of the people of Russia.
      22. Incidentally overheard conversation "devoted" with "curious".
      23. Outlook on life of the modern person or why suffers a gene pool of terrestrial population.
      24. Reasons of emergence of tuberculosis and behavior of the sick person subsequent to it.
      25. A view of history of our world using possibilities of the modern person.
      26. Outlook on life of the modern person or why suffers a gene pool of terrestrial population.
      27. "The truth is not obliged to be within reality, but it would be desirable". - We study a brain and a human body the new tool.
      1. Zhuravlyov V. N. Tekhnologiya of health. Part 1. "Petropolis", S. Pb. 2005.
      2. Zhuravlyov V. N. Tekhnologiya of health. Part 2. "Petropolis", S. Pb. 2005.
      3. Zhuravlyov V. N. Tekhnologiya of health. Part 3. "Petropolis", S. Pb. 2006.
      4. Zhuravlyov V. N. Zhit long and qualitatively. New opportunities of bezmedikamentozny existence of the person. "Petropolis", S. Pb. 2008.
      5. Zhuravlyov V. N. Information view of the reasons of mental diseases and methods of their successful treatment. "Petropolis", S. Pb. 2008.
      6. Zhuravlyov V. N. Secrets of character and behavior of the modern person. Psychological features and anomalies in character of the person, his behavior in a family and relationship in society at various injuries of cervical department of a backbone and scoliosis. "Petropolis", S. Pb. 2008.
      7. Zhuravlyov V. N. The knowledge developing consciousness of the modern person. "Petropolis", S. Pb. 2009.
      8. Zhuravlyov V. N. Active way of life for many years. "Petropolis", S. Pb. 2009.
      9. Zhuravlyov V. N. Reference book of the person successful and independent of circumstances. "Petropolis", S. Pb. 2009
      10. Zhuravlyov V. N. Personality magazine and culture. S. Pb. 2009.
      11. Zhuravlyov V. N. Invisible aspects of our life. Altaspera Publishing & Literary Agency Inc, 1415 Limberlost Road, Huntsville, Ontario P1H 2J6 CANADA1. 2011.
      Zhuravlyov V. N. Universe secrets. Altaspera Publishing & Literary Agency Inc, 1415 Limberlost Road, Huntsville, Ontario P1H 2J6 CANADA1. 2011.
      12. Zhuravlyov V. N. Health secrets in us. Altaspera Publishing & Literary Agency Inc, 1415 Limberlost Road, Huntsville, Ontario P1H 2J6 CANADA1. 2012.
      13. Zhuravlyov V. N. Encyclopedia of information and recovery medicine. Altaspera Publishing & Literary Agency Inc, 1415 Limberlost Road, Huntsville, Ontario P1H 2J6 CANADA1. 2013.
      14. Zhuravlyov V. N. Modern art of healing of soul and body. Altaspera Publishing & Literary Agency Inc, 1415 Limberlost Road, Huntsville, Ontario P1H 2J6 CANADA1. 2013.
      15. Zhuravlyov V. N. Tekhnologiya of a resolution of conflicts. Altaspera Publishing & Literary Agency Inc, 1415 Limberlost Road, Huntsville, Ontario P1H 2J6 CANADA1. 2013.
      16. Zhuravlyov V. N. Zhit long and qualitatively. Altaspera Publishing & Literary Agency Inc, 1415 Limberlost Road, Huntsville, Ontario P1H 2J6 CANADA1. 20014.
      17. Zhuravlyov V. N. Diseases of the musculoskeletal device and it without medicamentous treatment. Altaspera Publishing & Literary Agency Inc, 1415 Limberlost Road, Huntsville, Ontario P1H 2J6 CANADA1. 2014.
      18. Zhuravlyov V. N. "Zvezdonutost" problems - the reasons of emergence and ways of disposal. Altaspera Publishing & Literary Agency Inc, 1415 Limberlost Road, Huntsville, Ontario P1H 2J6 CANADA1. 2015.
      19. Zhuravlyov V. N. Reference book of the sane person. Altaspera Publishing & Literary Agency Inc, 1415 Limberlost Road, Huntsville, Ontario P1H 2J6 CANADA1. 2015.
      20. Zhuravlyov V. N. New possibilities of existence of the person. Altaspera Publishing & Literary Agency Inc, 1415 Limberlost Road, Huntsville, Ontario P1H 2J6 CANADA1. 2015.
      21. Zhuravlyov V. N. Great secret of life, learning, be transformed. Altaspera Publishing & Literary Agency Inc, 1415 Limberlost Road, Huntsville, Ontario P1H 2J6 CANADA1. 2015.
      22. Zhuravlyov V. N. Psikhokibernetika - the theory of knowledge and development of the person. Altaspera Publishing & Literary Agency Inc, 1415 Limberlost Road, Huntsville, Ontario P1H 2J6 CANADA1. 2015.
      23. Zhuravlyov V. N. The book for the wise woman. Altaspera Publishing & Literary Agency Inc, 1415 Limberlost Road, Huntsville, Ontario P1H 2J6 CANADA1. 2015.
      24. Zhuravlyov V. N. Psikhologiya of harmony of soul and body. Altaspera Publishing & Literary Agency Inc, 1415 Limberlost Road, Huntsville, Ontario P1H 2J6 CANADA1. 2015.
      25. Zhuravlyov V. N. Tekhnologiya of composure. Altaspera Publishing & Literary Agency Inc, 1415 Limberlost Road, Huntsville, Ontario P1H 2J6 CANADA1. 2015.
      26. Zhuravlyov V. N. Preobrazuyem personal vital space under itself. Altaspera Publishing & Literary Agency Inc, 1415 Limberlost Road, Huntsville, Ontario P1H 2J6 CANADA1. 2015.
      27. Zhuravlyov V. N. Tekhnologiya of a resolution of conflicts. Altaspera Publishing & Literary Agency Inc, 1415 Limberlost Road, Huntsville, Ontario P1H 2J6 CANADA1. 2015.
      28. Zhuravlyov V. N. Health secrets in us. Bookscriptor., Lennex Corp., - M., 2016.
      29. Akmayev I.G., Grinevich V. V. From a neuroendocrinology to neuroimmunoendocrinology, Bulletin the ekspery. биол. and medical 2001. No. 1.
      30. Danilov A. B., Davydov O. S. Neyropaticheskaya pain. M. Borges, 2007.
      31. Dizregulyatsionny pathology, under the editorship of the academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Science G. N. Kryzhanovsky. M.: Medicine, 2002.
      Internet materials
      riaami.ru, secrets.in.ua, mirnov.ru, Inopressa.ru, news.mail.ru, Bbc.co.uk,
       INFJ, Baron, First knight of the Jerusalem knightly award, chief physician of a knightly award. The gentleman of an award of Saint John the Baptist, the Lieutenant colonel of the Cossack armies, the Scientist-doctor, the Academician to the MAIZE, the Doctor of science, the Doctor of divinity, the Writer, the Expert in biomedical cybernetics, the Developer of the latest medical theory and 45 years of techniques working already on Family Information medicine, the Author of a set of scientific articles and the 55th book on a healthy lifestyle and independent restoration of an organism from various diseases.
       The member of association on science and the AASCIT technologies - noncommercial association of scientists from all over the world, devoted to advance of knowledge, sciences and equipment and the related disciplines promoting an exchange of ideas and information between researchers.
       The member of the Union of independent authors and publishers - SNAI - which is one of regulators of the main literary award on the Internet - the Author of the Runet. A main objective of SNAI is development of domestic literature and support of citizens of all countries writing in Russian.
       The member of the editorial commission of scientific publishing group - Science Publishing Group which includes the following magazines:
      1. Magazine - Technical and applied sciences.
      2. International magazine - Materials science.
      3. The American magazine - physical chemistry.
      4. Magazine - Calculus mathematics.
      5. Magazine - Social sciences.
      6. American magazine - Biological science and bioengineering.
      7. The magazine - International - about energy, science and environment.
      8. American magazine - Biomedical sciences.
      About the book
      According to biocentrism, death does not exist. It is only illusion which arises in consciousness of the people remaining in this dense world, divided with other, higher frequency of new less dense worlds where pass our incorporeal covers. That is having died, and having left a rough body, we leave, but we do not disappear forever in the boundless Universe, and we pass into the thin worlds of our former life which are regardless time and space, from where came here behind the new experience which has necessary for us then.
      Here you will be able to get acquainted with new guesses of modern scientists and history of our planet, and also to learn how to resist to adversities which can meet on your course of life. To learn to distinguish people and to have positive impact on their behavior. This book is written for people starting life afresh after guy jump, and about our bright future which opens to us now.
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  • © Copyright Zhuravlyov V. N. (biorezonans@mail.ru)
  • Обновлено: 04/01/2019. 402k. Статистика.
  • Обзор: Россия
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